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book6 unit1~5英语周报第25期词汇专练
期高三课标第1期参考答案及解析 Book 1 Units 1-2 参考答案及部解析 参考答案 1-5 CAACB 6-10 CACAA 11-15 BCCBC 16-20BAACC 21-25 BCDBB 26-30CCCAB 31-35 CBBDB 36-40FGBDE 41-45 CBACB 46-50DADAB 51-55 CBDCB 56-60ACDBD英语周报,高,book2,units期高三课标第1期参考答案及解析 Book 1 Units 1-2 参考答案及部解析 参考答案 1-5 CAACB 6-10 CACAA 11-15 BCCBC 16-20BAACC 21-25 BCDBB 26-30CCCAB 31-35 CBBDB 36-40FGBDE 41-45 CBACB 46-50DADAB 51-55 CBDCB 56-60ACDBD
出门在外也不愁第28期高二英语周报外研版Book 7 Module 2答案_百度知道
第28期高二英语周报外研版Book 7 Module 2答案
第28期高二英语周报外研版Book 7 Module 2 参考答案及部解析参考答案1-5 ABABC
6-10 CABCA11-15 CBACB
16-20 BCAAB21-25 BDBDB
26-30ADBCC31-35 ACCBB
36-40AFCDE41-45 BCADC
46-50ADBCD51-55 BACDA
56-60BDACB61. industrial
62.because 63. to make
64. had 65. which / that
66.into 67. equipment
68. a 69. was built
70.or短文改错:71. Known that our school ...
Known → Knowing72. ... give some advices.
advices → advice73. ... are interested at ...
at → in74. ... that provide us with ...
that → which75. As result ...
result前加a76. ... and singing ...
singing → sing77. When we are always ... When→ Although /Though / While78. ... we can't easy communicate ...
easy → easily79. ... why I suggested ... suggested → suggest80. I'll be glad that if ...
掉thatOne possible version:Dear Bob,
It's time to say goodbye. The memories ofthose beautiful days we spent together often come to my mind. You are my bestfriend who gave me a hand when I was in trouble.Remember that night two years ago? Isuddenly fell ill and it was you who carried me on your back to a nearbyhospital. You took good care of me while I was having an injection and youdidn't sleep for the whole night. I was moved deeply.I have hundreds of other stories to sharewith you. I'd like to give you thousands of blessings. May all your dreams cometrue! And may our friendship last forever!
Li Hua 部解析阅读理解:第节:A篇 (体育)本文应用文文章则孩夜:足球高尔夫通知21.
B细节理解题由第段句知参加Girl's NightOut孩需要带高尔夫球杆钉鞋需要穿运鞋22.
D细节理解题由第三段Foot Golf is whathappens when you combine golf and soccer知Foot Golf项高尔夫运足球运结合起运23.
B推理判断题根据文章内容及倒数第三段To manage thenumber of people ... Here is a quick and easy form to fill out:知本文则通知B篇 (校) 本文记叙文文章主要讲述作者参加美公共关系议受24.
D细节理解题由第段I don't always get thechance to go to the ones I want because of classes and other schedule conflicts知作者课或者其程冲突能参加想参加议25.
B推理判断题由第段Having five days ...was great第二段One ofthe sessions I enjoyed及文描述知作者非喜欢参加PRSSA议26.
A推理判断题由第二、三段描述知作者PRSSA议再结合第四段also allowed ...know each other better ... always try to help each other推断PRSSA议让其员受益27.
D推理判断题由段描述知作者强烈建议读者若机定要参加PRSSA议C篇 (语言习) 本文说明文文章主要介绍语言断消失现象及导致语言消失原28.
B推理判断题第段列数字说明科家SteveSutherland观点:languagesare in more danger of extinction than birds or mammals即语言比鸟类哺乳物消失速度快29.
C词义猜测题由第四段Languages may be lostthrough migrationGovernmentsalso play a role in the extinction of languages知本段主要讲述导致语言消失原故由推断devastate意毁坏30.
C细节理解题由倒数第二段As languages arelost, whole ways of life and knowledge may be lost along with them知随着语言消失与相应式知识消失31.
A推理判断题由段language expressessomething about identity, about our place in the world及Ani Rauhihi说知我语言反映我身份世界位置D篇 (现代技术)本文说明文文章主要说明机器永远情32.
C细节理解题由第三段computers can't handleany process that completely integrates information第四段the ability to integrateinformation is a key feature of consciousness知计算机没整合信息能力所没意识33.
A由第段描述及文There are severalstages of child development知A项种称童发展符合处语境37.
F由该空前Their thinking skills alsoimprove该空They liketo copy what other people say and do知F项慢慢始词放起组句符合处语境38.
C由该空前Children learn many importantskills during this stage及该空Playing with others helps them learn how to get along with all kindsof people知C项内容习何玩简单规则游戏符合处语境39.
D由该空They become better at ...understand how to be helpful to others知接近青春期岁月变更加独立40.
E由文描述及该空As preteens becometeenagers, they move one step closer ...知E项接近青春期岁月结束标志着童结束符合处语境 语言知识运用:第节:
A由文was only enough for oneblanket知想给自两买毯(blankets)44.
C46. A由该句all of the cash, but it was only enough for one blanket知数(counted out)所零钱却能买条毯没钱购买剩余(rest)物品47.
B由文signaled to me知静静(quietly)看着49.
D由文The man provided me with his creditcard知我问否确定点点(nodded)51.
A由文rang out the rest of thepurchases知处指总价(total)53.
C名男顾客毫犹豫(without blinking)提供信用卡54.
D由文credit card知签字(signed)离55.
A由文all of the things were hers知我告诉买东西已经结账(checked out)56.
B由文She stared at me知非吃惊(shock)57.
D由文I started crying too知流眼泪(tears)58.
B由文描述知名男顾客善举给位顾客带欢乐(joy)帮助第二节:61. industrial考查形容词作定语用设空处作定语修饰areas故填industrial62. because考查连接词设空处引导表语句且表原故填because63. to make考查定式作宾补用permit sb. to do sth.意允许某做某事故填to make64. had考查般have所表示作发故用般65. which / that考查关系词 设空处引导定语句修饰idea且句作主语故填which/ that66. into考查介词turn ... into ... 意……变……67. equipment考查名词设空处与bag并列故填equipment68. a考查定冠词success表示功事数名词故填a69. was built考查般语态build所表示作发且dormitory与build间关系故填was built70. or考查连词a week or more表示周或更间 [选做题参考答案及解析][参考答案]1-5 DADBC
6-10 DBDCA[解析]A篇 (自)本文记叙文文章讲述美洲狮与其幼崽存则1.
D细节理解题由第段How young cougars learnto hunt is one of the things cougar researchers ...及第二段he put expandable trackingcollars on them too, so he could follow them as they grew知给美洲狮幼崽脖佩戴项圈观察何习捕猎何掌握存技能2.
A推理判断题由第三段Their brown and blackspots could mix with the forest, helping to keep them safe from predators知些棕黑色斑点与森林颜色融合保护美洲狮免受其食肉物袭击3.
D词义猜测题由划线词文They'd still benursed for another month, but they were ready to go out of their hideaway withtheir mother知些美洲狮幼崽应该急切想捕猎4.
B细节理解题由倒数第三段The minute she makesthe kill, she hides it and heads back for the kittens, and they follow her tothe kill site知F51捕猎物叫自孩起享食物5.
C主旨意题本文主要讲述美洲狮森林与同手抗衡捕猎程由推断文章主要描述坚毅B篇 (现代技术)本文记叙文加拿名发明种能够帮助盲自由行走装置6.
D细节理解题由第段which allows visuallyimpaired or blind people to be more mobile知Alex发明能够帮助盲自行走7.
D推理判断题由第六段works by using soundwaves to discover objects in the users' path and show how close things are tothem推断蝙蝠用声呐系统周围物体进行定位9.
A细节理解题由倒数第二段Alex is now workingclosely with the team at the science centre to hold an exhibition for hisinvention知筹备项发明展览
出门在外也不愁学年高中英语周报第二期答案 book5module1British and American English
学年高二外研第2期参考答案及解析Book 5 Module 1 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 ACBCB
6-10BCABA11-15 BCABC
16-20ABCBC21-25 CDDAD
26-30CCBBC31-35 DACAA
36-40 EBDAF41-45 CBBCC
46-50 ADBDC
51-55 CBCCA
56-60 CBACD61. stayed
62.and 63. the
64.structures 65. written
66. that / which 67. it
68.to 69. easier
70.valuable短文改错:71. ... while I suddenly ...
while → when72. ... put my coat on me ...
去掉me73. ... in the hurry ...
the → a74. ... his dad wanted ...
his → my75. ... didn't buy something.
something → anything76. ... I decided go ...
go前加to77. ... try to choose ...
try → trying78. By the end ...
By → In79. ... tell my mum ...
tell→ told80. ... looked at me strange ... strange → strangelyOne possible version:Dear Tom,I'm glad to hear that you have joined aChinese learning class. I think it's a good idea to choose the ChineseLiterature course.Firstly, Chinese literature has a historyof thousands of years. By reading its outstanding works you can know betterabout Chinese culture. Secondly, a lot of good sentences and words arecontained in Chinese novels and poems. So it is a good way for you to enjoy thebeauty of the Chinese language. Besides, you can compare Chinese literaturewith American literature and find the similarities and differences betweenthem. However, you may meet some difficulties when learning it. But once youmake progress, you will love it.I wish you every success in your Chineselearning.
Li Hua 部分解析阅读理第一节:A篇 (节假日活动)
C。细节理解题。根据第一段艾米丽和查克的父母让他们挑选暑假要去的地方和最后一段的to which state they should travel可知,艾米丽和查克暑假应该是去旅游。22.
D。推理判断题。根据第三段的Zach finds learningabout Native Americans wonderful ... This mountain highway passes NativeAmerican ruins ... Emily is not as interested in traveling along this trail asZach可知,相对于艾米丽,查克对美国土著人的历史更感兴趣。23.
D。词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段的Zach and Emily do notreally like to sweat可知,炙热的天气是艾米丽和查克选择亚利桑那州的唯一不利因素。24.
A。标题归纳题。艾米丽和查克分析了父母提供的两个可选旅行地的优劣势,再从开头的confused一词和最后一段的to which state they should travel可知,这是一次艰难的选择,故A项作标题最合适。B 篇 (语言学习)
D。推理判断题。根据第二段的Ms. Burgos thinks beingbilingual will give them more opportunities in the future可知,Ms. Burgos希望两个女儿能掌握两种语言是想让她们在未来具有竞争优势。26.
C。推理判断题。根据第三段Ms. Burgos的两个女儿都希望了解她们的家庭文化可知,她俩对说西班牙语非常感兴趣。27.
B。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Mr. Hinojosa认为随着美国少数民族数量的不断增加,双语制未来会在美国的其他地区普及。C篇(个人情况)
B。推理判断题。根据第三段的You could have justtried to pretend that it didn't happen可知,瓦莱丽o贾勒特认为是人都会犯错,既然事已如此,就当刚才的事没发生过,重来一遍即可,这说明她心胸比较开阔。30.
C。推理判断题。根据第五段的I think one of thereasons why the president's management style is very effective is because allof his advisers feel very comfortable being open about
their advice可知,瓦莱丽o贾勒特认为作为一名顾问,一定要坦诚地提出自己的看法。31.
D。细节理解题。根据倒数第三段的My point in sharingit with you is that part of life is pushing yourself outside of your comfortzone. And if you're going to grow, you have to learn how to take on newchallenges that you might not be good at可知,瓦莱丽o贾勒特这样做的目的是鼓励人们要克服自身的弱点,迎接人生中的挑战。32.
C。推理判断题。根据第一段的The members of theSociety were especially interested in the bones and long teeth that had beenfound along the Ohio River valley for more than 100 years可知,美国哲学学会的成员对科学感兴趣。34.
A。细节理解题。根据第三段的Four years earlier,Jefferson had chosen Clark and Meriwether Lewis ... to look for the mysteriousanimals living there可知,正是由于克拉克有过寻找猛犸象的经验,所以他又一次被选中去完成新的搜寻任务。35.
A。推理判断题。根据第五段的Clark and his menfinally dug out about 300 bones, including mammoth, elephant, goat, buffalo,and horse和第六段的Jefferson... was so surprised at the large number可知,克拉克的这次挖掘工作十分成功。第二节:
E。由下文关于运动方面的几条建议可知,作者认为保持身体健康最好的办法是运动。E项中的keep moving指代下文的Exercise。37.
B。B项中的Stay positive和have fun分别与下文的A good attitude和activity that you think is fun相呼应。38.
D。根据本段小标题Take it one step at a time可知,循序渐进,小小的改变也能使身体更健康,故选D项。39.
F。根据下文的stretch out after you exerciseto cool down your muscles可知,运动前先进行热身是为了保护身体避免受伤,故选F项。 语言知识运用:第一节:
C。根据上文University was a new experiencefor me可知,大学让作者跟很多来自不同地方的同龄人呆在了一起。throw此处表示一种状态,指作者与来自不同地方的同龄人相聚在大学校园。42.
B。43. B。根据下文作者与大卫因语言产生误会的例子可知,对一直生活在英国南方的作者来说,来自全国各地的大学同学说话的“口音(accents)”他只在电视上听到过,有时候他们用的词他“从未(never)”听说过。44.
A。根据下文的the sports hall, Tennis balls,he won等可知,作者和大卫计划某个下午打一场“球(game)”。47.
D。根据上文的arranged to ...可知,作者和大卫“约定好(agreed on)”打球的时间。48.
B。根据下文的He was searching anxiously forsomething可知,正在找东西的大卫不“高兴(happy)”。49.
C。根据下文作者的疑问Tennis balls? Shorts?Trainers? What? I said: “Sorry?”可知,当大卫问作者是否带keks时,他“突然(Suddenly)”不知道大卫在说什么。52.
B。根据下文的I did have some ...可知,大卫又一次问作者是否带了“多余的(spare)”keks。53.
C。根据上文的 ... keks. Shorts. Tennisshorts可知。57.
A。根据下文的a Black Beauty ... that's colaand ice cream可知,打完球赛后,作者和大卫去买“饮料(drink)”。59.
C。在作者居住的英国南部海边小镇,Black Beauty指cola and ice cream。come from来自。60.
D。经过作者与同伴因为keks一词产生的误会之后,当女售货员不知道他说的Black Beauty是什么东西时,他“立刻(immediately)”明白她心里是怎么想的。第二节:61. stayed。考查一般过去时。由last night可知,此处应用一般过去时。62. and。考查连词。本句使用了“祈使句+ and +陈述句”结构。63. the。考查定冠词。the same表示“同样的”。64. structures。考查名词复数。由a variety of(各种各样的)可知,此处应用structure的复数形式。65. written。考查动词-ed形式作后置定语。write与books之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且该动作已经完成,故填written。66. that / which。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词sentences且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。67. it。考查it作形式宾语的用法。设空处作形式宾语,真正的宾语是to write a long essay,故填it。68. to。考查介词。the key to (doing) sth. 意为“(做)某事的关键”。69. easier。考查形容词的比较级的用法。由than可知,设空处应填easier。70. valuable。考查形容词作定语的用法。由设空处后面的advice可知,此处应填形容词valuable。 [选做题参考答案及解析]参考答案1-5 BCACD
B。推理判断题。根据第二段的Families should be ableto make the choice for their kids without the government stepping in和第三段的the fight against obesity ismore successful when the government partners with industry可知,针对柏克莱市对含糖饮料征税这一做法,Gindlesperger觉得不合理。2.
C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的They introduced ...which took the place of sugary drinks可知,在上世纪九十年代很多学校里的含糖饮料都被水、奶和果汁所取代。3.
A。词义猜测题。由该词后的There is clear evidencethat taxes result in less consumption of sugary drinks可知,这里是说征税是一种降低肥胖率的好方法。4.
C。细节理解题。根据第四段中的She points to Mexicoas an example以及该段相关内容可知,Johnson之所以谈到墨西哥是为了说明对含糖饮料加税可以有效降低这种饮料的消费量,从而促进人们的健康。5.
D。写作目的题。纵览全文可知,文章主要谈论了人们对于针对含糖饮料征税这一做法的不同看法。B篇 (自然)
C。推理判断题。根据第二段的it would take a year todecide whether the butterflies should be considered an endangered or athreatened species以及By officially labeling monarchs as endangered可知,由于北美帝王蝶数量的骤减,一些组织向美国政府请愿,请求把帝王蝶纳入到濒危物种名单中,从而使政府制定计划来使帝王蝶的数量回升。7.
D。细节理解题。根据第三段的known for theirimpressive, almost 3,000-mile migration each fall可知,帝王蝶每年秋天都会从北美洲飞行约3000英里到墨西哥和加利福尼亚州过冬。8.
B。推理判断题。Sarina Jepsen来自于向政府请愿的组织the Xerces Society,因此如果政府官员同意把帝王蝶纳入濒危物种名单中,他一定会很高兴。10.


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