
&&&&&&& 第十二届全国创新英语大赛夏令营将于日在京举办,历时六天五晚,目前报名工作正在火热进行中,届时来自全国各地的英语爱好者将聚集北京,争夺本届大赛的冠、亚、季军以及全国20强。现发布第十届全国创新英语大赛复赛口语试题,供各位参赛选手参考。
&&&&&&& A组
  A01. Who, in your view, is the greatest athlete and how does he or she influence the lives of others? Why?
  A02. What are the negative social effects of advertisements?
  A03. Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? What do you think causes this generation gap? What can be done to solve this problem?
  A04. What does the recent royal wedding in Great Britain mean to the public? Why were they so excited about it?
  A05. If you became the richest man or woman in China, what kind of life do you think you would lead?
  B01. Should romantic relations among students be encouraged? Why or why not?
  B02. What does your parents forbid you from doing when you were in senior high school?
  B03. What are some of the effective and ineffective methods people use to cope with stress?
  B04. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet. Will the Internet isolate us from one another?
  B05. If your school asked all the students to wear school uniform, and you were the head teacher. What would you say to persuade the students?
  C01. What role does music play in your life? Do you listen to music while studying? Do you think it is a good habit?
  C02. Which emperor do you like best in Chinese history?
  C03. Some people say. “We learn more outside class than in it” Do you agree?Why or Why not?
  C04. Do you think music can affect people’s lives, for example, calming them down, cheering them up, or increasing efficiency?
  C05. What do you prefer, watching movies at home or at the cinema? Why?
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CERNET Corporation急急!关于全国创新英语大赛口语考试的。_百度知道
出门在外也不愁  据报道,第十三届全国创新英语大赛总决赛夏令营将于7月26日―30日在京举行,届时,来自全国各地的英语爱好者将在五天四夜的夏令营中来争夺本届大赛冠亚季军和全国二十强,其他选手更有提升自己奖项的机会。目前,已有近三百名选手报名参加。
主演:尚格?云顿/乔?弗拉尼甘/Bianca Bree
主演:艾斯?库珀/ 查宁?塔图姆/ 乔纳?希尔
客服邮箱:  第一阶段试题
  Which one of them do you think is the expert? First complete
the conversation. Then write down your opinion on the qualities of
being an expert.
  Doctor: Patient:
  Patient: You have to learn about thousands of diseases, but I
only have to focus on fixing what's wrong with ME! Now which one of
us do you think is the expert?
  Study the following picture and complete the conversation.
Then write a composition based on the conversation in about 300
words. Your composition will be graded according to clarity,
accuracy and meaningfulness.
  Parents: Boy:
  Boy: Don’t worry, Mom and Dad. I promise to only make mistakes
you never made.
  Would you expect a “thank you”when you give your seat to an
old man, or a woman with her baby? How do you feel if they take
your seat without even taking a look at you? Would you be angry?
You are given 60 minutes to state your view on the topic within
less than 300 words. You can add a title by yourself.
  A01."Tell me about a birthday(your own or someone else's)that
you enjoyed You should say: what the occasion was,how you
celebrated the birthday,whether you usually celebrate birthdays in
this way,and explain how you felt at this birthday
  A02."Tell me about a ceremonial event that you either watched
or attended You should say: what the event was and where it took
place,If it is a regular event or a “one-off”,how you felt about
it,and explain why you think it is special."
  A03."Tell me about a teenager/ child you know or knew You
should say: what the teenager/ child is/ was,whether you have had a
lot of contact with this child,whether you and this child have/ had
any common interests,and explain what you think about children in
  A04."Tell me about one of your classmates You should say: who
the classmate is/ was and how you met him/ her,what the classmate
is / was like,whether you had a good relationship,and say whether
other people in your class have/ had a similar opinion of this
  A05."Tell me about a controversial issue in your country You
should say: what the issue is and why it is so controversial,what
the arguments are on this issue,what most people think about it,and
explain what your opinion on this issue is."
  A06."Tell me about a cultural event that you either saw on TV
or went to. You should say: what the event was and where it took
place,If it is a national event or only local/ regional,and how you
felt about it."
  A07."Tell me about a family event that you attended. You
should say: what the event was,which members of your family were
there,whether this is a regular family event,and explain how you
generally feel about family events."
  A08."Tell me about a holiday you have taken. You should say:
when and where you went on the holiday,If it is a popular holiday
destination,what you did on the holiday,and say what was special
about it."
  A09."Tell me about your favorite actor or actress/ a famous
person who you particularly admire. You should say: who the person
is/ was and where he/she is from,what movies he/she has starred
in,why you particularly like him/her and explain how other people
think of him in your country."
  A10."Tell me about a character from a film or TV programme.
You should say: who the character is/ was,how often you have
watched him/her,what kind of person this character is/was,and
explain what you think of this character."
  B01."Tell me about a newspaper or magazine you read regularly.
You should say: how often you read it,how much it costs,whether it
is popular in your country,and explain why you like this newspaper
or magazine."
  B02."Tell me about a piece of music or a song that you
particularly enjoy. You should say: what the music/song is and when
you first heard it,who wrote it or sang it,If it is popular with
other people,and explain your feelings when you hear this music or
  B03."Tell me about a positive experience you had when you were
a teenager. You should say: what the experience was,why it was a
good experience,whether many teenagers experience this,and explain
how it influenced you as a teenager."
  B04."Tell me about an important piece of family news that you
found out recently. You should say: what the news was,when you
heard about it,how you heard about it,and explain how the member of
your family felt when this news arrived."
  B05."Tell me about a postcard or letter you received. You
should say: when you received the postcard or letter,who it was
from,why he/she sent it to you,and explain how you felt when you
received the postcard or letter."
  B06."Tell me about a shop you like to go to. You should say:
where the shop is and what it sells,something about the people who
work there,why you like that shop in particular,and say whether
other people have a similar opinion of this shop."
  B07."Tell me about a strange or unusual place you have visited
or heard about. You should say: where the place is and why it is
unusual,If the people there are also unusual or special,what you
can see and do there,and explain how you feel about this
  B08."Tell me about a radio programme you have listened to. You
should say: what the radio programme is/was about,whether you
listen to it regularly,whether you know other people who like
listening to it,and explain why you listen(ed) to it."
  B09."Tell me about a room in your home. You should say: where
the room is in your home,how often you use it,what you use it
for,and explain why you chose to talk about that room."
  B10."Tell me about a school trip that you went on. You should
say: where you went and when,why your teachers took you on this
trip,what you did on the trip,and say why the trip was
  C01."Tell me about something you are good at. You should say:
what it is that you are good at,whether you know other people who
are good at this,why being good at this is useful to you,and
explain how you became good at this."
  C02."Tell me about something interesting you hope to do in the
future. You should say: what it is you hope to do,what you will
need to do in order to achieve this,whether you will need help from
other people to achieve this,and explain why you want to do
  C03."Tell me about something you bought that you were not
happy with. You should say: what it was you bought,what the problem
with it was,where you bought it,and explain how the situation was
  C04."Tell me about an occasion on which you were late. You
should say: what the occasion was,why you were late,how the other
people reacted to your lateness,and explain what you said to
  C05."Tell me about a subject you enjoyed studying at secondary
school. You should say: what the subject was and why you liked
it,how the teachers taught this subject,how important it has been,
or will be, in your life,and say if you are good at this
  C06."Tell me about a club, a team or group that you know
about. You should say: what the club/team/group was,how many people
were in it,how long you were/have been a member of this group,and
explain how you can benefit from being part of this group."
  C07."Tell me about a three-day holiday/ a journey you would
like to take. You should say: what you would do on this
holiday,where you would go,who you would go with,and explain why
you would take this holiday."
  C08."Tell me about a time when you helped someone with a
problem or difficulty. You should say: what the problem or
difficulty was,who was having the problem or difficulty,whether
this is a common problem that people have,and explain how you
helped the person with it."
  C09."Tell me about a time you were very busy. You should say:
what the situation was,whether people are often busy with this kind
of thing,whether you received any help from other people,and
explain how you felt when you were busy."
  C10."Tell me about a toy you had when you were a child. You
should say: what the toy is/was,when you first got it,whether this
is/was a popular toy with children,and explain whether you would
give this toy to your own child."
文章来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 点击数: 更新日期:
&&& 为了规范第十三届全国创新英语大赛的复赛工作,建立公开、公平、公正的竞赛制度,保证第十三届全国创新英语大赛复赛质量,根据组委会相关规定,制定本办法。
二、比赛时间:日(一)听力、作文:日上午8:30―9:50。 8:00DD8:15&&&& 核对证件 选手进入赛场 8:15DD8:20&&&& 播放赛场规则8:25DD8:30&&&& 发放答题纸8:30DD9:50&&&& 听力&作文笔试9:50DD10:30&&& 休息 下午进行口语比赛的选手离场(二)口语: 日上午10:30―12:30,下午13:30―18:00。10:10&&&&&&&&&&&&& A组口语比赛的选手进入侯考区10:30DD12:30&&&& A组口语比赛时间&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 13:10&&&&&&&&&&&&& B组口语比赛的选手进入候考区13:30DD15:30&&&& B组口语比赛时间15:20&&&&&&&&&&&&& C组口语比赛的选手进入候考区15:40DD18:00&&&& C组口语比赛时间
三、选手必带材料:1.& 参赛资格证(与身份证同时使用有效);2.& 身份证(无身份证选手可以使用临时身份证或者附有盖章照片的户籍证明);3.& 参赛资格证必须和身份证同时使用才有效(无身份证选手请参考以上第2条);4.& 参赛资格证以大赛报名系统显示为准,禁止擅自修改,一经发现,取消资格;5.& 钢笔或签字笔(黑色或蓝色)、2B铅笔(听力比赛使用)、橡皮。
六、口语(一) 比赛形式1.口语试题由参与本次大赛的部分高校分别命制口语题库。2.所有选手由组委会事先通过电脑程序自动生成口语比赛顺序,选手参赛资格证上可以看到自己的进场侯考时间。3.参加口语比赛的选手应在规定时间,在指定的赛场外等待,按照顺序依次进场比赛。4.选手进入口语赛场后,将考试资格证交给赛场工作人员,由选手本人在口语机器上输入自己的准考证号,进入系统,选手确认个人信息无误后,开始比赛。(二) 口语评审1.复赛口语评委:复赛口语评委由参与本次大赛的部分高校选派的英语教学专家、教师组成。2.全国创新英语大赛组委会对本次比赛全程录音。3.复赛口语评分办法:复赛结束后,由评委老师根据选手口语比赛录音。每一个选手的录音由两个考官进行打分,取两个考官的平均分复核确定最终成绩。4.口语竞赛占复赛总体成绩的20%。(三) 口语题型口语比赛题型分为:自我介绍和话题陈述。各占10分。自我介绍:选手有10秒的时间阅读要求,在系统提示可以陈述之后,选手有60秒的陈述时间,自我介绍内容包括:My name is…My number is…I have a dream……话题陈述:系统随机抽题,选手有30秒的准备时间,在系统提示可以陈述之后,有90秒的陈述时间。
八、赛场纪律1.& 选手进入赛场,只准带必需的文具,如钢笔、签字笔、铅笔、橡皮等,不可携带任何书籍、纸张、笔记本、电子词典、字典等任何作弊材料及工具。手机等通讯工具必须关闭,否则立即取消竞赛资格。2.& 禁止家长跟随选手进入考区,家长可在考区之外等候选手。3.& 笔试开考前15分钟(即8:15)之后,选手不得进入赛场。 4.& 比赛时间内如有特殊情况经监考同意后可暂时离开赛场,但必须有监考人员陪同。除此之外,离开考室均须交卷并不得返回续考。5.& 听力、作文比赛时,选手答题一律用黑、蓝色钢笔或签字笔书写。选手答卷时,要先在试卷指定位置填写姓名、考号。凡姓名、考号漏填或字迹模糊不清、无法辨认的,该试卷一律作废。6.& 比赛结束时间一到,选手必须立即停止答卷,并将试卷背面朝上放置在课桌上。不可将试卷和分发的稿纸带走,提前交卷的选手不得在赛场附近逗留、谈论。7.& 选手在比赛时不准偷看他人的答卷或有意让人抄袭,不准交头接耳。凡有作弊行为的选手,一律取消比赛资格。8.& 严禁选手作弊,如发现冒名顶替、代考等作弊现象,当即取消其参赛资格,并通知选手所在中学。9.& 有下列行径者,考官可以当场取消其比赛资格:(1)由他人冒名顶替的;(2)扰乱赛场秩序的;(3)在试卷卷面非署名处署名或作标记对评卷人员进行提示的;(4)不尊重监考和主考,扰乱比赛秩序,情节严重的。


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