youdo you have 肯定回答aheadache怎么回答

【图文】Module7Unit1 Have
Module7Unit1 Have
>>>Do you have a headache? Take an aspirin or eat bird brains...
Do you have a headache? Take an aspirin or eat bird brains. Do you want beautiful skin? Use skin cream or eat pearls. Is your hair turning gray? Color your hair or eat black rice.“Eat bird brains, pearls, and black rice?” some people ask. “How strange!” But for many Chinese people, bird brains, pearls, and black rice are not strange things to eat. Instead, they are good medicines.Food that people use for medicines is called medical(药用的) food. The Chinese have eaten medicinal food and spices(香辛料) for centuries. Ginger, for example, is a common spice in Chinese cooking. Ginger gives food a nice flavor. The Chinese began to use ginger many years ago. They used ginger not because it tasted good. They used ginger because it was medicinal. Ginger, they thought, was good for the digestion. It also helped people who had colds. Pepper and garlic, too, were probably medicines a long time ago.Some people don’t believe that food and spices are good medicines. They want to buy their medicine in drugstores, not in supermarkets. Other people want to try medicinal food. They say, “Maybe medicinal food can’t help me. But it can’t hurt me, either.”People can try medicinal food at a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco, California. The restaurant serves medicinal food. The menus at the restaurant have a list of dinners. Next to each dinner there is information about the food. The information helps people order “Queen’s Secret,” for example, is one dinner at the restaurant. This dinner has meat from chickens with black feathers. It is for women who want to look young.小题1:All of the followings are common spices in Chinese cooking EXCEPT&&&&&.A.gingerB.pepperC.garlicD.pearls小题2:What do you know about medicinal food?A.The Chinese have eaten medicinal food for a long time.B.Many Chinese believe medicinal food tastes good.C.Medicinal food may be bad for your health.D.Medicinal food is served all over the world.小题3:Why did the Chinese begin to use ginger many years ago?A.Because it gave food different flavors.B.Because it made food more delicious.C.Because it was good for people’s health.D.Because it made people feel cold.小题4:Which answer to the following questions can be found out from the passage?A.When did the Chinese start to eat bird brains?B.Why do women like “Queen’s Secret”?C.What is the advantage of using pepper?D.How do Chinese people stop a toothache?小题5:What can we infer (推测) according to the passage?A.More foreigners will learn more about medicinal food.B.All the Chinese will believe black rice stops hair turning gray.C.Ginger will be more and more popular in China.D.Medicinal food will be sold in drugstores and supermarkets.
小题1:D小题2:A小题3:C小题4:B小题5:A试题分析:这篇短文给我们介绍的是中国传统的药膳,不光味道好,还对人的身体健康有利。而且中国人吃药膳的历史很悠久。现在很多外国人都想了解中国的药膳,尝试中国的药膳。小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第二段中Ginger, for example, is a common spice in Chinese cooking. Pepper and garlic, too, were probably medicines a long time ago.可知,A、B和C选项中的这三个在中国的饮食中都是常用的作料,D选项珍珠是可以当做药物的,但是不是作料。故选D。小题2:细节理解题。根据短文第二段中The Chinese have eaten medicinal food and spices(香辛料) for centuries.可知,中国人吃药用的食物和香料已经有几个世纪的历史了,即很长时间了。故选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据短文第二段中Ginger, for example, is a common spice in Chinese cooking. Ginger gives food a nice flavor. The Chinese began to use ginger many years ago. They used ginger not because it tasted good. They used ginger because it was medicinal.姜这种作料,中国人很久以前就开始使用了,不仅是因为它的味道好,还因为他是有药物作用的,对人的身体健康有利。故选C。小题4:细节理解题。根据短文最后一段中It is for women who want to look young.可知,这里坐坐告诉了我们女性为什么喜欢女王的秘密这道菜。故选B。其他选项中的问题都没有在文章中解释答案。小题5:推理判断题。根据短文的最后一段第一句话People can try medicinal food at a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco, California.可知,在加利福尼亚的旧金山,你可以在中国的餐馆里尝试药膳,故由此可以推测外国人对中国药膳的了解将会越来越多。故选A。
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“Do you have a headache? Take an aspirin or eat bird brains...”主要考查你对&&政治经济类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
政治经济类阅读:该类文章时代气息浓郁,语言鲜活,但熟字新义词、超纲词及专业词语多,长句、难句多。政治类文章大多数是同学们感性趣的内容,读起来倒有似曾相识的感觉,经济类文章读起来就像是雾里看花,文章看完,一头雾水。再加之这类文章的命题侧重于词义猜测、推理判断和文章主旨,同学们对这类题材是望而生畏。政治经济类阅读注意:1、要做好这类阅读,平时就要注意了解国内外发生的政治经济大事,掌握一定背景知识; 2、对这类文章的叙述特点及内容安排有一定了解,还要扩展这方面的词汇;3、阅读这类文章,要抓住文章的核心,即文章整体和各段主要在说什么,也要注意段落之间的逻辑关系。
政治经济类阅读技巧:针对不同体裁的文章,我们要采取相应的阅读方法和技巧。政治类文章多采用记叙文形式,我们可采取“顺读法”,以便抓关键语句,领会文章主旨;而经济类文章则多采用说明文形式,我们则可以采取“逆读法”,先读试题,再从文章中查找有用信息。若遇到的确难读的材料。1. 寻找主干:根据英语中五种基本句型结构,把句子中的主语、谓语、宾语、表语等主要成分找出来,其他成分如定语、状语、补语等则易于理解。找到了句子主干,句子的意思至少明白了一半。2. 剔除从句:在一个长句中可能会出现若干个从句,在理解时,如果把各个从句剔除出来单独理解,然后把大意拼凑起来,整个长句的意思就会明白六、七分。3. 辨别分句:一个长句如果是由几个并列、转折、递进、对比关系的分句组成,句中往往有表示这些分句关系的连接词,只要能弄清楚分句和分句之间的逻辑关系,再把各层分句的意思加以连贯,整个长句的句意基本上能跃然脑中。4. 寻找关键词:如果一个句子看完,一点句意的感觉也没有,下下策就是抓住句中的关键词,通过关键词大体弄懂这个长句的意思。
与“Do you have a headache? Take an aspirin or eat bird brains...”考查相似的试题有:
If you often have a cold, headache or backache, there is something wrong with your health. Eating healthyfood
good for our health.
Tofu (豆腐), milk, vegetables are healthy for us. Tofu is a kind of traditional (传统的)
food. We often
it in China. Now more and more people
other countries think tofu is good for health,
. They alsolike eating it.
kind of health food. Every day you should
one or two glasses of milk. It can
us strong.
Vegetables are very important. You should eat
them. There are vitamin (维他命) A, B, C, D, E and so on in them.
As we know, it"s important
a balanced diet (均衡饮食). We must have the right kinds of food. Weshould also eat some pork, chicken and beef. We should eat more fruit and vegetables but less meat.
)1. A. are
)2. A. Japanese
)3. A. eat
)4. A. for
)5. A. too
)6. A. the other (
)7. A. drinking (
)8. A. keep
)9. A. a lot
)10. A. making
B. AmericanB. drink
B. to keep
C. will be C. English C. take
C. another C. take
C. keeping
D. Chinese
D. to take
D. keeping
D. a lot of
D. to drink
6-10: CBADB
1. 当你做决定有困难时,红色能帮你拿定主意。
Red will help you when you are
. 2. 没有你的帮助,我无法解出这道题目。The problem can’t
. 3. 每天我有很多作业,我别无选择,只能去做。I have a lot of homework every day, and
.4. 天气预报有没有报道如此潮湿的天气将持续多久?
Does the weather report say ______________________?5. 年轻人应该常向别人学习,而不是卖弄。
Young people should often
.6. 我真的不知道我能怎么处理这个机器人? I really have no idea ____________________________?
1.他们正在浏览报纸。They are _
the newspaper.2.冬天经常下雪,不是吗?It often
in winter,
? 3.昨天天气对我来说有点冷。It"s
me yes-terday.4.很多人在排队买票.Many people
to buy tickets.5.绿灯时,你可以通过马路。When the light is _
the street.
根据中英文提示完成句子。1. 在此处照相是违反规定的。
________________ to take photos here.2. 我没有注意你在说什么。
I ________________ what you were saying.3. 难怪他不饿,他整天都在吃糖果。
________________ he is not hungry;he has been eating sweets ________________.4. 你熟悉棒球规则吗?
________________ the rules of baseball?5. 我盼望今年寒假见到你。
I _______________ this winter vacation.6. 她经常晚上顺便来我们这里喝茶。
She often ________________ us for a tea in the evening.7. 你必须计算出我们晚会将需要多少食物。
You"ll have to ________________ for the party.8. 父母有时发现与自己的孩子沟通很困难。
Parents sometimes find ________________ difficult ________________ their children.9. 你不能指望他一个人做这件事。
You can not expect him ________________.10. 你不允许触摸这些展品。
You ________________ to touch ________________.
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