youi want you to stayto sleep ok

3 Natural Drinks to Help Get Better Sleep | Everyday Roots帮我翻译下句子,汉译英,要精确!_百度知道
我答应帮助你去参加 晚会.终于有人来了.其实这是我和宿舍的人要演的童话剧!我们可以去参加晚会了?!我会让她们来当你的女佣伺候你一辈子.等到他们结婚是一定要狠狠压榨一顿?啊呀呀呀!看我的绝招!噢~我亲爱的仙杜丽娜!那怨不得我了。难不成是来抢地盘的,谢谢了咯!嫁给我吧!但是!剧本早已成为过去!孩子们...【我可是编剧啊~】所以!噢~那好吧.臭蚊子,嫁给我吧!如果你肯然我打十巴掌!~我又没说王子一定要帅~!谢谢哈~噢~美女!真的.!王子啊..!快去做早餐.,我要进去看看!还钱,我要让你沉睡一百年.快放手啊!!仙杜丽娜.又来咬我你,我就嫁给你!哈哈哈!是我教导有方!噢~我也想去,你会跳舞吗!你的衣服是破的,但你得帮我捶背!竟然这样.!超级无敌香港脚.你怎么长着满脸的麻子!让暴风雨来的更猛烈些吧.但是我还有一个后母两个姐姐在等我呢~没关系.!噢~好高的城堡..,剧本里可是这么写的翻译成英文就行啦!竟然比我美丽!老灰!.快来
t say prince must handsome ~! -I didn&#39! If you are willing! Maid,Really, to marry me? EtcOk!I teach!The children.Maybe is to grab the territory. To bite me againYou!Your clothes is broken, wrote the script is., someone came.Quick go! Super invincible Hong Kong feet! Marry me!Oh! We can go to the party?Oh ah! Qve got to help me beat back. But in my two sisters.!!But I have a stepmother!Oh ~ ok! Is money! Look at my sleeve!, and I will make your beauty sleep for a hundred years!, my dear DuLiNa immortal!Oh ~ I also want to go..When they get married is must severely pressing a! The YuanBuDe me! Unexpectedly than I, but you&#39.! Let the more violent storm!The prince!Unexpectedly. Come on.! I will make them come when you serve your lifetime!Old ashes, I want to go in, but I dozen dozen I downed marry you!Oh ~ good high castle.Smelly mosquito.? .Finally! I promised to help you go to the party!! DuLiNa immortalOh ~ beauty!Script has already become in the past!!.. How long do you all MaZi, you will dance
Oh ~ beauty, you dance?
Ayaya Yeah! Even beautiful than I, I want you to sleep a hundred years!
Oh ~ good high castle, I have to go look.
Do the authors come to Qiangdi Pan's!
Even so! That can not blame me! Look at my trick! Super invincible athlete's foot! ! !
Prince ah ....
Finally someone came ..
When they get married is that we must relentlessly press meal ..
Mosquito bite me .. they smell
.. How do you grow on your face the pock! ~
I did not say that the prince must be handsome ~!
Your clothes are broken! Pay back the money!
Old Grey! Do breakfast soon!
Children .. Come on! We can to a party!
Oh ~ I want to go! I promi...
Oh ~ beauty, you will dance?
Oh ah! Unexpectedly than I, and I will make your beauty sleep for a hundred years!
Oh ~ good high castle, I want to go in.
Maybe is to grab the territory!!!!!
Unexpectedly! The YuanBuDe me! Look at my sleeve! Super invincible Hong Kong feet!!!
The prince...
Finally, someone came..
When they get married is must severely pressing a..
Smelly mosquito.. To bite me again
You.. How long do you all MaZi! -
I didn't say prince must handsome ~!
Your clothes is broken! Is money!
Old ashes! Quick to do breakfast!
The children.. Come on! We can go to the party!
Oh ~ I also want to go! I promised to help you go to the part...
Oh ~ beauty, you dance?
Ayaya Yeah! Even beautiful than I, I want you to sleep a hundred years!
Oh ~ good high castle, I have to go look.
Do the authors come to Qiangdi Pan's!
Even so! That can not blame me! Look at my trick! Super invincible athlete's foot! ! !
Prince ah ....
Finally someone came ..
When they get married is that we must relentlessly press meal ..
Mosquitoes smell .. they bite me
You .. You how long the face of the pock! ~
I did not say that the prince must be handsome ~!
Your clothes are broken! Pay back the money!
Old Grey! Do breakfast soon!
Children .. Come on! We can to a party!
Oh ~ I want to go! I pro...


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