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来源: 广告 日记 50字日记
时间: 16:56
  我喜欢看电视剧,但不喜欢看那些讨厌的广告。什么时候才能没有那些讨厌的广告呢? 日记http://www. 夏镇中心小学二年级:刘忠杭1最讨厌的两个女生_200字
  我最烦的两个女生分别是孟婷和杨帆,他们两个有时我真想暴揍他俩一顿,可是有老师在我不敢啊,5只能忍着,我草。  下面为你们透露一点孟婷的小秘密,孟婷脚踏五只船,这可太厉害了,分别喜欢的是刘欣博、杜佳航、古铜、薛强、孙明泽,孟婷可不是好惹的,我们班的人都不惹她,不是不惹她是惹不起啊,要是惹了她就真的伤不起了,他会让你吃不了兜着走,隔三差五揍你一顿,不管你是男生还是女生&&  至于这个扬帆吗,还比上一个好一点,你要是惹了他,顶多就是骂+两巴掌,直到把你打到流鼻血的时候就停了。  额&&惹了他们你就伤不起了。吉林吉林吉林省吉林市丰满区旺起中心校五年级:陈美涵  
> 关于广告的利弊英语作文
  广告的利弊(The advantages and disadvantages of advertisement)
  Nowadays ther are a lot of false advertisements in society. They have caused many harms to society. Generally, their harms can be listed as follows.
  First, they exaggerate the functions of the goods they advertise and mislead consumers. Second , some advertisements contain obscene contents and bring about spiritual pollution. Third, they seriously damage the credit of businesses because the shops which sell those goods will be distrusted and even considered the conspirators of those advertisers by consumers.
  Personally, I am usually vigilant against any advertisements and so I have never been taken in. However, some people are credulous and are easily taken in. Therefore, in my opinion, effective measures must be taken to ban false advertisements and protect consumers'interests. First, all the advertisements must be strictly censored by the authorities concerned before they are published. Besides, severe punishment must be inflicted on those who publish illegal advertisements.
  In conclusion, false advertisements must be eliminated in our society.
  广告的利弊(The advantages and disadvantages of advertisement)
  These days it is easy to find faults with advertising, and yet none can deny entirely that this art of persuasion is good for economy. By circulating information mixing half truth with half lying, advertising can nevertheless penetrate the public mind with desires even for something worthless. All told, however, advertising is doing more good than evil.
  To think that advertising is bad is understandable, and indeed there seems to be a common perception growing increasingly negative. Perhaps history will see advertising as one of the real evil factors of modern time because it is stimulating people to co want this and want that. It is true that many consumers are convinced to spend money they do not have for things they really do not need. It is also true that the high sales of popular consumer goods is a reflection of the power of advertising rather than the real needs of the society in which they are sold. That kind of &impulsive buying& as consumer behavior can easily turn need into greed. Apart from misleading people to desire something not necessary or completely useless, advertising is surrounding them nearly everywhere and anytime on the point of boring them to death.
  The good news is that advertising serves market economy well, thanks in part to the media outlets like television, radio, newspapers, magazines and the Internet. Through the media, particularly television, advertising gives people a chance as consumers. People are told about new products and services that improve their lives. In fact, economy is at its best when the advertising industry is booming, imagining that when people are starving and freezing there should be no advertising whatever to sell food and fuel. Advertising holds a mirror to an affluent society in a virtuous cycle benefitting many sectors. More advertisements mean more money to all media outlets, which in turn boosts more sales, which in turn pushes more production and creates more jobs and therefore more buying power.
  Those who think that advertising is bad must think again about the value of a market system which thrives on economic prosperity. Contrary to popular belief, it seems that most consumers do not hate advertising because of their own foolish desires. They are aware that probably half the money they spend on advertising is wasted, without knowing clearly which half.


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