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出门在外也不愁Toronto, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
Without a doubt the cultural heartbeat of Canada resonates loudly out of Toronto, the
capital of Ontario. With its eclectic mix of people and undying passion for the arts
Toronto can be a stimulating experience both visually and educationally. Over the last 50
years Toronto has seen an explosion in its Greek, French, Thai, Korean, Chinese and
Indonesian populations bringing a fresh and unique new outlook to the city. Visitors will
not be hard to put when it comes to finding something that interests them
whether it抯 shopping, dining, recreation or visiting museums. In a city where kids learn
to ice skate before they walk be sure to check out a professional hockey game if you are
there during the season. If Canadians are passionate about one thing it is definitely
hockey. After one trip to Toronto tourists will find themselves longing to return again
and again throughout their lifetimes.
A City with a Passion for the Arts
Toronto, Ontario is absolutely bursting with museums. Canada抯 largest museum calls
Toronto home. The Royal Ontario Museum, affectionately referred to as the ROM, boasts over
39,000 objects from all over the world and 39 galleries. The Hands-On Biodiversity Gallery
allows children to experience exhibits up close and personal including a living skink.
Also geared towards kids is the Discovery Gallery. This area of the museum lets kids
do everything from exploring a crystal cave to digging for dinosaur bones. Art enthusiasts
will want to visit both the Art Gallery of Ontario and the McMichael Canadian Art
Collection in Kleinburg. Popular with both tourists and locals, the Ontario Science Center
is one of Toronto抯 most beloved museums. Featuring over 800 hands-on exhibits, the
Ontario Science Center provides visitors with an exciting as well as educational
Recreation and Sightseeing
Whether walking, biking or driving through Toronto the CN Tower, with its needle measuring
1,815 feet tall, is a constant presence. The world抯 tallest free standing structure,
glass elevators carry spectators 1,136 above the city where the view is absolutely
breathtaking. During your visit to the CN Tower be sure to check out the Edge Arcade where
simulated games are aplenty including two new motion simulator rides. Toronto
is also known for its beautiful parks. Toronto Island Park is not only rich in beauty, but
in history as well. In 1858, a violent storm blew through Toronto causing 18 small islands
to separate from the mainland. Today these islands are connected by bridges. Babe Ruth hit
his first homerun at Island Stadium and the park抯 lighthouse is said to be haunted by its
first lighthouse keeper who plunged to his untimely death. The park consists of everything
from beaches and a trout pond to ornamental gardens and an 18-hole Frisbee golf course.
Other recreational activities include canoeing, paddle boating, biking and volleyball.
Harbourfront Centre is another popular Toronto attraction. Located on the waterfront,
Harbourfront Centre is one of Canada抯 leading contemporary cultural institutions.
Visitors can shake to live Salsa music, paint a mural, admire local artwork, watch an
opera or learn the art of glassblowing. Harbourfront Center will get your creative juices
flowing with three theatres, two galleries and a crafts studio.
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安大略 (Ontario,简称安省),是加拿大第二大省,面积达一百一十万平方公里,是法国的两倍,人口超过一千万。其东邻魁北克省,西界曼托巴省,北临哈得孙湾及詹姆斯湾, 南滨圣劳伦斯河及王大湖,是一个一个工业、农业和旅游业发达的地区,创造了加拿大40%的收入。安大略是一个天然的风景区,擁有豐富多樣的大自然風貌和風情萬種的都會風光,旅游胜地包括世界著名的尼亚拉加瀑布、四大湖区、国家公园及多伦多和渥太华等大城市。游客来到安大略省,必看的景观当属尼亚拉加瀑布。该瀑布落差五十七米,可以在陆地、空中及乘船观看,是举世无双的自然奇观。雄伟壮丽的尼亚拉加瀑布每年都吸引了每年有 1200万名旅客前來揭开它的面紗,一睹尼加拉瀑布的风姿,亦成为加拿大极具盛名的蜜月胜地。充分的日照、甘甜的湖水与适合的气候,使安大略省的葡萄酒产量佔了全加拿大葡萄酒的80%,尤其是尼亚拉加湖边小鎮的葡萄美酒更是甜美香醇,游客欣赏完大瀑布后,都会到此一尝酒乡的美酒,特别是闻名暇耳的冰酒。 安大略省拥有 200 多個各具特色的省立公園及保護區,其中最具特色的是阿尔贡金省立公园( Algonquin Provincial Park ),其面积达 7,725 平方公里,是安大略省第二大的省立公園。园内有超过 1000 个大小湖泊, 100 种鸟类和 1000 种植物以及野生动物,漫山遍野的枫林,使公园成为赏枫时节不可错过的一个旅游胜地。
多伦多市( Toronto city)
多伦多( Toronto ),是加拿大第一大城市,在这里,人们可以见识各种文化及经济活动,享受丰富多采的夜生活、戏剧、第一流的博物馆及艺术馆,或者亲眼一睹经常来访的一些加拿大及国际明星的风采。多姿多彩的多伦多,拥有世界各地的文化特色、风味及习俗,美食、购物、科技、娱乐、湖泊、沙滩 …… 构成了它大都会的旋律。世界上最高的独立式建筑物 ---CN 塔是多伦多著名的景点,塔高 553.34 米,是世界最高的无辅助支撑物的建筑。从多伦多开车 1 小时,便可到达尼亚拉加大瀑布。
主要景点市政厅( City Hall )加拿大国家电视塔( CN Tower )约克旧城堡( Old Fort York )安大略美术馆( Art Gallery of Ontario )省议会大厦( Ontario Parliament Buildings )皇家博物馆( Royal Ontario Museum )洛马古堡( Casa Loma )多伦多岛上公园( Toronto Island Park )安大略游乐场( Ontario Place )亥公园( High Park )安大略科学中心( Ontario Science Centre )唐人街( Chinatown )圆顶体育馆( Sky Dome )
渥太华市(Ottawa city)
渥太华 (Ottawa) 是加拿大的首都。首都地区包括渥太华和赫尔两市,渥太华属安大略省,赫尔市属魁北克省,它们中间隔着渥太华河。 1857 年,渥太华被英国维多利亚女王钦定为加拿大的首都。其居民一半讲法语,一半讲英语。渥太华风景优美,每年吸引着来自世界各地的 200 万名游客。春天到来之际,冰雪消融,万物博发,当年荷兰女王为感谢加拿大政府而赠送的十万株郁金香已开满全城,因此渥太华又被称为“郁金香城”。秋季,整片整片的枫树林衬着城市蜿蜒的街道、马车和古典建筑物,夹竹桃的桃红,葡萄酒的深红,和峡谷峭壁的褐红,让渥太华成为一座色彩丰厚的画之都 。
主要景点议会大厦(Parliament Building)战争纪念碑(War Memorial)斯帕克期购物大道(Sparks Street Pedestrian Mall)里多运河(Rideau Canal)Bytown博物馆(Bytown Museum)国立艺术中心(National Arts Center)加拿大国立美术馆(National Gallery of Canada)圣母院大教堂(Notre Dame Basilica)国家人类及自然科学博物馆(National Museum of Man & Natural Science)
北京迈斯林:北京市东城区东长安街1号东方经贸城E1座室免费热线:400- 咨询电话:010-
上海迈斯林:上海市黄浦区淮海中路98号金钟广场1301室免费热线:400- 咨询电话:021-
杭州迈斯林:杭州市上城区钱江路58号赞成太和广场8号楼607号免费热线:400- 咨询电话:8
福州迈斯林:福州市台江区金融街万达广场B1#1008免费热线:400- 咨询电话:6
石家庄迈斯林:河北石家庄翟营南大街41号财库国际商务港2201免费热线:400- 咨询电话:8
南京迈斯林:南京市建邺区庐山路188号新地中心40楼4001室免费热线:400- 咨询电话:025-
南宁迈斯林:南宁市青秀区金浦路16号 汇东国际F座810室免费热线:400- 咨询电话:
沈阳迈斯林:沈阳市和平区青年大街390号皇朝万鑫国际大厦C座30楼免费热线:400- 咨询电话:024-
深圳迈斯林:深圳市福田区彩田路澳新亚大厦2410室免费热线:400- 咨询电话:3
香港迈斯林:香港尖沙咀东么地道63号好时中心10楼1006室免费热线:400- 咨询电话:39/
京公境准字[号 沪公境准字[号 粤公境准字[ 苏公境准字[号浙公境准字[号
桂公境准字[号 闽公境准字[号
冀公境准字[号京ICP备号 京公网安备14号[] []离开这个世界进入“太空”(Space),您可以参观最先进的天文馆、火星陨石、宇宙射线、黑洞、太空座椅(是一个真正的火箭)。
在 AstraZeneca Human Edge,观看运动员、生存专家、极限运动爱好者,以及突破曾被认为人类不可能突破的障碍的其他人的故事,并了解您自己的奇妙身体。
在“逼真的地球”(The Living Earth),触摸龙卷风、在洞穴中漫步,并近距离接触巨型蟑螂和毒箭蛙。
轻松愉快的体验式展馆包括WordHarp, Ferrofluid Fountain 和 Pipe Dreams。
770 Don Mills Road
Toronto, Ontario M3C 1T3
位于艾灵顿大道 (Eglinton Avenue) 东
星期一&星期五: 10:00&16:00
星期六&星期日: 10:00&17:00
(416) 696-1000
CityPASS 持有者升级
特别展览: 特别展览可能需要另购门票;票价不包含在 CityPASS 门票内。
OMNIMAX 影院: 需要另购门票。CityPASS 持有者的票价:成人 13 加元;(4-17 岁)儿童 9 加元。体验 IMAX(R) 穹幕和音响!通过 IMAX 圆顶技术,将影像投影到一个巨大的穹幕上,让您宛如身临其境。马上播放… .
餐饮:The Lobby Café、Great Hall Café、KidSpark Café、Valley Restaurant
无障碍通道: OSC 为无障碍设施。轮椅可自由出入。
停车/交通: ,了解停车、交通信息和路线指引。
团体: 20 人或以上团体:致电 (888) 696-1110。
Toronto CityPASS
2173 条评价得分4.7/5/5}


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