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→ 我的世界BungeeCord搭建教程服务器命令详解
14:09:58 来源: 作者:佚名 (0)
小编为大家带来了《》BungeeCord搭建教程服务器命令详解,说到服务器当然离不开命令的说明了,这就为大家介绍BungeeCord搭建教程服务器命令,有兴趣的玩家都来看看吧。虽然这个并不是BC端的默认功能,但是你可以通过安装一个BungeeCord和配套的Bukkit插件来实现这个功能,例如让命令方块执行BungeeCord端的命令。BungeeCord命令和使用权限提示:以下命令中&&尖括号内的参数为必填参数,[ ]方括号内的参数为选填参数/alert &信息&权限节点:mand.alert用途:发送一条整个群组的公告,会显示在所有的子服务器内。颜色符是&,使用&h 可以清除所有默认的格式默认使用者:群组管理员/alertraw &json格式的信息&权限节点:mand.alert用途:和上一个命令一样,但是仅允许使用json格式的内容默认使用者:群组管理员/bungee权限节点:无用途:显示BungeeCord的版本信息默认使用者:所有玩家/end权限节点:mand.end用途:关闭BungeeCord代理端,类似于Bukkit服务器下的/stop默认使用者:群组管理员/find &玩家名&权限节点:mand.find用途:确认指定玩家是否在线和他现在在哪个子服务器内默认使用者:群组管理员/glist权限节点:mand.list用途:显示所有的子服务器和每个服务器当前在线人数默认使用者:所有玩家/greload权限节点:mand.reload用途:重载BungeeCord代理端的配置文件,将重新载入子服务器列表、监听选项和一些配置项目,但是不会重载BC端插件和权限默认使用者:群组管理员/ip &玩家名&权限节点:mand.ip用途:查看指定玩家的真实连接IP默认使用者:群组管理员/perms权限节点:无用途:显示你拥有的权限和所在权限组默认使用者:所有玩家/send &玩家名/current/all& &目标子服务器名&权限节点:mand.send用途:将指定玩家移动到目标子服务器,使用“current”将会把你所在服务器的所有玩家移动到目标服务器,使用“all”将会把整个群组下的玩家移动到目标服务器。子服务器名就是你在“config.yml”的“servers”下面设置的服务器名默认使用者:群组管理员/server [子服务器名]权限节点:mand.server用途:传送到指定子服务器,这个权限默认是高于Bukkit插件权限的,也就是说玩家可以在未登录之前使用此命令跳转到另外一个服务器,如果另外的服务器没登陆插件,那么通过此方法就可以使用到OP账号默认使用者:所有玩家基本就是这些了,其余要更多命令的玩家就只有去下载插件了。
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Bukkit or Spigot?
Bukkit or Spigot Its not that difficult!
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If you're looking to decide between regular Bukkit or Spigot for your server, here's an unbiased opinion based on experience of testing both. From a player perspective there is very little difference until RAM/CPU comes into play, and that's only going to be an issue if you are serious about being a server admin.Bukkit is great if you &just need it to work.& There's not as many configuration options in Bukkit so it's more friendly towards the new server admin, it's also less likely to go wrong in the hands of someone who probably shouldn't be a server admin.Bukkit is of course what Spigot is based on, and Bukkit therefore dictates the main direction that Spigot heads in. That's not a bad thing, because every ship needs a direction.If you are looking to set up a server at home, or you are new to being a server admin, stick with Bukkit until you are comfortable with every setting in bukkit.yml and server.properties including the ones not set by default!Spigot is great if you need to tweak things for gameplay and/or performance. Spigot really excels at improving CPU and RAM usage compared to ordinary Bukkit, and I have seen RAM savings of 100%, where machines have gone from using 650MB to 325MB. CPU is not too different either, and on some systems I have seen spikes that caused 60% use drop to 20%.Spigot adds a multitude of options to server.properties, including built-in, configurable, per-world Orebfusticator for Anti X-Ray and the ability to control growth rates of crops, as well as rainstorms frequencies and strengths. All of these things (and more) matter to a dedicated server, especially with multiple worlds. Spigot is not for someone new to being a server admin, and there's probably no point in using it for a home server. Spigot is finely tuned for dedicated servers and it does that job very well.Why does it matter?RAM! RAM! RAM! On average, every player on a system uses between 50-100 MB of RAM (depending on the server's view distance settings as well as other factors). With the right modifications this can be lowered to around 40MB-80MB, but on a tin can system you can expect 100MB+ per person!If you're looking to run a dedicated (i.e. permanent, not weekend or &until I get bored&) server, RAM is important. It costs money. Without enough, too much, your money is wasted. Spigot gives you greater control over how you deal with these issues, but you have to know what you are doing to make the most of it.I hope this has helped you understand some of the differences, if you liked it, please diamond.
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