
    How to Turn Your Good Boyfriend into Husband  There must be many girls (and boys) out there trying very hard to find husbands (or wives) in this world. Therefore, it might be helpful to them for people who have experienced the similar processes to share their ideas, methods, or tricks on how to turn their good boyfriends into husbands.  This thread is purely for the purpose of watering and will be updated as the good ideas, methods, or secrets come out or are revealed either by me or by other friends.
楼主发言:37次 发图:
  * Be honest   The honesty or the trust should be the most important factor in determining whether a girl should turn her boyfriend into her husband because marriage is a lifetime commitment made to each other between a man and a woman. Though it is often the love or the attraction between the opposite sex that brings a boy and a girl together to become close friends, the basic building blocks of marriage are not the love but the honesty or the mutual trust. Once a man and a woman get married, they should keep their trust and the commitment for the rest of their life.
  * Be polite  Boys and girls are inherently different: men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Boys are supposed to be strong, both physically and mentally, and take greater responsibility in important matters. On the other hand, girls are supposed to be polite or behave graciously, especially in public or in company with boys. Men are born to be leaders and like to be in control. Therefore, a polite or a gracious girl will much more be loved or asked for getting married by her boyfriend.
  * Be encouraging  Both men and women have their personal dreams when they are young. However, when the two get married, either one or both of them may have to give up part or all of their dreams as a result of family responsibility and social obligation. A man generally takes a huge family responsibility with an intensive social pressure and he may be more afraid that an earlier marriage would prevent from or postpone the realization of his dream. Therefore, a constant encouragement from a girl with a promise, willingness, or an action to assist the boy realizing his dream will certainly help the boy to ask the girl to marry him in the earliest possible time.
  these suggestions are really good. why I never meet such a nice girl?  -------------------------------------------------  Welcome to visit “幸福味道美食店”淘宝店. Thank you!
  these suggestions are really good. why I never meet such a nice girl?  -------------------------------------------------  @Ilovebyd 4楼
22:25:52  Welcome to visit “幸福味道美食店”淘宝店. Thank you!  -----------------------------  The theme topic of this thread is on “How to Turn Your Good Boyfriend into Husband”. Before considering turning someone into a husband, a girl needs to first find a “good boyfriend”. Therefore, one reason that you have not met such a nice girl yet is that no girl has considered you as a “good” boyfriend so they have not (or never) decided to turn you into a husband. :)  A good boyfriend is often matched with a good girlfriend and vice versa. Furthermore, a good girl is often characterized by her beauty, intelligence, graciousness, etc. One important measure of beauty is a slim body that is healthy and energetic. Now, you are constantly selling the information of “幸福味道美食店”, which is often related to seducing girls to eat unhealthy food to lose their fitness. It is a general principle that anything tasting good is generally not good to one’s health. Intelligent girls know that high cholesterol and rich fat foods taste good but not good to their health and slim bodies. Once they see your selling the information or the name of “幸福味道美食店”, they may as well keep away from you. What left for you are therefore only those girls who are not beautiful and intelligent enough to show you the other world.  Please stop selling the information of “幸福味道美食店” and nice girls will come to you, soon!
  * Tell his mother something about you but not everything   Marriage involves not only two people but also two families. A boy will be more willing to ask a girl to marry him if his family has already accepted the girl. Therefore, it is certainly helpful for a girl to establish communications with her boyfriend’s family by talking to his mother or other family members such as his sisters, if any, in an early stage or on a regular basis. However, because of the rapid changes of the society and usual generation gap, his mother may not agree with or may not like what a typical young girl’s thoughts or actions in the current world. Here, telling his mother something but not everything means to have an effective communication with her boyfriend’s mother in a good and decent manner.
  Hi guys,there are foreign teachers who want to teach oral english by Skype or QQ and the teaching fate is aslo very low for chinese students. So if any of you are interested in this , you can add me.I believe it's very effective for us to improve our english。  我的联系方式:qq:
  @漫长如史诗 7楼
21:33:15  Hi guys,there are foreign teachers who want to teach oral english by Skype or QQ and the teaching fate is aslo very low for chinese students. So if any of you are interested in this , you can add me.I believe it's very effective for us to improve our english。  我的联系方式:qq:
skype:changcuicui  -----------------------------  “teaching fate”? I guess you mean “teaching fare”.  Sometimes, a misuse or a misspelling of a word may produce an unexpected result. Suppose someday you really want your boyfriend to propose to you, i.e. to ask you to marry him, then you tell your boyfriend: “Darling, my darling, we have been together climbing all the high mountains, crossing many torrential rivers, and overcoming all the difficulties. I strongly believe that it is now a good time for us to start a new page of our relationship. I am waiting for your call and I am waiting for the happiest and most important moment of my life, ......., by the way, also, we may just have our honeymoon travel to Hangzhou (杭州) because that is a low travel fate.”  The last word “fate” may kill all the good words before it.
  I like your style of speaking,and admire your English ability good night !Keep on focusing on this topic 。  
  @LLY约定今生 9楼
23:25:51  I like your style of speaking,and admire your English ability good night !Keep on focusing on this topic 。  -----------------------------  Thank you for your encouragement. I am only watering when I have some free times. I will do my best to maintain this thread.
  回复第10楼(作者:@supertitan2013 于
23:31)  @LLY约定今生 9楼
23:25:51  I like your st……  ==========  I like this thread and you talk to us in English!  
  @思考与判断 11楼
02:15:53  I like this thread and you talk to us in English!  -----------------------------  Thanks.
  * Write him a love letter or a love poem, in pen   I know now it is the internet and high-tech age and nobody cares to write letters in pen anymore. However, write him a love letter or a love poem in pen, though an old fashion to express your love feeling, is still a very effective way to grasp your boyfriend’s heart. You write your love letter with your pen and your heart, not with your computer or ipad. You should seriously copy your love letter from a draft version and try not to make mistakes (e.g., noticing the difference between “fate” and “fare”, the difference between 愛 and 受, etc). You may mail him the letter or put the letter in his pocket.  You do not have to use the word “love” explicitly in your love letter. You may describe your love feeling toward him by a slight exaggeration since love relationship between two people has never been an exact science. Here, let me show an example about exaggeration. In my previous response to 漫长如史诗’s comments, the slightly exaggerated description of (1) “been together climbing all the high mountains, crossing many torrential rivers,...... waiting for the happiest and most important moment of my life” may as well simply mean (2) “been together doing all-day shopping many times and I want to marry you.” Obviously, the first description, where the word “shopping” or “marry” never appeared, is much more exquisite, heartfelt, and sensational than the second one and is therefore highly recommended.
  @shanzhaixilai 15楼
10:13:16  why didn't you just say "handwritten"? wouldn't that be easier?  -----------------------------  Thank you for your comments. I guess WITH pen or "handwritten" is better or correct.
  Apparently, “write in pen” is also a correct expression. I just found a short article about “How to Write in Pen Without Making Mistakes” on a wikiHow webpage:  =======================  wikiHow --- to do anything  /Write-in-Pen-Without-Making-Mistakes  How to Write in Pen Without Making Mistakes  Edited by Kookiegrl, Teresa, Mr handsome, Sky Gear and 5 others  Some people try to write in pen, but never get it right. They always just scribble it out, and go to the back of the paper. That's a waste. If you want to learn to write in pen without making mistakes, read on!  Steps:  Step 1: Think of what you want to write, and think it through clearly. This helps organize ideas of what you want to put down in pen.  Step 2: Get some paper. You need something to write on!  Step 3: Think of what you want to write one more time. Think it through clearly to reorganize your thoughts.  Step 4: Write it down. Write calmly and carefully. Don't rush. Think of the next word, and carefully write it down.  Tips:  Improving your handwriting will make your writing neater and may reduce the amount of mistakes you make.  It may be a good idea to think of what sentences you are going to write and in what order so that you don't write an entire paragraph in pen only to realize it would have made more sense if you had changed some sentences around.  =======================
  @supertitan2013 6楼
20:49:57  * Tell his mother something about you but not everything  Marriage involves not only two people but also two families. A boy will be more willing to ask a girl to marry him if his family has already accepted the girl. Therefore, it is certainly helpful for a girl to establish communications with her boyfriend’s family by talking to his mother or other family members such as his sisters,......  -----------------------------  Just Wonder: you wrote it by yourself or you translated it or you copied it from somewhere else?
  these suggestions are really good. why I never meet such a nice girl?  -------------------------------------------------  @Ilovebyd
22:25:52  Welcome to visit “幸福味道美食店”淘宝店. Thank you!  -----------------------------  @supertitan2013 5楼
22:59:21  The theme topic of this thread is on “How to Turn Your Good Boyfriend into Husband”. Before considering turning someone into a husband, a girl needs to first find a “good boyfriend”. Therefore, one reason that you have not met such a nice girl yet is that no girl has considered you as a “good” boyfriend so they have not (or never) decided to turn you into a husband. :)  A good bo......  -----------------------------  Just make my points here:  1. The foods in the shop are healthy.If you don't like eating, just ignore it. No offense.  2. Girls are becoming beautiful because of balanced nutrition, appropriate physical exercise and good mentality. I (and most men) don't think skinny girls are attractive (if you are skinny, just forget this statement).
  @Ilovebyd 18楼
22:48:56  Just Wonder: you wrote it by yourself or you translated it or you copied it from somewhere else?  -----------------------------  This was my fifth thread on Tianya forum. I indicated “(ZZ)(转载)” in each and every one of my previous four threads. I would also indicate “(ZZ)(转载)” had the writings here were copied from others' writings.
  @Ilovebyd 19楼
22:58:54  Just make my points here:  1. The foods in the shop are healthy.If you don't like eating, just ignore it. No offense.  2. Girls are becoming beautiful because of balanced nutrition, appropriate physical exercise and good mentality. I (and most men) don't think skinny girls are attractive (if you are skinny, just forget this statement).  -----------------------------  I was trying to answer your question of “why I never meet such a nice girl?” I was trying to help you though I was writing in a humorous way rather than like many others on Tianya forum who always like to use dirty words to show their scoundrel characters.   Your points are well taken but everyone has his/her own opinions and we do not have to always agree with others. Based on your current response, I have to say that one additional reason that you have not met a nice girl could well be the lack of humor in your personality.
  Actually, this thread was motivated by the discussions in the following thread where many friends including myself made quite a few constructive suggestions on how to get her boyfriend back. Some of my ideas shown above were also derived from the discussions in that thread:  ==================  姐妹们帮我看看我是不是该放手了    supertitan2013:看了这里的讨论之后,我才开了一个灌水帖,打算一点点地聊聊如何把好男友变老公的一些基本常识。其中的第二点(Be polite)还是看了你的叙述所得到的启发呢,呵呵。  supertitan2013:恋爱三年,给你的EX认认真真地写过情书没有?假若还没有的话,这一次不妨好好地花点时间,呕心沥血地给他写上一封你俩一辈子都忘不了的情书吧!你不是纯文科的master吗?趁现在的深情,再拿出一点认真的干劲,写出一封让他魂飘断肠的情书,应该要比电话,QQ什么的要有效得多。我刚在我的帖子(16楼)中举了一个例子来说明情书的重要性以及同样一件事在手写情书与电话陈述之间的巨大差别。  ==================
  * Exercise together  Doing physical exercise or doing it regularly is an important component of daily activities to keep one’s body fit and healthy. I happen to agree with @Ilovebyd in this aspect as he also mentioned in his comments above on physical exercise. Many girls like to spend precious times with their boyfriends on doing all-day shopping and vacation traveling, etc. Every man or woman knows the fact that it is a waste of man’s time to ask him to follow a lady all-day long in various department stores for (window) shopping most of the time. Vacation traveling together is good but is often rare and expensive. On the other hand, doing exercise or sport activities together, especially on a regular basis, may better serve the purpose of bringing their relationship closer because of the frequent close communications between the two in addition to producing the fitted and healthy bodies to both of them.
  Though both @Ilovebyd and I have the same opinion on doing exercise, we have completely different views on beauty of a lady. I argued that “one important measure of beauty is a slim body that is healthy and energetic” whereas @Ilovebyd “does not think skinny girls are attractive”. We all know that our board-master @虫子老了 is not fat at all and she has a perfectly fit and a very nice-looking slim body, as demonstrated by her image. @supertitan2013 thinks @虫子老了 beautiful whereas @Ilovebyd thinks her not attractive. Well, everybody is entitled to have his/her own opinion. It is perfectly normal that @Ilovebyd and I could disagree on something. Still I believe the beauty of our board-master @虫子老了 can hardly be overlooked by anybody.
    Boardmaster @虫子老了
  * Do not make idle threats.   Men are from Mars so they are often rational and women are from Venus so they are often emotional. Becausee of the inherent differences between men and women on their personalities, some sort of conflicts are unavoidable in their daily lives. This is especially true when both men and women are very good and they often have their independent opinions on various matters. Different opinions may lead to arguments, which may in turn lead to quarrels or discussions. Well, of course, frank discussions are much better because those discussions will certainly increase the mutual understanding between the two people. However, under no circumstance should one, this “one” often happening to be an emotional woman, make idle threats of cutting off or terminating the relationship between the two in those arguments or quarrels. Do not make such a threat, period. If you do, the consequence will always be very serious. You may either deeply hurt your boyfriend’s feeling for a long time or push your boyfriend to a point where he will not be able to return. There are some real examples and discussions in the thread mentioned above that led to the current thread:  ==================  姐妹们帮我看看我是不是该放手了    弱弱小马甲2013:“ex让我冷静,等他回到工作的大城市以后再谈,但我实在气急,便动手删掉了他的QQ和人人,决心不再这样憋屈了。”  supertitan2013:帮你分析一下,你这“删掉了他的QQ和人人”在他看来就是不留一点退路的彻底断绝。我当年的初恋现在看来当时也就是耍小孩脾气,不过她有两次机会。第一次断了之后又要和好我同意了。第二次再要断的时候,我就让她把我写给她的信都还给我(当年没网络),她做了。当时我就认为是彻底断绝。她后来又一直想和好(除了我这个人外,什么都不要,无任何条件就结婚等),但因为我认为是彻底断绝,当然也不能无缘无故地就去伤害当时正在谈的女朋友,也就再也没给她机会。你现在分的时间短,也许还有机会,除了找他之外也找他父母谈谈吧!  ayuan1225:还有,就是两个人相处,有2个事情不能碰。一个是别动不动就说离婚,分手什么的,太伤感情。再个就是出轨。  ==================
  @supertitan2013 看看.........
  @虫子老了 27楼
10:04:33  看看.........  -----------------------------  I am so highly honored that our great, glorious, correct, and, more importantly, beautiful and gorgeous boardmaster @虫子老了 visited my thread and left precious footprints here.
  * Show your care to your boyfriend by some daily trivial things  Not every nice girl is able to follow all the suggestions provided above. For example, I made this suggestion in one of the above posts: “Write him a love letter or a love poem, in pen”. Well, this might be a very difficult task to some girls. I am not sure whether a good graduate majoring in literature with a master or a doctoral degree is able to write a love letter to make her boyfriend “魂飘断肠” so that he will be able to ask his girlfriend marry him right away. At the same time, any girl is able to show her care and appreciation to her good boyfriend by some daily trivial things, which, in a long run, may effectively move her boyfriend in a right direction. Here, let me list a few examples of trivial things that every girl is able to do:  (1) When you go for your own window shopping or clothes shopping, buy him something to show him that you are constantly thinking of him even when you are purely doing something for yourself. You do not have to buy expensive things under these circumstances. You may only need to buy a tie or a pair of socks, just reminding him that you are thinking of him all the time.  (2) Learn how to tie man’s tie and show the skill to him. Ladies usually only wear skirts but not wear ties. You learn how to tie man’s tie solely for the purpose of caring your boyfriend. You actually tie his tie to show that you care him.  (3) Feed him the food. He might be busy with thinking of his project, playing his computer, etc. at a normal lunch or dinner time when he is supposed to be hungry --- you feed him the food to save his time to show your support. He is not busy at all and you guys are having lunch or dinner together --- you feed him the food to make you look really very charming in his eyes.  (4) ..............
  One may note that the methods or the tricks I presented in this thread require more and bigger compromises from girls than from boys. Girls may think this is really unfair to them: “Why should I do all these and what about him? Will he do similar things to me and what about male and female equal rights in the modern society?”. Well, what I am writing or the theme topic of this thread is: “How to Turn Your Good Boyfriend into Husband”. If someone writes a complementary topic of “How to Turn Your Good Girlfriend into Wife” someday, then she/he may also develop all kinds of ways and means to ask boys to do whatever to satisfy their good girlfriends.
  The theme topic of this thread is “How to Turn Your Good Boyfriend into Husband”. Some ladies read this thread and may think: “These suggestions are really very creative, interesting, and thus must be useful. I am going to forward the link and the information to my close friends Jane, Mary and Elizabeth who are actively and earnestly looking for husbands now. As for me, I have already got a good husband so I do not need this, ......, or maybe I will keep the information for my future reference in case I get a divorce someday and need to find a new husband again.” Well, these thoughts are not entirely correct. In fact, the majority of the suggestions and tricks presented in this thread can also be applied to a similar theme topic of “How to Keep Your Good Husband” or “How to Keep Your Good Husband Away from Mistress (小三)”. Therefore, I think the suggestions and tricks presented in this thread should be useful to all females.
  Delete B,F and input H,U,S,B,A,N,D
  @米大狼 32楼
12:35:43  Delete B,F and input H,U,S,B,A,N,D  -----------------------------  Is this a puzzle? I do not know the answer.   Of course, one may use “Find-and-Replace” in a word processor to replace the word “boyfriend” in the entire document with the word “husband”. But what I am talking about is about real life when a girl likes her boyfriend and she wants to marry him. After their marriage, the original boyfriend becomes that girl’s husband.
  Our life will certainly become much easier and happier if we can change or replace something just like processing our word document by using “Cut-and-Paste” and “Find-and-Replace” keys. I recall the time when I was young, we were told and dreamed to live in an easy society just like this: you can get whatever you want to and like to have. That society was called the idealized communist society. But, of course, we had to wait for tomorrow to get there, and there will be always another tomorrow following tomorrow.
  * Do not always be late and please call if you think you are going to be late  It is not unusual for an average girl to be late to an appointment with her boyfriend, to be late to her work place, or to be late in a vacation travel. Apparently, girls can always find some excuses to explain why they are late whereas, in fact, I think the true reason of their being late is often the underestimate of their make-up times before they leave. Therefore, please reserve enough time for your make-up and be seriously aware that the number of your late arrivals to your boyfriend’s appointments is inversely proportional to the number of the gifts your boyfriend will give to you. The scientific reason behind such a relationship is due to the fact that the number of the gifts your boyfriend plans to buy for you is directly proportional to his happy mood. He will be less happy if you are always late. At a certain stage when your boyfriend thinks that he has already bought enough gifts for you, then one day he will most likely say the following to you:   ===================  Darling, my sweetheart, I've always and the equations and logics that lead to reason. But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask, “What truly is logic? Who decides reason?” My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional -- and back. And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found. I'm only here tonight because of you. You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons. Darling, would you marry me?  ===================  Please carefully read this post one more time and think about the entire logic between “late” and “marry”.
  * When conflict arises, talk to your boyfriend first before approach a friend  Your good boyfriend is supposed to be your best friend, your closest friend and your most trustworthy friend. Naturally, you need to talk to your boyfriend first when conflict arises. You talk to him patiently until you both find a good solution to resolve the conflict. In the process of talking, quarreling and arguing, you may get somewhat angry. You are angry because your boyfriend simply cannot understand your point view and especially, unlike several cases that happened previously, you think this time you are really very reasonable and logical. You are still angry at your boyfriend and what can you do? You do this: you close your eyes and count to ten, then give your boyfriend a big hug. And then continue talking to him in a patient and gentle manner. After all these fail, you may approach a close friend for a different opinion on the matter.
  Summary up to this point  So far, I have presented the following ten methods or tricks on “How to Turn Your Good Boyfriend into Husband”:  * Be honest  * Be polite  * Be encouraging  * Tell his mother something about you but not everything  * Write him a love letter or a love poem, in pen  * Exercise together  * Do not make idle threats  * Show your care to your boyfriend by some daily trivial things  * Do not always be late and please call if you think you are going to be late  * When conflict arises, talk to your boyfriend first before approach a friend  There is a saying in marshal art that says “you will always defeat your enemy if you know a special trick (一招鲜,吃遍天)”. There is also a well-known saying in science that says “if you know three tricks of math, physics and chemistry, you can freely travel in the science world (学会数理化,走遍天下都不怕).” Although I am not sure how many additional tricks I will present later, I am quite sure that these ten tricks should be more than enough for girls and ladies to pick and choose to realize their dreams of finding good husbands.
  Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, my friends and all the visitors to the “English Chat Board”:  Our great, glorious, correct, and, more importantly, beautiful and gorgeous boardmaster @虫子老了 has finally found her harbor for settling her heart and soul:  女孩们,嫁杭州男就有别墅房    She is going to start a new journey that will make many people and friends associated with her happy, calm and relieved. Please join me to congratulation her for her happiness and success. Here, I also like to present a few gifts to @虫子老了. The first gift is the major contents of this thread:  How to Turn Your Good Boyfriend into Husband (or)  How to Keep Your Good Husband Away from Mistress (小三)    I hope @虫子老了 find the information in the thread to be useful for a long, long time. Next, I like to present two love songs to @虫子老了. Since I am not good at singing the songs, I will just present the lyrics below:
  Because You Love Me   by Celine Dion   For all those times you stood by me   For all the truth that you made me see   For all the joy you brought to my life   For all the wrong that you made right   For every dream you made come true   For all the love I found in you   I'll be forever thankful baby   You're the one who held me up   Never let me fall   You're the one who saw me through through it all   You were my strength when I was weak   You were my voice when I couldn't speak   You were my eyes when I couldn't see   You saw the best there was in me   Lifted me up when I couldn't reach   You gave me faith 'coz you believed   I'm everything I am   Because you loved me   You gave me wings and made me fly   You touched my hand I could touch the sky   I lost my faith, you gave it back to me   You said no star was out of reach   You stood by me and I stood tall   I had your love I had it all   I'm grateful for each day you gave me   Maybe I don't know that much   But I know this much is true   I was blessed because I was loved by you   You were my strength when I was weak   You were my voice when I couldn't speak   You were my eyes when I couldn't see   You saw the best there was in me   Lifted me up when I couldn't reach   You gave me faith 'coz you believed   I'm everything I am   Because you loved me   You were always there for me   The tender wind that carried me   A light in the dark shining your love into my life   You've been my inspiration   Through the lies you were the truth   My world is a better place because of you   You were my strength when I was weak   You were my voice when I couldn't speak   You were my eyes when I couldn't see   You saw the best there was in me   Lifted me up when I couldn't reach   You gave me faith 'coz you believed   I'm everything I am   Because you loved me
  Everything I do I do it for you   By Bryan Adams   Look into my eyes - you will see   What you mean to me   Search your heart - search your soul   And when you find me there you'll search no more   Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for   You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for   You know it's true   Everything I do - I do it for you   Look into your heart - you will find   There's nothin' there to hide   Take me as I am - take my life   I would give it all - I would sacrifice   Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for   I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more   You know it's true   Everything I do - I do it for you   There's no love - like your love   And no other - could give more love   There's nowhere - unless you're there   All the time - all the way   Oh - you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for   I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more   I would fight for you - I'd lie for you   Walk the wire for you - ya I'd die for you   You know it's true   Everything I do - I do it for you
  so many ways
  Mate,your English is actually very good but no offence, judging by the way you construct your sentences you sound very Chinese.
  @夏天念去去 41楼
22:33:05  so many ways  -----------------------------  Yes, I agree. There are so many different ways or methods or tricks to turn your good boyfriend into husband that sometimes one may feel hard to pick and choose to use which one. My similar experience in scientific research, which sometimes also involves choosing among many different tools to solve a problem, shows that one had better to first choose the most familiar method and stick to it for a certain period of time, say, one week to one month. If it does not work well in that particular circumstance or one feels already very familiar with the chosen method then it will be fun and effective to switch to a different method.
  @没事儿闲逛ABC 42楼
04:39:58  Mate,your English is actually very good but no offence, judging by the way you construct your sentences you sound very Chinese.  -----------------------------  Thank you very much for your comments and encouragement. I totally agree with you that my speech and writing of English sound very Chinese. When I was young, I liked math and physics, disliked Chinese literature, and hated school homeworks on compositions. My writing has never been good or fluent, either in Chinesee or in English. Because of my science background, the style of my writing also sounds mechanical rather than aesthetic. I am trying to do more English watering here to improve my English because people often say that practice makes perfect.  Thank you again for your constructive comments.
  This thread can be considered as a further or more detailed exploration of the following thread I wrote about 10 years ago that introduced totally 100 stratagems:  理想男友变好老公的 101 条妙计  /coolboy/archive//82384.html
  * If necessary, use your tears as a powerful weapon   It is well known that many females like crying. I guess this is most likely due to the fact that rain drops on flower petals (梨花带雨) do look attractive to many gentlemen with soft hearts. As a result, to a girl or a lady, crying is not necessarily a bad thing. Crying or tears might be the most powerful tool or weapon for a lady to achieve her specific goal or to conquer a man in general, especially to conquer an honest, young, and good man.  Note: “Crying” here means “rain drops on flower petals (梨花带雨)”. It does NOT include “yelling”, “screaming”, etc.
  The above strategy of using crying as a weapon was derived from a discussion with 时空妹妹 in the following post:  Talking about my life in English
(时空妹妹)    in which I also touched upon two important points about relationship between a lady and a man:  (i) There is a saying that says that a man has to climb over a high mountain in order to catch a lady whereas a lady only needs to poke through a thin sheet to catch a man. From this perspective, it is easier for a girl to turn her good boyfriend into husband than for a boy to turn his good girlfriend into wife.  (ii) There is a well-known saying that says that a bird outside a cage wants to get inside the cage (because it sees the bird inside the cage having food and a comfortable bed) whereas the bird inside the cage wants to get out (to enjoy the freedom). Life doesn't always give us the joys we want. One does not always get her/his own way. However, if one can plan ahead based on her/his own preference (say, 10 years ago, did you like to have the food inside the cage or the freedom outside the cage?) and is brave enough to adjust oneself toward the goal, then one’s life will certainly be better.
  i wander if u r a foreigner.and
is very funny!Go on!  
  where r u from?  
  @MaryBiden 48楼
14:35:52  i wander if u r a foreigner.and
is very funny!Go on!  -----------------------------  Thanks for stopping by.  Currently, I do not have any new methods or tricks to continue. Maybe, you can share with us various tricks you have used or heard in your romantic life.  I am at USA.


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