
这邮件怎么写好点! - 外贸英语 -
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& 这邮件怎么写好点!
UID 855295
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 40
UID 855295
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 40
UID 1087051
积分 16925
福步币 25 块
阅读权限 80
来自 zhejiang
二截五开----- 我都不懂....
UID 1441709
积分 28570
阅读权限 80
hello, you have choices
ship 1 : sail on friday, expensive (freight cost ), 35 days later arrive on your port, and inspection certificate not expire
ship 2 : sail on sunday, cheap, 50 days. expire
so, you know, ship 1 is better. we are going to arrange for you.
UID 398403
积分 47841
福步币 320 块
阅读权限 120
来自 广西南宁
there are two choices for you and the price terms is FOB.
first one:CSL:2 & ETD:5---Shipping freight will be a little higher but it takes about 35 days only to arrive at your side and our official imp/exp inspection still effective at that time。
The second one is:CLS:5 & ETD:7---Shipping freight will be cheaper than first one,but the delivery time is very long,it takes 50days at least.
As we know christmas is comming soon,all people will prepare everything for New Years holiday at that time,so in order to save more time we suggest you to choice the first one for much quickly receiving of the goods.
What do you think about this?
[ 本帖最后由 花的芬芳 于
12:52 编辑 ]
UID 855295
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 40
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-(余斗)和起来是什么字,怎么写!我在打文件,_百度作业帮
斜  注解  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  斜  xié (古音:xiá)  (1) ㄒㄧㄝˊ  (2) 不正,跟平面或直线既不平行也不垂直的:~坡.~面.~度.~线.~视.  (3) 郑码:ODTE,U:659C,GBK:D0B1  (4) 笔画数:11,部首:斗,笔顺编号:  参考词汇  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  inclined oblique slanting tilted   详细注解  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  斜  xié(在古诗中作韵脚时也读作jié)  [动]  (1) (形声.从斗,余声.本义:用斗倒出)  (2) 舀出 [ladle out]  斜,抒也.——《说文》  (3) 又如:斜酒(舀酒)  (4) 侧着移动,向偏离正中或正前方的方向移动 [edge]  门子才斜签着坐下.——《葫芦僧判断葫芦案》  飞腾暮景斜.——《杜位宅守岁》  (5) 又如:斜签(侧着身子);斜躺(斜着下垂)  词性变化  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  斜  xié(古音:xiá)  [形]  (1) 不正,歪斜 [tilted]  明月斜挂.——清·薛福成《观巴黎油画记》  斜风细雨.——唐·张志和《渔歌子》  青山郭外斜(xiá).——唐·孟浩然《过故人庄》  烟斜雾横.——唐·杜牧《阿房宫赋》  (2) 又如:斜月三星(心字的隐喻);斜射路(抄近路在田中踩踏出来的斜道);斜柯(倾侧;敲侧);斜刺(斜刺里);斜径(歪斜的小路)  (3) 同“邪”.不正当,不正派 [evil].如:斜局(指行止心态不正常);斜气(邪气,不正之气)  (4) 同“邪”.不专诚 [heretical]  又想:“师父万一心斜,走到西方,亦无用处.”——《西游记》  斜  xié  [名]  巷 [lane]  长安有狭斜,狭斜不容车.——古乐府《长安有狭斜行》  常用词组  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  斜度  xiédù  [degrees from the vertical] 数学名词.指直线与水平线在一个平面上相交的角度  斜杆  xiégǎn  [sway rod] 结构框架中用以抵抗风力的构件  斜高  xiégāo  [slant height] 正圆椎体、正棱椎体、正圆台、正棱台侧面的高  斜拱  xiégǒng  (1) [oblique arch]∶轴线不垂直于其面的拱  (2) [skew arch]∶侧壁与面不成直角的拱  斜交  xiéjiāo  [bevel] 偏离或倾斜以便与一条线或面不形成直角  斜角  xiéjiǎo  (1) [bevel angle]  (2) 曲面或直线与其不呈直角的曲面或直线的交角  (3) 曲面或直线的倾斜 [度]  (4) [oblique angle]∶锐角或钝角  斜井  xiéjǐng  [inclined well] 矿中由一主平巷到另一主平巷的斜道  斜靠  xiékào  [recline] 向后靠或向后倾斜  斜楞  xiéleng  [aslant] [口]∶不正;向一边斜  斜楞眼  这位老人故意斜楞眼逗孙子笑  斜路  xiélù  [wrong path] 比喻不正确、不正当的道路或途径  正路不走走斜路  斜率  xiélǜ  [slope] 由一条直线与X轴形成的角的正切  斜面  xiémiàn  [oblique plane] 力学名词.倾斜的平面  斜乜  xiémiē  [look sideways at] 上下眼皮微合拢,眼珠斜着看  他不时偷偷斜乜着身边的陌生人  斜睨  xiénì  [look sideways at] 斜着眼睛看  他有个坏习惯,好斜睨人  斜坡  xiépō  [slope] 倾斜的地面  斜射  xiéshè  (1) [oblique fire]∶射击方向与目标纵长成角度的射击  (2) [slant]∶光线不垂直地照射到物体上  斜视  xiéshì  (1) [strabismus]∶一种眼病.由于外眼肌不平衡而引起一眼不能同另一眼取得双眼视觉的状况  (2) [clook askance]∶斜着眼看  目不斜视  斜塔  xiétǎ  [leaning tower] 失去真正垂直的、且有明显倾斜的塔楼(如意大利比萨斜塔,塔高54.559米,偏离垂直线5米有余)  斜躺  xiétǎng  [recline] 斜靠式地躺着  斜纹  xiéwén  [twill weave] 织成斜纹的纤维品,尤指木头的斜纹  斜线  xiéxiàn  (1) [oblique line]∶象棋或跳棋棋盘方格中的对角线  象沿着白色斜线走  (2) [bias]∶与织物的丝绺斜着相交的线;尤指与布边呈45°角的裁剪,有点伸缩性,常用于衣服的剪裁,使衣服平整合身  (3) [scratch comma]∶以前用作逗号的斜线符号  斜眼,斜眼儿  xiéyǎn,xiéyǎnr  (1) [strabismus]∶斜视  (2) [wall-eye or cross eye] ∶患斜视的眼睛  (3) [wall-eyed or cross-eyed person]∶患斜视眼病的人  斜阳  xiéyáng  [setting sun] 黄昏前要落山的太阳  斜倚  xiéyǐ  (1) [sway]∶轻轻地从直立位置移到倾斜的位置  他真地斜倚过去把头靠在她的肩上  (2) [recline]∶向后靠或向后倾斜  斜轴  xiézhóu  (1) [oblique axes]∶互相不垂直的坐标轴  (2) [clino-axis]∶单斜晶系中与垂直轴成一斜角的对角轴或侧轴  斜照  xiézhào  (1) [shine sideways]∶光线斜着照射  (2) [setting sun]∶斜阳;夕阳  汉译英  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  斜  inclined oblique slanting tilted   English   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  斜  Xi é  Falsely, follow flat surface or straight line since gravamen line too off plumb.  inclined  oblique  slanting
扫描下载二维码怎么写描写人的英语文章!怎样描写一个熟悉的人,不太熟悉的人!大概300字.大家说下大概提纲就行.最主要的是些人的哪些方面,先写什么后写什么?或者大家给我介绍些文章 网址之类的.给我些_百度作业帮
怎么写描写人的英语文章!怎样描写一个熟悉的人,不太熟悉的人!大概300字.大家说下大概提纲就行.最主要的是些人的哪些方面,先写什么后写什么?或者大家给我介绍些文章 网址之类的.给我些
怎么写描写人的英语文章!怎样描写一个熟悉的人,不太熟悉的人!大概300字.大家说下大概提纲就行.最主要的是些人的哪些方面,先写什么后写什么?或者大家给我介绍些文章 网址之类的.给我些写作技巧!
描述相貌的有:beautiful, pretty, good-looking, charming, sweet, handsome, funny, ugly, rough, ill-looking体格(build): fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的; overweight 超重; slight 瘦小的; well-built身材魁梧脸型(face): round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的,oval椭圆的头发(hair): (1) 发型(hair style): straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut 平头; bald秃头的 plait,braid辫子 A. Her hair is brown and curly. 她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发.(2) 发色(hair color): jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黄色的; golden 金黄色的; dyed 染色的; brunette 浅黑色的; mousey 灰褐色的; chestnut 栗色的.五官 (1)眼睛(eye): deep-set 深陷的; sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的; eyelashes 睫毛; eyebrows 眉毛. A. His eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time. 他的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜.B. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. 她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛. Arched eyebrows柳叶眉
almond-eyed杏眼的(2) 鼻子(nose): long 长的; straight 挺直的; big 大的; small 小的; flat 扁平的; hooked 钩状的. A. He was born a hooked nose. 他天生是鹰钩鼻. B. His nose is very big, so he doesn’t like it. 他的鼻子很大,所以他不喜欢它. Brandy nose/acne nose 酒糟鼻(3) 嘴部(mouth): Cherry tips 樱桃嘴tooth 牙齿; even 整齐的; uneven 不整齐的; chin下巴. A. When he laughs, we see his even teeth. 当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿. B. She has a double chin. 她有双下巴. 描写女性(容貌)的句子总结:1)she was young, with a fair, calm face that showed a certain strength.她是一个年轻人,满脸的恬静,表现出一种与众不同的力量2)a girl with long straight hair
卷发 The girls had blond curls.
4) She is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built. 她很苗条,她的男朋友很魁梧. 5)She is a little overweight, so she decided to lose weight. 她有一点超重,所以她打算减肥. 5)She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了. 6)Her hair is brown and curly. 她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发. 7) She is a beautiful girl with fair hair. 她是一个金发美女. 8) He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. 她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛. 9)B. She has a double chin. 她有双下巴. 10)C. She is charming when she smiles. 她笑起来的时候很可爱. 描写男性的25句1)he was wonderfully good-looking, with his brown hair, his clear-cut face, and his grey eyes. He was popular with the men as he was with women.他长得很帅,棕色的眼睛和头发,轮廓清晰的脸庞,灰色的眼睛,男人和女人都喜欢他.2)he was a strange, rough fellow, with a freckled face and red, rough bear他长得又怪又粗糙,一脸的雀斑,一个蓬乱的红胡子.3)英语描写乞丐He was standing on a raised platform in a corner of the room. He was a wizened old man with wrinkled face and a sad expression. Over his shoulder was thrown a rough brown coat, all torn and full of holes. His thick boots wand with one hand
he leant on a rough stick, while with the other he held out his battered hat for money.他站在屋子角落一个支高的台子上,他是一个老人,满脸的皱纹和悲伤的表情.他的肩膀上搭着一件粗糙,破烂的棕色外套,他的厚靴子上也打了补丁,他用一个手倚着一根拐杖,另一只手拿他的破帽子讨钱.4)He was the man with the gun. he was a heavy man, bald, with scarred and brutal face. he had been in a hundred fights, and they'd left their marks on him.他是拿枪的人.他是一个很壮的男人,秃顶的,脸上有伤疤,一副凶相.他和人打过上百次,身上到处是伤.5)They were a pack of bearded ,ragged, half-naked animals, and i probably looked as bad as they.他们是一群胡子拉查,衣衫褴褛的野兽,而我的样子恐怕和他们差不多.6)Robert is 21 years old. He is about 5 feet, 9 inches tall . His face is long and narrow. His eyes are green. His hair is light brown. He doesn't look very Italian. He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face. He isn't fat and he isn't thin. His build is average.
罗伯特21岁了,他身高大约5.9英尺,脸瘦瘦长长的,绿眼睛.浅棕色的头发,看起来不大像意大利人.他总是面带微笑,非常友好.他不胖也不瘦,中等身材. 7)He used to be middle-sized, but when he is getting old , he is becoming short. 他原本是中等身材,但随着年龄的增长,他变矮了.8)His eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time. 他的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜.9)He was born a hooked nose. 他天生是鹰钩鼻.10) His nose is very big, so he doesn’t like it. 他的鼻子很大,所以他不喜欢它. 11)When he laughs, we see his even teeth. 当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿. 12)He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit. 他穿了一件花格子衬衫,看上去很随便. 13)Because of his high scores, he smiles brightly. 因为他得了高分,所以笑得很灿烂. 14)He was small at first , but he came on quickly. He was a beautiful child, with dark gold curly hair, and dark-blue eyes which changed gradually to a clear grey. 最初他个子矮小瘦弱,但他长得很快.他是个漂亮的孩子,有一头棕色的卷发,和一双深蓝浅灰相间的眼睛. 15)The middle-aged man already has double chins and receding hairline. 这个中年人已有了双下巴,头发也日渐稀少. 16)He looked even smaller than he really was because he wore dirty clothes. 他看上去比他本来年龄更小,因为他穿着脏衣服. 17)Harry had a thin face, black hair , and bright green eyes. 哈瑞很瘦,有一头黑色的头发和明亮的绿色眼睛. 18)He is a warm-hearted man, so we all like him. 他是一个热心的人,所以我们都很喜欢他. 19)He is stupid and careless. 他既愚蠢又粗心. 20)Don't trust him, because he is dishonest. 不要相信他,因为他不老实. 21)He is very happy and sweet. 他又高兴又甜蜜. 22)They didn’t know what to do with themselves for joy. 他们高兴得不知道怎们办好. 23)He looks so sad. 他看起来很悲伤. 24)He easily loses his temper. 他很容易发脾气. 25)He beamed on his visitors. 他对着客人们微笑.
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