用direct264,ffmpeg avi转h264压mp4过程出错,怎么解决

为什么我用的格式工厂总是刚转换就失败【转到AVI,MP4,3GP】都这样_百度知道Batch processing AVI to MP4 (H.264)
Avidemux > Windows
Batch processing AVI to MP4 (H.264)
Well, I'm back from holiday and have sorted out my problems now!Thanks Jan for the excellent link about &What is Deinterlacing?&. A very good read.My final settings:I am using CRF 18 which gives me excellent quality and small file sizes.The batch file runs perfectly.--- Code:
---SETLOCALset avidemux=&C:\Program Files\Avidemux 2.5\avidemux2.exe&set myjob=&_avitomp4.js&for %%f in (*.avi) do %avidemux% --force-alt-h264 --load &%%f& --run %myjob% --save &%%~nf.mp4& --quitpauseENDLOCAL--- End code ---The name of my job file is titled like that so that it appears at the top of my folder when I run it - easier to find amongst my video files.The &SETLOCAL& and &ENDLOCAL& are there to make sure the variables used are only used for this session and don't mess with the global variables in Windows - not really necessary, but keeps it clean.I decided after much testing to deinterlace using the Yadif filter set to &Bob, Temporal & Spacial check, Bottom field first&. This seemed to play back better on both my PC and TV and the file sizes were acceptably only a bit larger. By doing this the frame rate is increased to 50 fps and playback is very smooth and crisp.For anyone who is interested these are the settings in my project file:--- Code:
---//AD& &- Needed to identify////--automatically built--var app = new Avidemux();//** Postproc **app.video.setPostProc(3,3,0);app.video.fps1000 = 25000;//** Filters **app.video.addFilter(&YADIF&,&mode=1&,&order=0&);//** Video Codec conf **app.video.codecPlugin(&32BCB447-21C9-4210-AE9A-4FCE6C8588AE&, &x264&, &AQ=18&, &&?xml version='1.0'?&&x264Config&&presetConfiguration&&name&Alan's settings for converting Canon's DVCPro AVI files to H264 MP4 files for archiving&/name&&type&user&/type&&/presetConfiguration&&x264Options&&fastFirstPass&true&/fastFirstPass&&threads&0&/threads&&deterministic&true&/deterministic&&sliceThreading&false&/sliceThreading&&threadedLookahead&-1&/threadedLookahead&&idcLevel&-1&/idcLevel&&vui&&sarAsInput&true&/sarAsInput&&sarHeight&1&/sarHeight&&sarWidth&1&/sarWidth&&overscan&undefined&/overscan&&videoFormat&undefined&/videoFormat&&fullRangeSamples&true&/fullRangeSamples&&colorPrimaries&undefined&/colorPrimaries&&transfer&undefined&/transfer&&colorMatrix&smpte240m&/colorMatrix&&chromaSampleLocation&0&/chromaSampleLocation&&/vui&&referenceFrames&4&/referenceFrames&&gopMaximumSize&250&/gopMaximumSize&&gopMinimumSize&0&/gopMinimumSize&&scenecutThreshold&40&/scenecutThreshold&&periodicIntraRefresh&false&/periodicIntraRefresh&&bFrames&6&/bFrames&&adaptiveBframeDecision&2&/adaptiveBframeDecision&&bFrameBias&0&/bFrameBias&&bFrameReferences&normal&/bFrameReferences&&loopFilter&true&/loopFilter&&loopFilterAlphaC0&0&/loopFilterAlphaC0&&loopFilterBeta&0&/loopFilterBeta&&cabac&true&/cabac&&openGop&disabled&/openGop&&interlaced&disabled&/interlaced&&constrainedIntraPrediction&false&/constrainedIntraPrediction&&cqmPreset&flat&/cqmPreset&&intra4x4Luma&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&/intra4x4Luma&&intraChroma&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&/intraChroma&&inter4x4Luma&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&/inter4x4Luma&&interChroma&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&/interChroma&&intra8x8Luma&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&/intra8x8Luma&&inter8x8Luma&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&value&16&/value&&/inter8x8Luma&&analyse&&partitionI4x4&true&/partitionI4x4&&partitionI8x8&true&/partitionI8x8&&partitionP8x8&true&/partitionP8x8&&partitionP4x4&false&/partitionP4x4&&partitionB8x8&true&/partitionB8x8&&dct8x8&true&/dct8x8&&weightedPredictionPframes&smart&/weightedPredictionPframes&&weightedPrediction&true&/weightedPrediction&&directPredictionMode&auto&/directPredictionMode&&chromaLumaQuantiserDifference&0&/chromaLumaQuantiserDifference&&motionEstimationMethod&multi-hexagonal&/motionEstimationMethod&&motionVectorSearchRange&28&/motionVectorSearchRange&&motionVectorLength&-1&/motionVectorLength&&motionVectorThreadBuffer&-1&/motionVectorThreadBuffer&&subpixelRefinement&10&/subpixelRefinement&&chromaMotionEstimation&true&/chromaMotionEstimation&&mixedReferences&true&/mixedReferences&&trellis&allModeDecisions&/trellis&&fastPSkip&true&/fastPSkip&&dctDecimate&true&/dctDecimate&&psychoRdo&1&/psychoRdo&&psychoTrellis&0&/psychoTrellis&&noiseReduction&0&/noiseReduction&&interLumaDeadzone&21&/interLumaDeadzone&&intraLumaDeadzone&11&/intraLumaDeadzone&&/analyse&&rateControl&&quantiserMinimum&10&/quantiserMinimum&&quantiserMaximum&30&/quantiserMaximum&&quantiserStep&4&/quantiserStep&&maximumConstantRateFactor&0&/maximumConstantRateFactor&&averageBitrateTolerance&1&/averageBitrateTolerance&&vbvMaximumBitrate&0&/vbvMaximumBitrate&&vbvBufferSize&0&/vbvBufferSize&&vbvInitialOccupancy&0.9&/vbvInitialOccupancy&&ipFrameQuantiser&1.4&/ipFrameQuantiser&&pbFrameQuantiser&1.3&/pbFrameQuantiser&&adaptiveQuantiserMode&variance&/adaptiveQuantiserMode&&adaptiveQuantiserStrength&1&/adaptiveQuantiserStrength&&mbTree&true&/mbTree&&frametypeLookahead&40&/frametypeLookahead&&quantiserCurveCompression&0.6&/quantiserCurveCompression&&reduceFluxBeforeCurveCompression&20&/reduceFluxBeforeCurveCompression&&reduceFluxAfterCurveCompression&0.5&/reduceFluxAfterCurveCompression&&/rateControl&&accessUnitDelimiters&false&/accessUnitDelimiters&&spsIdentifier&0&/spsIdentifier&&sliceMaxSize&0&/sliceMaxSize&&sliceMaxMacroblocks&0&/sliceMaxMacroblocks&&sliceCount&0&/sliceCount&&hrd&none&/hrd&&/x264Options&&/x264Config&&);//** Audio **app.audio.reset();app.audio.codec(&Faac&,224,4,&e0 00 00 00 &);app.audio.normalizeMode=0;app.audio.normalizeValue=0;app.audio.delay=0;app.audio.mixer=&NONE&;app.setContainer(&MP4&);setSuccess(1);//app.Exit();//End of script--- End code ---May it be of use to someone - I derived the settings after much reading and they seem to work very nicely.My batch file is running as I type - there are over 2500 video clips spanning 6 years totalling over 30 hours of video. At the rate it is going, it should take about 60 hours for everything! My machine is very fast! At least I think so!These files will be my archive of all my home videos and will take up only about 20% of the space of the original DV camera files. They will play back better on TV and PC and my Mede8er media player will recognise and play them too! I am very pleased to say the least!Unless there are any further posts with comments or constructive criticism about my chosen methods, this will be my last post on this thread.So, huge thanks again to everyone (mostly Jan Gruuthuse) for the patient help.
Jan Gruuthuse:
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Thank you for this batch file. I hope someone can read my english. I've got a problem witch batchprocessing. It starts to convert the first .avi file in the home folder and save it in the right way. Then it will load the second .avi file and the &ruibuildframeindex& loops all the time with no error or something. This problem appears only by multiple audiolines. I have set the trigger on halt on no errors in the avidemux settings.I would be glad by fixing this issue :)Greetings from germany with best wishes :)
Jan Gruuthuse:
have a different folder for the& multiple audio tracks.
NavigationDirect264 - special x264 CLI build that supports input from DirectShow - Doom9's Forum
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Direct264 - special x264 CLI build that supports input from DirectShow
I modified the source code of x264 CLI and this build can now encode from any file playable through DirectShow. Life will be quite easier since avisynth is no longer needed.
Download link:
Updated x264 to 2074
Updated x264 to 1995
1) Updated x264 to 1924.
2) AVI output in x264 supports &2G files.
1) Updated x264 to 1867
2) Added new parameter --dscrop &left:top:right:bottom&. Works under dshow input only. Cropping will be applied after ivtc and before subtitle rendering. It should be slower than --vf crop so recommended only for use with --sub.
3) YV12 will be preferred if internal resizer is used because swscale is slower on NV12 than YV12.
4) Automatically set default fps to 0.8x in --ivtc t and b mode.
CTAACEncoder & dshow2wav:
5) Fixed random crash during encoding.
1) Updated x264 to 1834
2) DShow interface now supports NV12. It will first try NV12. If failed, try YV12 later. Win7's built-in decoders are compatible with x264.
3) Fixed a bug in deldup filter.
4) Compatible with unicode filenames when using mp4 output
5) Updated encoder
6) Updated to svn r2799. Add NV12/NV21 support to csri interface.
1) Updated x264 to 1794
2) Added new option &--timed-scenecut&. With this option scenecut threshold will increase linearly with PTS instead of frame count. This is useful for VFR video.
3) Removed &--swapuv& since x264 now has &--input-csp&.
Phase filter:
4) Improved ivtc accuracy. e.g. for AA BC CC pattern. Old filter will leave all 3 frames as is, new filter will drop BC frame.
5) Use non-DPL matrix for 5.1-&2.0 downmix. To enable DPLII matrix, add &-dpl& to command line.
1) Updated x264 to 1659
2) Fixed a crash at very high bitrate (e.g. lossless)
3) Revert default value of keyint_min to keyint / 10
4) Reduce default number of threads on HT CPU
5) Compiled with VS2010
1) Updated x264 to 1564
2) Fixed a seeking bug in CTAACEncoder'
1) Updated x264 to 1523
2) Default keyint is automatically set to fps*10 (specifying --keyint 0 has the same effect)
3) CTAACEncoder no longer needs write a temp file in your TMP path when outputting to mp4/m4a files
Note that &--timecode& and &--timescale& parameters are removed. Use &--tcfile-in& and &--timebase& instead.
1) Updated x264 to 1471
2) Improved DVD .ifo file handling. A modified VTSReaderMod.ax is included, registration of VTSReader.ax is no longer needed.
3) CTAACEncoder will show unicode filename correctly(in 8.3 form) when it contain unsupported characters, and no longer crashes.
1) Updated x264 to 1462
2) Make weightp 2 and b_pyramid normal default for high profile(same as official release), but both disabled for main profile(compatible with PSP). Such workaround will be removed when &device& option is added.
3) Removed unwanted 0s in nal start code for avi muxer.
1) Updated x264 to 1416
2) Fixed bug in MP4 output
3) libx264 compiled by gcc since MSVC might have mis-compilation issues on encoder/analyse.c
1) Updated x264 to 1400 (added lavf input but no ffms input)
2) Improved dshow input's multi-threading performance
3) Fixed a bug of vsfilter in DirectVobSub mode
4) vtsreader.ax and decssfilter.ax are now combined to one dll
1) Fixed incorrect color(inverted UV) in subtitle loaded with --sub parameter
2) vsfilter automatically uses BT709 matrix in RGB-&YUV conversion for HD resolution
3) fixed seeking problem in CTAACEncoder
4) Recompiled some modules, reduced executable size
1) Updated x264 to 1376
2) Print video duration before encoding(in hh:mm:ss) if the source video has duration.
3) Print actual timestamp of start time if --starttime is used. This is useful when you need to mux encoded video with audio.
4) Add a new 'd' mode to ivtc. Since field matching should be done before any filter including crop and resize, you have to use phase filter in ffdshow if you need to resize. The 'd' mode allow you to use phase filter in ffdshow and do ivtc in x264 based on phase filter's analyse.
5) CTAACEncoder allows decimals in -T and -E parameters and uses &sample-accurate& seeking. In dshow mode &&sample-accurate& seeking requires correct timestamps from decoders.
6) Fixed incorrect DPL II downmix coeffecients
7) CTAACEncoder no longer fails on unicode mp4 output file names.
8) Fixed 3 incorrect SAR value
1) Updated x264 to 1342 (weightp is turned off in all presets by default)
2) vfr support added to flv output
3) Fixed 2 bugs in x264's progress displaying
4) Automatically fix incorrect DVD sar returned by b0rked decoders (8:9/32:27/16:15/64:45 -& 10:11/40:33/12:11/16:11)
[How to use it]
This is a modified x264 build. A new demuxer &dshow& is added while the &ffms2& demuxer is removed. It also adds several new features.
Usage is quiet simple:
1) Put &dump.ax& from the archive into windows\system32 or the same directory of &x264.exe& and &CTAACEncoder.exe&.
2) &dshow& is the default demuxer, so any video file that playable via directshow can be opened by x264. The command line is the same as using &ffms& or &lavf& as demuxer.
3) &CTAACEncoder.exe& encodes any audio streams in A/V files to aac files. Run it without parameters to see the full help. It uses Winamp plug-in to encode so enc_aacplus.dll and libmp4v2.dll is needed. A copy of modified enc_aacplus.dll is included. If there is any license issues plz let me know.
4) &dshow2wav.exe& decodes any audio stream in A/V files and output wav pcm to stdout. Use cmdline &dshow2wav.exe inputfile [aid]&.
5) To directly encode DVD titles (both video and audio):
-- Find the .IFO file in VIDEO_TS folder on your DVD. Commonly the first title is VTS_01_0.IFO.
-- Encode it.
[New parameters in x264.exe]
If not mentioned, all following parameters are only available with dshow input
2) --deldup minfps[:lthresh[:mbthresh[:mbmax[:cthresh]]]] : This will enable a near-duplicate frame removal prefilter. See explanation below.
3) --smoothts : Adjust timestamps so that video plays smoothly. If you are encoding soft-telecined DVD titles, this option will turn 20fps/30fps/20fps... sequence to 24fps. Not needed for latest ffdshow.
4) --starttime hh:mm:ss.ssss, --endtime hh:mm:ss.ssss
: Encoding will start or stop at the specified position.
5) --sub subfile : Add a subtitle file to the video. Need a patched vsfilter.dll.
6) --ivtc &mode&: Enable field matching/ivtc function in dshow input mode. See description below.
8) --versioninfo : Write SEI version information and encoding settings to H264 bitstream. Disabled by default. This option is available with all input and output.
9) --timed-scenecut : Scenecut threshold increase linearly with PTS instead of frame count, useful for VFR video.
Before you start to encode, make sure of following issues
1) Proper demuxers and decoders are installed. I recommend using ffdshow + haali/gabest spliiter + real alternative(if you want to encode realmedia files). Some commercial codecs do not work well in software mode. You can test your files in mplayer2 or graphedit(not WMP or mpc-hc!).
2) x264 only accepts YUV 4:2:0. If your decoder do not support YV12, set &Raw video& in &ffdshow video decoder configuration -& codecs& to &all supported& and check &YV12& in &output&.
3) If you need to hardcode embedded mkv subtitles, register vsfilter.dll. Use --sub for external subtitles.
4) If you need to use avisynth filters, do not write a &.avs& script, just add it in ffdshow. Anyway some filters are not working in this mode.
[Deldup prefilter]
What is deldup prefilter?
* This is one part of my IVTC filter.
* For static and slow-motion scenes, this will remove duplicate frames so the encoding speed and encoded size will be significantly improved.
How does deldup work?
* It compare the the current frame and the last encoded frame, calculating the SAD of each 16x16 block and the whole image. If all of them are below provided threshold, the current frame is considered a duplicate frame and dropped.
* Codes are optimized with MMX, it is supposed to be quite fast.
How to use it?
In x264 cmdline, use &--deldup minfps[:lthresh[:mbthresh[:mbmax[:cthresh]]]]& to enable deldup prefilter.
* minfps: float. Indicate the minimum fps. If the interval between two frames exceeds 1/minfps sec., it will skip SAD checking.
* lthresh: float. The maximum SAD for Y plane will be set to W*H*lthresh. A negative lthresh will turn luma checking off. Default is 0.4.
* mbthresh,mbmax: integer. if the number of 8x8 blocks with SAD larger than mbthresh exceeds mbthresh, it will be considered a non-duplicate frame. Default is 400,80.
* cthresh: float. The maximum SAD for U and V plane will be set to W*H*cthresh. A negative cthresh will turn chroma checking off. Default is 0.6.
[Phase filter]
This is a field matching filter aiming at IVTC and fixing wrong field order.
To use it with --ivtc &mode& in x264:
Currently there are four ivtc modes: a, t, b, d
--ivtc a: Only field matching is applied with field order set to auto. Deldup filter is not automatically enabled. This mode is used solely for correcting wrong field order.
--ivtc t: Both field matching and deldup are applied with field order set to tff. Deldup is enabled with parameter 24:1:400:80:2 and will be dynamically changed according to Phase's matching result. You can also manually raise deldup's parameters if your video contains heavy noise.
--ivtc b: Same as t mode except field order set to bff.
--ivtc d: Use phase filter as ffdshow's DScaler plug-in. Field order is auto-detected. Useful when you need post-processing in ffdshow(e.g. resize) after ivtc.
Note that with ivtc turned on height must be mod4.
To use it in ffdshow:
1) Install ffdshow and put FLT_Phase.dll somewhere
2) Open ffdshow's Video decoder configuration
3) Check DScaler filter, click &...& behind &Filter&, find FLT_Phase.dll and select it
4) If you need to IVTC, select &Odd only& for Top-Field-First and &Even only& for Bottom-Field-First. This should improve accuracy.
5) Do not use other filters before phase, especially cropping, resizing and deinterlacing.
La 23rd September 2011 at .
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Posts: 1,181
Here I explain how it works:
This is the first time for me to write a directshow app. &dump.ax& is actually a modified version of dump filter from M$ DXSDK. It provides a renderer accepting any media type. Instead of writing to files, it calls a Callback Routine and pass sample data as well as timestamp to the application. It also exports functions to initialize, play and stop. So any program can call these functions to grab decoded video frames or pcm data from a dshow graph.
During initializing, it first tries to render the file in dshow, then it search the filter graph for video renderer and audio renderer, and replace them with the dump filters.
To output vfr files, I set fps_num to a fixed value and mod fps_den for each frame. It works fine on mkv but fails on mp4. I guess ratecontrol in x264 will be greatly affected in this way (just guess, test needed).
Don't ask me why we need vfr. Most anime DVDs contains mixed content. Even some HDTV animes use 60fps in credit part. I need a timestamp based encoder like mencoder/realproducer to easily produce vfr videos.
Here is my wish list:
* Support &.grf& files.
* Encoding directly from DVD and TV.
* Combine aac encoder to x264 and mux aac to mkv or mp4.
I also need a one-pass adaptive ivtc dshow filter (not avisynth filter, they either need index or do not work in one-pass mode). I cannot find anything like that, so maybe i need to port one from MPlayer or write it from scratch.
Download link (Old versions):
1) Updated x264 to 1310
2) Use MMX optimized downmix routine for CTAACEncoder
1) Updated x264 to 1292
2) CTAACEncoder will automatically downmix 5.1 or 4 channel sources to stereo in dshow mode
1) Updated x264 to 1251
2) Fixed crash on non-mod8 resolution
3) Fixed y4m input problem
1) Updated x264 to r1183
2) Use default fps value when directshow returns invalid fps
Also updated ffmpeg to r19469. Now ffmpeg accepts mp3 and aac from mkv.
1) Updated x264 to 1214
2) Experimental avi output for x264 (based on avc2avi) with vfr support. You should set --fps to least common multiple of all frame rates if your video contains mixed fps footage. Output file should be less than 2GB.
3) Optimization in VC++'s inline asm code.
4) Minor fixes in CTAACEncoder.
1) Updated x264 to 1195
2) Phase filter works properly under YUV420P colorspace. --ivtc no longer require YUY2 input. 5% speedup with x264's default preset.
1) Updated x264 to r1179.
2) 1pass crf + 2pass bitrate mode works on variable framerate videos.
3) Fixed a bug in x264 MP4 output when fps_den = 1 and no b-frame is used.
4) CTAACEncoder now supports MP4 output. To enable MP4 output, use .mp4 or .m4a as extension of output filename.
* Update x264 to r1163.
* Support multi-subtitles in x264. Enable with multiple &--sub subfile&.
* x264 prints resolution and hint fps in console when encoding from dshow.
* Allow selecting audio stream through Haali Media Splitter and MPC/Gabest MPEG Splitter. You can select audio stream in DVD title and TS files by specifying aid in CTAACEncoder and dshow2wav.
* Slightly improve performance of dump.ax and phase filter.
* Improved user data stripping. Fixed green screen issue on QuickTime.
* Fixed incorrect log2f intrinsic for MSVC.
* Improved fade detect in deldup. It should now work properly w/ ivtc mode t/b.
* --smoothts now works properly when deldup is disabled.
* Faster nal encoder (based on VFR Maniac's patch)
* x264 updated to r1148
* Fixed incorrect dts/cts-offset issues when using mp4 output. Increased initial delay for mp4 so there won't be negative cts-offset.
* Added new parameter &--timescale &int&& to set the denominator of initial fps. If not set, x264 will choose a proper value according to fps.
* Changed parameter &--no-versioninfo& to &--versioninfo&. User data is disabled by default.
* Changed default value of deldup's mbmax from 80 to width/10.
* Fixed incorrect pts and bitrate in non-dshow mode
* Fixed bug that deldup does not work when ivtc is off
* Fixed incorrect 30fps-&24fps timestamp adjust when ivtc is on
* Removed width*height mod32 restriction on deldup, small speed boost on deldup's chroma plane comparison
* Increased deldup's default threshold
* Improved x264's help information(no lines exceeds 80 charaters)
* Updated x264 to r1143
* New function &ivtc& added to x264
* Bug fixed in CTAACEncoder's multithreading mode
* Encoding from raw YUV and Y4M is OK now
* Overlay Mixer and AVI Decompressor will be removed if found in filter graph
* Bug fixed in VSFilter's ssa tag parsing
* Updated x264 to r1128
* Assembly optimized x264_clz intrinsic for MSVC, slightly speed boost in aq.
* Now x264 --version will show VC version number, instead of &using a non-gcc compiler&.
* Decrease priority of input thread in x264, may improve performance on multi-cores(experimental).
* No more crash/freeze after encoding finished.
* Added support for SVCD pixel AR (352x480, 352x576, 480x480, 480x576 @ 4:3/16:9).
* Dump.ax supports multi-instance in one progress.
* Added multithread mode in CTAACEncoder(enabled with -mt), similar to --thread-input in x264. Useful when decoding is slow (FLAC,APE,etc.).
* Faster SSA tag parsing in vsfilter, ~5% speed boost with large SSA/ASS files.
* Faster field matching in phase, 10%~30% speed boost.
La 7th December 2010 at .
x264 developer
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Whoa, I love this idea.
Originally Posted by roozhou
To output vfr files, I set fps_num to a fixed value and mod fps_den for each frame. It works fine on mkv but fails on mp4. I guess ratecontrol in x264 will be greatly affected in this way (just guess, test needed).
No, ratecontrol is CFR and bases the &fps& on the initial fps.
Therefore, you must pass to x264 the average FPS of a file in order to get accurate results, at least in --bitrate mode.
Last edited by Dark S 26th September 2008 at .
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And what about --vbv-maxrate, will it work in vfr mode? I mean in low fps scene more bits for one frame are allowed and in high fps scene less are allowed.
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Originally Posted by roozhou
And what about --vbv-maxrate, will it work in vfr mode? I mean in low fps scene more bits for one frame are allowed and in high fps scene less are allowed.
No, it won't.
This is a problem for Avail in broadcast also, as they have 30fps and 24fps mixed content due to telecine.
Their proposed solution is a ratecontrol_reconfigure() function that changes the current fps of ratecontrol.
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doesnt this mean we can use xh264 in NLEs?
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Originally Posted by lilhobo
doesnt this mean we can use xh264 in NLEs?
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Originally Posted by lilhobo
doesnt this mean we can use xh264 in NLEs?
DShow is not frameaccurate and can only seek to key frame, you need to index first.
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First of all nice work
Originally Posted by roozhou
DShow is not frameaccurate and can only seek to key frame, you need to index first.
I guess it has nothing really to do with Dshow but the Decoder i can seek frame accurate with a lot of commercial Decoders, though with many free ones it isn't possible.
all my compares are riddles so please try to decipher them yourselves :)
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Last edited by CruN 26th September 2008 at .
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With an index of key frames things will be easier.
e.g. The user needs a frame at 19.00s. If i know there are two key frames at 10.00s and 20.00s, I will seek to 10.00s and repeat requesting the sequential frames until i get that at 19.00s. I can also buffer the skipped frames so when the user needs previous frames they don't need to be decoded again.
La 26th September 2008 at .
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i have problems with dump.ax i get a &inadmissible access to memory area& warning if trying to regsvr32 it
could be a DEP incompatibility because of the old VC6 compiler on
Winx XP SP3 here, you should use a new Compiler that supports the DEP/NX flag especially under Vista and starting with SP2 else users gonna get problems.
all my compares are riddles so please try to decipher them yourselves :)
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Last edited by CruN 26th September 2008 at .
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Thanks CruNcher. I've never tested it on Vista. I think VS 2005 is not compatible with DXSDK 8.1 (e.g. variable definition in for loops).
Or try turning off DEP before regsvr32 dump.ax
La 27th September 2008 at .
Broadband Junkie
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Keep up the good work roozhou, dshow x264 with vfr support sounds quite interesting (though I have yet to test it).
I am also on WinXP SP3 with DEP enabled for &Windows Programs and Services Only& (which is the default AFAIK) and had no issue registering dump.ax with regsvr32. Do you have DEP enabled for &All programs and services&?
27th September 2008 at .
primus inter pares
Join Date: Feb 2004
just my 2 cents:
great idea, i wanted to propose sth like that some time ago, but after seeing how the vfw guys get treated i was afraid
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VFW is obsolete and doesnt support mpeg4
and other modern codecs features (implementing them requires hacks and workarounds), while directshow (even if its a bit controversial...) supports them.
MPEG-4 ASP Custom Matrices:
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Originally Posted by cyberbeing
Keep up the good work roozhou, dshow x264 with vfr support sounds quite interesting (though I have yet to test it).
I am also on WinXP SP3 with DEP enabled for &Windows Programs and Services Only& (which is the default AFAIK) and had no issue registering dump.ax with regsvr32. Do you have DEP enabled for &All programs and services&?
Hmm i know it sounds strange it does for me too i never had such a Bizarre Warning message from regsvr32 in my entire Windows life (this is the first time ever) trying to register a directshow filter so i checked regsvr32 and every other directshow filter works i can register and unregister with it.
Tried several times now only this dump.ax from roozhou is being rejected also of course checked if it's damaged that's not the case (did several downloads to different HDDs therefore and tried to regsvr32 it no chance still rejected)
DEP/NX here is Hardware Athlon-64 X2 Toledo and it's set currently /NoExecute=OptIn so @ Microsoft default.
Why it seems to try preventing a buffer overflow @ registration of dump.ax on my system I'm not sure about, though im not gonna disable DEP so fast rather the .ax should be checked not sure tough why it's working on your system flawless.
The correct error is =
LoadLibrary(&dump.ax&) failed - Invalid access to memory location.
search on google for regsvr32 &Invalid access to memory& alot of VS6 users report this problem starting with SP2 it seems
all my compares are riddles so please try to decipher them yourselves :)
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Last edited by CruN 27th September 2008 at .
Broadband Junkie
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Well I have to say that is very odd since I also have a Athlon-64 X2 Toledo with /NoExecute=OptIn running SP3 and it sounds like all other settings are identical as well yet you are having a problem and I'm not
Maybe it's because I had previously installed the
and have all other C++ runtimes (7-9) installed?
28th September 2008 at .
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Originally Posted by CruNcher
Hmm i know it sounds strange it does for me too i never had such a Bizarre Warning message from regsvr32 in my entire Windows life (this is the first time ever) trying to register a directshow filter so i checked regsvr32 and every other directshow filter works i can register and unregister with it.
Tried several times now only this dump.ax from roozhou is being rejected also of course checked if it's damaged that's not the case (did several downloads to different HDDs therefore and tried to regsvr32 it no chance still rejected)
DEP/NX here is Hardware Athlon-64 X2 Toledo and it's set currently /NoExecute=OptIn so @ Microsoft default.
Why it seems to try preventing a buffer overflow @ registration of dump.ax on my system I'm not sure about, though im not gonna disable DEP so fast rather the .ax should be checked not sure tough why it's working on your system flawless.
The correct error is =
LoadLibrary(&dump.ax&) failed - Invalid access to memory location.
search on google for regsvr32 &Invalid access to memory& alot of VS6 users report this problem starting with SP2 it seems
I built &dump.ax& with &/MERGE:.data=.text /MERGE:.rdata=.text /SECTION:.text,EWR& to make it smaller. And a &Readable, writable, executable& .text section should make sense.
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i found out what caused it
after stopping it's service i could register your filter, though there must be a reason that it causes this behavior with your filter, i send the file to pctools maybe it's a problem (bug) in their behavioral protection.
all my compares are riddles so please try to decipher them yourselves :)
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Last edited by CruN 28th September 2008 at .
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Updated to , new deldup prefilter added.
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