
1My Home Village
My home village is a small one. It’s in Yuxian county of Shanxi Province. Small as it is, it’s very beautiful.
There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains. In spring, we can fly kites which are made by ourselves on the top of the hills. The kites fly very high.In summer, the trees are green and the grass is green, too. It is green everywhere on the hills. There are so many wild apple trees on the hills. The wild apples are nice to eat. In autumn, the corns under and around the hills are ripe. So we eat them almost every day. In winter, when it snows, all the ground is covered with snow. We can play with snow and sometimes we eat the clean snow with sugar. In my hometown the sky is blue, the air is clean, the water is sweet and the people are very friendly. I love my hometown!
家乡被群山环绕,这些小山甚至比大山川还要美丽.春日里,我们在山巅放飞自制的风筝;夏天里,漫山遍野是长得绿油油的草木,各种野果美味诱人;秋日里,山下和山周围的玉米熟了,我们几乎天天能尝到新鲜的玉米;冬日里,雪花飘飘,大地银妆素裹,我们玩雪,有时还就着糖吃几口干净的白雪.我的家乡天空蔚蓝,空气清新,水儿甜美,人们好客.我爱我的家乡.2我的生日礼物-My Britihday Gifts
It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered with coloured paper. Among them there were two interesting ones.
My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thought it was a football. BUt when I opened it, it turned out to be a clock. My brother gave me a message, saying that "My present has been put in your bedroom. "As soon as I went into my bedroom,
I found a box. I opened it and found a laptop. I was very happy.
These two presents aim to let me study hard and not to waste time.
Yesterday was my birthday and I received a lot of presents. These presents were packed in coloured paper and two of them were funny and interesting, which impressed me.
My sister sent a bag of present to me. The bag was big and round. I though it was a football. But when I opened it, I saw a clock. The other one was given by my brother. He left me a message, which said "my present is lying in your bedroom". When I got to my bedroom, I found a laptop. Oh!Great!’ I jumped with joy. I know, they Want me to study hard and not to waste time.
I would never forget this birthday.
我将永远不会忘记昨天.3Taiwan Is Part of China About 1500 years ago Chinese settled there, but the Dutch imperialist invaded there in the 17th century. After that, in 1662 Zheng Chenggong, a hero of nation,drove them out. Since 1683 the island was ruled by Qing Dynasty nearly two centuries.
Unfortunately Taiwan was seized by Japanese after the Sino-Japanese War of . It didn’t come back until the Second World War ended.
Nowadays I realize the serious situation. Some people are attempting to split China. These actions are wrong and should be punished. I also believe. With the head of "one country two systems", as long as we strengthen exchange in the future there will be an agreement. On this matter of national reunification.趣味英语小故事大约600个单词的.急需!请各位停下脚步回答下吧._百度作业帮
The House of 1000 Mirrors 千镜之屋 Long ago in a small,faraway village,there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors.A small,happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit.When he arrived,he hounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house.He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could.To his great surprise,he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his.He smiled a great smile,and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and firendly.As he left the House,he thought to himself,"This is a wonderful place.I will come back and visit it often." In this same village,another little dog,who was not quite as happy as the first one,decided to visit the house.He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door.When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him,he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him.As he left,he thought to himself,"That is a horrible place,and I will never go back there again." All the faces in the world are mirrors.What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?趣味英语小故事:I've Passed My Right on to YouOne day,Wilson was walking quietly along the road when somebody gave him a violent blow on the back of the neck.He looked behind him,and saw a young man whom he had never seen before.“How dare you hit me like that!”shouted Wilson.The young man said he had mistaken Wilson for a friend of his and that he thought Wilson was making a lot of noise about nothing.This insult made Wilson even angrier,of course,and he at once arranged for the young man to be brought before a judge.There was nothing for the young man to do but to appear before the court.Now,the judge who heard the case was a friend of the young man's father,and,although he pretended to be quite fair,he was thinking how he could avoid punishing the young man while at the same time not appearing unjust.Finally he said to Wilson,“I understand your feelings in this matter very well.Would you be satisfied if I let you hit the young man as he hit you?”Wilson said he would not be.The young man had insulted him and should be properly punished.“Well,then,”said the judge to the young man,“I order you to pay ten liras to Wilson.”Ten liras was very little for such a crime,but the young man did not have it with him,so the judge allowed him to go and get it.Wilson waited for him to return with the money.He waited an hour,he waited two hours,while the judge attended to other business.When it was nearly time for the court to close,Wilson chose a moment when the judge was especially busy,came up quietly behind him and hit him hard on the back of the neck.Then he said to him,“I am sorry,but I can't wait any longer.When the young man comes back,tell him that I have passed my right to the ten liras on to you.”欢迎访问短文学网 您还没有
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1、The moon and her mother
The Moon once begged her Mother to make her a gown. &How can I?& &there's no fitting your figure. At one time you're a New Moon, and at another you're a Full M and between whiles you're neither one nor the other.&
2、The cat and the birds
A Cat heard that the Birds in an aviary were ailing. So he got himself up as a doctor, and, taking with him a set of the instruments proper to his profession, presented himself at the door, and inquired afterthe health of the Birds. &We shall do very well,& they replied, without letting him in, &when we've seen the last of you.&
3、The peacock and the crane
A Peacock taunted a Crane with the dullness of her plumage. &Look at my brilliant colours,& said she, &and see how much finer they are than your poor feathers.& &I am not denying,& replied the Crane, &that yours are but when it comes to flying I can soar into the clouds, whereas you are confined to the earth like any dunghill cock.&
4、have a bright future
In the Chinese classic Zhuangzi, there is a legend like this:
Once upon a time, a gigantic fish named Kun lived in the North Sea. No one knew how large it actually was. This fish could change itself into Peng (a roc), a huge bird measuring thousands of kilometers in length. When the bird spread its wings, it looked like huge clouds in the sky. It could, in one stretch, fly from the North Sea to the South Sea on the other side of the globe, and soar up to 90,000 li (45,000 kilometers) in the heaven.
The bird can surely fly over a long distance without stopping. Now people use this idiom to wish others have a successful career or a bright future.
45,000很久很久以前,北海里住着一条巨大的鱼,名字叫鲲 (kūn)。没有人知道它到底有多大。这条鱼能够变成鹏(p&ng),一种庞大的鸟,有几百万米长。鹏鸟展开翅膀就像天空里的一大片云。它能一口气从北海飞到地球另一边的南海。当它展翅高飞的时候,它可以冲上90000里(45000公里)的高空。 毫无疑问,这种鸟一次能飞过很长的距离。人们用&鹏程万里&这个成语来祝愿别人事业顺利,前途光明。
5、The spendthrift and the sw
A Spendthrift, who had wasted his fortune, and had nothing left but the clothes in which he stood, saw a Swallow one fine day in early spring. Thinking that summer had come, and that he could now do with out his coat, he went and sold it for what it would fetch. A change, however, took place in the weather, and there came a sharp frost which killed the unfortunate Swallow. When the Spendthrift saw its dead body he cried, &Miserable bird! Thanks to you I am perishing of cold myself.&
6、Give up halfway
During the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220AD), there was a man called Yue Yangzi. Encouraged by his wife, he left home to visit scholars and enrich his knowledge.
A year later, he came back home suddenly.
&Why have you returned?& asked his wife in surprise, &You've only spent one year studying with scholars.&
&I come back because I missed you very much,& Yue Yangzi replied.
Without saying anything, his wife took a pair of scissors and went to the loom at which she had worked. Pointing at the half-done brocade, she proclaimed, &This brocade is woven from the finest silk. I wove one strand after another to produce the brocade. Now if I cut it, all my previous work will be wasted. It's the same with your studies. Now, you've stopped halfway. Isn't it the same as cutting the brocade on the loom?&
Deeply moved by what she said, Yue Yangzi again left home to continue his studies.
Several years later, he finished his studies and became a learned man.
7、The hounds are killed for food once all the hares are bagged
During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), there were two famous senior officials in the State of Yue. Gou Jian, the King of Yue, ignored the advice of Fan Li and blindly launched an attack against the neighboring State of Wu. As a result, he suffered a disastrous defeat. The King of Wu caught him and had him as a slave. Fan Li persuaded him to endure humiliation, pretend to surrender and wait for an opportunity to avenge. Also, Wen Zhong paid many visits to the State of Wu, trying to help restore Gou's confidence. Years later, Gou was set free. With the help of Fan and Wen, the State of Yue rapidly rehabilitated and later annexed the Wu.
As they had made so much contribution, both Fan and Wen were awarded great riches. Gou Jian even offered half of the state to Fan. However, knowing Gou too well, Fan rejected and decided to live in seclusion. As a hermit, Fan wrote to his friend Wen. In his letter, Fan said, &When all the flying birds have been shot down, the
when all the hares have been bagged, the hounds are killed for food. I suggest you withdraw to avoid disaster.& Taking his advice, Wen pretended to be ill and stopped attending imperial court meetings. But it was too late. Gou Jian believed the slanderous gossip about Wen and ordered Wen to kill himself.
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爱心小故事再过五分钟就是晚上7时了,灯火通明的教室里一个孩子突然问道:“老师,我作业都已经做完了,现在能开始了吗?”这一问得到了大多数同学的附和,也让1、2个正埋头做作业的同学的眼中露出了羡慕的眼神,他们也很想参加,可自己的作业还没完成呀!孩子们是想要在四角拼图、五子棋、24点的游戏中来一次脑力震荡,享受一下动脑的快乐,这些可是姚珍娴老师特意为他们准备的。当姚老师接触到这批住宿生时,她观察到每当学校晚晚托进行至7点左右时,孩子们会分为两类,一类是早已做完作业,也看好了课外书籍变得无事可做的,一类是似乎总有着做不完的作业,还在埋头慢慢努力的。她想要改变这一状况,让7点以后的时间既轻松又充实,还要让动作慢和学习习惯教差的学生也能在7点以后活跃起来。&&& 首先,姚老师在每次晚晚托时都会对学生在作业中的错误或是重点题及时进行讲解,并对个别孩子进行一对一讲解,帮助他们扫清障碍,同时鼓励他们多动脑、抓紧时间不拖拉。其次,她为孩子们买来了五子棋、跳棋和四角拼版等,并和孩子们约定,只要他们在当天高质量地完成各项任务,7点之后就可以是活动时间,这让孩子们兴致高昂,同时这些内容又能培养他们静心、全面地思考问题,让他们在动脑中获得乐趣。从动脑中获取乐趣,姚老师还有一招,有时7点以后,她也会找一些趣味数学题,让大家一起讨论与解答,既活跃了气氛,又利于启发学生的思维。在这样的措施下,不少学生的作业速度有了提高,更重要的是他们开始期待7点以后的时间,乐于在学习中寻找快乐。&&& 爱学生,从每一个学习的小点滴开始;爱学生,从每一个生活的小细节做起。为救患白血病女孩,捐款20余万元—— 余姚市民演绎爱心故事 为了抢救一名16岁的患白血病女孩,余姚市民纷纷伸出援助之手,在寒冬里演绎了一个感人的爱心故事。 家住黄家埠镇横塘村的蒋其林年近五旬,曾在部队荣立二等功。1996年,蒋其林17岁的儿子被诊断为白血病,夫妻俩倾家荡产,也没能救回儿子。第二年,他们领养了一个8岁的女孩小洁,把爱和希望都寄托在小洁身上。 可天有不测风云。去年12月14日,已上初二的小洁突然高烧不退,老蒋夫妇带孩子到医院一查,顿时被吓懵了:“白血病!怎么又是这个恶魔?”医生说,要治好小洁的病,至少要花50万元。夫妇俩为此抱头痛哭。 此事被当地媒体报道后,立即引来滚滚爱心热潮。市慈善总会送来了救助金,中国人寿保险公司余姚支公司破例办理先期赔付手续,黄家埠镇中学开始募集爱心款。这股暖流很快扩散到余姚城区。据不完全统计,共有20多家单位的上千人给小洁捐款,累计捐款20余万元。该市还有3位好心人主动提出愿意捐献骨髓,挽救小洁的生命。 爱心还在网上涌动。数十名网友自发组织以“姚城同胞共献爱心,圣诞烟花点燃生命”为主题的义卖活动,在寒风中义卖烟花,有些市民还再次捐款。几天来,网友们为小洁筹措了1万多元现金,并把钱送到了小洁父母手中
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号}


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