
以下试题来自:(2006年模拟试卷,试卷总分:140分,)单项选择:TEXT F
The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease were long dismissed as normal consequences of human aging, but in the 1980' s the disease came to be recognized as the most common cause of intellectual deterioration in the elderly and middle- aged. It is characterized by the death of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex-the part of the brain in involved in complex functions. The major debilitating symptoms of Alzheimer' s disease include serous forgetfulness-particularly about recent events-and confusion. At first, the individual experiences only minor and almost imperceptible symptoms that are often attributed to emotional upsets or other physical illnesses. Gradually, however, the person becomes more forgetful, and this may be reported by anxious relatives.
The person may neglect to turn off the oven, may misplace things, many recheck to see if a task was done,
may take longer to complete a chore that was previously routine, or may repeat already-answered questions. As the disease progresses, memory loss and such changes in personality, mood, and behavior, such as confusion, irritability, restlessness and agitation, are likely to appear. Judgment, concentration, orientation, writing, reading, speech, motor behavior and naming of objects may also be affected. Even when a loving and caring family is available to give support, the victim of Alzheimer' s disease is more likely to spend his or her last days in a nursing home or long-term care institution. At this time, there is no cure.第1题:This passage implies that victims of Alzheimer's disease may ______.A.not remember childhood eventsB.suffer a gradual worsening of cognitive functionsC.incur personality and behavioral changesD.spend their last days in a long-term care institution正确答案:B ()答案解析:此题为推论题。A、C和D三项文中都有明确交待。从文中所列举的此病的发展看,从起初的健忘、迷茫到后来的失去记忆、性格、情感及行为上的变化,直至判断、读说写等能力受到影响,可以得出结论患此病的人在认知方面逐渐消退。第2题:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about Alzheimer' s diseaseA.In the past, Alzheimer' s disease has often been mistaken as normal human aging.B.Victims of Alzheimer' s disease rarely need to be institutionalized.C.There is currently no cure for Alzheimer' s disease.D.The primary symptoms are serious forgetfulness and confusion.正确答案:B ()答案解析:此题为细节题。此四项文中都有提及,只是B项中多了一个否定副词“rarely”,使其与文中所言相悖。以下试题来自:(2006年模拟试卷,试卷总分:140分,)单项选择:PART Ⅴ READING COMPREHENSION
In this section there are several reading passages followed by twenty questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked[A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that you think is the best answer
Mark your answers on your answer sheet.
Professor Smith recently persuaded 35 people, 23 of them women, to keep a diary of all their absentminded actions for a fortnight. When he came to analyze their embarrassing lapses in a scientific report, he was surprised to find that nearly all of them fell into a few groupings. Nor did the lapses appear to be entirely random.
One of the women, for instance, on leaving her house for work one morning threw her dog her earrings and tried to fix a dog biscuit on her ear. "The explanation for this is that the brain is like a computer," explains the professor. "People program themselves to do certain activities regularly. It was the woman's custom every morning to throw her dog two biscuits and then put on her earrings. But somehow the action got reversed in the program." About one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these "program assembly failures."
Altogether the volunteers logged 433 unintentional actions that they found themselves doing--an average of twelve each. There appear to be peak periods in the day when we are at our zaniest, These are two hours some time between eight a.m. and noon, between four and six p.m. with a smaller peak between eight and ten p.m. "Among men the peak seems to be when a changeover in brain 'programs' occurs, as for instance between going to and from work." Women on average reported slightly more lapses--12.5 compared with 10.9 for men--probably because they were more reliable reporters.
A startling finding of the research is that the absent-minded activity is a hazard of doing things in which we are skilled. Normally, you would expect that skill reduces the number of errors we make. But trying to avoid silly slips by concentrating more could make things a lot worse——even dangerous.第3题:It can be concluded from the passage that______A.people should avoid doing important things during peak periods of lapsesB.hazards can be avoided when people do things they are good atC.people should be careful when programming their actionsD.lapses cannot always be attributed to lack of concentration正确答案:D ()答案解析:根据文章最后一句"But trying to avoid silly slips by concentrating more could make things a lot worse—even dangerous.”,即可推理出正确答案为[D]。另外,如果读者能够认识到,在这篇文章中,作者讨论的是这样一个事实:“人们在从事自己擅长的常规事情往往会心不在焉”,由此就可以将其他三个选项排除。第4题:In his study Professor Smith asked the subjects ______A.to keep truck of people who tend to forget thingsB.to report their embarrassing lapses at randomC.to analyze their awkward experiences scientificallyD.to keep a record of what they did unintentionally正确答案:D ()答案解析:根据文章第一段第一句"Professor Smith recently persuaded 35 people...to keep a diary of all their absent-minded actions for a fortnight.”,就可以得出答案[D]。以下试题来自:(2007年模拟试卷,试卷总分:140分,)单项选择:PART Ⅳ GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY
There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Mark your answers on your answer sheet.第5题:You will hardly believe it, but this is the fourth time tonight someone ______ me.A.should telephoneB.telephonedC.has telephonedD.telephones正确答案:C ()答案解析:英语句式“This is the first(second...)+名词+从句”中的从句部分,其谓语通常要用现在完成时的形式,又如:This is the first trip we have visited Paris。因此,选项 C是正确的。第6题:The tourist is prevented from entering a country if he does not have a (n) passport.A.operativeB.effectiveC.validD.efficient正确答案:C ()答案解析:valid的意思是“有法律效力的”,符合本题的题意。其他的三个选项分别是:operative意为“生效地”,常用作表语;effective意为“有效的,效果好的”;efficient意为“效率高的”,均不适合本题的题意。以下试题来自:(2001年真题试卷,试卷总分:130分,)单项选择:TEXT F
  San Diego State University (SDSU) is a major American university. The university offers a wide range of programmes covering many fields, including Business Administration, Engineering, Public Health, Telecommunications and Public Administration.
  As part of SDSU, the American Language Institute (ALI) also offers students many benefits, including automatic enrollment in university classes as well as ALl English classes.
  Qualified students can earn college credit for these classes without going through the San Diego State University admission process.
  Students wishing to study for an MBA will benefit from the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) preparation and develop the specialized MBA reading, speaking and writing skills necessary to compete successfully with American students in MBA classrooms.第7题:The main purpose of the passage is to inform readers of SDSU'sA.enrollment.B.language classes.C.GMAT preparation.D.course options.正确答案:A ()答案解析:此题为快速浏览题。据文章首段可知。以下试题来自:(2004年真题试卷,试卷总分:130分,)单项选择:PART Ⅵ READING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A READING COMPREHENSIONIn this section
there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each
with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think
is the the best answer.Mark your answers on your answer
sheet.TEXT A1  It often happens that a number
of applicants with almost identical qualifications and experience all apply for
the same position. In their educational background, special skills and
work experience, there is little, if anything, to choose between half a
dozen candidates. How then does the employer make a choice Usually on the
basis of an interview.2  There are many arguments for and against the
interview as a selection procedure. The main argument against it is that it
results in a wholly subjective decision. As often as not, employers do not
choose the best candidate, they choose the candidate who makes a good first
impression on them. Some employers, of course, reply to this argument by saying
that they have become so experienced in interviewing staff that they are able to
make a sound assessment of each candidate's likely performance.3  The main
argument in favour of the interview—and it is, perhaps, a good argument is that
an employer is concerned not only with a candidate's ability, but with the
suitability of his or her personality for the particular work situation. Many
employers, for example, will overlook occasional inefficiencies from their
secretary provided she has a pleasant personality.4  It is perhaps true to
say, therefore, that the real purpose of an interview is not to assess the
assessable aspects of each candidate but to make a guess at the more intangible
things, such as personality, character and social ability.
Unfortunately, both for the employers and applicants for jobs ,there
are many people of great ability who simply do not interview well. There are
also, of course, people who interview extremely well, but are later found to be
very unsatisfactory employees.5  Candidates who interview well tend to be
quietly confident, direct and straightforward in their
q cheerful and friendly, but and
sincerely enthusiastic and optimistic. Candidates who interview badly tend to be
at either end of the spectrum of human behaviour. They are either very shy
or over confident. They show either a lack of enthusiasm or an excess of it.
They either talk too little or never stop talking. They are either over-polite
or rudely abrupt.第8题:What is the author's attitude towards the interview as a selection procedureA.Unclear.B.Negative.C.Objective.D.Indifferent.正确答案:C ()答案解析:此题为一般推理题。作者在第2、3、4段中从正反两方面阐述了面试的利弊,但未表明自己的偏好。第9题:We can infer from the passage that an employer might tolerate his secretary's occasional mistakes, if the latter isA.direct.B.cheerful.C.shy.D.capable.正确答案:B ()答案解析:此题为一般推理题。据第3段最后1句可确定。D与此句中的inefficiencies矛盾。以下试题来自:(2009年模拟试卷,试卷总分:139分,)单项选择:PART Ⅳ GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY
There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.第10题:______ , he swore that he was not asleep.A.Although I had difficulty in waking himB.Since I had difficulty in waking himC.Being difficulty in waking himD.Even if I had difficulty in waking him正确答案:A ()答案解析:[解析] 本题考查连词的用法。四个选项中的difficulty in waking him与题干中he was not asleep都存在着意思上的转折关系,故所填的连词应当表示转折关系,[A]中的Although表转折,故答案为[A]。第11题:The city has decided to ______ smoking.A.do away withB.take awayC.get away withD.put away正确答案:A ()答案解析:[解析] 根据题干可判断,填空处应与smoking搭配。[A]do away with“废除,去掉”可以与smoking搭配,意为“禁止吸烟”,故为答案。[B]take away指“把某物拿走”,用在此处意为“拿走烟气”,不符合逻辑。[C]get away with指“某人逃跑,逃脱处罚”,不符合题意。[D]put away指“放好某物”,常指具体的实物,不符合题意。
15:33:40 来源:新东方在线
  中考真题是中考复习中最重要的复习资料之一,通过对历年真题的分析,同学们可以找出中考常考的考点和一些答题技巧。为了方便中考复习,对2014中考试题进行了分类整理,希望对大家有帮助。下面是《2014中考英语试题之单项选择(感叹句)》。  2014中考英语试题之单项选择(感叹句)  【2014铜仁】—_______ sweet music! Do you like it?  —Mm, it _______ beautiful!  A. H listens B. H sounds C. W listens D. W sounds  【答案】D  【2014连云港】—The six students from Lianyungang got the first prize in the
Chinese Characters  Dictation Com-petition in Jiangsu.  —_______ exciting news it is!  A. What B. How C. What an D. How an  【答案】A  【2014年临沂】_______ delicious these beef noodles are!  A. What B. How C. What a D. How a  【答案】B  【2014甘肃白银】Look! ______ happily the chil dren are playing over there!  A. How B. What C. What a D. How a  【答案】A  【2014年烟台】______ honest man he is!  A. What B. W hat an C. How D. How an  【答案】B  【2014滨州】—_______ interesting the film is!  —Yes. I have seen it twice.  A. What B. How C. What an D. How an  【答案】B  【2014聊城】______ weather it is! We can go boating on the Dongchang Lake.  A. How bad B. How good C. What good D. What bad  【答案】C  【2014东营】—_______ fantastic documentary it is!  —Do you mean the hot film “Diaoyu Island----The Truth”?  A. How B. How a C. What D. What a  【答案】D  【2014苏州】_______role she played in the movie! That’s why she has a lot of
fans.  A. How interesting B. How an interesting  C. What interesting D. What an interesting  【答案】D  【2014陕西】Look! Laura is getting the first place. fast runner she is!  A. How B. What C. How a D. What a  【答案】D  【2014南京】—____ brave Zhang Hua is!  —Yes. He helped his neighbour, Mrs. Sun out of the fire.  A. What a B. How C. How a D. What  【答案】B  【2014鄂州】—A number of people _______ killed by the terrorists at the Urumqi
train station.  —_______ terrible it is!  A. How B. How C. What D. What  【答案】A  【2014湖北咸宁】—______ sweet music!  —And I really like the Voice of China TV programs.  A. What B. What a C. How D. How a  【答案】A  【2014长沙】______ nervous the girl was! She could not fall asleep all
night.  A. What B. What a C. How  【答案】C  将第一时间发布2015最新、中考体育、,敬请关注。
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13:30&& 来源:外语教育网编辑整理
  导语:单项填空题中,有很多是针对学生解题的思维定势所出的&陷阱&题。出题人往往通过句子结构的某些变化,来达到干扰学生的思维、使学生误入歧途的目的。同学们要学会识别干扰因素,理清句子结构,保持清醒头脑,提高抗干扰能力,从而避开&设题陷阱&,提高解题的准确性。  命题人通常采用下面一些手段,来设计题干干扰信息:  &一、插入语干扰  1. He believes in himself, _________,& in my opinion,& is of great importance.  A. that &&&B. which &&C. what &&&D. as  2. He hasn't come yet. What do you consider_________to him?  A. happens &&B. has happened &C. happening &&D. to happen  3. John plays football _________,& if not better than, &&David.  A. as well &&B. as well as &&C. so well &&D. so well as  4. The manager decided to give the job to_________he believed had a strong sense of duty.  A. whoever &&&B. whomever &&C. who &&&D. those  [析]这类题主要是利用插入语,增加句子的复杂程度,从而达到干扰学生视线的目的。我们只要去掉冗余信息(插入语),答案就一目了然了。  &二、标点符号干扰【外语@教育网】   5. Tom,_________sure to come tomorrow.  A. is &&B. be &&C. was &&D. would be  [析] 很明显,Tom在这里并不是句子的主语,而是称呼语。  &三、疑问句干扰  命题人利用一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的特殊结构,达到干扰目的。解题时,只要把句子还原为陈述句,就可以看清它的庐山真面目了。如:  6. Who would you rather_________with you tomorrow, Tom or Smith?  A. have to go &&B. have go &&C. have gone &&D. had go  [析]我们可以把它变为陈述句:I would rather have Tom go with me tomorrow. 原来是把句子的宾语提前到了句首,go是省去了to的不定式作宾语补足语。  &四、倒装句干扰  7. On the grass_________two sheep.  A. lies &&B. lie &&C. lying &&D. laid  [析]这个句子的语是two sheep而非grass,故选用复数谓语动词。  &五、从句和先行词分离干扰  同位语和定语从句一般情况下是紧跟在先行词之后,但有时为了句子平衡的需要,先行词和从句分开,从而造成了干扰。如:  8. The question came up at the meeting _________ we had enough money for our research.  A. that &&B. which &&C. whether &&D. if  [析]后面的句子是一个同位语从句,而它的先行词是句首的question.  &六、省略句干扰  9. The girl is very shy, and never speaks until_________to.  A. spoken &&B. speaking &&C. speak &&D. be spoken  [析]这个句子从句省去了相同的主语she和be动词,可以恢复为:The girl is very shy, and never speaks until she is spoken to.  10. If you don't go there,_________I.  A. neither do &&B. nor will &&C. so do &&D. neither did  [析]此句尽管条件状语从句用的是一般现在时态,但并不一定表示现在的动作。从句子意义来判断,动作发生的时间应该在将来,很显然,它省去了一个将来时间状语。  &七、被动句干扰  11. Every minute is made full use of_________at our lessons.  A. to work &&B. working &&C. having worked &&D. being worked  [析]有些同学一见到介词,后面马上用名词或动名词。这恰恰落入了命题人设置的陷阱。此题of的宾语实际上是every minute.如果把它变为主动式,答案就显而易见了。即:We make full use of every minute to work at our lessons.  &八、搭配干扰  有时,出题人故意造成是某种固定搭配的假象,似是而非,极易上当。  12. This is the very room_________I slept in that evening.  A. that &&B. which &&C. where &&D. at which  [析]时间状语that evening前面不必加介词in,故这个定语从句应用关系代词引导,考虑到先行词被very修饰,故用that引导定语从句。试比较:  This is the very room where I slept in the evening.  13. The country life he was used to_________greatly since the opening policy.  A. change &&B. has changed &&C. changing &&D. having changed  [析]he was used to在句中作定语从句,修饰life.分析句子结构,整个句子缺少谓语动词,故填入主句谓语。  &九、定语从句干扰  14. The young student did all that he could_________the examinations.  A. pass &&B. to pass &&C. passing &&D. passed  [析]that he could (do) 是定语从句,修饰all.to pass the examinations在句子中作目的状语。  15. Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had_________went wrong again.  A. it &&B. it repaired &&C. repaired &&D. to be repaired  [析]这道题考查了两个知识点,一是考查了have sth. done结构,二是定语从句。she had had repaired(had的宾语which在定语从句中提前,且省略了)是定语从句,修饰the washing machine.此句可译为:&布朗夫人很失望地发现她刚刚请人修理好的洗衣机又出了毛病。&  &十、非正常语序干扰  16. The home improvements have taken what little there is_________my spare time.  A. from &&B. in &&C. of &&D. at  [析]为了保持句子平衡,该句采用了非正常语序。该句的正常语序是:The home improvements have taken what little of my spare time there is. 本句意为&改善家庭居住条件占去了我仅有的一点业余时间。&there is是定语从句,用来修饰前面的名词短语what little of my spare time.  &十一、强调句干扰  17. It is the protection for the trees_________really matters, rather than how many trees are planted.  A. what &&B. that &&C. / &&D. which  [析]此句是强调句,强调主语。可还原为:The protection for the trees really matters, rather than how many trees are planted.  &十二、词形变化干扰  18. -I like football.  -_________my sister and me.  A. So do &&B. So are &&C. So did &&D. So it is with  [析]如不仔细观察,学生很可能选择A.应该要注意这里的me.我们知道so does sb. 句式是一个倒装句,即sb. 是句子的主语,要求用主格。  &十三、多义词干扰  试比较下列两个例句:  19. He is a strange character,_________is very hard to get along with.  A. who &&B. which &&C. that &&D. where  20. He has a strange character,_________makes him difficult to get along with.  A. who &&B. which &&C. that &&D. where  [析]多义词character在两个例句中有不同的含义。在例1中,character表示&人物&,例2中,character表示&性格&.  参考答案:  1-5 BBBAB 6-10 BBCAB 11-15 AABBC 16-20 CBDAB  推荐阅读        
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   1、凡本网注明 &来源:外语教育网&的所有作品,版权均属外语教育网所有,未经本网授权不得转载、链接、转贴或以其他方式使用;已经本网授权的,应在授权范围内使用,且必须注明&来源:外语教育网&。违反上述声明者,本网将追究其法律责任。


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