
新视野大学英语第二版 第二册 课后答案完整
新视野大学英语第二版 第三册 课后答案完整
新视野大学英语第二版 第二册 课后答案完整
新视野大学英语第二版 第三册 课后答案完整
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为您推荐...中文名: 查理和巧克力工厂英文名: Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryIMDb: 资源格式: BDRip版本: 国粤英三语版发行日期: 2005年导演: 演员: 地区: 语言: ,,简介: 片名:查理和巧克力工厂英文名:Charlie and the Chocolate Factory导演:蒂姆·波顿 Tim Burton主演:约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp   海伦·邦·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter   弗雷迪·海默尔 Freddie Highmore   大卫·凯利 David Kelly   诺亚·泰勒 Noah Taylor原著:罗尔德·达尔 Roald Dahl类型:冒险/幻想级别:PG(离奇的情节,剧烈的动作场景,暗示内容)发行公司:华纳兄弟 Warner Bros. Pictures上映日期:日官方网站:/IMDB:/title/tt.5/10 (23,710 votes)编码:X264分辨率:960X720 Anamorphic思路出品,VC首发,转载请注明!◇ 故事:巧克力冒险工厂开放了  出生于贫穷的家庭的善良小男孩查理生长的一个小镇里有一个全世界最大的巧克力工厂,这家古怪却非凡的巧克力工厂由同样古怪的威利·旺卡所拥有。工厂非常神秘,大门紧锁,全镇子的人从来没有看见有人从大门进去或出来过。有一天,威利·旺卡先生发出告示,将有五位幸运的孩子获得参观巧克力工厂的特权,同时还能得到足够吃一辈子的巧克力糖和其他糖果。全世界购买旺卡巧克力的孩子都有机会,前提是找到藏在包装纸里的五张金券,谁获得金券谁就是幸运儿。 偶然的机会,查理得到了一张金券。参观工厂的过程是一次奇特的经历。每个参观者都感到了无限着迷、狂喜、好奇、惊讶和迷惑不解。即使做最荒诞的梦也想象不出这样的事情。飞瀑而下的巧克力瀑布,流漫着棕色糖浆的河,大片大片的口香糖草地,还有牛奶糖堆成的山,工厂里的工人全是来自蛮荒丛林的酷爱巧克力的矮人国的小矮人。巨大的诱惑使得其他四个孩子失去了自制,他们或掉进了巧克力河、或变成了糖果、或被送进了垃圾炉、或钻进了电视变成了信号微粒,在这个15年没有人来过的神奇工厂,开始了一场神秘莫测的冒险之旅……◇ 看点:鬼才导演加个性演员的奇幻世界  要知道被尊称 “鬼才导演”的蒂姆·波顿有多大魅力?听听因为《加勒比海盗》突受主流欢迎的约翰尼·德普怎么说:“即使是波顿找我拍一部盯着灯泡看三个钟头不眨眼的电影,我也受宠若惊、照拍不误。”从90年开始,《剪刀手爱德华》、《艾德·伍德》、《无头骑士》,那几年之间,德普几乎和波顿形影不离,而正是波顿独特的视角和手法,让德普发挥自如。 说实话,两人的合作实在是天作之合,没有谁比波顿更适合德普的边缘气质,也没有谁比德普更明白波顿的怪诞想法。合作过N次的两人相聚在色彩斑斓、幻想浓厚的巧克力工厂,这本身就是几乎不可抗拒的磁场!这就更不用提《巧克力冒险工厂》本身就是万能“吸铁石”,这部1964年出版的达尔·罗尔德的经典小说,有超过一千三百万的销量,并翻译成三十多种语言,而在1971年拍成的电影则更为成功,几乎到了少有人没看过的地步,重拍的编剧也是同波顿合作过《大鱼》的约翰·奥古斯塔。经典小说改编、经典电影重拍,在这个缺少专为孩子们奉献的大餐的夏天,有“鬼才导演”和约翰尼·德普的助阵,巧克力工厂的冒险简直魅力无敌!◇ 点评:巧克力版剪刀手爱德华  阴森的古堡换成了巨大的巧克力工厂,充满色彩的小镇变成了工业发达的世界,依然孤独一人的主角,虽然和《剪刀手爱德华》情节似有差别,可说到天马行空、色彩丰富和奇幻程度,《巧克力冒险工厂》绝对和其有得一拼,更不用提其中充溢的感情。 听起来显得有几分荒谬和古怪的故事本身和场景,对波顿来说,却正是手下的点金石,本来就像没长大的孩子的波顿,有着无穷无尽的想象力,他能给巧克力工厂带来的绝对是可称壮观、别具风味的幻想场面,与原作相比,他发掘了更为独特、标新立异、让人瞠目结舌的梦幻般场面。 原版电影中,巧克力工厂的怪叔叔威利·旺卡是绝对主角,小男孩查理甚至和旺卡没有什么特别的联系,而如今,德普和海默尔之间的化学效果和独特的友谊,让影片有了更多感情的色彩。而饰演查理的海默尔正是在《寻找梦幻岛》抢了德普不少风头的小家伙,此次能在影片中出现,也全赖德普的大力推介。而还让人惊奇的是,那些数也数不清在工厂工作的小矮人们,全由同一个人饰演。这部从孩子角度讲的电影,这个无限生机的巧克力工厂,绝对会是夏天的别样风景!引用感谢思路论坛skywong提供ed2k链接!引用字幕请稍后移步至MySiLU论坛搜索下载:引用常驻服务器:1: (常用)2: no1.eserver. (备用)3: no2.eserver.共享时间:7×24小时,高速上传?首选中国最大的正品鞋网商城(/)、 。微店网页版请从登录:手把手教你如何免费申请开通微店、怎样经营微店及如何用微店赚钱。看笑话,上(/)。4发现相似题英语美文阅读:送给卞老师的一束花
15:47:57&&&来源:&&&评论: 点击:
I like all kinds of chocolate. Best of all, though, Ilike bitter baking chocolate.
&& 开学不久,我就缠着我妈要她在我午饭盒里多敖一个苹果或者桃子。我一直没敢说这是给老师的,也一直没敢当面送给卞老师。每关都有好吃的东西偷偷放在讲台边上。她每天的反应也都一样。
A Boy and His Father Become Partners
Ilike all kinds of chocolate. Best of all, though, Ilike bitter baking chocolate.
Mother had bought a bar of it, and somehow I couldn't stop thinking aboutit.
I was helping Father on the winnower. It was right then I got the idea. Icould whack a chunk off the end of that bar of chocolate. Mother would besure to miss c2] it, but before she had any idea who had done it, I couldconfess I'd taken it. Probably I would not even get a spanking.&&&&& .
I waited until Mother was out feeding the chickens. Then I told Father Ithought I'd go in for a drink of water. I got the bar down, but I heard Mothercoming just when I had the knife ready to whack. So I slipped the chocolateinto the front of my shirt and left quickly. Before I went back to help Father,I went to the barn and hid the chocolate there.
All the rest of the afternoon, I didn't like to look at Father. Every time hespoke it made me jump. c3] My hands began shaking so much that he askedme what was the matter. I told him it was just that my hands were cold. Iknew he didn't believe me, and every time he looked my way [4] my heartstarted pounding. I didn't want the chocolate anymore. Ijust wanted a chanceto put it back without being caught.
On the way out for the cows, Icalmed down a little and could think better.
I told myself that I hadn't really stolen the whole bar of chocolate, becauseI meant to take only a little piece. That's as much as I would have taken, tooif Mother hadn't come along when she did.& c2] If I put back the whole bar, Iwouldn't have done anything wrong at all.
I nearly decided to put it all back. But just thinking so much about chocolatemade my tongue almost taste the smooth bitterness I3] of it. I got thinkingthat if I sliced about half an inch off the end with a sharp knife, Mothermight never notice it.
I was nearly out to where the cows were when I remembered what Fatherhad said once-- some of the family money was mine because I had helped toearn it. Why wouldn't it be all nght to figure the bar of chocolate had beenbought with my own money? That seemed to fix everything. r5]
But by the time I had the cows headed home, I had begurt to worry again.
We were nearly to the railroad tracks when I decided to leave the wholematter to the Lord嗍& Ipicked up a dried soapweed stalk with seedpods on itand decided I would throw it up into the air and take my orders m from theway it landed. If it pointed west, I'd take the whole bar back. If it pointedsouth, I'd take half an inch off the end. If it pointed east, I'd bought the barwith my own money and it wouldn't be stealing to keep it.
I swung the pod stalk as high as I could. When it came down, it pointedmostly west-but a liffle south.
That night I couldn't sleep. I kept trying to remember how much that stalkhad really been pointing to the south. At last I got up, slipped out into theyard, and took the ax from the chopping block. Then I went into the barnand got the chocolate. I took it outside and laid it on the lower rail of thecorral fence. The moon gave enough light for me to see what I was doing.
Just as I was starting to cut, Father said: &Son! &I couldn't think of a thing to say. I grabbed up the bar of chocolate and hidit next to my chest before I turned around.& Father picked me up by the shouider straps of my overalls and took me over to the woodpile. I didn't knowanybody could spank as hard as he did!
Then he stood m me on my feet and asked if I thought I had deserved it. Hesaid it wasn't so much that I'd taken the chocolate, but that I'd tried to hideit from him.
&Son,& he said, 'I know you help to earn the family money. We might saythe chocolate was yours in the First place. You could have had it if you'dasked for it, but I won't have you being sneaky about things. Now, do youwant to keep your money separate from mine-or are we partners?&I never knew till then how much I wanted my money to go in r2] with Father's.
When I went to sleep my hand was still hurting-from where he squeezed itwhen we shook hands.


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