what are words歌词 b榜走势

英语 (6 15:16:8)2 ----What are you doing here ---Oh ,my tascher asked me to write a passage of about   (  )in E nglish .That is ,  (   )passageA 600-a 600-words     B   600-a 60_百度作业帮
英语 (6 15:16:8)2 ----What are you doing here ---Oh ,my tascher asked me to write a passage of about   (  )in E nglish .That is ,  (   )passageA 600-a 600-words     B   600-a 60
英语 (6 15:16:8)2 ----What are you doing here ---Oh ,my tascher asked me to write a passage of about   (  )in E nglish .That is ,  (   )passageA 600-a 600-words     B   600-a 600-words      C 600 a 600-word      D  600 a 600-words     3 No one should enter the spot  without  the  (  )of the policeA permit  B permission  C  permitting   D  permits4 Letting that animal escyou did it (  )A intend   B intention   C intentionally  D  intention5 to my ( ),i passed the eaxm easilyA joy   B joyful   C joyless   D joyfully 
----What are you doing here ---Oh ,my tascher asked me to write a passage of about ( )in E nglish .That is ,( )passageA 600-a 600-words B 600-a 600-words C 600a 600-word D 600a 600-words 答案:C 600a 600-word 数字+可数名词复数 = 数字-名词(中间为连字符)3 No one should enter the spot without the ( )of the policeA permit B permission C permitting D permits答案:B permission without the permission of...未经...准许4 Letting that animal escyou did it ( )A intend B intention C intentionally D intention答案:C intentionally (故意地)5 to my ( ),i passed the eaxm easilyA joy B joyful C joyless D joyfully答案:A joy to one's pleasure/amusement/joy/ 让人感到快乐/欢快/高兴的是...to one's + 抽象名词 的这个用法需要注意,一般翻译为“让人感到...的是”RayFile | Chris Medina-What Are Words.mp3
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Chris Medina-What Are Words.mp3
电话:(周一到周五 9:00-18:00)
QQ:(周一到周五 9:00-18:00)第三方登录:《what are words》中 I… leave when… most后面的是什么?B_百度作业帮
《what are words》中 I… leave when… most后面的是什么?B
《what are words》中 I… leave when… most后面的是什么?B
你好你要的是这一句吧I would never leave when she needs me most不离不弃,只因我是你最刻骨铭心的依恋 还有问题可以问我~~
I would never leave when she needs me most
I would never leave when she needs me most   当你最需要我的时候,我绝不会离你而去powered by
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The Language of Dominican Republic
LANGUAGE - The Way Dominicans Talk / Dominicanismos Introduction and Dictionary
Take the time to learn some Dominicanismos - We have 4 pages in our basic words list. They are able to be accessed here by using the alphabet or you can go to each page separately here.
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Dominican Spanish, the way the Dominicans talk (Como Hablamos Dominicanos) sometimes known as Dominicanismos or Dominicanese. Some words are the same as Spain Spanish but many are very different. Even the way words are pronounced are different. For example, most Dominicans do not use the "S" at the end of a word. It is important to know many of these words. When you are walking in the street and someone calls out to you it is a good thing to know if you should acknowledge or ignore the comments. When dining knowing what your ordering could make a real difference for the stomach! Use these just as a guideline, words change as well as peoples interpretation of them. Also, as in all countries, each region and sometimes town, has its own words, expressions, and accents. Imagine trying to explain some words you may use in your own language...not as easy as it seems.
Spanish is the official language of the country and street signs and restaurant menus are written in Spanish for the most part.& Even though the people linked to the tourist trade generally speak English, knowing some Spanish defiantly would be helpful. Even if you get laughed at, people will know you are trying. A good laugh is good for the health, even if it is at your own expense. Enjoy and take it easy, life is too short.
Another very important thing that you will probably notice when you hear you first group of Dominican people hanging out talking. Dominicans speak very loud and fast. They wave their arms around a lot and use many strong hand and facial gestures. When I first saw this I thought people were getting ready to fight, it made me nervous, not understanding the words they were saying and seeing what seemed to me to be aggressive gesturing. But, as I later learned, it wasn't that way at all. This normal Dominican-talk is not aggressive, rude or annoying to others. It is the way they do it, their cultural custom. In fact, Dominican people are just the opposite of the way they come across, they are very polite humans. They always great others with a "buenas días" or "?Como esta?".
One very noticeable difference in the language is the way certain consonants and vowels change. In the capital area of Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, the R sound is changes to an L sound. For example the word ?por que?& changes in sound to ?pol que?. In the north part of the country they make the R sound like an I which makes ?por que? sound& like ?poi que?.& The southern region makes the R sound like an L making the word Miguel sound like& Miguer. Also they do not add the letter S to the ending of words. In fact, they cut off many of the last letters in a word.
Spelling is not that good, in general, by the average Dominican. Since the words are, for the most part, written as they sound studying spelling in not a real priority in Dominican schools as it is in many other cultures. This means that the average Dominican has no idea (and for the most part doesn't really care) if a word is spelled with a V or a B; an H or a J; a soft C or an S or a Z (any letters that are interchangeable in pronunciation). So if you are writing something of importance make sure you look up the word if you have any doubts as to the spelling.
Slang is very common, like everywhere in the world. Learning the slang of a country or region can be a never ending task as things change from day to day. Example is years ago in USA the word bad meant good, and now when something is sweet they do not mean that it is filled with sugar. This is the same in Dominican Republic. It can be seen everywhere. On political posters, signs, and names of businesses. Trying to learn some of the slang can make conversing a bit more fun and make you understand and fit in a little better. In time, and with a little effort, you may be able to understand and laugh at a joke just as you do in your own native language.
Try listening to people talking in the streets with friends or enter a chat room with Dominicans and see if you can pick up some of these common phrases. Esta Bien would be the school book way to say something is good, OK or& cool. Here people might say ?Ta nitido?& ?Ta jevi?& ?Ta vacano? If you agree on something and want to say this in Dominican slang you could say ?ta to? or ?fuego?. If you want to just say hello or what's up you would say "?Que lo que?" or ?Como tu 'ta?" There are so many more sayings. I have tried to list many in the dictionary pages here.
Dominicans use many double entendres in their language. This along with their play on words and metaphors make the language quite flowery and fun. Also try and remember that for many Dominican words, including Spanish words in general, there are no direct translations. It is important if you want to fit in to try and use a few of these words. It is also fun and if you do make a mistake don't worry, most Dominicans will understand and try to help. They will appreciate your efforts.
Relax and enjoy this wonderful island and its beautiful and colorful people. Life is good!!
Arretao?- a very bold person, stupidly brave
Asorao - surprisedA caco - to shave a head bald, especially when trying to hide their hair loss
A nivel - used to describe when something is pleasurable, almost like "really cool"
A po' ta' bien - "Ah, it's OK"
Abombao - when someone had lots to eat.
Abombarse - rotten or spoiled food, fruit and water
Abur-Abur - equal to bye-bye&&&&&
Ace - powdered soap, laundry soap
Acechar - to watch or control
Acetona - Nail polish remover
Aficiao - (pronounced ah-fee-Chow) to be enamored with, in love with or complexly asphyxiated with another person.
Agallú (or Agayú) - greedy, when one has more than enough and does not share. Selfish.
Agallú&& -&
Aguajero - BS'er, full of it, speaks a lot and does nothing, brags and boasts all the time.
Agolpear - (Golpear) to strike, hit
Ahora - now
Ahorita - Soon,later, maybe never in "Dominican time"
Anchoas, anchoitas - pin curls (thanks Nicole)
Anjá - sort of like saying "What!" "Wow!"
Ajebrarse - to physically fight with another person
Ajumao - drunk
Al trisito - when something is about to happen or almost happened. "We al tristo wrecked"
Alante - (similar to adelante) to move ahead, go forward, to call the next person in a line
Alelao -& a man who is a little slow or stupid
Allantoso - Bragger, phony
AMET - (El AMET) the traffic police
Amorcita (o) - my little love (feminine or masculine) used as a term of endearment not necessarily love
Anda el Diablo (sometimes spoken as one word Andaeldiablo)& -& It is usually said as an exclamation with the emphases on the word anda. Used like the word Damn! when surprised or frustrated.& Translated loosely as The devil walks or hanging out with the devil.
A?uga - to choke
A su orden -"Your welcome" or "It's nothing"
Apechurrao, Api?ao, Ape?ucao - to be very tight, to be packed in like sardines
Aplatanado - another name for Dominicans. Many do not like being called this.
Aplicar - apply for a job
Apota - intentionally, deliberately
Arma una pi?a - to look for a fight
Arrecho - for a man to be excited sexually, erect
averiguao - (from the spanish word& averiguador) a person who is very nosey (thanks Nicole)
Avion - (literally means airplane) a woman that does se an easy woman
Baboso - (pronounced ba-bo-zo) idiot, to speak lies, talks way too much crap.
Bacano - one cool dude
Bago - person that does not like to work&
Baisma - The Basement
Bajo - bad smell
Bakebo - Basketball
Banca - place to place a bet, gamble (baseball, lottery)
Barajo - "eso se barajo" literally it was shuffled. Used when a plan was changed or did not happen.
Batea - metal wash tub, usually used for laundry
Bayonesa - mayonnaise in spanglish
Beepear - pager, beeper
Beibol - baseball&
Bengue - Ben Gay
Bembe - (big) lips / Bembú-person with big lips
Bemberria - a small party for friends
Bidón - aluminum container,usually used to hold and transport milk
Bi Ma - Big Mac
Bloque - Sidewalk
Blumen - women's panties, bloomers
Boca-aguá - someone who talks without thinking
Bohío - hut
Bolsa - be careful with this word. In Spain Spanish it is bag. In DR it is (ball) bag. We use the word funda for bag.
?Bomba! - Wow!
Bomba - gas station
Bonche - party for a bunch of friends
Bote llón de agua - the large 5 gallon blue jug of water that holds clean drinking water.
un bote - boat
Bozo - big moustache on an old person
Brasier - bra
Brecha - spy
Brechador - (acechar - to watch) men who like to watch women
Brechero - peeping Tom
Brechar -& someone that likes to brag a little
Buquí - when someone makes a pig of themselves
Bufeando - making fun of something or someone
Bufeo - relax
Bugarron - dominate gay man
Buquí - when someone makes a pig of themselves
Burén - flat griddle
Burriquero - The guy in the country that rides around doing errands for people on his burro, ie:runs to the grocery store
We have 4 pages in our basic words list. They are able to be accessed here by using the alphabet or you can go to each page separately here.
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When you are asked, for example,
"How you Doing?" = "?Como tu 'ta?
"What's happening?" = "?Que lo que?"
Respond with:
*Tranquilo = Calm&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& * ma-o-meno = more or less.&&&&&&&&&&
*regular pal' tiempo = OK for now&&&&&&&&&&&& *quieto = quiet
How to respond to a greeting Dominican style
Learn English, French, Spanish, Japanese, and more on line when you have time. .}


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