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时间: 18:41 来源:互联网 作者:网络 阅读:次
下面为大家带来了星球基地planetbase建筑建造开局技巧攻略详解!1、氧气生成直接造大的,电池、太阳能板、风能发电至少中等大小,小号的没什么卵用。2、死了都是自己作死的,没有攒够材料就规划。小人儿都是优先把材料拖去盖房子,规划一多,没材料做零件跟医疗包就是一个死。3、一个农地(1蔬菜2主食1药材)跟一个实验室(1制药6造肉还能接2条路)足够20个人吃饭,移民到20以后可以先把停机坪关了,攒一波资源,盖好新的房间再开放。4、我造了2块小型农地(5主食1药材2蔬菜),2块矿,1个生产车间(各2台机器)满负荷运作还有大量的剩余原料,估算还可以供一个生产车间使用。百度网盘星球基地1.0.4b链接:&密码: 61zs
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Includes 24 Steam Achievements
Title: Planetbase
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Release Date: 15 Oct, 2015
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$19.99 USD
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"Start the Mars (and other planets) colonization today! Send foolhardy colonists into light suffocation and unforgiving meteor storms for your prestige."
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Recent updates
21 October
Over the last few days we've been listening carefully to the community and we've finally had the chance to implement some balancing and AI tweaks based on user feedback.
This is the full list:
- Removing solar flares from desert planet as this was making the game too hard too early, it also makes planets more different.
- Guards now have 20% armor (they were always meant to, this was a bug).
- Colonists and Bots inside the Mine are now unaffected by solar flares or sandstorms
- If you are low on Food/Spares/Medical Supplies, there is a high chance you will get a merchant bringing these goods
- You can now delete resources laying on the ground
- AI will now prefer to repair very damaged buildings over less damaged ones (as long as they are not much further).
- Setting a structure to high priority now has a more dramatic effect on AI behavior: They will prefer to work there before carrying stuff around or relaxing.
- Better AI behavior when base is on alert: Anyone walking outside will go inside immediately, and no one will ever go outside from the inside.
- Highlighting keyboard shortcuts in a more obvious way.
- Removed &Meteor has been destroyed& notification.
- Doing basic checks on savegames to ensure they have not been tampered with
- Fixed &Police State& achievement
- Fix for issues with navigation when building to the edge of the map
- Fix for corridors sometimes getting locked by accident.
- Fix for massive storage sometimes having graphic glitches on the doors.
- Fix for colonists getting stuck if there was an unbuilt component placed in an isolated module.
- Fix for resources sometimes getting stuck after recycling buildings.
- Fix for telescope animation bug
- Lowering alert volume sound
- Stability fixes
We will keep on improving the AI over the next few weeks, especially focusing on trading and pathing issues.
19 October
Another quick patch to address some urgent issues.
- Fixed issues to do with saving the game when the hard drive is full
- Fixed component sounds playing when not being used anymore
- Fixed issue that caused intruders to appear after disabling colonists for a long time
- Various other stability fixes
About This Game
Planetbase is a strategy game where you guide a group of space settlers trying to establish an outpost on a remote planet.
In the game you play the role of the base architect and manager, telling your colonists where to build the structures they will need to survive. You will have to ensure that they have a constant supply of oxygen, food and water to stay alive.
You will get them to collect energy, extract water, mine metal, grow food, manufacture bots, and build a fully self-sufficient base.
Even if the game is not intended to be a simulator, all the mechanics are plausible, and based on what the expected challenges of establishing a colony in an new planet would be.
Three different planets with different conditions and increasing difficulty.
Harness solar and wind energy (if available) in order to power the base's structures.
Grow hydroponic Vegetables and synthesize Vitromeat to feed your population.
Mine and produce raw resources, process them, manufacture goods, and establish a production chain.
Carefully manage the colonist immigration flow to ensure you have the people with the right skills.
Survive disasters like meteors, sandstorms or solar flares and defend your base from intruders.
Mechanize your base by creating your own bots that will help with the more arduous tasks.
Grow your colony from a few initial pioneers to a vibrant planetbase with hundreds of colonists.
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista/7/8/10
Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB VRAM (Shader Model 3)
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 550 MB available space
OS: Windows 7/8/10
Processor: Intel Core i5
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: AMD/NVIDIA card
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 550 MB available space
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8 people found this review funny
11.9 hrs on record
Planetbase is a great, if simple concept for a game. Yet flawed in its execution and sadly not in what I would consider a release ready state.The game as is (A few days after release) seems to be more akin to an early access of a game, there are some parts of the game that are there, and the idea and gameplay is good, but there are too many flaws to consider it a good game.Most breaking of these flaws is, as seems to be standard for games, the AI. Your colonists do not have any self-preservation instincts whatsoever and also have no clue how their machinery works. Nor do they have any idea of prioritisation (And there are only VERY basic options to give them a priority). They will happily stand in front of a filled food vendor while they starve to death, because the food vendor has had a task queued by some guy on the other side of the base looking to grab a snack. They will also head to the canteen for a drink, return to work and then decide within a minute of arriving that it's time for a meal. The second big flaw is in the interface and controls. You are very limited in how you can control the game, there are near no prioritisation buttons, you can not pause the game except by going to the menu, and there do not appear to be any graphics settings of note(Only 'high' 'medium' 'low', anti-aliasing and a resolution? Seriously?). There are no ways to prioritise one building over the other, nor any way to prioritise for example your doctor making a medkit to treat the injured over hauling some vegetables to the trader. Nor can you tell when someone has just started work or when they're going to stop working. In general, there just is no structure to the base. Your crew just does what they feel like with no regard for the consequences while you have no way to tell them what to do.The base itself is empty, and yet there is not enough room. Every single dome needs a long corridor that goes only from it to one other part of your base. There is no way to split from a corridor, and corridors need to have a minimum length, thus making sure you have long travel times no matter how you build. This of course means very little work gets done when you expand, with less and less getting done the more you build. And then if you somehow manage to get through all this, your colonists will stop working anyway. Why? Well, that's simple. They'll stop working because they're dealing with malnutrition!...What's that? You give them 3 kinds of meat and 6 different kinds of vegetables? Doesn't matter. The game makes every kind of food ingredient into a generic 'basic meal' unless your unthinking colonists just happen to load the right combination of ingredients into the food making machine to make a nutritious meal. But they're not smart enough for that. I've personally witnessed one food maker filled up with beef and only beef, and right next to it one filled up with only maize. Those two could have made burgers, nutritious delicious burgers, but instead I could do nothing but watch as the game turned them into generic 'basic meals', and soon found my entire colony collapsing since the malnutritioned refuse to work and just stand around doing nothing. You can only cure it with a medkit as well, so they could not simply eat a nutritious meal. That, or none of my meals ended up nutritious over all that time.This game needs a lot of work before I would consider it viable, and as much as I was looking foreward to it and was hoping to just relax, sit back and build myself a base, I found myself unable to do anything except fast foreward as my base slowly died off. It's a good idea, and a good base for a game. But with the interface, options menu, and the AI as it is, I wonder if they bothered playtesting it before release
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1 person found this review funny
46.2 hrs on record
I love simulation/management games.I want to love this game.I've put in a ton of hours trying to love it but it isn't a good experience in the end.Pros:The challengeThe graphics and animations while simple are enjoyableMultiple layers and production linesCool building styles and interesting day/night cycle effects/challenges (ie: no solar power)Cons:Your base is very fragile. One mistake or poorly planned building and the whole thing dies. This becomes a problem when you run into the biggest issue with this game.The AI is the dumbest thing I've ever encountered. In Banished, workers would go too far away from food while performing tasks and starve or freeze. I thought that was badly written AI code. Nope.The AI in Planetbase is so freaking stupid and slow it makes the game more frustrating than fun. For example, the biggest issue you run into early-mid game is that your power utilities require maintainance which requires a tool called a Spare. You build a factory and a Spare machine, which goes unused as the infrastructure breaks down and power runs out, people starve, asphyxiate and you lose. All because the AI doesn't allow you to make Spares a priority.Every game I've lost, I've watched the AI colonists standing right next to the very thing they need not to die, and refuse to utilize it. Great game with a very stupid flaw that, at the moment, makes it unworth the effort. Stay away until you read patch notes about AI changes.*EDIT* 10/24 - the devs have made some changes to the AI that improve the game, however, they removed other features that kind of made the first planet boring as hell.At least they are trying.
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15.1 hrs on record
I don't often leave reviews, but at this point I really had to.
I was very excited about this game.
I absolutely adore resource management games and civ simulations.
I've played for a few hours, starting over dozens of times, trying to find that perfect build that will get my colony seed going.
I love that it's difficult and your decisions matter.Then it happens.
Maybe an hour into a map, and the AI just gives up.
Out of my 7 starting colonists, 6 of them are hungry.
There's piles of unprocessed food in the storage building waiting to go into the processor, and no one will move it.
ONE lonely engineer will stop what he's doing, grab some veggies or meat and takes them to the machine for himself.
He eats, and then goes back to his tasks.There is no way to schedule or rank work.
(The max build queue is kind of a joke.)
There is no way to manually assign tasks or override a colonists broken path.
A sandstorm hits, and I have a colonist that walks out side and just stands there in it for no reason.
My bots finally broke down.
One engineer walks right by, and the other is standing right next to it, but refuses to attempt repairs.
I have piles of spare parts and materials waiting to be used.If a game doesn't have a strong AI to actually simulate well, it needs to allow for granular manual control.
This does not.
Once you've reached an equilibrium the game just stops working.
I love difficult and challenging games.
This isn't a challenge, this is an infinite loop of broken.
All in all it's a very simple game that had the promises of complexity, but failed to deliver.
I would say the AI is a joke, but there would actually have to be an AI to rate.Do yourself a favor, give this one a pass.
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26.1 hrs on record
I rarely say this but. My money was well spent. And i really meen that. So lets break it down real simply,
3 planets to pick from, one base to build on each. Make power, make food, produce materials, make bigger buildings, get peeps. Repeat. That may sound boring, but HO HO HO, trust me it isnt, i havnt played a intense &city& building game like this in quite a while. You got to manage your resources sparingly, because the game will not give you pity from the meteor strikes.. the sand storms... and the solar flare that will kill anyway who dares to go outside, because ya know... radiation is a B****. Anywoot. Very fun, played around 20 ish hours, would play more if and when they deceide to add more stuff in it.9/10if you like strat games, you get diz ^-^
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19.3 hrs on record
Yeey Space Banished, with Dumb AI!This popped up on my recommended list. I kinda like survival management games. So i thought i give it a try.Tutorial done! Easy peasy, gather this, it will give you that, and those.Onward to my first real colony. After the 4th retry started to realize that it's not me making mistakes, the AI is just brain dead. Prioritizing between labor tasks, and life threatening situation is not the hard side of it.Anyhow i got up to about 200 colonist and 20 hours, I kinda get the feeling that this is the end game, from this point it's just restart and optimizing stuff.Pros: The smallest things can screw you over.Fairly challengingLooks okayCons:Brain dead AIOccasionally the game Force closes for no reason.NO windowed modeNO skippable cutscenes. Best of AI WTF3 Massive Solar Panel, 2 Very Large Windmill needs ASAP repair! Hey! Lets repair this good one instead.Need more spare parts, production line lacking material, and manpower. Hold on, let me just finish this building, and that, and that.Solar flare imminent, Yellow warning. Ok, let me finish this repair on the opposite end of the power array. Died by radiation.I am so depressed, let me stare this plant until I die due to starvation.Selling huge amount of material, Ohh let me pick this container up from the opposite end ot the whole map.People are Dying in the med bay. Where is the medic? Carrying materials.No medicine in the past few weeks. Priority on the lab. Where is the medic? Carrying materialsNo Power? I can't sleep!Airlock is queuing up? let me use the other one 3 km away. Welp! I suffocated.Welp We're under attack. Ok let me get my self shoot to dead.Let me ignore the telescope. Laser turret hit by meteorite.
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时间: 18:42 来源:互联网 作者:网络 阅读:次
下面带来了星球基地planetbase全建筑建造方法介绍!建筑物分为分为两种,可以简单理解为有气密和无气密两种。建筑物选取之后可以滑动鼠标滚轮改变大小气密类建筑:隔离门-氧气中心-餐厅-卧室-高级卧室粮食实验室-加工厂-零件加工-运动中心-酒吧集散中心-医疗室-肉类实验室-机器人工厂-警卫室除隔离门、氧气、集散中心以外的建筑在建好之后点击建筑物就会出现第二张图回收-设施添加-关闭设施回收顾名思义就是回收建筑物添加设施:每种建筑都有不同的设施添加,每种设施添加都需要扣除物资。如餐厅的餐桌每一个需要一个生物淀粉。某些设施添加之后,还需要相应的人物去二次操作,如加工厂需要工作合成生物淀粉,铁。粮食实验室需要生物学家。关闭设施:关闭当前选取设施,如电力氧气消耗过大可以选择某一些设施进行关闭。特别是前期降落台建造之后需要注意一下自己的后勤是否能支持人员的添加,不能就关闭。气密类建筑解锁条件:隔离门和氧气建造之后解锁:餐厅-卧室-高级卧室-粮食实验室-加工厂矿场解锁:加工厂零件加工解锁:机器人工厂非气密性太阳能板-风力发电机-电池-水循环中心水塔-矿场-小型降落台-大型降落台-雷达天文台-流星机枪-路标-太阳能柱太阳能电池板解锁:风力发电机水循环解锁:水塔小型降落台解锁:大型降落台!百度网盘星球基地1.0.4b链接:&密码: 61zs


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