
吐槽吐槽,说个关于我家狗的事吧,反正尼玛很气愤!本人6年前养了2只金毛一公一母,之前住的是多层的小区,院子里人也少反正养它们也很方便,后来去年搬了新家住进了多层的房子,磨难开始了(这个小区之前是城中村)------介绍完毕—————刚开始住进去的时候感觉还行不用天天爬楼梯了,挺省劲。到后来问题就一个一个出现了。我平时每天溜3次狗 早晨5点一次(事B泼妇老头们起不来)中午2点一次(事B们都午睡)晚上10点一次(事B们睡觉了)每次都得掐指点溜就怕碰到麻烦人,我遛狗的时候从来都是带着链子溜我1米9牵住它们2个没问题,从来都不放开,放开也是去周边野地里。每次我也带着铲子给它们铲粑粑,就是院子里小孩们在草地里拉的屎啊啥的我看见了也就一并收拾掉了,省的怕他们说是我家狗拉的。就最近一次 我晚上10点做电梯带狗出去玩了,在电梯里碰到一个女的,其实我目测也就3分(真的不能再多了)她一上电梯,就吉利巴拉的埋怨,说臭死了 好多毛啊啥的,我也就笑笑回应,一会就开始跟她朋友说了这大黄狗看的好凶啊,不会咬人吧,我说不咬,她说你在这么多人的小区养这么大的狗干什么啊 多吓人啊,我可怕狗呢(我真的能看出来她是装的,太夸张了,我总觉的她是在用怕狗这个理由,来显示自己好像很娇弱的样子)后来我也没法说啊,养中型犬大型犬就得没事挨这帮B人白眼啊。最后我都忍了,后来我先出了电梯,那女的们在楼道里,我带着它们玩了一会就往回走了,到楼道我就听到她们在那比比的说:“我非得举报了那个养狗的那人,看见狗我就烦,咱们打电话叫打狗队给他打死吧,养那脏玩意。”原话,我听到了。当时我真想上去撕了她们啊,我就过去说了,要是大狗队真来了,我大不了就4000快钱赎回来,要是给我打死了,我第一时间回来弄死你们!这她妈的太给脸不要脸了。我就想说,我们养狗挨着你们蛋事了,是有人养狗没素质,不铲粑粑,不拴狗,咬到人了。谁也不愿意让这事发生啊,以后我们会注意的,大不了你们找物业说不让狗做电梯也行啊,这样就不会跟你们身体产生交集了吧,再说了,我养狗又不是为了显摆,我生活孤独我养个狗陪我,关你们蛋事了。我都想说尼玛的大夏天整天在楼下闲B吹牛的事B者,你们就不烦了?你们不就是为了夏天出来省个空调钱嘛,恶不恶心,就到这吧,自从搬了家就天天受气,躲也不行,不躲也不行,总是有人时不时的出来给你几句,你们都怎么了?但凡是养狗的必须的素质我都做到了,你们还想干什么?
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It translates to English to mean there is a sister to the handsome  man.
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'You have too much time in your hands' would be the literal translation, I'm sure you understand what it means.
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Actually there are 49. List of Danny Phantom episodes ~ see related link below . Season 1 Episode 1: Mystery Meat Episode 2: Parental Bonding Episode 3: One of a Kind Episode &4: Attack of the Killer Garage Sale Episode 5: Splitting Images Episode 6: What You Want Episode 7: Bitter Reunions Episode 8: Prisoners of Love Episode 9: My Brother's Keeper Episode 10: Shades of Gray Episode 11: Fanning the Flames Episode 12: Teacher of the Year Episode 13: Johnny 13 Episode 14: Public Enemies Episode 15: Fright Night Episode 16: Maternal Instinct Episode 17: Lucky in Love Episode 18: Life Lessons Episode 19: The Million Dollar Ghost Episode 20: Control Freaks Season 2 Episode 21: Memory Blank Episode 22: Doctor's Disorders Episode 23: Pirate Radio Episode 24: ReignStorm Episode 25: Identity Crisis Episode 26: The Fenton Menace Episode 27: The Ultimate Enemy Episode 28: The Fright Before Christmas Episode 29: Secret Weapons Episode 30: Flirting With Disaster Episode 31: Micro-Management Episode 32: Beauty Marked Episode 33: King Tuck Episode 34: Masters of All Time Episode 35: Reality Trip Episode 36: Doublecross My Heart Episode 37: Kindred Spirits Season 3 Episode 38: Eye for an Eye Episode 39: Infinite Realms Episode 40: Girls'Night Out Episode 41: Torrent of Terror Episode 42: Forever Phantom Episode 43: Urban Jungle Episode 44: Livin'Large Episode 45: Boxed Up Fury Episode 46: Frightmare Episode 47: Claw of the Wild Episode 48: D-Stabilized Episode 49: Phantom Planet
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mode is the number that appears most in a list of numbers, the mode here is 54 since it is the only number that appears twice
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1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 54
-1, -2, -3, -6, -9, -18, -27, -54
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Fifty-four in Spanish is "cincuenta y cuatro," which literally means "fifty and four." Numerically, it is written as "54" in Spanish just like in English.
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The speed of 54MBps is a rating and not an actual download or  upload speed. A connection at that speed will always be  significantly lower. Overall, 54MBps is not very fast& relative to  available Internet connections.
<div class="content_text" ga-event="Feed_Click,index/question_new/19221,f_q_ inches is 4.5 ft tall. 4.5 ft = 4 ft, 6 inches tall.
To calculate the answer, do the following:
54 / 12 = 4.5 (this is how to convert inches into ft. The answer means 4& + 1/2 ft)
.5 * 12 = 6 (this is how to convert the decimal portion of 4.5 into inches)
Chinese answer:此两句中"这么"和"那么" 两个词表示的意思都是虚指,略带夸张。 
 English answer: In these two sentences, both "这么(zhè me)"and &"那么(nà me)" express slight exaggeration.
In order to know the answer to 54-24 one would need more information. If more information is provided for 54-24 one can research and located the appropriate and correct answer&.
Born a slave, William Carney volunteered to fight for the Union. Joining the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, Carney carried the flag to the walls of Fort Wagner, in that& horrific July 1863 fight and was wounded four times. He was the first Afro-American soldier to be awarded the Medal of Honor.William Carney (29 Feb 1840 - 9 Dec 1908) was born a slave in Norfolk VA. His father escaped to the North by way of the Underground Railroad, and worked hard to buy his family's freedom. By the late 1850's the family was living together in New Bedford, ME and William had learned to read and write.In February 1863 William joined the Army's 54th Massachusetts, and wrote in the abolitionist newspaper The Liberator, wrote: "Previous to the formation of colored troops, I had a strong inclination to prepare mys but when the country called for all persons, I could best serve my God serving my country and my oppressed brothers. I enlisted for the war." The 54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry had been formed as a 'colored regiment', and it's commanding officer was a staunch abolitionist, Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. The 54th was soon chosen to spearhead an assault on the heavily defended Fort Wagner, guardian of the Charleston, S.C. Harbor.Shaw's 54th Massachusetts would lead the Union assault from a slim strip of beach that bordered the Atlantic Ocean. Federal artillery and naval cannon bombarded the fort all day, and at nightfall, the 54th dressed ranks and attacked. Advancing 1,000 yards across the sand, the soldiers were decimated by canister, musketry and artillery fire from the fort. A bullet struck the 54th's color sergeant, and as he stumbled, Carney threw down his rifle seized the flag and moved to the front of the charging 54th. He made it over the fort's wall, one of the 54th few survivors of the charge. With bullets peppering the sand around him, Carney saw a group of Confederate soldiers approaching him. Still holding the flag, he leaped into a ditch, but found it filled with the dead bodies of his shattered regiment.Returning to Federal lines, Carney was quickly shot twice. A Union soldier from the 100th New York came to his aid, but as they stumbled to the rear, Carne in the arm again, and the head. The New Yorker offered to take the Colors from Carney, who refused, saying he would only turn them over to someone from the 54th. Cheers greeted Carney when he finally staggered into the 54th ranks, and before collapsing, said, "Boys, the old flag never touched the ground!" The 54th suffered 272 killed, wounded or missing out of the 600 who attacked, with Col Shaw among the dead. The 54th's heroism had a ripple effect, spurring thousands of other black men to join the Union Army, with Abraham Lincoln noting that the 54th's bravery was a key development that helped secure the North's final victory.Retiring a year later due to his wounds, Carney married Susannah Williams in 1865; they had one child who became an accomplished music teacher. He took a job as a letter carrier for the Postal Service, where he worked 32 years before retiring. After retirement he worked as a messenger at the Massachusetts State House, where in 1908 he would be fatally injured in an accident that trapped his leg in an elevator. William H. Carney's valor at Fort Wagner was honored on 23 May 23 1900, when he was awarded the Medal of Honor. The first black soldier to receive the award, when Carney was asked about his heroic actions, he simply said, "I only did my duty.
Chang Suibin of China's Henan province is extremely thankful after he was saved by a group of people who noticed he was trapped under the bus. Passengers and pedestrians waiti&ng at nearby traffic lights joined together to lift the bus off of Chang and pull him out of harms way.People are just awesome.
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| 豫ICP备号家里人都不许我养狗 说有细菌对女孩子不好 妈妈说再养两年 等我二十二岁谈恋爱结婚就不许碰狗了 我说狗是很干净的 那些孩子生出来就夭折的是她们自身的身体素质不好 只要把身体养好了就没问题了 妈妈说那万一要是出个事呢 怎么办 我说那你别指望我谈恋爱了 我宁愿要狗 我以后对象不喜欢动物的话 那也直接玩完 我觉得叮当也是我生命中的一个牵绊 从小把它养到大 它对我也是有依赖的 离开了我它该怎么办 如果它去到了陌生的环境 它会多么的没有安全感 它可能会陪我几年或者十几年 我想让它安心的留在我身边 我想它在我身边开心的老去 我会陪它散步 陪它玩 给它买好吃的 我不想因为我的恋爱和结婚就抛弃它 它能安安静静的陪我十几年 有些男人是做不到这一点的 我为什么要为了一个不确定的以后而放弃一个确定的十几年 我做不到 真的做不到 家里人天天拿狗说事 今天妈妈去外婆家 外婆外公也说以后狗大了不好 我现在好怕自己长大 怕叮当长大 我觉得这样对我对叮当都太不公平了 我有点恨这个世界了 怎么办


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