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英文名《Gone with the wind》原小说和拍成的电影都非常著名。到网上搜索故事大概就行了。剧情:
1861年南北战争爆发的前夕,塔拉庄园的千金小姐郝思嘉爱上了另一庄园主的儿子艾希利,但艾希利却选择了郝思嘉的表妹——温柔善良的韩媚兰为终身伴侣。郝思嘉出于妒恨,抢先嫁给了韩媚兰的弟弟查尔斯。不久,美国南北战争爆发了。艾希利和查尔斯作为征兵上了前线。查尔斯很快就在战争中死去了。郝思嘉成了寡妇, 但她内心却一直热恋着艾希利。        一天,在一次举行义卖的舞会上,郝思嘉和风度翩翩的商人白瑞德相识。白瑞德开始追求郝思嘉,但遭到她的拒绝。郝思嘉一心只想着去追求艾希利,结果也遭到拒绝。        在战争中,美国南方军遭到失败,亚特兰大城里挤满了伤兵。郝思嘉和表妹韩媚兰自愿加入护士行列照顾伤兵。目睹战乱带来的惨状,任性的郝思嘉成熟了不少。这时,从前线传来消息,北方军快打过来了,不少人家惊惶地开始逃离家园。不巧韩媚兰要生孩子了,郝思嘉只好留下来照顾她。        在北方军大军压境之日,郝思嘉哀求白瑞德帮忙护送她和刚生下孩子的韩媚兰回塔拉庄园。白瑞德告诉郝思嘉他不能目睹南方军溃败而不去助一臂之力,他要参加南方军作战,他留下一把手枪并和郝思嘉拥吻告别。郝思嘉只好独自勇敢地驾驶马车回到塔拉庄园,这时家里已被北方军士兵抢先洗动一空,母亲在惊吓中死去。        不久,战争结束了。生活依然困苦。北方来的统治者要庄园主缴纳重税,郝思嘉在绝望中去亚特兰大城找白瑞德借钱,但得知他已被关进监狱。归来的途中,郝思嘉遇上了本来要迎娶她妹妹的暴发户弗兰克,为了要重振破产的家业,她骗取弗兰克和自己结了婚。        郝思嘉在弗兰克经营的木材厂非法雇用囚犯,并和北方来的商人大做生意。此时,白瑞德因用钱贿赂而恢复了自由。两人偶然碰面,再次展开爱恨交织的关系。        弗兰克和艾希利因加入了反政府的秘密组织,在一次集会时遭北方军包围,弗兰克中弹死亡,艾希利负伤逃亡,在白瑞德帮助下回到韩媚兰身边。郝思嘉再次成为寡妇。此时,白瑞德前来向她求婚,她终于与一直爱她的搞私运军火和粮食致富的白瑞德结了婚。婚后,夫妻二人住在亚特兰大的豪华大宅。一年后,女儿邦妮出生,白瑞德把全部感情投注到邦妮身上。郝思嘉偶然翻阅艾希利的照片被白瑞德发现,终于导致了二人感情的破裂。其后,在艾希利的生日会前夕,郝思嘉与艾希利相见时热情的拥抱引起旁人非议,但韩媚兰不相信他们之间有暧昧关系。白瑞德可不这样想。        当郝思嘉告诉白瑞德她已经再次怀孕时,白瑞德怀疑地问那是谁的孩子?郝思嘉在羞怒之下欲打白瑞德,却不慎滚下楼梯引起流产。白瑞德感到内疚,决心同郝思嘉言归于好,不料就在他俩谈话时,小女儿邦妮意外坠马摔死了。与此同时不幸的事也在另一个家庭里发生,韩媚兰终因操劳过度卧病不起。临终前,她把自已的丈夫艾希利和儿子托付给郝思嘉,但要求她保守这个秘密,郝思嘉不顾一切扑向艾希利的怀中,紧紧拥抱住他,站在一旁的白瑞德无法再忍受下去,而转身离去。面对伤心欲绝毫无反应的艾希利,郝思嘉终于明白,她爱的艾希利其实是不存在的,她真正需要的是白瑞德。        当郝思嘉赶回家里告诉白瑞德,她是真正爱他的时候,白瑞德已不再相信她。他决心离开郝思嘉,返回老家去寻找美好的事物,被遗弃的郝思嘉站在浓雾迷漫的院中,想起了父亲曾经对她说过的一句话:“世界上唯有土地与明天同在。”她决定守在她的土地上重新创造新的生活,她期盼着美好的明天的到来。
出门在外也不愁Hao123 Toolbar is a browser plugin that provides you a search bar and a few shortcuts to your social networking accounts. The toolbar is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and other browsers. With the plugin installed users have an instant access to email notifier, radio player, weather and Facebook. Hao123 Toolbar is often thought to be related to < and , but this plugin is available at . However, the toolbar also displays its menu in Chinese, just
which is a legitimate Chinese news portal, supported by Baidu search engine.
Where does Hao123 Toolbar come from?
There have been many toolbars similar to Hao123 Toolbar before. All of them are developed by Conduit Ltd and they usually come with additional software. For example, Hao123 Toolbar is practically identical to Iminent Community Toolbar, Eazel Toolbar, Appbario Toolbar and other plugins from the same family. Apart from the official website, the toolbar can also come bundled with other software. Then you need to be especially attentive during the installation process, because you may install Hao123 Toolbar without even realizing that. What is more, should you install the full version of Hao123 Toolbar, your home page and default search engine will also be changed to . Not to mention that the plugin also wants to install Nitro PDF reader - but you can easily choose to not install this software.
Due to the fact that Hao123 Toolbar changes your home page address and provides its own customized search engine, the plugin is considered to be a potentially unwanted application, and some users even think it has browser hijacker qualities. Nevertheless, despite the fact that Hao123 Toolbar may cause certain security risks, you can remove it from your PC without any difficulties.
How to remove Hao123 Toolbar?
In order to remove Hao123 Toolbar, you need to delete it via Control Panel and then manually restore default browser settings. To do that, follow the instructions below.
Hao123 Toolbar Manual Removal
Delete from Windows 8
Move mouse cursor to the bottom right corner of the screen.
When Charms bar appears, click Settings and select Control Panel.
Open Uninstall a program and remove Hao123 Toolbar.
Delete from Windows Vista & Windows 7
Open Start Menu and go to Control Panel.
Select Uninstall a program and remove Hao123 Toolbar.
Delete from Windows XP
Open Start Menu and go to Control Panel.
Select Add or Remove programs and uninstall Hao123 Toolbar.
Delete Hao123 Toolbar from your browser
Internet Explorer
Press Alt+X and select Manage add-ons.
Remove Hao123 Toolbar from Toolbars and Extensions. Click Search providers on the left.
Set another search engine as the default one, and remove Hao123 Customized Web Search from the list.
Press Alt+X again and go to Internet options.
from home page section under General tab.
Enter a new home page address and click OK. Restart the browser.
Mozilla Firefox
Press Ctrl+Shift+A and Add-ons Manager tab will open.
Remove Hao123 Toolbar from Extensions. Close the tab.
Click search icon the left of the Mozilla search box (top right corner).
Choose Manage search engines and remove Hao123 Customized Web Search. Click OK.
Press Firefox button and go to Options.
from home page section under General tab.
Enter a new home page address and click OK. Restart Firefox.
Google Chrome
Press Alt+F and select Tools.
Go to Extensions and remove Hao123 Toolbar from the list. Click Settings on the left.
Select Open a page or list of pages under On Start-up. Click Set pages.
and enter a new home page address. Click OK.
Select Manage search engines under Search.
Remove Hao123 Customized Web Search and set a new default search engine.
Click Done and restart browser for the changes to take effect.
It is also highly recommended to scan your computer with
scanner to make sure that your system is absolutely free of undesirable applications. If you have any questions about Hao123 Toolbar or any other plugin, do not hesitate to leave a comment below.
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I have been involved with computer security ever since I started using computers and surfing the World Wide Web, and I like to think that, over many years, I have gained valuable experience, working with all types of infectious threats, on all kind of infected machines. My area of expertise is malware, its research and analysis, and I can spend hours investigating latest computer infections, so that PC users would be informed about the latest malicious applications and all sorts of threats that can infiltrate their computers, compromising multiple computer systems. I have joined AntiSpyware 101 to share my knowledge and provide PC users with latest malware research information and essential system news.
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