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From January 1st to January 31st
On the thirty-one day of January 1st
Re:每日听力2分钟------十月三十一日话题:The Anatomy of
台湾屏东地震造成至少五条海底光缆损坏,很多国外网站都不能上了。地震示意图(图片来源:新京报)  东方网讯 12月27日消息,从今日凌晨起,有来自北京、重庆、武汉等多地网通、电信用户向东方网反映,无法正常访问国外网站,包括雅虎在内的多家国际知名网站均无法正常访问,MSN等IM也无法正常登陆。中国网通以及中国电信集团公关处人士,均于9:00向本网证实,昨晚台湾地区的地震影响到内地出口光缆,造成国内访问国外网站故障,稍后将公布进一步消息。地震的事下午候听朋友说了..作孽啊>_<希望 网络可以早点恢复今天终于能上>Hanging on to Your MemoryThese days lots of people live to be 100.
One of the biggest challenges they face is keeping their memories intact.
Roughly 50 per cent of people over 85 have some symptoms of dementia.
And the older we get, the higher the incidence of Alzheimer's diseaseNevertheless, many seniors live to be a 100 with none of the distinctive changes in brain tissue that are found on post mortem analysis of the brains of Alzheimer patients.
In some cases, people whose brains show significant evidence of Alzheimer's disease were none the less mentally sharp at the end.While people with no physical signs of Alzheimer's may be just genetically blessed, what can we make of those that accumulate the characteristic protein junk in the brain associated with Alzheimer's, but show no signs of dementia?There is now increasing evidence that the adage use it or lose it' is really true.
Studies show that mental activities like doing daily crossword puzzles, playing chess, or regular reading are effective in either delaying the progress of dementia, or triggering the development of a compensatory cognitive reserve.One problem is to decide whether the effects of Alzheimer's Disease prompts the choice of less stimulating activities.
If this is so, those already on the downward path may avoid mentally challenging tasks, and thus make it difficult to check the claim that such tasks delay Alzheimer's.So next time make that extra mental effort.
Keeping the brain in gear may help it run well to the end.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=152 height=229 title="Click to view full 041231.jpg (152 X 229)" border=0 align=absmiddle>30号了,把今天的也传一下吧。The Cells' Sacrifice to Keep You Healthy>Most of us don't think about the challenging life of some of our body cells.
Many of them have extremely short life spans working 24 hours a day in hazardous environments.For us to stay alive, a bit of us has to die every day.
A substantial fraction of the cells in your body are programmed to commit suicide.
Cell death is just as essential as cell division in making sure that our bodies have the right numbers of cells in the right places.Today for example your liver and spleen will get rid of about a 100 billion aging red blood cells as well as a few white cells whose "best before" date has expired.
Blood platelet live only 10 days, and white blood cells live from a few days to several months.In a week you will have replaced most of your stomach lining.
The cells in your stomach have to be replaced every few days because they are in such a lethal location, constantly bathed in acids.
Rapid loss of your summer tan bears testimony to the fact that our entire epidermis sheds about once a month.However many important cells have to last us a lifetime.
The cells in the lens of your eye and your heart muscle never divide and cannot be replaced.
Take care of them because what you start with is all you get for your entire life.So next time you look in the mirror, be thankful for the wonderful plan that programs the life span of every cell.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=188 height=163 title="Click to view full 041229.jpg (188 X 163)" border=0 align=absmiddle>The last day in 2006.Happy new year to every DXYerWish we can learn more,listen more in a brandnew 2007.---------------------------------------------------------------You Can Join the Search>Most people have heard of the SETI project, the search for extra terrestrial intelligence, because they have watched enough movies to have encountered it.Originally, the SETI program was to run ten years.
However, just one year into the project, the U.S. Government cut NASA's funding of the program to save money: about12 million dollars a year.
But this left the field wide open for enthusiastic amateurs, all over the world.
In this age of billion dollar space exploration, these volunteers armed with old satellite TV dishes and home made radio telescopes continue the quest for extra terrestrial life.They have formed the SETI league which operates some 126 radio telescopes around the world, many of them made from satellite dishes costing only about a thousand dollars.
They operate on a shoestring budget of under 20 thousand dollars annually.
The league exists mainly to educate members on how to amplify, filter and process the signals falling from the sky.Although there are still some large professional efforts searching for extra terrestrial life, like the SETI Institute in California, the amateurs feel they have a significant chance because they take a broader, less detailed look at a greater patch of sky.
But let's hope they have plenty of patience, its likely their search will be a long one.So next time you're hoping to be the first to find something, remember there may still be a chance for you to say the first "hello" from earth.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=217 height=171 title="Click to view full 041227.jpg (217 X 171)" border=0 align=absmiddle>>The Extraordinary Properties of LightLike many things that are always present in life, we take light for granted.
But scientists have discovered it has many extraordinary properties.It was not until the 20th century that the real nature of light was revealed.
Albert Einstein proved that nothing can exceed the speed of light. Light establishes the speed limit for the entire universe.
It's speed is the one constant in the universe we can rely on.Out of Einstein's equations came the startling result that time slows as speed increases, and that at the speed of light time stops. So every day we are surrounded by light which never ages.
Light is outside of time.But the nature of light is a paradox, because it behaves as both a wave and a particle.
The smallest packets of light are called photons.
A 100 watt light bulb emits 200 million trillion photons every second.
About a trillion photons of light from the sun fall on every pin head sized area of the earth every second, as the light from the sun is delivered to us in tiny little energy packets.Because time stops at the speed of light a photon shot out from the sun a thousand years ago will never get old.
At the speed of light the time of all events becomes compressed into an unending now.So next time when you wake up to see the light dispel the darkness, be grateful that it will never be overcome by the darkness.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=201 height=190 title="Click to view full 051101.jpg (201 X 190)" border=0 align=absmiddle>A Disaster Waiting To Happen>The devastation caused in August 2005, by hurricane Katrina, did not surprise scientists and engineers because the protecting levees around New Orleans were designed to withstand only the eleven foot storm surges of category three hurricanes, with maximum wind speeds of 130 mph.
In the late ?0's Hurricanes Betsy and Camille barrelled inland with wind speeds of 150 and 200 mph respectively and Hurricane George in 1998, led to a difficult partial evacuation of New Orleans.Throughout the 90's scientists have been warning that a category five hurricane, with wind speeds above 150 mph, could abruptly end life in Southern Louisiana.
Five years before Katrina hit, the chief coastal engineer for New Orleans announced that should a category four or five hurricane be predicted to arrive, he would take his family to the north of Mississippi, because it would cause the entire area of metropolitan New Orleans to be under 25 feet of water.Since hurricane George in 1998, scientists at Louisiana's state university have been showing computer simulations to demonstrate what could happen if a category four hurricane swept into New Orleans. The simulations looked like a Hollywood disaster movie.So next time you hear about potential disasters, remember that sometimes it's not if they will happen, but when.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=206 height=147 title="Click to view full 051031.jpg (206 X 147)" border=0 align=absmiddle>今天好像>In the bird world there are all kinds of approaches to raising the kids.
In some species the female contributes almost nothing to the rearing process.In the case of the Brush Turkey the parents don't even incubate the eggs.
The male builds a huge mound of leaf litter, often a metre high.
When it's ready, the female lays her eggs in the mound.
Dad then covers them over, while mum wanders off into the forest leaving all further responsibility to the male.
Fortunately the rotting leaf pile generates enough heat to incubate the eggs. In due course they hatch, and the chicks struggle out of the pile, fully feathered and independent of both parents.In some cases the parents dodge their responsibility by depositing their eggs in the nest of others, duping them into raising the kids as their own.
The female cuckoo, for example, waits till a targeted nest is unguarded, and surreptitiously enters it to lay her eggs, before quickly slipping away.The most unusual approach is taken by the Sungrebe, a bird that inhabits the jungles of Central and South America.
It is the world's only known marsupial bird.
It is equipped with a pouch to carry its young.
Almost immediately after the chicks hatch, the male places them in pouches under his wings and flies off to care for them in seclusion.So next time you don't know how to deal with your kids, count on finding a precedent for your approach in the bird world.-TO大象:最新的几个偶也打不开,可能还是有些问题吧&_&PS/发现下载的办法了..感谢simon斑竹..T_T帖子以后编辑成/sound/041230.ram 的格式就可以下载了哈.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=226 height=112 title="Click to view full 7.jpg (226 X 112)" border=0 align=absmiddle>我来试试看感谢先!Mendeleev Flies High>A new study at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, has shown that bouncing your baby to music can do more than bring a smile to a babies' face.
It appears that feeling the beat helps wire babies brains to both hear and respond to rhythm.The research involved mums bouncing seven month old babies as they listened to music.
The way a seven month old infant interprets a rhythm is influenced by the way he or she is bounced to the beat.
The simultaneous experience of listening and moving to a rhythm wires the brain to ensure that different senses work together.
They found that babies who get a concurrent sound and movement experience have their perception of rhythm and music changed.One group of infants was bounced for two minutes on every second beat, and another on every third beat.
Results showed that the infants who had been bounced on every second beat preferred to listen to march-type rhythms, with every second beat emphasized.
Infants bounced on every third beat preferred listening to waltz-type rhythms with their characteristic three beat pattern.When babies listened to the music while simply watching their mums move to the beat, without being rocked or held, they showed no preference for either marches or waltzes.
It seems that the movements of the infants own body is critical to their response to music.So next time you're putting your little one to sleep, don't forget the bounce as you sing your lullaby.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=218 height=160 title="Click to view full 051108.jpg (218 X 160)" border=0 align=absmiddle>还有没有了?谢谢这几天的都打不开链接,发个前几天的吧。Your Best Chance to Visit Mars>The growing interest in investigating the planet Mars has prompted a novel project from the Canadian Space Agency.
Behind its Montreal headquarters they have built a 30 by 60 metre simulation of the Martian terrain.
They describe it as "the biggest piece of Mars on Earth," with a hill, a cliff, a rock covered plain, and even a canyon.
Although they have red sand, they can't simulate Mars lower gravity and thin atmosphere. The small plot of mock Mars landscape is being used to test designs for a rover the Space Agency hopes to send to Mars by 2011.
They are working towards a modest Canadian led mission which would someday see a Canadian flag on Mars.Hopes that Canada would participate in NASA's next big Mars probe scheduled to launch in 2009 have been dashed by lack
of government funding. But the Space Agency is pushing ahead with plans to join a series of European missions to Mars.
The European project aims to land humans on Mars by 2033.
So it looks like the Canadians still have a bit of time to drive around in their test rovers.
Right now they are developing a prototype of a hopping robot, that would leap up to 25 metres in the air, come down, right itself and look around at its new surroundings.So next time you visit Montreal, consider taking a side trip to check out Mars.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=284 height=254 title="Click to view full 041228.jpg (284 X 254)" border=0 align=absmiddle>Your Partner Makes a Difference>Three quarters of all chemical elements are metals.
Although they have a lot in common, they behave in very different ways.
Some like gold and silver are notorious misers that won't part with the electrons.Others like aluminum and sodium are very willing to give their electrons to non metals like oxygen, and so are found in nature as ores, which we have to pry apart to get the metal.Fortunately for us, even metals that are reluctant to make a permanent commitment to a partner element, can usually be persuaded to stay with another metal in something we call an alloy.
In the alloy the metal atoms are not chemically joined, but exist as an intimate mixture rather like the one we get when things dissolve.Although alloys lack the intimacy of metals wedded in permanent chemical compounds, the close contact between metals in alloys completely changes their characteristics.
This is fortunate, because we can change the properties of alloys by adjusting the amount of each component in it.Civilization's progress is so bound up with our ability to make alloys that we describe an entire historical age as the bronze age.'
It's the period when we learned to mix copper and tin to produce a relatively strong material that resists corrosion and could be easily cast into tools and artifacts.So next time you note the differences between you and a friend, learn from alloys, your collaboration will be stronger than either of you on your own.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=182 height=139 title="Click to view full 041215.jpg (182 X 139)" border=0 align=absmiddle>Save Your Cucumber For The Salad>When I was a kid there were a lot of family myths about using things in the fridge to clear up medical problems.
Dad claimed slapping a raw steak on a black eye would soon clear it up.
The fact that it seemed to help is nothing to do with the meat, - there are no magic substances in beef that cure bruising.
It was the coldness and the mild pressure that helped. Cold lettuce would have done just as well!Other salad components are touted as cures.
For example, some claim that cucumber slices help reduce puffy eyes.
But there is no substance in cucumber that can reduce eye swelling.
Cucumbers are 90 per cent water, and have to be cold to be effective.
It turns out that for both these folklore cures, it is the coldness that helps by constricting the blood vessels and hence decreasing the internal bleeding and minimizing swelling.The best household substance to use in response to minor injury is often cold water.
It is certainly better to use cold water rather than butter if you get a burn.
The butter my mother slapped on my burnt finger should have been saved for the toast.
The butter covering on the burn just trapped the heat in and prolonged the pain.
If she had first cooled the area, honey might have been a better choice, since it has an antibacterial effect.So next time you're wondering what to do with the things in the fridge: eat the steak, use the butter on your bread and put the cucumber in the salad.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=242 height=121 title="Click to view full 051110.jpg (242 X 121)" border=0 align=absmiddle>Facing a Sleepy Crowd>I sometimes find myself trying to keep people's attention during a talk after a large meal, as they slip into a food induced coma.It does take a lot of energy to digest all that meat, mashed potatoes and vegetables, followed by a heavy rich desert.
Our metabolic rate goes up 25-50 per cent after a meal, and blood is pulled away from the brain to help the digestive system do its work.
This increase in blood flow during digestion, and the sharp increase in our metabolic rate, both contribute to that sleepy feeling.In the process of digestion a number of hormones are released, which all have an effect on the brain, including a number of different feelings.
Some making you feel full, while others activate areas in the brain involved in sleep.There is certainly a lot of folklore about tryptophan in turkey making you sleepy after a turkey dinner.
But the levels of tryptophan found in a turkey dinner are too low to act on the brain directly.
However tryptophan is also produced by the body during the digestion of carbohydrates.
When you digest carbohydrates the level of tryptophan in your blood increases.
Tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin, and both serotonin and tryptophan have a calming sedating effect on the body.
When serotonin acts on the brain it makes you feel sleepy.So next time you invite me to speak at your banquet event, you will understand why I prefer to give my speech before the dinner.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=202 height=166 title="Click to view full 051110.jpg (202 X 166)" border=0 align=absmiddle>Watch Out For Those Cracks>In April 1988 Aloha Airlines flight 243 took off normally.
As the plane climbed the external pressure fell.
The pressure difference between the inside and outside of the plane forced the atoms of the aircraft's aluminum skin to move slightly apart.
All this was normal.What was not normal was the size of an unnoticed crack in the fuselage.
Through hundreds of pressurization and depressurization cycles, this crack had opened, closed, and opened again.
On this fateful day, as the plane reached its cruising altitude, the atoms at the tip of the crack separated beyond the point of no return and the crack began to run.
Driven by the pressure differential, air rushed through the crack.Internal air rushed through a decompression flap at over 700 miles per hour and a section of the fuselage began to crack like an eggshell.
18 feet of the forward cabin was torn from the aircraft, along with an unfortunate flight attendant.The materials of the fuselage had behaved in a predictable way.
Cracks in the aluminum skin are inevitable, but they must be detected and repaired before they reach a critical length.
The six to eight inch crack involved in this incident was easily visible. As is so often the case human carelessness was to blame.So next time you board a flight, spare a thought for the careful technicians who find those small, but potentially lethal cracks.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=220 height=208 title="Click to view full 051111.jpg (220 X 208)" border=0 align=absmiddle>Has My Pet Got Blue Blood?>Almost every photographer has known the frustration of having some of his best shots spoiled by red eye.'
Red eye occurs when a flash is used because there is not enough light for a good exposure.
In dim light, the pupil dilates to maximize the amount of light entering the eye.
When a flash is fired the pupils do not have enough time to constrict before the picture is taken.The light entering the eye is reflected off the blood vessels in the retina at the back of the eye.
The photograph shows a reflection of the retina which is blood red. Red eye is particularly noticeable in people with light coloured eyes, because there is little dark pigment to help mask the red colour.If pets are included in the picture, their eyes often appear green, yellow or blue rather than red. Dogs and cats have a special reflective layer in the back of the eye which enhances nocturnal vision.
The light entering the animal's retina from the flash is reflected back through the retina a second time from this reflective layer.
This double stimulation of the retina helps the animals to see better than humans do in dim light.The colour of this reflective layer is what we see on the photograph. It varies from yellow, through green, to blue depending on the age and species of the pet involved.So next time you're surprised by a photo of your favourite little animal, don't assume you have a blue blooded pet.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=259 height=216 title="Click to view full 051114.jpg (259 X 216)" border=0 align=absmiddle>不好意思,这几天回家了不方便上网.SO,辛苦大象同学咯^_^回来我会整理的.New Hope For Baldness>Human hair grows on almost all parts of the body with the exception of the palms and soles.
There are over five million hair follicles in the body, including 100 thousand on the scalp.
Over a lifetime each follicle may produce over 20 feet of hair.
But it is not much comfort to those suffering from baldness to hear that the average scalp can produce nearly five hundred miles of hair in a life time.
We naturally lose between 50 and 125 hairs a day.New hope for treating baldness is found in the discovery that stem cells can be used to grow new hair.
Stem cells are those master cells that can become just about any type of cell.
They have been found in the hair follicles of mice, and may hold the key to a new treatment for baldness.When scientists removed the stem cells and grew them in the lab before transplanting them back into the mice, the mice grew hair where none had been before.The discovery of stem cells in mouse hair follicles provides researchers with important clues that should help them identify and manipulate similar cells in human hair.
It may be possible some day to isolate stem cells from the scalp, grow them in the lab and transplant them back to areas that need hair.
The transplanted stem cells would hopefully develop into new functioning hair follicles which could produce new hair.So next time you look in the mirror, take heart - those bald patches may not be permanent.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=184 height=190 title="Click to view full 051114.jpg (184 X 190)" border=0 align=absmiddle>Diagnosis With An Electronic Nose>Scientists have developed a sensitive electronic nose that is fitted with a range of electronic sensors tuned to particular chemicals. It is designed to mimic the human nose.
When traces of a particular substance are present, the sensors send an electronic signal to a computer programmed to associate certain smells with particular events.Chinese doctors have long used the sense of smell to diagnose disease.
A number of diseases like tuberculosis and urinary tract infections, as well as a certain number of cancers and wound infections, give off a characteristic odour.
Experienced doctors can usually recognize the breath of patients suffering kidney failure.Traditional lab tests which grow a culture from a swab or urine sample can take days or weeks to complete.
The electronic nose delivers results in hours or even minutes.
The quicker diagnosis can in some cases make the difference between life and death.Approximately three million people world wide die of TB every year.
So of particular importance is the development of sensors that can smell tuberculosis causing bacteria.
The electronic detectors analyse the characteristic odours from infected mucus after it has been converted into a gas phase.So next time you're bothered by an unpleasant odour, be grateful that scientists are making noses that can sniff out trouble in time to correct it.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=199 height=258 title="Click to view full 051117.jpg (199 X 258)" border=0 align=absmiddle>A Cheaper Way to Run Your Car>The increase in gasoline prices has revived interest in alternative ways of powering vehicles.
Many are counting on hydrogen powered cars, which use hydrogen and hydrogen rich fuels to generate electricity from fuel cells.
Ideally they could be fuelled by pure hydrogen, manufactured by a renewable process.
Already BMW has built a car which can reach 300 kilometres per hour, powered by a combustion engine that emits only steam.Many people are investigating bio-diesel and cooking oil alternatives.
Diesel is a compound that can be replaced by bio-diesel, which is a renewable organically based product.
It is relatively easily produced from plant and animal oils, fats and greases.Ever since World War 2, Brazilians have run their cars using alcohol.
In the 1970's sugar cane production was stepped up to meet the growing demand for grain based alcohol fuels.
Today 20 per cent of Brazilian cars are fitted with an engine that can run on either alcohol or gasoline.Other alternatives include solar powered cars using photo cells to capture the suns energy, or compressed air cars, which are already on sale in France.
They are powered by an electric pump that compresses air to pump the pistons. Its only emission product is cold air.So next time you're shocked at the price of gasoline, save your money and think of alternatives, even if it is only car pooling.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=301 height=160 title="Click to view full 051118.jpg (301 X 160)" border=0 align=absmiddle>偶回来了,感谢大象同学的辛勤劳动Einstein's Big Blunder>In 2005, we are celebrating the centenary of Einstein's theory of relativity.
When he proposed his equations, one thing bothered him - they suggested that the universe is expanding and decelerating.
This troubled him because it implied that the universe began this expansion at a specific time in the past. Einstein, like most physicists in the early 20th century, incorrectly believed that the universe was static and eternal.Evidence that implied that the universe was not static bothered him because it pointed to a beginning, and a beginning opened the door to a "beginner."
So Einstein looked for a loophole, and introduced an arbitrary antigravity constant, known as the cosmological constant.
He is reputed to have said that this was "the biggest blunder of my life."If Einstein had relied on the pure equations and not introduced "a fudge factor" to ensure a static universe that had no beginning, he would have been the first to predict an expanding universe.We now know from lots of experimental evidence that the universe is expanding.
Not only did the universe have a beginning, but so did time, and space, as well as matter and energy.Later reflecting on his life Einstein wrote that "the harmony of natural law reveals an intelligence of such superiority that compared with it, all the thinking of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."So next time you make a mistake, remember that even Einstein was capable of making "big blunders."
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=185 height=267 title="Click to view full 0.jpg (185 X 267)" border=0 align=absmiddle>saga_2004 wrote:偶回来了,感谢大象同学的辛勤劳动呵呵,不客气啦!过段时间我也不能经常上了,还要麻烦saga你多多照顾呢MlxHan wrote:呵呵,不客气啦!过段时间我也不能经常上了,还要麻烦saga你多多照顾呢年底了,都忙的昏天黑地的/ 大象同学记得忙完了回来看一眼就是Saturn's Mysteries Unveiled>The planet Saturn, famous for its rings, is composed of densely packed gases, and boasts some 46 moons - more than any other planet.
Its largest moon, Titan, is a planetary satellite with a substantial atmosphere.Saturn is in the news again because the Cassini-Huygens space probe has arrived in its vicinity after a journey of seven years. Its mission is to survey the ringed giant and its satellites.In December 2004 Cassini sent down the Huygens probe on a suicide plunge to Titan, whose atmosphere, a smog of methane and other carbon compounds, makes it of special interest to scientists.
The south pole of this ice covered satellite is streaked with deep cracks which thermal sensors show to be hot spots with an atmosphere of water vapour.Cassini's cameras have revealed a rolling suffocating atmosphere, characterized by huge thunderstorms the size of continental Europe.
Saturn's famous rings, first spotted by Galileo in 1610, are in a continuous state of change.
Far from being circles of tranquillity, the rocky debris of the seven rings bump and clump together and then pull apart under the gravitational influence of Saturn and its passing moons.So next time you spy Saturn in the sky, picture in your mind seething clouds of gas and diverse moons.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=252 height=217 title="Click to view full 051121.jpg (252 X 217)" border=0 align=absmiddle>A New Coat We Hardly Notice>Wherever we go we all wear an indispensable coat ?our skin.
Our skin holds us together, keeping moisture in, while keeping harmful substances and bacteria out.Our skin cells are continuously being renewed, as billions of them are shed every day.
The sun tan that we were so proud of disappears in a couple of weeks, as the outer layer of skin is replaced.
Over a life time we each shed some 40 lbs or 18 kg of dead skin.The popularity of tattoos depends on the fact that they persist indefinitely.
Tattoos are permanent because the dyed particles are too large to be ingested by the white blood cells that patrol the body and carry away foreign substances.
It needs a laser to pulverize the ink particles into micro fine dust that is small enough to be removed by our white blood cells.Even though we get a new outer coat of skin, old scars often remain with us.
Unfortunately the scar tissue protein which is made during the healing process is different from the protein, called collagen, which makes up unblemished skin.
When regular collagen cells are replaced by new cells, the type of collagen in the scar remains.
As we age our finger prints remain but permanent grooves appear in our face.So next time, you're tempted to take your skin for granted, remember it's the largest organ in your body, and works day and night to protect you.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=124 height=183 title="Click to view full 051123.jpg (124 X 183)" border=0 align=absmiddle>Life In Your Microwave Oven>Microwaves are super high frequency electro magnetic waves often used in communication systems.Most of us meet microwaves when we cook in a microwave oven.
Microwave ovens generate super high frequency waves and scatter them throughout the oven.
The frequency of microwaves is just right to give energy to water molecules.
Microwaves cause them to vibrate and collide with one another.
This process changes the kinetic energy of the water molecules into heat that warms the food.
Any thing containing water can be heated in a microwave oven.You can boil water off objects like wet books or papers in your microwave oven.
But they must never be used to dry living things because the vibration of water molecules inside the body would kill anything that was living.Microwave ovens have a grating in the door which allow us to see our food cooking, while preventing us from being bombarded by the microwaves.
The grating reflects the microwaves back into the oven.
The microwaves, which have a wave length of about 12 centimeters, are too big to pass through the small holes in the grating.
However visible light whose wave length is much smaller than the opening, can easily pass through the grating.
The only way microwaves can leak out is through a badly fitting or dirty door seal.So next time microwaves zap life into your leftovers, think of the action they are bringing into the lives of those little water molecules.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=216 height=131 title="Click to view full 051124.jpg (216 X 131)" border=0 align=absmiddle>谢谢这个版块很不错会经常光顾的Indoor Air Pollution>While much concern is expressed about pollution in our environment, air is usually cleaner outside our home than inside it.
Over a life time more than 80 per cent of the air we breathe is indoor air.
The concentrations of many common pollutants in this air can be many times higher than in a city street.If headaches, fatigue, eye irritation, coughing or nausea are worse when we are indoors than outdoors, it is likely our problems are caused by pollutants rather than viruses or bacteria.Many of the sources of chemical irritation come from the materials used in the construction of our homes and offices.
In addition, things like dandruff from people and animals, or spores released from mold and mildew in chronically wet spots in the house or basement may make us ill.The hundreds of thousands of minute skin flakes that we shed every day provide food for several million hungry dust mites that share our home with us.
Dust mites themselves are not a big problem.
But they excrete about twenty times a day, producing over a million dust mite waste particles every month.Our best protection is a good ventilation and filtration system.
That combined with frequent cleaning and washing of our linens in hot water can help us breath easy.So next time you're concerned about the environment, recognize that pollution starts right where you live.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=227 height=174 title="Click to view full 051125.jpg (227 X 174)" border=0 align=absmiddle>Using Hypnosis In Medicine>Hypnosis is finding increased use in medical therapy.
Precisely what is happening in the brain while we are in a hypnotic state remains uncertain.
Nevertheless there is now considerable scientific evidence for the therapeutic effectiveness of hypnosis in treating certain conditions.For example, researchers have found that hypnotherapy can help relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, and alternating constipation and diarrhea.British researchers followed 204 IBS patients before, immediately after, and up to six years following treatment with hypnotherapy.
The therapy consisted of up to a dozen one hour sessions.
71 per cent of the patients claimed they improved very much' or moderately' immediately following the therapy.
Of these people 81 per cent maintained that improvement years later.Doctors theorize that much of the benefit of hypnotherapy comes largely from the stress relief it provides.
In the case of IBS there is also evidence that hypnosis actually helps people damp down muscle activity in the gut, and even minimize the sensitivity of the gut lining ?two things that are not usually under the conscious control of the patient.So next time your digestive system plays up, remember there are all kinds of treatment options out there.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=262 height=206 title="Click to view full 051128.jpg (262 X 206)" border=0 align=absmiddle>Kitchen Aids To Health>More and more studies are telling us that eating your vegetables and whole grains is good for you.
Now researchers claim that antioxidant rich foods ?colourful foods like carrots, peppers and blueberries can help protect us from diabetes.Researchers analysed the eating habits of over 4,000 men and women who were surveyed in the late 1960's and early 70's.
Based on this data they estimated the amounts of antioxidants people ingested in the food they ate.During a 23 year follow up period, 383 of the participants developed diabetes.
The study authors calculated that the people who consumed the most antioxidants were some 40 per cent less likely to develop diabetes.Perhaps more surprising is that several recent studies have linked coffee with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
One study, involving 42,000 men and 84,000 women, found that men who drank at least six cups of coffee a day had less than half the diabetes risk of men who drank none.
The comparable figure for women was a 30 per cent lower risk for heavy coffee drinkers.While these studies provide some comfort for coffee drinkers, remember that caffeine impairs the ability of insulin to clear the blood of glucose.
So perhaps you should switch to decaf if you are at risk of diabetes.So next time you're concerned about your health, remember what mother said abut eating all your veggies.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=258 height=205 title="Click to view full 051129.jpg (258 X 205)" border=0 align=absmiddle>What Will My Great Grandchildren Know?>The ready acceptance of all the rapid developments in technology by my grandchildren got me thinking about what will amaze their children.We are on the verge of hyper computers and programmable materials which will allow us to do things that today are hard to imagine.
My great grandchildren will probably joke about the days when they had to mine materials, and mold them in factories, putting them together on tedious assembly lines, before transporting them to the location where they would be used.The staggering inconvenience of all that may amuse them, because with programmable matter available, any competent designer will simply define the shape and properties they desire, and send the configuration file of the material like a free download to the manufacturer.Much of the programmable matter which will take all this from the realm of fantasy to reality will be based on silicon.
This element has already proved invaluable in the development of today's electronics.
Silicon oxide is the primary component of rock, the most common material on earth.
Humans have been making hammers and millstones out of it since the dawn of time.
Looking to the future, it is most likely that it will still be silicon that provides us with much of the flexible programmable matter that will revolutionize our livesSo next time your grandchildren smile about the past, try to imagine their future.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=199 height=213 title="Click to view full 051130.jpg (199 X 213)" border=0 align=absmiddle>These Are Tough Days For 'Know-It-All's'>In Greek and Roman times an educated person was expected to know almost everything there was to know.
This was a realistic expectation because almost every idea that had been committed to writing could be housed in a modest library.
Plato and Aristotle planned to create a single document that summarized all the important things then known.It was not until the end of the 18th century that people thought it would be impossible to summarize all knowledge.With over 100 thousand new books, and many times more than that in articles and papers, published every year, it is a race against time to comprehend only a sub-discipline in one life time.
Even the Library of Congress has stopped trying to keep up with all that is available.It is estimated that the total sum of human knowledge now doubles every four or five years.
Our best practical hope of finding information about a particular area of knowledge is in the astonishing ability of computers to quickly access the World Wide Web.The exponential growth in what is known must lead eventually to a point where the growth curve becomes essentially vertical and the old ways of finding things out break down.
Maybe then we'll use artificial intelligence and programmed agents to summarize information for a particular purpose.
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=338 height=253 title="Click to view full 051201.jpg (338 X 253)" border=0 align=absmiddle>Keeping Track Of All The Species>In the Genesis account in the Bible, humans were given the responsibility of naming all living creatures.
This remains a challenging assignment.
For the last 250 years naturalists have attempted to catalogue all the plant and animal life found on earth.
But they have managed to record less than 15 per cent of approximately a hundred million speciesA new Canadian initiative is aiming to set up a unique library to keep a record of every single species of animal, plant, fungus and organism on earth, by cataloguing its DNA and recording it as a bar code, just like UPC symbols we find on our soup and cereal packages in the grocery store.A researcher at the University of Guelph is developing The Barcode of Life Initiative.
It is hoped that all the world's fish will be in the index within five years.
The goal is to develop a DNA barcode library to record the characteristics of every known species in the next 20 years.To make each entry, a tiny portion of DNA, distinct and unique to each particular species, is extracted from a few cells and converted into a 650 line coloured barcode.Already a number of overlooked species have been uncovered.
It seems that our challenging mandate can now be completed.So next time you want to identify fish in the supermarket, look to the day when a barcode will tell you if the fish you buy really is red snapper.
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