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  专注儿童趣味教育应用三十年的 Toca Boca 又出新作品了,这次要在他们家的应用中体验一个什么样的世界呢?让我们进到《Toca Life City》(图卡生活:城市)里去看看吧。  自从 iPad 设备的“早教”功能被挖掘出来之后,各种具有想象力的亲子游戏纷纷推出,一定程度上增进了家庭娱乐的品质。《Toca Life City(图卡生活:城市)》,和其他的 Toca 系列一样在 App Store 上是高分评价。虽然是少儿向应用,但是却吸引了很多童心未泯的大人。  这个启蒙新游戏其实有点像《Toca Town》的进化版,舞台是一座繁华魅力的城市,可以进入四个场景,第一个是公寓楼的家,第二个是商场前面的各国小吃街,第三个是商场,第四个是理发沙龙。  别看虽然只是个卡通画面的游戏,其实每一个场景都尽量还原了现实生活的样子,既然是家里那么当然有电视、有床、有零食和饮料、阳台上有盆栽、衣柜里有衣服、有厨房、有浴室卫生间……一切就像把自己家搬进屏幕里。而且上面基本上所有物品都可以交互,你可以拿起来重新摆放,可以试试一些开关。家里当然也有小朋友在玩,不过小朋友们表现略呆滞,只能任由你挪来挪去,缺少一点生动感。  虽然厨房的东西可以随便拿,但其实做不了菜呢……要是能像《图卡大厨房》那样可以做烹饪就完美了。  最让人流连忘返的是这个小吃街!简直丰富得让人魂牵梦绕,整条街从甜甜圈到汉堡、从炸鸡到披萨,不同的风味开在不同的小店里,不同的小店有的只是一家门面,有的只是一架推车,但是里面的东西看起来都好好好吃啊!吃货玩到这里不愿意离开了有木有!  左边的印度小吃,可以免费加辣椒哦亲。最左边的是一家日式料理店,看到这个店我觉得我饿了。最右边的是中华拉面,来一碗热气腾腾的海鲜拉面吧!  然后进理发沙龙看看,虽然不能帮客人剪头发,也看不到理发师工作的样子,只能随便逛逛店里,拿起人家的染发剂跟香波做做恶作剧什么的……  豪华的supermarket!真的是超级豪华,里面卖各种水果、肉类、零食,还有个自动提款机,搞那么贴心是闹哪样啦,不过确实和现实非常像。超市再往里面走,还有卖玩具的、卖宠物的和卖衣服的等等,我觉得如果你家小朋友吵着闹着要去超市买这买那,可以直接打开《Toca Life City》,让他自个进超市慢慢逛了……  只可惜里面的东西能看、能摸、能玩,就是带不走QAQ……  《Toca Life City》主要用意是让小朋友在一个和现实非常相近的卡通城市里认识到各种事物,认识到商品和服务的含义。这里没有任何规则,你可以自由发挥,无拘无束。不过这款应用不像此前的《Toca Hair Salon》那样带有创意、想象和动手的锻炼意义,也比不上《Toca Lab》浓厚的寓教于乐精神。随着虚拟世界带来的新鲜感慢慢被冲淡,孩子们会发现这里并不会因为你的触碰而变得像现实的城市里那么热闹,对于孩子来说,只有一个人的游戏果然还是太过于寂寞了……  大人也可以和小朋友们一起来城市里探索,其乐融融。不足之处在于里面出现的人物互动太少,如果结合以往图卡系列加上《图卡城镇》的特点,让用户直接在每个商店、小卖店里亲自为客人们服务,那么动手乐趣会更充分
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Toca Life: City
By Toca Boca AB
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*** #1 in 47 countries on the App store, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, France and Japan. More updates are coming to Toca Life: City later this year! ***Welcome to Toca Life: City, a metropolis filled with everyday fun! Customize characters, explore exciting locations and find hidden treasures — there’s something in every corner! INTRODUCING TOCA LIFEThanks to the great response to Toca Town, we're bringing you Toca Life — a series of apps that gives you an even bigger world of everyday fun. First out in the series is Toca Life: Town and Toca Life: City!CREATETry, experiment and customize. It’s time to get creative in Toca Life: City! Change outfits, dye your hair any color and switch hairstyles in the Hair 3000! There are millions of ways to personalize the characters — we dare you to create them all.EXPLORE Say hi to 5 new locations and 33 characters! Go shopping at the mall, grab a bite to eat at the food park or invite friends over to your loft. Characters, and anything they are holding, can easily be transported between locations. DISCOVERThere are treasures hidden everywhere in the City, and with Life Weekly it’s easy to find out about them. Located in the top right corner on the start screen, this feature gives you fun insights in the world of Toca Life: City!RECORDRecord and play with the new recording feature! Create stories and record, save the video to your camera roll before sharing with your friends. What are your friends in Toca Life: City doing today? You decide!FEATURES:- 5 locations to explore: loft apartment, shopping mall, hair salon, food, park and theatre- 33 characters that are customizable in 4.7 million different ways! - 47 hairstyles to test, 37 colors to choose from and various outfits to try on- 7 different food stands at the food park — have some sushi with your burger and try the famous fish ‘n chips! - Shop for clothes, kitchenware, pets, toys and groceries at the mall- Write a play and perform it at the theatre- No time limit or high scores — play for as long as you like!- No third-party advertising- No in-app purchasesWE LISTENToca Life: City was uniquely created for you by you. We received over 10,000 feature requests after Toca Town was released, which we added directly into this app. We want to keep hearing from you so don’t be shy and keep on suggesting! What do you want to see next? Share your ideas with @tocaboca on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram!
What's New in Version 1.1
There are tons of things to discover in this new update of Toca Life: City!SCREEN RECORDING:Now you can record your every move in Toca Life: City. Tap record, start playing and save to your camera roll to share with friends later!LIFE WEEKLYLife Weekly is your source for the fun happenings in Toca Life: City! Located in the top right corner on the start screen, this feature gives you fun insights into the world of Toca Life: City! Featuring fun videos and the best tips, this spot will update weekly to give you the inside scoop.NEW LOCATION: THE THEATREGo crazy in the costume closet and choose your favorite backdrop to set the theme. Discover fun hats, change costumes and get ready for your grand performance backstage. Invite your friends to come watch your play, and get everyone popcorn and treats from the theatre snack bar. Are you ready to pull the curtains? Let the show begin!Wait, there’s more! You can also...- Throw things down the balcony- Pick flowers and take them home- Get caught! The shopping mall now has security alarm — watch out shoplifters!- Take cool photos with an instant camera!- Throw a barbecue at the loft apartment- Change clothes on babiesWe want to see your Toca Life: City world. Share your creations with the hashtag #TocaLifeCity!
Customer Reviews
Amazing please read!!!!!??
This has got to be the best app ever!! And best series by toca boca by far!! Please read!!! This app is amazing but theses r something's I things that would be really cool!!!! ?I think it would be awesome if u could add another house or apartment. Also maybe a zoo and museum because cities r famous for that. Dishwashers and microwaves would be cool and a small city park with dogs and there dog leashes.
And also for app ideas I was thinking toca country it would teach us where our food comes from ???? also I was thinking at night the game would turn to nighttime and in the day the sun goes up and then there would be sunsets and in the winter it would snow and u can iceskate and in the summer you can swim or you can choose what season u want to be in and there would be different themes and activities in each season. And it would rain sometime and then it would storm or be sunny or cloudy or snowy that would be awesome like so awesome I would love that!!! I really hope u guys can create a new update around Christmas time so that we can have snow and it would be just perfect!!! Thank u guys for all of the amazing apps u guys are truly AMAZING!!!! Can't wait for more updates and apps for in the future!!!!
This is a great app toca you are AMAZING I am not exaggerating!Here are some ideas:On the landing screen I see you have no more room to make buildingsHowever I have an idea: you could make it a swipe screen for more buildingsIf you think that might be hard for children under 5 yrs you could do arrows instead.More ideas:Please make the theatre food court biggerAn ice cream shop with ingredients and ice cream makers in the back and an ice cream case in the frontA candy store would be nice with lollipops and that kind of stuff Please have it so you can save the &level& I get so annoyed when I eat the cake because I don't want it and then it appears again when I come back from another lactation and I know some people don't want this so maybe you could have a choice Make the ATM have unlimited moneyMake more apartments A mall would be great with an Apple Store and more clothes especially for the babies Speaking of which please add more babies Maybe a school perhaps with a lunch room and a gym and tons of classroomsMaybe more characters A bigger variety of hair styles There are a lot of bugs BTWOne more thing: in the theatre please add some tickets for shows ???Finally please please please do these updates I know you can do it!!! ? I hope you read this and you take some of my ideasBut I love this game either way ????
I love it but I have an idea
You should add more additions to the to a life series like toca island,school,stores,restaurant and ect. Plus what I think would be cool is connecting the apps. Let's say you have toca town and city but you want one of the characters from toca town to go to toca city you press a botton to go to the city with all the toca town characters mixed with the toca city and do the same with toca island,school,stores,restaurant. Or what would be cool if you could just add all that stuff island,school,stores,restaurant to toca life town or city. Also you should add kids or more babies and more hair maybe more clothes I would die if you added the connecting idea. Even though I'm 10 and playing a game for 5 and under I love this game it is so fun so please consider my idea.
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad$2.99Category: Version: 1.1Size: 90.3 MBLanguages: English, Chinese, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, TurkishSeller: Toca Boca ABMade for Ages 5 and UnderCompatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad Wi-Fi (3rd generation), iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (3rd generation), iPad Wi-Fi (4th generation), iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (4th generation), iPad mini Wi-Fi, iPad mini Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Air, iPad Air Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 2 Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 4, iPad mini 4 Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad Pro, iPad Pro Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPod touch (5th generation), and iPod touch (6th generation).
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