THE A2got milk是什么意思 COMPANY LIMITED的中文意思?

[U]乳,牛奶 a white liquid produced by women or female animals for the feeding of their young, and in the case of cow's and goat's milk drunk by human beings or made into butter and cheese
vt. & vi. 产奶,挤奶 draw milk from a cow, goat, etc.
vt. 榨取; 勒索 extract money, information, etc. (by guilt or dishonesty) from a person or institution
milk&:&乳 ...
milk&:&奶, 乳液,
milk&:&奶; ...
a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings
produced by mammary glands of female mammals for feeding their young
a river that rises in the Rockies in northwestern Montana and flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River
any of several nutritive milklike liquids
"Cows need to be milked every morning"
"I am milking this for all it's worth"
"milk the tea"
用作名词 (n.)
A baby vomits milk from repletion.
She dribbled some milk onto the cereal.
The cat lapped up the milk.
I am boiling the milk.
Now the cubs are growing fat on mom's milk.
用作动词 (v.)
The farmer whistled as he milked.
They try to milk information from the factory.
用作名词 (n.)
The milk powder has lumped.
The milk you put out in the saucer was quickly lapped up.
The milk tends to sour.
The milk soured when it was left in the hot sun.
The milk is overflowing the cup.
The milk was frozen solid.
The milk was drunk by a little cat.
The milk won' we'd better drink it now.
Go easy on the milk—that's all we've got till Monday.
The boy was sent to buy the milk.
She skimmed the milk of its cream.
We must save the rest of the milk for tomorrow.
The hot weather has soured the milk.
I poured the milk from the bottle into the cups.
Add the the milk to the flour, and then mix in 3 eggs.
The milk went sour.
The cat licked up all the milk which had overflowed onto the floor.
You have to keep watching to prevent the milk from boiling over.
Blend the milk and eggs together.
Turn off the gas, the milk is boiling over.
The cat quickly lapped up all the milk.
In our city milk is supplied to each house in bottle.
Two spoonfuls of sugar are too much for a glass of milk, but one is not enough.One heaped spoonful would strike a happy medium.
He drinks a glass of milk.
He filled me up a glass of milk
Every one on the dairy farm pledged that they would not spoil one pound of milk in the whole year.
He went to his neighbour to beg for some milk to feed the motherless baby.
She calmed the baby by giving him some milk.
He squeezed her some fresh milk.
He quenched his thirst with a glass of cold milk.
The pan overflowed with boiling milk.
I owed them for milk and potatoes.
She existed only on milk.
We mix butter, sugar, milk and flour for a cake.
Animals give us meat, milk, wool and leather.
For adults, the most common foods are milk, eggs, peanuts and seafood.
Bread and milk is wholesome food.
Stir milk into a cake mixture.
Yesterday I read in the paper that milk would cost more.
The mother told the child to eat up her spinach and to drink up her milk.
The heat had caused milk to go sour.
Cows give milk.
Children, drink up your milk.
The can contains milk.
The owner of the shop is trying to blend water and milk.
Let me remove the milk jug.
Some mothers prefer to nourish their babies with milk.
My brother loves poetry, it's mother's milk to him.
It's no use crying over spilt milk.
用作动词 (v.)
S+~+ n./pron.
The farmer milks the cows twice a day.
The government was accused of milking the people.
If I see an advantage,I milk it.
用于be ~ed 结构
The island was milked by the invaders for five centuries.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
Out of the woman's great brown breast the milk gushed forth for the child.
出自:P. S. Buck
Milk is an excellent food for man, equally good food for bacteria.
出自:M. Pyke
One cup of coffee, milk and no sugar.
出自:L. Cody
This cow being troublesome..he had..milked her himself.
出自:Medical Physical Journal
The goats were led from door to door to be milked into jugs.
出自:R. Sutcliff
mother' milk意思是“母乳,生来爱好的东西”。
误 It is a cow in the milk.
正 It is a cow in milk.
误 The wheat then was in milk.
正 The wheat then was in the milk.
析 in milk的意思是“在出奶时期”; in the milk的意思是“谷粒等正在灌浆”。
☆ 直接源自古英语的melcan,意为牛奶,乳。
milk&:&乳, ...
milk&:&奶(尤指牛 ...
milk:电影《米尔克》剧照 《米尔克》是一部关于哈维·米尔克的传记片。哈维·米尔克在1970年代,曾作为首个公开同性恋身份的政客参加竞选,并成功荣任旧金山市政府官员。随后他一直致力于为同性恋者争取平等的公民权…
相关词典网站:Price NZ$0.730
Price AU$0.680
The a2 Milk Company commences USA launch
Investor Center
The a2 Milk Company commences USA launch
See what US consumers are already saying about a2 Milk(R)
The a2 Milk(R) brand has commenced its launch into the world’s largest dairy market – the United States of America (USA).
Following a successful brand debut at the Natural Products Expo in Anaheim California in March 2015, the products are now making their way onto Californian shelves.
Wholefoods in Northern California was the first retailer to launch the range of four half gallon milk cartons, with many more set to follow.
Jeff O’Neill, The a2 Milk Company’s USA Chief Executive says, “The reception from consumers, retailers and farmers tells us that a2 Milk(R) has a real and significant part to play in restoring confidence in dairy milk among the many Americans who have significantly reduced their consumption in recent years”.
“We’ll be bringing a pure and natural product to the many millions of Americans who would otherwise have to restrict or avoid the goodness and taste of fresh milk. This truly is The Milk That Might Change Everything!”
The a2 Milk(R) brand will continue to build distribution over coming months and is expected to reach approximately 65% of grocery stores across California.
Read what local writers have had to say about a2 Milk(R):
(Food Navigator-USA)
(Karen Roth Nutrition)pour a bag of milk intothe blender是什么意思?_百度作业帮
pour a bag of milk intothe blender是什么意思?
pour a bag of milk intothe blender是什么意思?
pour...into 倾倒入……a bag of milk 一包牛奶blender搅拌机 所以就是 把一袋牛奶倾倒进搅拌机里
Then, pour a bag of milk intothe blender【然后】把一袋牛奶倒进搅拌器中
……你慢了一步The A2 milk story
Reporter: Pip Courtney
First Published: 06/08/2006
SALLY SARA: The A2 milk story is complicated, so let's start with some explanations. Cows give one of three types of milk. There's milk with A1 proteins, milk with A2 proteins and some cows give milk with a combination of both. A theory, which apparently started in New Zealand, is that A2 milk is much better for your health than A1 milk. Dairy Australia rejects this theory but that hasn't stopped a number of dairy farmers from producing exclusively A2 milk and capturing a premium for their product. As we'll see in Pip Courtney's report, it's been a rocky road for A2 supporters, but the faithful are hanging in. PIP COURTNEY: These jerseys have no idea that in the contentious A1/A2 milk debate, they're famous. In March 2003, milk from this herd, owned by the Denniston family near Lismore, was the first in the world to be bottled and sold as purely A2. While they look the same as any other jersey cow, these girls are in this herd because a DNA test has shown that they only make milk with A2 proteins in it. Both Dairy Australia and its New Zealand equivalent, Fontera, reject the hypothesis about A2 milk being safer than regular milk which is a mix of A1 and A2 proteins. The Dennistons, though, thought there was something to the theory and set up their own bottling plant. JAN DENNISTON: We had a vat test done and that turned out to be 70% A2 so that encouraged us to keep going. Then we tested the cows and split the herd and started producing. PIP COURTNEY: The Dennistons say customer feedback has been remarkable. JAN DENNISTON: They had someone who had a kid with eczema and the eczema had gone away, someone who didn't get migraines anymore, someone who didn't get stomach upsets anymore - those types of issues. All the stories can't be wrong. I just believe there's got to be something in it. PIP COURTNEY: The contentious A1 hypothesis linking milk to disease emerged in New Zealand in 2000 and was reported by 'Four Corners' in 2003. TV REPORT: Milk has long been blamed for health problems - heart disease, diabetes and even autism. But in the new hypothesis, it's not fats or sugar but protein, something you can't even taste, under the microscope. A2 milk's backers claim A1 triggers these diseases. A possible mechanism for how A1 milk might cause disease was now proposed. Protein molecules of A1 and A2 milk are both chains of amino acids, but in the A1 molecule, one amino acid is different - a weak link. A2 researchers believe this causes the chain to break creating a small piece called Beta Casomorphin 7 and this piece is able to move through the gut wall into the blood, triggering disease. PIP COURTNEY: The Auckland-based A2 Corporation owns and licences the intellectual property associated with the DNA testing of cattle and the production and marketing of A2 milk. CEO Dr Andrew Clarke insists the science is there. ANDREW CLARKE: I do have a belief in the product as a scientist as well as a chief executive. PIP COURTNEY: Dairy Australia rejects the claim that regular milk could be dangerous. MALCOLM RILEY: I don't think there is any evidence to suggest that A1 proteins are dangerous. We don't think there is any basis to change farming practices and we don't think there is any basis for consumers to change their consumption habits. PIP COURTNEY: Malcolm Riley says A2's promoters are hurting the dairy industry. MALCOLM RILEY: A dairy product that promotes itself at the expense of other dairy products isn't in the interests of the dairy industry as a whole. PIP COURTNEY: So if A2's backers say the science is there and Dairy Australia says it's not, what are consumers and dairy farmers meant to think? Well, in 2004, the New Zealand Food Safety Authority asked Professor Boyd Swinburn from Deakin University to evaluate the research. In his report, he said "The A1/A2 hypothesis is both intriguing and potentially very important for population health if it is proved correct. It should be taken seriously and further research is needed." Just after the Dennistons launched their A2 milk, a Brisbane company launched its own. A2 Dairy Marketers bought the rights, patents and A2 brand from its New Zealand owners and then signed up six Queensland dairy farmers to supply them. They were offered 11 cents a litre extra to sign on. Dick Schroder, who runs a milk factory near Gympie, was contracted to do the processing and bottling. Maleny dairy farmer Jeff Green was one of the six who signed up. JEFF GREEN: Mainly because of price and that. After deregulation, the price dropped a lot and A2 came along with a pretty good price. We were milking around just over 200 head at the time and you had to get them tested and that. With Friesians, about 25% go A2. We had them tested and then I had to buy more cattle on top of that. We did dual supply for a while. Then we got rid of all our A1 cows and just milk A2 now. PIP COURTNEY: Trevor Martyn farms at Nanango near Kingaroy and is also an A2 supplier. He says for him the timing was perfect. TREVOR MARTYN: Where we were headed was nowhere. There was no light at the end of the tunnel. Then A2 came along and offered us more money and you could see light at the end of the tunnel. It was very, very good. PIP COURTNEY: 34% of the Martyns' herd tested A2. All their other cows were sold and new A2 cows brought in. TREVOR MARTYN: But it's a very slow and drawn-out process and you've got to find someone who is willing to have you come in and test his herd and hoping that you might get three or four cows out of his herd that are A2. So it makes it hard. At the moment we've got mainly Holsteins. There are a few pure Jerseys and some Jersey crosses. There is probably one cow in the background here that is a Guernsey. PIP COURTNEY: The Scott family farm at Nanango, too. They signed up because of the 11 cents a litre premium. IAN SCOTT: The industry was looking a little bit shaky and I was looking at what other options I had in the industry. I looked into it and I thought, "This is where the future has to be." They will always have to pay their farmers a premium price because of what's involved in the A2 supply. PIP COURTNEY: Do you think, though, that you will always get a premium for producing A2 or do you think that the prices will one day be the same? IAN SCOTT: No, I honestly believe and management of A2 has assured me that it will always be a premium price for A2 because of the extra that we have to do to produce this product. PIP COURTNEY: If there is one thing A2 suppliers all say, it's that testing and then switching isn't easy. Tail hair from each cow is DNA-tested to determine what proteins it produces. 20% of the Scotts' herd tested A2, 20% tested A1 and 60% tested A1/A2. The A1s were sold and two herds were formed, one with the A2s, the other with the A1/A2s. IAN SCOTT: Ever since then, we've been breedng all our cows to A2 bulls. PIP COURTNEY: The herds are milked separately and they are kept in separate paddocks. The A2s all have a blue leg band and a blue ear tag. The aim is to eventually breed out the A1 protein. PIP COURTNEY: If you put an A2 bull over an A1/A2 cow, will you always get an A2 animal? IAN SCOTT: No, you won't always get an A2 animal, but you'll get a fair percentage of A2 animals, yes. PIP COURTNEY: So eventually will you have 100% A2 cattle here? IAN SCOTT: Down the track, there will be, yes, but it's going to take a long time. PIP COURTNEY: All A2 suppliers have to agree to herd audits. CHRIS SADDLIER: What's the number on this one, Jeff? JEFF GREEN: . CHRIS SADDLIER: We go on farm after the cows are tested. We re-identify those particular cows and we tag those cows. Then we also take a milk sample from the vat and then we double-check that back against the supply so that we ensure that it's absolutely 100% A2. PIP COURTNEY: Well, Jeff's milking 94 cows here. If he say, snuck in an extra two that were A1, could you take a milk sample from the vat and know? CHRIS SADDLIER: Yes, we can take that and we'll know straight away there is some contamination there. PIP COURTNEY: Do you mind being audited once a month? TREVOR MARTYN: No. Doesn't worry me in the least. It's just assuring the public that it is 100% A2 milk, and anything we can do to clarify the situation for the public that it is A2 milk and it's 110%, I will do it. PIP COURTNEY: Problems for the start up company came not on the dairy farm, but here in the courts. In 2004, the Queensland Health Department fined A2 milk marketers $15,000 for making false and misleading claims about the health benefits of A2 milk. Dairy Australia says the company broke the rules. MALCOLM RILEY: The rules are there for a reason. It's in the interests of the whole industry that people don't go beyond the rules. In the case of A2 milk, where claims about health have been made inappropriately, Dairy Australia have brought that to the attention of the appropriate authorities. PIP COURTNEY: The legal action did not go unnoticed by the Dennistons in NSW. JAN DENNISTON: And I think they had actually been victimised. Maybe they had spoken out too loudly, but if you can go into any health food shop or other similar shop, you will find there are claims made on those products that are probably way outside the legislation, yet they picked on the A2 company. PIP COURTNEY: Why do you think that happened? JAN DENNISTON: Pressure from the dairy industry, and that's clearly the end of it, I think. PIP COURTNEY: Do you think the dairy industry is worried about A2? JAN DENNISTON: I think they're definitely worried about A2, because you can deny everything, but you cannot deny the chemistry. The chemistry is there. A2 is correct in the chemistry and that's where they can't win. PIP COURTNEY: The Dennistons claim the NSW Government threatened them with big fines if they did not remove a link to A2 information from their web site. JAN DENNISTON: It was just another way to try to stop the A2 message getting out there. I think we are just another choice in milk. They don't victimise organic people or people who do omega 3 like in Western Australia yet they victimise A2 producers. It just seems very unfair. PIP COURTNEY: Not long after A2 Milk Marketers was fined, it went into liquidation. The A2 push into Australia was in tatters and farmers and the processor were owed thousands. PIP COURTNEY: So what went wrong? CHRIS SADDLIER: It was just a situation where basically they run out of money, I suppose. It was one of those situations. TREVOR MARTYN: All we knew was that one day it was OK and the next day we were out. PIP COURTNEY: And did they owe you money? TREVOR MARTYN: Yes - still do. IAN SCOTT: The first few days was a bit of a shock. It was a bit of a shock, actually. JEFF GREEN: Yes, wasn't real happy about that because it cost a bit of money to change over. It's not like just changing suppliers, you've got to change your herd and that. DICK SCHRODER: I don't believe they done anything intentionally bad. I just don't believe they knew what they were doing. TREVOR MARTYN: They weren't going to take any of our milk and where do we go? All the other processors were full and weren't taking on anyone else. DICK SCHRODER: It wasn't until a few days before it actually stopped that I find out they had all this milk sitting in the coldroom and they had been dumping it. PIP COURTNEY: The patents, brand and Australian marketing rights for A2 were sold to Singapore-based multinational Fraser and Nieve. Remarkably, those who were burned first time around agreed to work with the new company, A2 Australia. JEFF GREEN: I wasn't too keen on it, but when they started paying us a week in advance, which made it a lot better, whereas before we were on a monthly pay. DICK SCHRODER: I said, "OK, we'll do it on the basis there is no money, no milk." That's how we started it. It is run a whole lot more efficiently now. PIP COURTNEY: Under F and N, A2 milk was stocked in 600 supermarkets in four states. Dairy Australia says, though, it's not surprised that three years on, A2's market share is very small. MALCOLM RILEY: The situation is that people can say what they want about a product but they need the substantiation behind it. In this case, A2 was purported to have health benefits but the science hasn't backed that up. So I'm not surprised that it hasn't made a bigger splash, if you like. PIP COURTNEY: In April this year, the New Zealanders wanted their brand back, and F and N agreed. NATJA GOUGOULAS: It has been an interesting past, but it has made us who we are today and the key thing is the product has continued to survive during all of that. PIP COURTNEY: One thing that has changed in the last three years is the language used by A2's promoters to describe regular milk. It's now much more circumspect. NATJA GOUGOULAS: I think what we are doing is offering a choice. We don't want to put a fear factor out there into consumers. We don't want to get into that other debate. PIP COURTNEY: To avoid fines, A2 Australia can't claim regular milk might cause disease and it can't claim A2 milk is better for you. NATJA GOUGOULAS: It certainly is a challenge. But let's say we are all up for the challenge. It is definitely a difficult task if you can't actually talk about certain things, but there is a way around it and we want consumers to really go out there and explore it and hop on the Internet and have a look and see what's around. PIP COURTNEY: One way the company gets its message out is through lifestyle expos like this one. DEMONSTRATOR: Have a try. I think you'll find with the reduced fat, it has a lot more of a creamy texture to it. PIP COURTNEY: So what do consumers think about the milk that costs 50 cents a litre more than regular milk? FARM FACT: LAST YEAR SHAREHOLDERS IN THE NEW ZEALAND BASED A2 CORPORATION WERE WARNED NOT TO EXPECT ANY PROFIT FOR THREE YEARS.PIP COURTNEY: Would you think about paying more for that sort of milk? CUSTOMER: Oh, most definitely. Health has to come first. PIP COURTNEY: What did it taste like - any different? CUSTOMER: No, just the same as milk. CUSTOMER: We read about it in a pamphlet at the doctor's surgery, so we decided to try it, because goat's milk had been unsuccessful for Jessica's eczema. We tried it and we haven't looked back. Her eczema has improved immensely. CUSTOMER: I think like anything, you need to try it and weigh it up yourself. CUSTOMER: I'm still a little bit confused that apparently there are different cows with different A1, A2 cows, and the milk comes all from A2 cows, but I'm not quite sure what that implies for consuming the product. PIP COURTNEY: Well, sir, you're not alone. Landline asked the Asthma and National Heart Foundations and Diabetes Australia if they believed regular milk could cause disease. All said they did not believe there was any evidence linking regular milk with disease and they did not recommend A2 milk for prevention or management of disease. One of the few Australian scientists to do any research into the A2 hypothesis says the issue is far from clear-cut. JULIE CAMPBELL: There are no definitive studies, I believe, to back it up, but there are a lot of other studies that certainly hint that there is something in this, and it should be investigated. PIP COURTNEY: Professor Julie Campbell is the Director of the Centre for Research in Vascular Biology at the University of Queensland. In 2001, she oversaw research into the effects A1 and A2 proteins had on rabbits. JULIE CAMPBELL: What we found was that the animals fed the A1 casein had high serum cholesterol levels and these were much higher than either the control's animals or else those fed the A2 casein. PIP COURTNEY: The project was funded by A2 Corporation. JULIE CAMPBELL: Once the tissue was taken out of the animal, they were coded, so when she analysed them, she didn't know which group they belonged to, whether A1 or A2, and we got this extremely clear result. Now, when you see clear results like this, there must be a follow-up, I believe, to see whether or not it is true in other species, particularly in humans. PIP COURTNEY: Professor Campbell says she is disappointed in the lack of follow-up research into the A2 hypothesis. JULIE CAMPBELL: I think it would be up to independent bodies such as A2 Corporation or dairy boards to fund this type of research. The fact they haven't I believe is due to either lack of money or lack of will. In particular, I think it's very important for infant formula because caseins in infant formula and we could be giving the wrong casein to our babies right from the time we're born, if we're not breastfeeding and we could be predisposing them to disease. PIP COURTNEY: While the University of Newcastle is running a small human trial this year, neither A2 Australia or Dairy Australia is funding any research. A few weeks ago, due to family reasons, Fairbray, the Lismore-based A2 producer, temporarily closed its bottling operation, leaving A2 Australia the only brand on the market. TELEMARKETER: Hi, Karen. It's Casey calling from A2 Milk. How are you doing today? That's fabulous. Ringing today for your Tuesday order. PIP COURTNEY: In the short term, A2 Australia wants milk in every State by October 2007. In the long term, it wants to move into flavoured milks, yoghurt, cheese and even infant formula. It says it hopes more dairy farmers will switch their herds and become their suppliers. At the moment, the company has six farmers producing 13 million litres a year - five farmers in Queensland and one in Victoria. NATJA GOUGOULAS: So we will be looking for new farmers. We're currently with a growth program with our current farmers. It is important we look after them, they've stuck by the brand for so long and then move into recruiting new farmers on board. CHRIS SADDLIER: We've made a commitment that we sell a premium product and we will stay above the market with regard to farm-gate price. I think from that respect we will be able to stay ahead and suppliers will be quite happy to stay supplying us. PIP COURTNEY: While one amino acid has certainly caused a lot of debate in the dairy industry, it has to be said that, in three years, the A2 idea hasn't radically changed the way the majority of dairy farmers breed their cows or caused much of a ripple in the massive white milk market. NATJA GOUGOULAS: We now need to show them that we're here as a milk company, we want to be taken seriously as a milk company and we are here to support the dairy industry and grow the dairy market. PIP COURTNEY: Do you think if A2 fails again, it will ever get another chance? Does this have to work? CHRIS SADDLIER: I would say so. There are a lot of committed people out there to make it work, and from a consumer point of view, I think we are to the stage now where there is a lot of positives coming back from the consumer end, and I think that that's why it will work. The consumers are going to make it work, and I think that in the long term we will see it become a very strong company here in Australia. SALLY SARA: Pip Courtney reporting on the state of play with A2 milk.


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