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ISSUU - McMaster University, Department of Pediatrics Annual Report by Cheryl Crocker
McMaster University, Department of Pediatrics Annual Report
McMaster University, Department of Pediatrics Annual Report
This exciting book highlights the efforts and accomplishments of faculty in McMaster University's Department of Pediatrics
as they work to improve the future of child and youth health in our community, our country, and abroad.Milk-Bone(R) Dog Snacks|Brushing Chews(TM) Dental TreatsTable of Contents
Abbott L, Nadler J, Rude RK. 1994. Magnesium deficiency in alcoholism: Possible contribution to osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease in alcoholics. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 18:.
Abe E, Miyaura C, Sakagami H, Takeda M, Konno K, Yamazaki T, Yoshiki S, Suda T. 1981. Differentiation of mouse myeloid leukemia cells induced by 1&25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 78:.
Abraham GE, Grewal H. 1990. A total dietary program emphasizing magnesium instead of calcium: Effect on the mineral density of calcaneous bone in post-menopausal women on hormonal therapy. J Reprod Med 35:503&507.
Abrams SA, Stuff JE. 1994. Calcium metabolism in girls: Current dietary intakes lead to low rates of calcium absorption and retention during puberty. Am J Clin Nutr 60:739&743.
Abrams SA, Sidbury JB, Muenzer J, Esteban NV, Vieira NE, Yergey AL. 1991. Stable isotopic measurement of endogenous fecal calcium excretion in children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 12:469&473.
Abrams SA, Esteban NV, Vieira NE, Sidbury JB, Specker BL, Yergey AL. 1992. Developmental changes in calcium kinetics in children assessed using stable isotopes. J Bone Miner Res 7:287&293.
Abrams SA, Silber TJ, Esteban NV, Vieira NE, Stuff JE, Meyers R, Majd M, YergeyAL. 1993. Mineral balance and bone turnover in adolescents with anorexia nervosa J Pediatr 123:326&331.
Abrams SA, O'Brien KO, Stuff JE. 1996a. Changes in calcium kinetics associated with menarche. J Clin Endocrin Metab 81:.
Abrams SA, O'Brien KO, Wen J, Liang LK, Stuff JE. 1996b. Absorption by 1-year-old children of an iron supplement given with cow's milk or juice. Pediatr Res 39:171&175.
Abrams SA, Wen J, Stuff JE. 1997a. Absorption of calcium, zinc and iron from breast milk by 5- to 7-month-old infants. Pediatr Res 41:1&7.
Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride.
Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 1997.
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