
太平洋的英文单词怎么写?A Healthy Diet
作者:qyf2002 时间: 10:45:59
Ahealthy diet教学案例一.教学目标:TeachingObjectives:1.会正确朗读diet, fond, overweight, prefer,unhealthy, instead of, have to等单词。2. 掌握上述单词、词组的运用二. 现状分析:1.教材分析:单元地位:本课由三篇课文组成。本课由三篇课文组成。从内容来看,第一课是有关看病询问情况以及反身代词的用法。第二课是关于健康饮食的话题以及have to/ has to的用法。第三课是有关健身以及as…as 的用法。从语法点来看,第一课呈现了询问病情,描述病症,给予建议的句型,以及反身代词的用法。第二课呈现了谈论健康饮食以及表达自己喜好的句型以及have to 的用法。第三课呈现了谈论健康的句型以及as...as的句型。<span style="font-size:16color:#. 学生情况分析:本次开课的对象是初一平行班,学生的基础一般,接受能力不是很强。这就要求老师从学生的实际情况出发,教学目标的设置不宜过多、过难;教学内容要层层铺垫,环环相扣;教学方法尽量要多样化,让学生容易接受。三.教学重点、难点:1.重点:单词的正确朗读2. 难点: &have to的用法。 & & & & & & & & & & &四.教学过程:Teaching Plan & ( The First Period )Teaching Procedures and methods:StepsContentsMethodsPurposePre-task &preparation 1.Review &the words of food
1.Brain storm 1.To inspire the students with interest in learning &English and to know something about foodWhile-task &procedure 1.be fond of 2.diet: go on a diet/be on a diet 3. healthy / unhealthy healthily / &unhealthily 4.prefer…to… 5.weight /weigh / overweight6. instead of7. have to 1.Answer the questions &2.Use the Inspiration &soft to give examples3.Use the Inspiration &soft to give examples 4. Use the Inspiration soft to give examples5. Use the Inspiration &soft to give examples6. Use the Inspiration &soft to give examples7. Use the Inspiration &soft to give examples1. To improve the ability of using the &phrase “be fond of “2. To get familiar with the phrases “go on a diet/ be on a diet” 3. To master the phrases “healthy/ &unhealthy/ healthily / unhealthily ” 4. To master the phrases “prefer…to… ”5. To master the phrases “weight /weigh / &overweight”6.To master the phrases “instead of”7. To master the phrases “have to” Post-task &activities 1. To estimate the students’ ability------ translation2. To estimate the students’ ability------ writing &1. Translate the following issues 2. Fill in the blanks
1.To develop students’ &ability of memory2. To improve the ability &of &writing
AssignmentWriting: &A healthy diet.Write a compositionMake the composition &perfect 教学说明和反思上课之前,我钻研了教学大纲和教材,制定了适合本班的教学目标。我选择了目标教学模式。那怎样确定本节课的教学目标呢?我认为应以教学目标为导向,调整单词顺序。确定的本课时教学目标为:第一,会正确朗读diet, fond, overweight, prefer,unhealthy, instead of, have to等单词。第二,掌握上述单词、词组的运用。这样一来,本节课的课时目标就很清晰了。我在课前公布本课的教学目标,让学生写在笔记本上,使学生明白新课要学习的目标,积极围绕教学目标进行预习及复习相关知识。预习是目标教学的前提,不预习就无资格走进课堂。学生带着不理解的问题走进课堂,这就大大激发了学生的参与性。这样就把教的目标转化为教与学的共同目标,调动学生的学习主动性。因为是节复习课,有些内容是学生所知道的,但要让他们在这节课中巩固和拓展,让学生根据实际情境真正开口讲英语。所以有必要进行词汇的复习。我这里采用了头脑风暴的复习方式。展示教学目标阶段,这是目标教学独特而显著的标志之一。教学目标是目标教学的灵魂,这个目标既是教者的目标,也是学者的目标,是众矢之“的”。教师要依据这个目标备课,围绕这个目标上课。目标的实施过程是课堂的主体工程,要求师生的一切活动都要围绕教学目标来展开。教学双方必须对应目标点,对应目标层次,采取灵活多样的教学方法,或启发,或点拨,或讲练等方式,引导学生达到教学目标。在本课时的教学过程中,我采用了头脑风暴的方法复习已学的词汇,然后再引出本课的相关词汇,并按照一定的逻辑关系把这些单词串联起来,用inspiration来演绎这些单词的用法。期间通过有效的习题来评价学生的掌握情况。在这些活动中,都体现了以学生为主体,以老师为主导的教学理念,让他们体验获取知识的喜悦。
时间: 10:47:42
时间: 10:45:59大的用英语怎么写_作业帮
大小的大? big大 large 超大huge巨大
big huge large
big great large huge
big大 large 超大 huge巨大初一英语同义句怎么转换_作业帮
同义句转换,考察的就是同义句型:1.will(shall) do...(现在将来时,多表示自然规律)be going to do...(打算,计划,准备,多表示计划好的事情)例句:(1)It will be Friday tomorrow.(2)They will have an exam in two weeks.(3)He is going to study abroad after graduation from the college.(4)The students are going to plant some trees on the Tree-planting Day.2.can do...(情态动词用法,多表示能力,只有一般现在时和一般过去时)be able to do...(多表示能够做到,可有各种事态的变化)例句:(1)They can speak some English now.(2)He cuuld walk a little by himself after the treament.(3)I am able to get here on time.(4)Are you able to call me tomorrow after you get the latest news?3.do well in...(在.做得好)be good at...(擅长.)例句:(1)That boy does well in his lessons.(2)I didn't do well in the communication with the other people.(3)Lots of students in China are good at recitation.(4)Nobody in our class is good at climbing mountains4.enjoy doing...喜欢做...be fond of...喜欢...例句:(1)Boys enjoy watching football games.(2)Girls are fond of anything sweet.5.be strict in...(对人要求严格)be strict with...(对事,物要求严格)例句:(1)Our teacher is evry strict with us.(2)Our teacher is strict in her teaching.(3)Our teacher is very strict with the students in their homework.6.be busy with...(忙于...事,其后跟名词,代词宾格,动名词)be busy doing...(忙于做...,其后跟动词现在分词)例句:(1)We are busy with our revision for the coming exam.(2)We are busy reviewing for the coming exam.7.What's wrong with...(...怎么了?其后跟名词,代词宾格,动名词)What's the matter with...(...怎么了?其后跟名词,代词宾格,动名词)例句:(1)What's wrong with that boy?(2)What's the matter with your study?(3)What's wrong with their learning?(4)What's the matter with her speaking?8.be made of...(由单一原材料制成)be made from...(由多种复合材料制成)be made in...(在.制造)be made by...(由某人或公司制造)例句:(1)This table is made of wood.(2)Beer is made of wheat.(3)This car is made in China.(4)The kite is made by my elder brother.9.used to do...(曾经做过某事)be used to sth...(习惯于某事)be used to doing..(习惯于做某事)be used to do...(被用来做.)例句:(1)I used to work in that factory for 3 years.(2) They are used to the cold weather in Beijing.(3) He is used to getting up early now.(4) A dictionary is used to look up new words.10.have sb.do...(使某人做某事,含有将来时的含义)have sb.doing...(使某人做某事,强调正在做某事)have sth.done (使...被做...说是自己做,却是有别人代做)例句:(1)We are delighted to have you work with us.That will be interesting.(2)After he told a joke,he had everybody there laughing.(3)I will have the ice-box repaired after I have my hair cut.11.help sb.do...帮助某人做...(其后跟动词原形)help sb.with...在...方面帮助某人(其后跟名词,代词宾格或动名词)例句:(1)I always help him write his homework.(2)I helped Tom get out of mhis trouble.(3)He always helps his mother with the housework.(4)They helped the farmers with the farm-work last summer.12.keep doing...(坚持做...)keep on...(坚持某事,其后跟名词,代词宾格,动名词)例句:(1)He kept learning English,and finally,he became a translator.(2)I keep doing morning exercises after I get up.(3)Keep on your idea,you will get it.(4)He kept on following his ideal,then,he made his dream come true.13.stop doing...(停止正在做的,注意doing的用法)stop to do...(停下来去做...,注意to do的用法)例句:(1)We stopped talking when the teacher came in.(2)We stopped to talk when the teacher left the classroom for the office.(未完待续)
所谓同义句转换就是将一个句子用另一种形式表达出来,而且意思不变。因此,掌握的句型越多,做题就越方便、快捷、容易。但每种练习的方式总有一定的规律可循,这里我们就来进行归纳,试着从最常见的变化形式中找出一些规律来。1. 用具有相同意思的词或词组进行转换。如:(1) She had a good time in Wuhan.→She enjoyed herself in W...怎么写?英语! _作业帮
No,he isn&#39;t.My father is working.Where are the children singing?He doesn&#39;t do his homework at home.Are the girls eating any strawberries?
你好,很高兴为你解答1,no,he isn't2,is working3,where are singing4,doesn't do 5,are eating any
No, he isn&#39;tis workingW singingdoesn&#39;t doA eating any
where are singing
doesn't do
eating any
No,he sin‘tis workingWhere are &。。。singingdoesn&#39;t doAre eating some
1.he isn't2.is working3.where are singing4.doesn't do5.does eating these}


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