
英语选择题,答案已给,请大神说出为什么选这个1 __A__of the books costs at least ten yuanA Each
D Some2 My mother made some dumplings for me__B__A eat
B to eat C eating
D ate3 Please__C__your hands if you have any q_作业帮
英语选择题,答案已给,请大神说出为什么选这个1 __A__of the books costs at least ten yuanA Each
D Some2 My mother made some dumplings for me__B__A eat
B to eat C eating
D ate3 Please__C__your hands if you have any q
英语选择题,答案已给,请大神说出为什么选这个1 __A__of the books costs at least ten yuanA Each
D Some2 My mother made some dumplings for me__B__A eat
B to eat C eating
D ate3 Please__C__your hands if you have any questionsA put on
B put off C put up D put out4 Carefulness will __B__your driving safeA let B make
D help5 It is often difficult to__B__what to doA deciding
C be decided
D decided6 This piece of cookie is__D___than that oneA much expensive B most expensive C fewer expensive D more expensive7 We go to school___C__knowledge about many different thingsA get
each:每个(表个体) Every:每个(表全体)动词不定式to表示目的,母亲做水饺的目的是给我吃,动词不定式to+do(动词原形)put up 举起& put on穿上,上演&& put off 推迟,阻止& put out出版,熄灭,伸出make sb./sth.do/adj.let sb.do sth.让某人做事have sb.do sth.让某人做某事have sth.done& 使某事被做/请别人做某事help sb.do sth./with sth.it is +adj.+ to do sth.&&& decide 为动词,用原形than形容词副词比较级标志词,expensive 为多于三音节的词,在变为比较级时:more + expensive动词不定式表目的【百度懂你】知道团队真诚为您解答!
以上四个呢其中evey不可以做代词也就是pronoun用,然后又因为是三单,bd不可以。所以只好是a啦~这里很明显应该使用动词不定式表示妈妈做了一些饺子给我吃~(如果楼主觉得make后面应该要加动词原形的话那这里其实不是的因为这里make和动词之间还有一个for me所以就不是make sth/sb do sth这个搭配了)<...
额1, costs 是单数,主语肯定也是单数,排除BD,every 不和of 搭配,排除C2. 不定时表目的,to eat 就表目的3. 有问题肯定举手。。。。。只有C有举手的意思。。。。4. make做使役动词5.固定结构it is +adj to do sth6. 出现than,选比较级,C 怎么都不合英语逻辑吧7. 同2,...
costs说明是单数,然后every后面没有加of的用法一个句子只有一个动词,AD排除,如果选C前面应该是my举手是向上,而on表示向上是在什么表面的向上make这里应该有一点强调的意思,help sb (to)do sth.,let/have sb do sth</p...关于 英语 高考作文 题目问题。。 求各位大神解答。_高考吧_百度贴吧
关于 英语 高考作文 题目问题。。 求各位大神解答。收藏
历来 各省 的 高考英语作文题目 是不是 都来自于
课本 单元。。 例如必修一的[Friendship] .等等。。。 我是江西人。
Someone says:"Time is money," but I think time is e____ more impotant than money.Why?Because when money is spent,we can get it back.However,when time is g___,it will never r___.That's why mustn't waste time.It goes without saying that the t___ is usually limited(有限的).Even a second is very important.We should make full use of our time to do s___ useful.But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the i___ of time.They spent their limited time smoking,drinking and p____.They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own l___.In a word,we should save time.We shoudn't l___ today's work for tomorrow.Remember we have n___ time to lose.
even gone return time sth importance playing life leave no
even goes return time something important playing life leave no 欢迎指正
why not use exactlly
time something importance
playing lives leave
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或请大神回答几个英语问题3.用英文回答如下的问题,(每个问题最少30个单词,最多不超过50个单词,约四、五句话)1.What can you tell your host family about your country and culture?向寄宿家庭介绍你的国家_作业帮
请大神回答几个英语问题3.用英文回答如下的问题,(每个问题最少30个单词,最多不超过50个单词,约四、五句话)1.What can you tell your host family about your country and culture?向寄宿家庭介绍你的国家
请大神回答几个英语问题3.用英文回答如下的问题,(每个问题最少30个单词,最多不超过50个单词,约四、五句话)1.What can you tell your host family about your country and culture?向寄宿家庭介绍你的国家和文化地大物博,人杰地灵,崇尚和平.2.What is a typical day for you?你一天的生活是什么样子的在学校与老师、同学交流学习非常快乐,晚上与爸妈分享当天发生的一些有趣的事情.3.Why are you excited to travel with our school?为什么此次旅行让你非常兴奋?非常向往美国的生活,感到很好奇.4.What else would you like to share with your host family?你想和你的寄宿家庭分享什么信息?中国饮食,地方特色小吃语法不要太复杂,小学生水平就可以了
& & &What can you tell your host family about your country and culture?&向寄宿家庭介绍你的国家和文化 地大物博,人杰地灵,崇尚和平.(China is a big country,and there are many different kinds of plants and wild animals living on this land.People are good to each other.We also love peace instead of war.) 2.& & &What is a typical day for you?& 你一天的生活是什么样子的 在学校与老师、同学交流学习非常快乐,晚上与爸妈分享当天发生的一些有趣的事情.(At school,I am so happy to talk with my classmates and teachers.They are very nice,and if I have any question in study,they will help me out.At night,I am at home and will share with my parents about something interesting happened today) 3.& & &Why are you excited to travel with our school?&为什么此次旅行让你非常兴奋? 非常向往美国的生活,感到很好奇.(I am so looking forward to living in USA,and I am curious about everything here,and hope this time I will take this chance to get to know USA.) 4.& & &What else would you like to share with your host family?&你想和你的寄宿家庭分享什么信息?& 中国饮食,地方特色小吃 (I like to share &Chinese local food with them,because it is so delicious,and I am sure once they taste it,and will never forget its flavor)已经尽量写得很简单了哦,有什么问题,请各位英语大神教我下面的英语题目_百度知道
看看这些句子是简单句的第几种形式,主语,谓语等是哪些1:Your father is ill in bed.2:Your team won a basket畅顶扳雇殖概帮谁爆京ball game again.3:Your friend fell off her bike.4:Your father bought you a new computer.5:You see a snake lying on the road.6:There is so much homework on the weekend.大神们,帮帮我,答对再增加悬赏积分。
主系表 ,your father主语,is系动词,ill 表语,in bed状语主谓宾&& your team 主语,won 谓语, a basketball game 宾语主谓宾 your friend 主语, fall off 谓语 , her bike 宾语主谓+直接宾语+间接宾语 your father主语, bought谓语,you 直接宾语, a new computer 间接宾语主谓宾宾部 you 主语,see谓语 , a snake 宾语, lying on the road宾补there be +主语+状语 so much homework 主语, on the weekend 状语


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