如何使用 angularjs和jquery 的 ngShow 和 ngHide

Animation in AngularJS -
Learn how to make use of the new animation hooks in AngularJS
AngularJS is an outstanding, all-inclusive and extensive framework that is phenomenal for crafting together full-blown
JavaScript MVC apps with small amounts of code. But how do you stick in animations into your application?
You could simply use CSS transitions combined with CSS classes, but that doesn't hook into the guts of your app. Or you could somehow tie in
callbacks into your directives, but that's a maintenance nightmare and it slows down your app too much (plus it's hard to test).
Up until now, it was safe to say that native animations were not present in AngularJS. Well animation is here and yearofmoo is
well prepared to hook you up.
So lets take a look at how exactly make use of this great new feature with the world's best JavaScript MVC framework.
This page was first published on April 4th 2013 and was last updated on May 24th 2013.
* Breaking Changes :: AngularJS Version 1.1.5 is now out!
This article has been updated to support the breaking changes in AngularJS version 1.1.5. If you have read this article
prior to the date of May 24th 2013, then please take a look at the code in the article as well as the demo link to
see an updated demo repo containing working code to work with AngularJS 1.1.5.
If you're using a newer version of AngularJS (1.2.0), please refer to
which explains how to perform animations using the new ngAnimate API.
Yup. Exactly that. AngularJS now has animations it's core. Built right in and easy to play with. Over the winter 2013, the
trusting to offer the challenge to build animations directly into AngularJS. I was originally set on making animations myself
and putting them into plugins or a forked version of AngularJS, but the end result was too slow and difficult to work with. Now animations
are apart of the core of AngularJS.
Working with the AngularJS team was a blast. Thank you Misko, Naomi, Brad, Igor as well as the rest of
the AngularJS developer crew. As for the rest of the AngularJS fan club, I hope you enjoy the new animation features.
Your websites will shine.
Upgrade your AngularJS script file...
To get a hold of animations in AngularJS, be sure to upgrade your AngularJS build to version 1.1.4--version 1.1.5 is
now out and this is preferred over 1.1.4 due to some syntactical upgrades. This article has been updated to work with the changes
in 1.1.5. Please use 1.1.5 or higher instead of using 1.1.4.
The Google
provides the most recent build of AngularJS (it may be an unstable branch, but don't worry), so you can get it from there no problem.
Keep in mind that the docs are not updated with this feature yet, so use the docs link provided in this article.
You can also
and run the command
grunt package which will then build you a complete angular.js file under the build directory.
And..... Now that you've got the code, lets get crackin'!
This wouldn't be a rockstar yearofmoo article unless a demo application and downloadable github repo were provided. To best learn and witness
the awesomeness of AngularJS animations, please visit the
and be sure to
so that you can play with the animations on your local machine.
There are two ways three ways to perform animations in AngularJS: Using CSS3 Transitions,
CSS3 Animations and using
JavaScript (these are referred to as CSS3-enabled and JavaScript-enabled animations).
CSS3 transitions are much easier to use since they
don't require any JavaScript code and JavaScript-enabled animations require you
to define an animation within your module (much like you would define a filter or a directive).
Animations are assigned in the HTML
The ngAnimate attribute does the work between mapping animations to core DOM effects. This involves entering (injecting) content
into the page, leaving (removing) content and moving content around. The show and hide effects can also be animated as well. You can assign
animations into your HTML code by using the ngAnimate attribute:
&!-- set SPECIFIC animations to specific events --&
&div data-some-directive data-ng-animate=&{enter: 'some-animation'}&&&/div&
&!-- set the same GENERAL animation type for all events --&
&div data-some-directive data-ng-animate=&'some-animation'&&&/div&
&!-- use a $scope member --&
&div data-some-directive data-ng-animate=&myAnimation&&&/div&
&!-- use a $scope function --&
&div data-some-directive data-ng-animate=&myAnimationFn()&&&/div&
The enter label in this case refers to an animation event and the some-animation value refers to your own defined animation
(whether it's a CSS3 or JavaScript animation is up to you).
You can also use the other AngularJS directive HTML flavors (xHTML, XHTML, CSS Classes and non data attributes), but using
ngAnimate as an element won't work and neither will the ngAnimate attribute by itself (you need use it with a working directive).
Also, if you're using a scope member/function as the ngAnimate attribute value, then be sure to return an
object for specific animations and a string for general animations (much like the examples above).
Which ng directives support animations?
AngularJS animations are now apart of several common ng directives. The directives that are supported are
You can also make your own directives and use the
within there (this is explained later on in the article).
ngIf has also been added to AngularJS 1.1.5, however this directive is not covered in this article.
The functionality of ngIf however is identical to ngSwitch only works with one piece content per
You can use CSS3 Transitions, any JavaScript animation library, CSS framework, or glob of DOM code you want to perform your animations.
The only thing is that, if you're using something other than JQuery, you will need to get
around the simple JQLite/JQuery wrapper defaults when defining animations
in AngularJS, but other then that you're free to do as you wish. Lets look at some examples of
animations defined in AngularJS.
Using CSS Animations (Keyframe Animations) for animations
CSS Animations are also present in AngularJS version 1.1.5. Since this article was originally set for version 1.1.4 (where CSS3 keyframe
animations were not supported yet), there is no material that covers them in this article. While their usage is almost
identical to using CSS3 Transitions, they are not explained in detail here. This wonderful feature is explained in
detail in a followup article to this blog article known as .
Using CSS Transitions for animations
91.2512% of the time you'll be using CSS3 transitions to perform you animations in AngularJS.
Since it's so easy to do and
(IE &= 9 doesn't support them, but MS does auto-update now!).
CSS transitions are better optimized for animations than JavaScript animations, however, they do require some additional CSS
code (lots of vendor prefixes) to get full support for all the animation effects (such as custom easing and
AngularJS comes provided with CSS3 animations support right
out of the box so all you need to do is create the CSS classes and assign them into the ngAnimate attribute
(no JavaScript required).
As you can see, with CSS animations, there is absolutely no JavaScript code required at all. AngularJS does all the work to
figure out the duration behind the scenes (just don't forget your vendor prefixes).
Using JavaScript for animations (JQuery)
You will more than likely use JQuery for your animation purposes on your AngularJS application when CSS animations just don't cut it.
Or you will use JavaScript animations when you plan on supporting older browsers which do not support CSS3
transitions. And since there is a bit of a JQuery bias with AngularJS (thanks to JQLite) you can easily just start the animations directly on
the element variable within your animation definition. Here's an example:
//you can inject stuff!
myModule.animation('cool-animation', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
setup : function(element) {
//this is called before the animation
start : function(element, done, memo) {
//this is where the animation is expected to be run
}, function() {
//call done to close when the animation is complete
cancel : function(element, done) {
//this is called when another animation is started
//whilst the previous animation is still chugging away
Using JavaScript for animations (MooTools)
MooTools is not the same as JQuery and the element wrappers are different. So you need to break out of the AngularJS element wrapper
to perform animations on any MooTools elements. This is very easy, just extract the actual DOM element from the JQLite wrapper.
Then you can use the element.morph() and element.tween() methods to provide quick animations or you can go
all out by instantiating the Fx Class. Here's a quick example of how to make a MooTools animation with AngularJS:
myModule.animation('cool-animation', function() {
setup : function(element) {},
start : function(element, done) {
//break out of jqlite/jquery
element = document.id(element[0]);
new Fx.Morph(element).start({
MooTools is great for animations. The Fx Class provides a sleek API for managing the ins and outs of all animation events. Give it a try
if you haven't already.
Using another animation library
You can use whatever you want to animate your DOM in your animation definitions. The only thing to keep in mind is that if you're using a JQuery-based animation library/framework,
then you don't need to extract the DOM element from the jquery wrapper. However, if you're using something else then you will need to extract the DOM element from the wrapper (this
is explained in the previous part which talks about MooTools).
ngRepeat animations:
enter for when a DOM element is added into the repeat list.
leave for when a DOM element is removed from the repeat list.
move for when a DOM element is moved from one position in the repeat list to another position.
The ngRepeat directive is king. The most important directive in AngularJS (aside from the absolutely essential directives
such as ngView and ngApp). To animate ngRepeat, you need to provide the ngAnimate attribute with animation values
for enter, leave and move animation events on the element which contains the ng-repeat directive attribute.
The cool thing about this is that you don't have to anything extra in your controller code, scope or HTML templates
(aside from adding ng-animate) to get this to work.
All that is required is to define the animations and place them into the ng-animate directive HTML where the ng-repeat directive
is defined. AngularJS takes care of all the rest.
Please do remember that with AngularJS 1.1.4+, you cannot include any duplicate values within your repeated list. This means
that if you have an array like [1,2,2,3] then AngularJS will start to whine. This constriction is here to ensure that ngRepeat
keeps track of the element positions to appropriately handle enter, move and leave animations while properly remembering their positions
in the list. To get around this, simply make each item an object (if it isn't already) and include some unique value for that object
as a object member (such as a date value or something). Typically this would be an ID value if you fetched your repeat contents from
a database.
Here's some example HTML code to point out a nicely animated ng-repeat element:
ngShow/ngHide animations:
show for when a DOM element is hidden but animates to visible.
hide for when a DOM element is visible but animates to hidden.
The ngShow and ngHide directives are really useful and very common in an AngularJS application.
They are effectively the lightweight if/else branching mechanism for showing and hiding DOM elements on screen.
And showing and hiding elements are also a hot spot for animations since it's a very effective way of
catching the user's attention to reveal that to them that something new has come into view. Think about a form for example
where user's register. Without AngularJS, you would have to make your own event listeners to latch themselves onto your input fields and
validate data to see if the hidden content should be displayed. With AngularJS all you need to do is setup a ngShow or ngHide directive
and evaluate it to true or false to show or hide the content. And now you can do this with a sleek animation in between.
Also, one thing to keep in mind, since AngularJS evaluates ngShow and ngHide on bootstrap (when the page is loaded), you need
to, in your animation definitions/CSS code, try to avoid animating a show event if the element is already displayed.
Version 1.1.5 of AngularJS now properly avoids animating elements that are instantiated before bootstrap. So basically the first animation
is skipped thus preventing any flickr or premature hiding.
Anywhoooo... Lets see this beast in action already...
You can also use the ngShow and ngHide animations on the same element
as ngRepeat, ngInclude and ngSwitch (and yes you can also use it for ngView, but I don't see many reasons why
... maybe a loading effect or something).
ngInclude/ngSwitch animations:
enter for when the new content is to be animated in.
leave for when the former content is to be animated out.
The ngInclude and ngSwitch directives are very powerful and show up in AngularJS applications from time to time (just thinking
about the immense amount of DOM code I would have to write with standard JavaScript to emulate ngInclude makes my brain start to fry).
The ngInclude directive works with templates (either with inline templates or
downloadable templates) and ngSwitch works with content directly situated inside the element tags itself.
So it's best to think of ngSwitch as a more efficient, but less capable version of ngInclude without anything dynamic to offer.
Both directives animate in the same mechanism. They both use the events enter (for when the content comes into view)
and leave (for when the previously existing content leaves out of view).
The enter and leave events will always fire at the same time, but the leave event will only be called if there already is content
on display (so when the first include is loaded then the leave animation will be skipped and if the content is null). One very important
thing to keep in mind is that when defining your ngInclude templates, be 100% sure to wrap all your content into
a wrapping HTML tag (like a div tag or so). This way you can contain all your to-be-animated content inside of
single parent element which you can do some funky animations with.
ngView animations:
enter for when the new view is to be animated in.
leave for when the current (old) view is to be animated out.
The ngView directive is one that appears on every AngularJS application and can really make a quick impression of animations on your
website. Think about how easy it is to setup; All you do is put a ng-animate attribute on your ngView
directive HTML and then assign and define the enter and leave animations. And the nice thing is that the ngView directive works
exactly the same way as does ngInclude (so be sure to read that to get a solid idea of how it works). Also be sure to wrap your
template HTML together under one single HTML tag ... This way you can have solid access to fully animate the entire view as it is
put into the page.
Using animations inside of your own directives can be achieved with use of the $animator service.
This service binds the functionality of the ngAnimate attribute (and its assigned animations) into the flow of your own directive.
Just be sure to call any one of the currently existing animation methods (enter, leave,
move, show or hide) to kickstart the animation.
Below is an example of how to include animations for a custom directive. The only difference here is that we're making use
of the animation triggers directly in our own directive.
Now you're all set for making crazy custom animations in your crazy custom directives...
There are various ways to conditionally enable/disable animations in your AngularJS code and, depending
on your webpage setup, one or more of these approaches should prove useful...
If you use a scope variable in your ngAnimate attribute, then you can easily just change the value of that variable to
null to disable animations on that element or to something else to change the animation entirely.
If you're not using a variable in your ngAnimate attribute then what you can do is play around with your
CSS code and CSS classes to temporarily disable animations.
This approach works nicely since AngularJS examines the CSS classes and CSS styles each time it performs an animation
and this means that if you remove the transition/animation styles on the element being animated then you effectively skip the animations on it
(you can also hotswap the animation CSS code if you really have the guts to do so).
Keep in mind that this trick is
meant to skip CSS animations. So if you wish to skip JavaScript animations
then you can do that directly in the JavaScript animation definition by calling the done callback right away or by using
a scope member which is set to null on the ngAnimate attribute.
Skip Specific Animations by changing the $scope
In the following example you can disable animations directly by changing a particular scope member which has been attached onto a
ngAnimate attribute:
//turn on the animation
$scope.myAnimation = { enter: 'cool-enter', leave: 'cool-leave' };
//change the animation
$scope.myAnimation = { enter: 'uncool-enter', leave: 'uncool-leave' };
//remove the animation
$scope.myAnimation = null;
And now, inside your template, just assign that scope member to the ngAnimate attribute on the directive
that you wish to animate:
&div data-some-directive data-ng-animate=&myAnimation&&&/div&
And yes, ngAnimate does watch its value. So once the value gets changed then AngularJS will pick up on it
as soon as scope the digest kicks in next animation is performed.
Skip CSS Animations using a Body Class
You can attach a ngClass expression onto the body element in your AngularJS application which can then operate as a
parent class to toggle your CSS transition definitions.
&html data-ng-app=&MyModule& data-ng-init=&animationsEnabled=true&&
&body data-ng-class=&{animations: animationsEnabled}&&
&div data-ng-include=&include_tpl& data-ng-animate=&{enter: 'fade-enter'}&&&/div&
Then inside of your CSS code, prefix your CSS classes with that .animations CSS class.
body.animations .fade-enter {
-webkit-transition: 1s linear all;
-moz-transition: 1s linear all;
-o-transition: 1s linear all;
transition: 1s linear all;
So if you want to toggle CSS animations on and off, all you have to do is toggle the $rootScope.animationsEnabled to
true or false. Inside your HTML template code, you will still assign the class (fade-enter in this case)
inside of the ngAnimate attribute and continue normally.
But it will only animate if the animations CSS class is located on the body element (as defined in the CSS). If nothing
is found then the animation will animate for 0 seconds (so nothing animates).
Skip CSS Animations using CSS Media Queries
Using Media Queries to toggle animations it the best approach to manage mobile animations. Seeing as CSS Media Queries are becoming
you can easily
determine which mobile browsers are better suited to perform animations (even target specific animations). Or, in general, you can determine
animations for mobile devices just by using the screen size. Either way, it does the trick. This approach may require
more CSS, but it doesn't require any JavaScript or scope parameters.
Below is an example of filtering out animations for mobile devices based on screen size.
.cool-animation {
-webkit-transition: 1s linear all;
-moz-transition: 1s linear all;
-o-transition: 1s linear all;
transition: 1s linear all;
.cool-animation.cool-animation-active {
@media only screen and (max-width : 640px) {
.cool-animation {
-webkit-transition: none;
-moz-transition: none;
-o-transition: none;
transition: none;
All you need now is to setup your HTML. But this isn't anything special. Just setup your HTML code with ngAnimate just as it would normally.
Skip JavaScript animations
Any JavaScript-enabled animations (the animations that you define using myModule.animation()) can be easily circumvented to
enable/disable animations since the definition itself is inside your module. All that is required, is to setup a scope parameter (or a
service/config variable) that is used to flag if animations are enabled or disabled and then access that property inside of the
animation definition.
If the flag is a falsey value (meaning animations are disabled) then you simply call the provided
done() function to skip the animation entirely.
myModule.animation('cool-animation', ['$rootScope', function() {
setup : function() {
if($rootScope.animationsEnabled) {
opacity : 1
start : function(element, done, memo) {
if($rootScope.animationsEnabled) {
opacity : 1
//you still need to call this...
The HTML is the same as before. Just remember that you can enable and disable the animations by setting the
$rootScope.animationsEnabled param to true or false.
Merging animations into an existing AngularJS is so simple now that you can easily provide top of the line animations in your already-built
AngularJS animations in just a few minutes. Please email me or post in the comments your newly enriched, tricked-out,
animation-powered AngularJS applications once they're ready :)
The animation support in AngularJS is outstanding! Just about all the core features in AngularJS now have
hooks for animations which make building applications better than ever. Now the next step is to sit back and check out all the
crazy animation-related AngularJS tricks that will soon show up on the internet. Stay tuned and visit to see for new articles on
yearofmoo because there will undoubtedly be some more articles on animations.
Also, if you feel that something is missing regarding animations in AngularJS then let me know since yearofmoo
had an active role in the development of AngularJS animations. Send me an .}


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