
英语听力金牌教程天天练Unit 26:The Gym 健身房 mp3
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英语听力金牌教程天天练Unit 26:The Gym 健身房,讲述了关于天气的对话,包括中英对话阅读,含有mp3下载,供练习听力
英语听力金牌教程天天练Unit 26:The Gym 健身房 mp3
Todd: OK, Yoko. We're gonna talk about exercise.
Yoko: Exercise!
Todd: Now, you go to a gym?
Yoko: Maybe three times a week.
Yoko: Yeah. If I can.
Yoko: Cause I have to.
Todd: Why? What do you mean? Why do you have to?
Yoko: When I went to the USA, I gained a lot. 20 pounds. That was too much for me. So I decided to go to lose weight.
Yoko: If possible.
Todd: How did you lose weight?
Yoko: I go to the gym and run, maybe 20 minutes. I'm too lazy. I can't keep running for hours. And anyway, soI do aerobics. Do you say aerobics?
Todd: Aerobics.
Yoko: Yes. Aerobics or something like that.
Todd: OK. That's it.
Yoko: That's it. And sometimes I swim. Yeah, but I like aerobics better than swimming.
Todd: Why?
Yoko: Because it's fun.
Yoko: And the music and dancing. Yeah, it's more fun for me.
Todd: When you lost the weight did you also diet or did you just exercise?
Yoko: I just exercised cause I like eating. I love eating. I can't stop doing that, so... but I try my best not to eat chocolate too much.
Todd: Oh, that's your weakness. Chocolate.
Yoko: Yeah.
Todd: OK. Well, you look great so.
Yoko: Oh, thank you. You're so nice.
英语听力金牌教程天天练Unit 23:Canadian Cities 加拿大城市,讲述了关于加拿大城市
英语听力金牌教程天天练Unit 13:English Life 英国生活,讲述了关于开车的对话,包括
26 English
Learning Tips From A to Z
By 许利生Benny
&About a month ago, I was asked to write a long
sentence using words beginning with 26 letters from A-Z. It’s was a
challenge, and I did it. Here it is: As Benny Calmed Down
Emotionally From Gunfire, He Intermittently Joked, “Killing Lawless
Mobs Needs Operational Planners’ Qualification, Resourceful
Specialized Tactics, Unbreakable Vehicles, Wireless X-rays,
& Youngsters’ Zeal.”
This does not make sense actually, it’s just a game. Then one
night, a eureka moment came upon me- Maybe I can challenge
myself again, to use the 26 letters to write an article about how
to learn English, based on my personal experience. Why 26 letters?
The reason is simple- I believe that things can be easily memorized
in an alphabetic order. And then I made it a routine to write one
tip a day before I went to bed. Finally, I did it. And here it is.
I sincerely hope that you can give me suggestions on my ideas and
language flaws. Thank you!
Sept 25, 2011
A: Analyze the Why!
Why do I want to learn English? What can it do for me? Do I
like it? These are the questions we have to repeatedly ask
ourselves before we kick off. The reason for school students to
study English is obvious, it’s a must. But if you are an adult, or
a college student, you have to figure out the why. It could be for
a better job, better communication with foreigners, a chance to go
abroad, and so on. If the why is clearer, the how will be easier.
If the why is strong enough, the how will no longer be a matter.
You can’t hit a target that you can’t see, so if the why is not
clear or not strong, don’t even start, you can do something else
for opportunity cost’s sake. It’s good when the why is out, but
he’s lonely. He needs a good friend called interest. You may
not find his friend when you set off, but keep walking, he might be
there for you halfway.
B: Belief! 信念!
Language skill is one of the basic skills that human beings are
born with. All languages are created from the people, by the
people, and for the people. They are meant to be acquired easily by
any human being. The fact that we can flexibly use our first
language has already shown our capability in language learning.
We have to believe that as long as we are still able to listen,
speak, read, and write, we can, with the proper instructions and
effort, conquer any roadblock on the way and use it like its native
speaker. So don’t blame yourself for your awkwardness on a new
language, you can make it!
C: Catch any chance!
Unlike some other subjects, English is a skill that you can
practice anytime and anywhere. What you need is to carry with
you some tool or material, and seize every minute to study. These
minutes include the minutes you spend on commuting, waiting, or
bedtime stories. If you can save 20 trivial minutes a day for your
casual English study, then these 20 minutes would translate into 10
hours a month or 120 hours a year. 120 hours is the time that you
take off to be a full-time student for 2 weeks
D: Design a schedule!
Any goal without a plan is only a wish. Are you willing to set
aside one extra hour a day for your English study? If the answer is
YES, then I can tell you that you are 10 times more likely
to succeed in learning English. This rule can also apply to school
English study. The extra English that you learn outside your school
can help what you learn inside your school, and can eventually make
a great contribution to your exams. Therefore, you have to
figure out which one hour in your day is the most distraction-free
and the most productive. It could be the one hour before you
sleep or the one hour after you rise.
E: Express, not impress. 多表达,少表现。
One big problem some students have in English study is that they
always try so hard to impress others, by speaking too fast or too
vague, using too difficult words, or building too long sentences,
as to appear professional. This is totally unnecessary. The purpose
of a language is to communicate and our aim is to express ourselves
clearly. Those acts not only cause confusions, but tension as well.
Not thinking about impressing others lessens much of our burden and
forms a state of flow for the conversation. So, speak slow and
make it clear, to show more respect to your listeners.
F: Focus on key words. 聚焦每句话的重点单词。
In our daily use of Chinese, we read and listen to get the
content by catching the key words. It’s normal that we sometimes
come across some characters that we do not understand, but it
doesn’t seem to affect our comprehension, for we have got the key
words. English is no different, so we have to let go, we have to
get rid of our perfectionism of figuring out every single word by
telling ourselves that it’s absolutely enough if we can get the
idea by catching the key words. While we are doing some
listening or reading exercises, try to catch the key words, and
connect the key words to guess the meaning, don’t linger.
G: Guts to speak! 鼓起勇气,勇敢表达!
One of the biggest obstacles that most of us have is that we do
not have the guts to speak in front of foreigners. We are so afraid
of losing face by making mistakes. This doesn’t make sense at all.
Will we laugh at foreigners when they speak lousy Chinese? No! So
we have to take it for granted that they never expect us to speak
flawlessly. When you are about to speak, say to yourself, “I
respect you, so I speak your language. If you are not happy with my
poor English, I’m going to have to ask you to speak Chinese with
me.” But of course to them, we still have to show our honesty
and courtesy.
H: Hybrid practice. 混合练习。
Among the four skills in language acquisitions, listening,
speaking and writing are more commonly used. There is one way to
practice all these three skills at the same time--- to watch videos
which have English subtitles. Trigger your ears, eyes and mouth
by reading the subtitles and repeating closely after the actors or
narrators. Whenever you encounter new words, don’t stop, keep
going, for your purpose is to catch up and create a form of flow.
Another way to do it is to listen to songs with lyrics, and
interestingly, this will make your English musical.
I: Imitate like a copycat. 高仿。
Language learning is all about imitation. To make your English
sound more standard, you can get rid of your accent by having in
hand a short passage and simply imitating the speaker over and over
again. One single passage may cover most, if not all, of the
features of the pronunciation and intonation of a language. My
recipe for this is, 15 minutes a day, one passage a week, as loudly
as possible, as clearly as possible. Making it 90% sound like the
speaker is more than enough. Don’t struggle to pursue 100%, as the
last 10% is hard and time-consuming, and it’s totally unnecessary.
Keeping a little bit of an accent, like the French do, is fun.
J: Join a class. 参加课程。
English is one of the subjects that can be learned by oneself.
However, it’s not always easy to start off. You need a teacher
to guide you with some basic knowledge and learning methods.
Taking part in a class that suits your level helps you better
discipline yourself to learn on a regular basis, and it offers you
an environment in which you have partners of your level to practice
with. Of course, you can learn it on your own, in a more flexible
way if you believe that you are a self-help kind of person and you
can set a ritual for study.
K: Keep a dictionary with you. 随身携带小字典。
Buy yourself an electronic dictionary or simply install some
dictionary software into your cell phone. Whenever you come across
some words that seem to be important, look them up to get the
meaning and pronunciation. As you check the usage, you might find
some words are worth memorizing, then note them down in your little
special vocabulary book, and accompany them with the cited
sentences. If you cannot make any, copy some from a dictionary.
The best way to memorize a word’s spelling to remember its
and to memorize its usage, put it in a sentence.
L: Listen for 30 minutes a day.
When we were babies, the first step we took to learning our own
language is listening. We first listened, and then we spoke. To
learn a second language, we have to respect and apply the same law-
Listening is the first and foremost part. We have to keep a
habit of listening to audio material that suits our level at least
30 minutes a day without distraction. If you are a beginner, it’s
natural that you do not understand the content, what you need now
is a language concept. If you are at a higher level, close your
eyes and imagine a typewriter in your mind that types out most of
the words. If you are at an advance level, your job is to get the
idea-just like the way we do with our Chinese-by focusing less on
the new words and complex sentence structures.
M: Music and Movies! 音乐和电影!
Learning English doesn’t always put everyone in their comfort
zone, for study in and of itself somewhat takes effort and
perseverance. But there are some methods that English learners can
never get tired of using, like listening to English songs and
watching English movies. Song lyrics are not designed for daily
conversation as they have to appear poetic and rhyme. But most of
them are so precisely and slowly pronounced that learners can
imitate very closely. Likewise, English movie lines are fairly good
learning materials which consist of typical slang and idioms that
you cannot learn from standard textbooks. If you can focus
single-mindedly enough to put yourself in the movie and associate
with the characters and stories, you will get yourself in a total
English environment.
N: Neglect any mistake! 忽略错误!
As human beings, we all make mistakes. When it comes to a
language, as long as our mistakes are not serious enough to make
others misunderstand, we might ignore them. In most cases, the
use of a language is to get our ideas across, and whether or not
it’s professionally applied, it’s not important. We
occasionally make mistakes with our own language, and most of them
disappear without letting us know, because any language has an
auto-correct function. With this function, the language can detect
the mistakes and perfect itself, by consulting other speakers.
Making mistakes is not an end, but a means to the end.
O: Obtain resources from internet.
The internet is the best and the biggest library ever. You can
download anything from books to audio materials, from tips to
lessons, from the internet. Signing up with a MSN, facebook, or
twitter's account, you can reach people around the world and
communicate in very casual English. By the way, don’t get lost
in the overwhelming space, you have to select resources that suit
yourself and your learning habit, and bear in mind one principle -
Quality is prior to Quantity.
P: Portable Gadgets. 随身设备。
As mentioned earlier, English can be practiced anytime and
anywhere. Books are not enough or not always convenient. What you
need additionally is some portable gadget like an Mp3 or Mp4
player. Download some audio or video materials into your gadget
or even your cell phone and make it your English class on the
walk. Pick it out and study whenever and wherever possible. Be
careful, don’t concentrate too much while walking, riding or
driving, for safety’s sake.
Q: Question-oriented! 问!问!问!
Be an active information seeker instead of a passive answering
machine. It’s common that we do not have the tendency to initially
ask questions when we are speaking English. Apart from shyness,
another reason is that we are used to being asked by our English
teachers at school when practicing dialogues. To converse freely
and fairly is to constantly ask questions and listen attentively.
Feel free to say Pardon if you don’t follow. Stop blaming
yourself for your failure to understand, it’s partially the
speaker’s fault when confusion’s caused. Keep in mind again that we
are not to show, but to know and to be known.
R: Read for 30 minutes.
Unlike spoken English, written English is more rigid. Written
sentences are more carefully built with proper words and grammar.
Reading helps us better organize our language in a formal way,
and it is always the best way to strengthen and increase our
vocabulary. Find some proper readers and keep a 30 minutes’
daily reading habit. Pay attention to the general information or
idea you can gain from reading, don’t pause for every single new
word. Note down or underline some beautiful sentences or useful
words, and regularly review them until they are acquired.
S: Sentence-centered! 句子中心论!
If you ask me what forms a language, I would say
Sentences, not Words. My reason is simple, we express
by sentences, not words. Words cannot exist separately, and they
need to be placed in a sentence to make sense. I am not
underestimating the functions of words, which are certainly very
important, but memorizing words is far from enough. We need to make
every useful sentence our own sentence. To achieve this, firstly we
need to select the sentences that are often used. Secondly,
consider each sentence as a sentence pattern by spotting out the
key words. Lastly, replace the rest of the words with other sets of
words to form new meanings. For instance, I prefer
apples to pears, for apples are
more delicious. The key words are I, prefer, to,
for, more. Keep them and replace the rest to form any
meaning we want, I prefer basketball to
football, for basketball is more
exciting. By transforming for 3-5 times, the key sentence will
inevitably belong to you.
T: Talk to yourself! 自言自语!
The biggest problem that we have is that we do not have much
English environment to practice our English. On average, over 90%
of the daily languages we use are Chinese, since most or all of the
people we talk to are Chinese. So how do we deal with this? I
personally suggest you to talk to yourself, and I have been doing
this for a long time. Talking to yourself doesn’t mean talking out
loud, as this might look silly or weird. It simply suggests you
to mumble to yourself when no one’s around or talk to yourself in
your mind only without any sound or lip movement. By talking to
yourself, you spontaneously develop your fluency and your tendency
to think in English.
U: Undervalue the grammars! 语法不是一切!
One of the reasons why English is not well learned and applied
in China is the grammar-oriented teaching at school. English is
taken more like a science class rather than a language class. Every
grammar rule must be detailed, every exception must be focused, and
every application must be consistent with the rule. Most of the
students are not good at expressing themselves because when they
are about to speak or write, they are subconsciously so afraid of
making grammar mistakes that they would choose sacrifice fluency.
Accuracy is important, but not as important as fluency if the
mistakes are trivial. When your fluency is ahead, your accuracy
will automatically catch up. Let your fluency lead, but not chase,
your accuracy. Fluency creates a sense of language, which I
believe, is the highest form of grammar.
V: Vocabulary Book. 随身背单词。
You have to meet a new word on average 36 times before it
becomes yours, according to a linguistic survey. This is why we
forget most of the words, for we do not have enough number of times
to meet them. The famous law of memory-Forgetting Curve by
Ebbinghaus tells us that we lose our memories easily and quickly at
the beginning, and to avoid this, we have to increase the frequency
of memorizing. Keep a small notebook with you all the time, and
keep a habit of taking down some useful words that you come across
anytime and anywhere. It’ll be much better if you require yourself
to take down 5 words a day, and in 3 years’ time, you will have a
record of up to 4000 words, which is absolutely enough for you to
get by in any English speaking country. With a vocabulary book in
hand, you can set a routine, like 3 times a day, for your
memorizing exercise. Stick to your routine, and any new word will
be yours in 1.5 weeks.
W: Write once a week! 每周一写!
Among the four language skills, writing is always considered to
be the most difficult. In writing, we have to be careful with the
choice of word, the structure of sentence, and the correctness of
grammar. The rigidity of writing helps us trim and shape our
language. As I mentioned earlier, accuracy is not the most
important, but practically speaking, school students and teachers
still need to pursue it. Keep a habit of casual writing once a
week, and you will find your English strengthened greatly. You can
write a weekly journal, recording the ups and downs of the past
week, with no more than 10 sentences. If you have a teacher, send
him or her your work for modifications, and the mistakes pointed
out are the most common mistakes that can and should be gotten rid
X: Xtremely single-minded! 高度集中!
There are two ways to achieve high effectiveness and
efficiency, one is to look for short cuts or a quick fix, which may
not always be available or practical, the other is to get twice the
results with half the effort, by focusing single-mindedly.
Focusing is a skill that can be acquired. It simply asks us to do
one thing at a time, and never start another until one is done. It
always happens that while we are placing our hands on one thing,
but our mind is constantly on another. Be extremely single-minded
helps us learn more quickly and more firmly. Squeeze out 30 minutes
a day for your focusing practice, by doing some reading or
listening. Apply this skill to other areas, and you will find great
Y: Years’ effort! &不要急功近利!
Some of my students ask me for suggestions for rapid growth in
their English study, and by rapid growth, they mean conquering the
language in one year. Uncle Benny’s answer is conservative-It
takes years to learn it well. Personally I have been learning
English for more than 10 years, and I believe I have been spending
quite an amount of personal time on it. And I’m pretty sure that my
English is still on the intermediate level. You have to be patient
and on the other hand, be rational, English is only a tool, it’s
not all. Here I do not mean to discourage you, but I really feel
sorry to see someone who knows English, and English only.
Z: Zeal! 激情!
To learn something well, you have to fall in love with it first.
Your love for English will generate zeal, which is a great force
for continuous study. You will never get tired of learning
something you love. I know it’s not easy for a beginner to love it,
since he doesn’t know it well. Take your time, and I’m sure you’ll
love it someday. How can you tell when that day’s come? It’s
easy. It’s the time when you feel excited about anything concerned
Good luck with your difficult yet joyful journey of English
study, and feel free to share your problems and happiness, with me
via </benny618 or QQ.
Sept 25, 2011


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