1. who is the first one to 祝福 me i will follow him采纳 him o

小题1:I managed to finish the work alone and was s___________ with myself.小题2:Jimmy o____________ all the difficulties and graduated with a first-class degree.小题3:In order to s____________ his family, he worked as a waiter after school.小题4:In Africa, there are still a large number of people who have died of h____________.小题5:We do not have enough money. T____________, we cannot afford to buy a new car.小题6:W___________ you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.小题7:The latest laptops are designed in v____________ shapes and sizes.小题8:I am getting nervous, because the mid-term exam is a____________. - 跟谁学
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:小题1:I managed to finish the work alone and was s___________ with myself.小题2:Jimmy o____________ all the difficulties and graduated with a first-class degree.小题3:In order to s____________ his family, he worked as a waiter after school.小题4:In Africa, there are still a large number of people who have died of h____________.小题5:We do not have enough money. T____________, we cannot afford to buy a new car.小题6:W___________ you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.小题7:The latest laptops are designed in v____________ shapes and sizes.小题8:I am getting nervous, because the mid-term exam is a____________.小题1:I managed to finish the work alone and was s___________ with myself.小题2:Jimmy o____________ all the difficulties and graduated with a first-class degree.小题3:In order to s____________ his family, he worked as a waiter after school.小题4:In Africa, there are still a large number of people who have died of h____________.小题5:We do not have enough money. T____________, we cannot afford to buy a new car.小题6:W___________ you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.小题7:The latest laptops are designed in v____________ shapes and sizes.小题8:I am getting nervous, because the mid-term exam is a____________.科目:最佳答案小题1:satisfied 小题1:overcame小题1:support小题1:hunger小题1:Therefore小题1:wherever小题1:various小题1:approaching解析
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心At the airport, I looked closely at the face of my son, Daniel, his backpack by his side. We were saying good-bye. In a few hours he would be flying to France to
a different life. It was a transitional(过渡期的)time in Daniel’s life. I wanted to leave him some words of . But nothing came from my and this was not the first time I had let such a moment
.When Daniel was five, I took him to the school-bus stop on his first day of kindergarten. He looked at me -- as he did now. “What is it going to be like, Dad? Will I be okay?” And then he walked up the
of the bus and disappeared inside. And the bus
. And I had said nothing.A decade or so later, a similar
played itself out. I drove him to college. I tried to think of something to say to give him
and confidence as he started this new life. Again, words
me.Now, as I stood before him, I thought of those
opportunities. How many times have we all let such moments pass?My father and I loved each other. Yet, I always
never hearing him put his
into words and never having the memory of that moment. Now, I could feel my palms(手掌)
and my throat tighten. Why is it so
to tell a son something from the heart?My mouth turned dry, and I knew I would be able to get out only a few words
. “Daniel," I said, "if I could have picked, I would have picked you." That’s all I could say. I wasn’t sure he understood what I
. Then he came toward me and threw his arms around me. For a moment, the world and all its people vanished(消失), and there was just Daniel and me. He was saying something,
my eyes misted(视线模糊)over, and I couldn’t understand what he was saying. All I was
of was the stubble(胡子茬)on his chin as his face pressed
mine. And then, the moment ended. What I had said to Daniel was clumsy. It was nothing. And yet, it was
.【小题1】0 H% Q' ^! b) d* L+ S A.experience! `0 [8 I7 K, T7 d3 Q; @ B.spend5 f/ d5 @' d: ]0 b, _7 Y C.enjoy3 I& ?8 I7 Z) I! ]9 S. K D.shape" b+ h# I2 ?8 F9 ^6 i+ N * [: A$ h* M& [3 e0 I2 X/ i 【小题2】! ^' Y$ N) K" H% ^ A.consultation1 ?; \, _' [& Y! I B.significance0 J% W- J& g2 R( ]0 Q C.necessity. R# F$ @0 I; R5 V D.difference( C3 `/ F1 B% O7 L. P0 Y7 j
^! Y. P$ a- `# P% N6 U 【小题3】# `% V, O3 h) G! ?$ W A. A0 M& c, I3 T7 i0 h B.lips) @1 ]/ N9 H# Z/ ? C.thoughts% O9 C* B( B* _: i4 a+ @9 S$ b D.mind0 B8 d5 C1 H0 j- `# g9 U ) g. Z; I/ V" P 【小题4】# b8 h* F( U* j' Q# A$ E1 b3 H A.fly0 `5 d. M, d9 \3 i# [) d1 e B.remain* ^* `# B4 `4 H, G C.pass- d5 J+ V6 T5 @8 b5 _3 B7 [ D.last+ [% b6 Q3 Z" M; h- b , V
A' H% b$ B1 M4 A8 S5 H7 e/ [# F 【小题5】8 a! D& V& Z, i. _/ Z7 d A.windows$ Q# G) @' @, _4 [8 Y B.chairs4 Q) @' j) c& b+ G1 F" Z8 Q: R C.handles, F( ^3 j" W' _2 c* D D.steps- h6 T3 b9 U# d( P $ C& V9 U5 d8 g3 S5 f 【小题6】. A( Y6 X5 M$ J1 d3 X A.pulled up9 g5 V: f" Z2 V2 B B.pulled down: i# K0 G0 Y2 h% G* a C.drove away5 B( ?2 \, X& A D.drove up4 M7 f- S1 h4 ]; N ' K* B4 A: C7 O6 f' ?4 A, @ 【小题7】2 ]7 G& I7 I* @( [8 S) ^* d A.sign$ E1 j. R: I' I B.scene* P, D" @: `! X1 L2 P. U C.scenery" S! d9 Z, G9 R0 e! \* G6 C D.sight( Y; D0 E# I! A 2 O+ X( _: i, D& N3 [ 【小题8】# X' N( R: X" ]% g6 f$ `4 U3 H; Z A.interest8 R) _; a
F* W$ C7 Q( G; ? B.opinion& U0 B4 h! K- C$ G" H C.courage- R; T: F7 g: B2 e D. I. L6 T' i, ]% E0 K ' N+ X. Q7 Z! O) X 【小题9】$ X' ]! M! R' X" \: e3 a1 A A.failed8 T1 d+ _, D% d
M# e3 ]9 i B.discouraged$ g5 ]5 f* V6 D C.struck3 f! i8 ?5 _0 c: J4 ?% ?/ O$ c D.troubled
X$ ]+ a2 c8 T" ^) b . G) N& h7 C; Q4 `" E
^6 ]( D# R4 K/ Y 【小题10】( U6 F- Q: b+ W1 `2 h A.valuable9 ]. D! g& R1 _% c- ?3 Y B.embarrassing6 R6 L- i
A9 j' d, P C.obvious! f1 T' Y/ i/ L, B# A" ?* e D.lost- O+ R/ Y: K0 g+ R$ c % W; @# I% G- Z4 b/ H 【小题11】( O0 Y1 H) [+ ?) T* U$ L% j% h9 I A.wondered( b% c+ j6 d
g' G B. g: L0 M! R5 W& \# Q C.tried# U9 W/ N2 Z/ B$ e2 i1 H D.minded* C! N1 G. P9 P- Y# ] . f8 H. @! H 【小题12】
B5 T+ E, C( i3 g6 W& h A.feelings3 g: d& i* h& `- D# d B.views. R2 d# g7 H, `0 M, b' ] C.actions( T0 F8 V2 ]- S D.attitudes' @: B- Z# M& Q ! ]- J" h% i, F# _ 【小题13】; d7 O9 E# f6 R/ C$ e A.freeze! A. ?0 C/ `+ U7 W
@! c% P9 Q
C B.hurt# O% Z3 E& K0 B( b3 J4 A C.sweat1 [4 g. j* F1 L3 S7 _% L! D D.burn7 i, Q3 f& C) A. e9 b / ^( B. f6 S" J6 A; B4 W 【小题14】# b* f: H7 g1 N) `7 K! K0 e A.important9 N" K# J4 U+ I B.essential& F- e
_% Z- `& O/ g C. e- S# h/ T1 F8 ]: U D.hard6 _1 D0 D/ O# _% \ & f1 Q2 I, j0 j# `! \4 T: e 【小题15】$ P3 H8 K3 Z5 W' d% V A.approximately% P5 h4 h5 U, J; e B.obviously/ Y, G0 G5 A3 U( ^1 ^! \ C.clearly) I- K! e1 T" U+ N D. f' b. i% J- R+ Y5 D
N! E- W0 K3 G: H; E) c% O 【小题16】* Y# ?3 C7 I& ?( _' C; Y
G) Y/ Z. f' ^ A.counted- P+ D
H2 ]# B* F B.meant: h& R. e7 K6 `( \ C.valued6 i+ A2 Q% ^9 `! U D.care, D7 d. H$ E/ Y3 c8 X! @8 S % @9 P0 W9 T% L7 e9 [* ? 【小题17】1 Z
T) U0 h* D3 E2 f A.but( C. A, f" d9 K3 Y B.and7 ^, Y8 ?; U3 `0 F: E
L9 A% W% R7 C C.instead, [) X- I: K0 U+ F$ M D.so0 ?; J5 I9 ]9 K( d& G
Z. F & I9 _9 _9 O9 B+ P! `; X9 S 【小题18】* J; R+ ^
c8 P4 W3 S. Z+ f( M A.sensitive' F) @: X1 P B.convinced+ \7 j( \2 c6 \/ d1 N6 F; F C.aware5 @: K* R# S8 H2 @8 P5 U D.tired& Z* j5 @/ d. W, f4 _3 D 5 i" e$ T# b) N# ]0 A 【小题19】! Q% E' F6 `7 f" a+ c7 N: B7 ] A.by: [' j" B! `6 h4 B5 B B.against! A: J1 Q" a6 I" f C.on0 N$ `3 ?/ `! L+ ]& L5 K D.with9 C6 b
J! L% U; F6 H. W' P " d
S/ E" T8 Y2 G2 R% h) L0 j9 B. M 【小题20】9 U( M4 C! P& `: L9 G A.none2 X$ B! P6 i0 K B.all7 [3 W" L7 h, c: j, T3 Q
B, D! ]( h C.anything8 E% F9 D, L( S6 X" H* Y7 g D.everything& c" N' J% \1 I; h, J8 c : E3 _, F$ L* U' U
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:At the airport, I looked closely at the face of my son, Daniel, his backpack by his side. We were saying good-bye. In a few hours he would be flying to France to
a different life. It was a transitional(过渡期的)time in Daniel’s life. I wanted to leave him some words of . But nothing came from my and this was not the first time I had let such a moment
.When Daniel was five, I took him to the school-bus stop on his first day of kindergarten. He looked at me -- as he did now. “What is it going to be like, Dad? Will I be okay?” And then he walked up the
of the bus and disappeared inside. And the bus
. And I had said nothing.A decade or so later, a similar
played itself out. I drove him to college. I tried to think of something to say to give him
and confidence as he started this new life. Again, words
me.Now, as I stood before him, I thought of those
opportunities. How many times have we all let such moments pass?My father and I loved each other. Yet, I always
never hearing him put his
into words and never having the memory of that moment. Now, I could feel my palms(手掌)
and my throat tighten. Why is it so
to tell a son something from the heart?My mouth turned dry, and I knew I would be able to get out only a few words
. “Daniel," I said, "if I could have picked, I would have picked you." That’s all I could say. I wasn’t sure he understood what I
. Then he came toward me and threw his arms around me. For a moment, the world and all its people vanished(消失), and there was just Daniel and me. He was saying something,
my eyes misted(视线模糊)over, and I couldn’t understand what he was saying. All I was
of was the stubble(胡子茬)on his chin as his face pressed
mine. And then, the moment ended. What I had said to Daniel was clumsy. It was nothing. And yet, it was
.【小题1】0 H% Q' ^! b) d* L+ S A.experience! `0 [8 I7 K, T7 d3 Q; @ B.spend5 f/ d5 @' d: ]0 b, _7 Y C.enjoy3 I& ?8 I7 Z) I! ]9 S. K D.shape" b+ h# I2 ?8 F9 ^6 i+ N * [: A$ h* M& [3 e0 I2 X/ i 【小题2】! ^' Y$ N) K" H% ^ A.consultation1 ?; \, _' [& Y! I B.significance0 J% W- J& g2 R( ]0 Q C.necessity. R# F$ @0 I; R5 V D.difference( C3 `/ F1 B% O7 L. P0 Y7 j
^! Y. P$ a- `# P% N6 U 【小题3】# `% V, O3 h) G! ?$ W A. A0 M& c, I3 T7 i0 h B.lips) @1 ]/ N9 H# Z/ ? C.thoughts% O9 C* B( B* _: i4 a+ @9 S$ b D.mind0 B8 d5 C1 H0 j- `# g9 U ) g. Z; I/ V" P 【小题4】# b8 h* F( U* j' Q# A$ E1 b3 H A.fly0 `5 d. M, d9 \3 i# [) d1 e B.remain* ^* `# B4 `4 H, G C.pass- d5 J+ V6 T5 @8 b5 _3 B7 [ D.last+ [% b6 Q3 Z" M; h- b , V
A' H% b$ B1 M4 A8 S5 H7 e/ [# F 【小题5】8 a! D& V& Z, i. _/ Z7 d A.windows$ Q# G) @' @, _4 [8 Y B.chairs4 Q) @' j) c& b+ G1 F" Z8 Q: R C.handles, F( ^3 j" W' _2 c* D D.steps- h6 T3 b9 U# d( P $ C& V9 U5 d8 g3 S5 f 【小题6】. A( Y6 X5 M$ J1 d3 X A.pulled up9 g5 V: f" Z2 V2 B B.pulled down: i# K0 G0 Y2 h% G* a C.drove away5 B( ?2 \, X& A D.drove up4 M7 f- S1 h4 ]; N ' K* B4 A: C7 O6 f' ?4 A, @ 【小题7】2 ]7 G& I7 I* @( [8 S) ^* d A.sign$ E1 j. R: I' I B.scene* P, D" @: `! X1 L2 P. U C.scenery" S! d9 Z, G9 R0 e! \* G6 C D.sight( Y; D0 E# I! A 2 O+ X( _: i, D& N3 [ 【小题8】# X' N( R: X" ]% g6 f$ `4 U3 H; Z A.interest8 R) _; a
F* W$ C7 Q( G; ? B.opinion& U0 B4 h! K- C$ G" H C.courage- R; T: F7 g: B2 e D. I. L6 T' i, ]% E0 K ' N+ X. Q7 Z! O) X 【小题9】$ X' ]! M! R' X" \: e3 a1 A A.failed8 T1 d+ _, D% d
M# e3 ]9 i B.discouraged$ g5 ]5 f* V6 D C.struck3 f! i8 ?5 _0 c: J4 ?% ?/ O$ c D.troubled
X$ ]+ a2 c8 T" ^) b . G) N& h7 C; Q4 `" E
^6 ]( D# R4 K/ Y 【小题10】( U6 F- Q: b+ W1 `2 h A.valuable9 ]. D! g& R1 _% c- ?3 Y B.embarrassing6 R6 L- i
A9 j' d, P C.obvious! f1 T' Y/ i/ L, B# A" ?* e D.lost- O+ R/ Y: K0 g+ R$ c % W; @# I% G- Z4 b/ H 【小题11】( O0 Y1 H) [+ ?) T* U$ L% j% h9 I A.wondered( b% c+ j6 d
g' G B. g: L0 M! R5 W& \# Q C.tried# U9 W/ N2 Z/ B$ e2 i1 H D.minded* C! N1 G. P9 P- Y# ] . f8 H. @! H 【小题12】
B5 T+ E, C( i3 g6 W& h A.feelings3 g: d& i* h& `- D# d B.views. R2 d# g7 H, `0 M, b' ] C.actions( T0 F8 V2 ]- S D.attitudes' @: B- Z# M& Q ! ]- J" h% i, F# _ 【小题13】; d7 O9 E# f6 R/ C$ e A.freeze! A. ?0 C/ `+ U7 W
@! c% P9 Q
C B.hurt# O% Z3 E& K0 B( b3 J4 A C.sweat1 [4 g. j* F1 L3 S7 _% L! D D.burn7 i, Q3 f& C) A. e9 b / ^( B. f6 S" J6 A; B4 W 【小题14】# b* f: H7 g1 N) `7 K! K0 e A.important9 N" K# J4 U+ I B.essential& F- e
_% Z- `& O/ g C. e- S# h/ T1 F8 ]: U D.hard6 _1 D0 D/ O# _% \ & f1 Q2 I, j0 j# `! \4 T: e 【小题15】$ P3 H8 K3 Z5 W' d% V A.approximately% P5 h4 h5 U, J; e B.obviously/ Y, G0 G5 A3 U( ^1 ^! \ C.clearly) I- K! e1 T" U+ N D. f' b. i% J- R+ Y5 D
N! E- W0 K3 G: H; E) c% O 【小题16】* Y# ?3 C7 I& ?( _' C; Y
G) Y/ Z. f' ^ A.counted- P+ D
H2 ]# B* F B.meant: h& R. e7 K6 `( \ C.valued6 i+ A2 Q% ^9 `! U D.care, D7 d. H$ E/ Y3 c8 X! @8 S % @9 P0 W9 T% L7 e9 [* ? 【小题17】1 Z
T) U0 h* D3 E2 f A.but( C. A, f" d9 K3 Y B.and7 ^, Y8 ?; U3 `0 F: E
L9 A% W% R7 C C.instead, [) X- I: K0 U+ F$ M D.so0 ?; J5 I9 ]9 K( d& G
Z. F & I9 _9 _9 O9 B+ P! `; X9 S 【小题18】* J; R+ ^
c8 P4 W3 S. Z+ f( M A.sensitive' F) @: X1 P B.convinced+ \7 j( \2 c6 \/ d1 N6 F; F C.aware5 @: K* R# S8 H2 @8 P5 U D.tired& Z* j5 @/ d. W, f4 _3 D 5 i" e$ T# b) N# ]0 A 【小题19】! Q% E' F6 `7 f" a+ c7 N: B7 ] A.by: [' j" B! `6 h4 B5 B B.against! A: J1 Q" a6 I" f C.on0 N$ `3 ?/ `! L+ ]& L5 K D.with9 C6 b
J! L% U; F6 H. W' P " d
S/ E" T8 Y2 G2 R% h) L0 j9 B. M 【小题20】9 U( M4 C! P& `: L9 G A.none2 X$ B! P6 i0 K B.all7 [3 W" L7 h, c: j, T3 Q
B, D! ]( h C.anything8 E% F9 D, L( S6 X" H* Y7 g D.everything& c" N' J% \1 I; h, J8 c : E3 _, F$ L* U' U At the airport, I looked closely at the face of my son, Daniel, his backpack by his side. We were saying good-bye. In a few hours he would be flying to France to
a different life. It was a transitional(过渡期的)time in Daniel’s life. I wanted to leave him some words of . But nothing came from my and this was not the first time I had let such a moment
.When Daniel was five, I took him to the school-bus stop on his first day of kindergarten. He looked at me -- as he did now. “What is it going to be like, Dad? Will I be okay?” And then he walked up the
of the bus and disappeared inside. And the bus
. And I had said nothing.A decade or so later, a similar
played itself out. I drove him to college. I tried to think of something to say to give him
and confidence as he started this new life. Again, words
me.Now, as I stood before him, I thought of those
opportunities. How many times have we all let such moments pass?My father and I loved each other. Yet, I always
never hearing him put his
into words and never having the memory of that moment. Now, I could feel my palms(手掌)
and my throat tighten. Why is it so
to tell a son something from the heart?My mouth turned dry, and I knew I would be able to get out only a few words
. “Daniel," I said, "if I could have picked, I would have picked you." That’s all I could say. I wasn’t sure he understood what I
. Then he came toward me and threw his arms around me. For a moment, the world and all its people vanished(消失), and there was just Daniel and me. He was saying something,
my eyes misted(视线模糊)over, and I couldn’t understand what he was saying. All I was
of was the stubble(胡子茬)on his chin as his face pressed
mine. And then, the moment ended. What I had said to Daniel was clumsy. It was nothing. And yet, it was
.【小题1】0 H% Q' ^! b) d* L+ S A.experience! `0 [8 I7 K, T7 d3 Q; @ B.spend5 f/ d5 @' d: ]0 b, _7 Y C.enjoy3 I& ?8 I7 Z) I! ]9 S. K D.shape" b+ h# I2 ?8 F9 ^6 i+ N * [: A$ h* M& [3 e0 I2 X/ i 【小题2】! ^' Y$ N) K" H% ^ A.consultation1 ?; \, _' [& Y! I B.significance0 J% W- J& g2 R( ]0 Q C.necessity. R# F$ @0 I; R5 V D.difference( C3 `/ F1 B% O7 L. P0 Y7 j
^! Y. P$ a- `# P% N6 U 【小题3】# `% V, O3 h) G! ?$ W A.head; A0 M& c, I3 T7 i0 h B.lips) @1 ]/ N9 H# Z/ ? C.thoughts% O9 C* B( B* _: i4 a+ @9 S$ b D.mind0 B8 d5 C1 H0 j- `# g9 U ) g. Z; I/ V" P 【小题4】# b8 h* F( U* j' Q# A$ E1 b3 H A.fly0 `5 d. M, d9 \3 i# [) d1 e B.remain* ^* `# B4 `4 H, G C.pass- d5 J+ V6 T5 @8 b5 _3 B7 [ D.last+ [% b6 Q3 Z" M; h- b , V
A' H% b$ B1 M4 A8 S5 H7 e/ [# F 【小题5】8 a! D& V& Z, i. _/ Z7 d A.windows$ Q# G) @' @, _4 [8 Y B.chairs4 Q) @' j) c& b+ G1 F" Z8 Q: R C.handles, F( ^3 j" W' _2 c* D D.steps- h6 T3 b9 U# d( P $ C& V9 U5 d8 g3 S5 f 【小题6】. A( Y6 X5 M$ J1 d3 X A.pulled up9 g5 V: f" Z2 V2 B B.pulled down: i# K0 G0 Y2 h% G* a C.drove away5 B( ?2 \, X& A D.drove up4 M7 f- S1 h4 ]; N ' K* B4 A: C7 O6 f' ?4 A, @ 【小题7】2 ]7 G& I7 I* @( [8 S) ^* d A.sign$ E1 j. R: I' I B.scene* P, D" @: `! X1 L2 P. U C.scenery" S! d9 Z, G9 R0 e! \* G6 C D.sight( Y; D0 E# I! A 2 O+ X( _: i, D& N3 [ 【小题8】# X' N( R: X" ]% g6 f$ `4 U3 H; Z A.interest8 R) _; a
F* W$ C7 Q( G; ? B.opinion& U0 B4 h! K- C$ G" H C.courage- R; T: F7 g: B2 e D.influence; I. L6 T' i, ]% E0 K ' N+ X. Q7 Z! O) X 【小题9】$ X' ]! M! R' X" \: e3 a1 A A.failed8 T1 d+ _, D% d
M# e3 ]9 i B.discouraged$ g5 ]5 f* V6 D C.struck3 f! i8 ?5 _0 c: J4 ?% ?/ O$ c D.troubled
X$ ]+ a2 c8 T" ^) b . G) N& h7 C; Q4 `" E
^6 ]( D# R4 K/ Y 【小题10】( U6 F- Q: b+ W1 `2 h A.valuable9 ]. D! g& R1 _% c- ?3 Y B.embarrassing6 R6 L- i
A9 j' d, P C.obvious! f1 T' Y/ i/ L, B# A" ?* e D.lost- O+ R/ Y: K0 g+ R$ c % W; @# I% G- Z4 b/ H 【小题11】( O0 Y1 H) [+ ?) T* U$ L% j% h9 I A.wondered( b% c+ j6 d
g' G B.regretted; g: L0 M! R5 W& \# Q C.tried# U9 W/ N2 Z/ B$ e2 i1 H D.minded* C! N1 G. P9 P- Y# ] . f8 H. @! H 【小题12】
B5 T+ E, C( i3 g6 W& h A.feelings3 g: d& i* h& `- D# d B.views. R2 d# g7 H, `0 M, b' ] C.actions( T0 F8 V2 ]- S D.attitudes' @: B- Z# M& Q ! ]- J" h% i, F# _ 【小题13】; d7 O9 E# f6 R/ C$ e A.freeze! A. ?0 C/ `+ U7 W
@! c% P9 Q
C B.hurt# O% Z3 E& K0 B( b3 J4 A C.sweat1 [4 g. j* F1 L3 S7 _% L! D D.burn7 i, Q3 f& C) A. e9 b / ^( B. f6 S" J6 A; B4 W 【小题14】# b* f: H7 g1 N) `7 K! K0 e A.important9 N" K# J4 U+ I B.essential& F- e
_% Z- `& O/ g C.complex; e- S# h/ T1 F8 ]: U D.hard6 _1 D0 D/ O# _% \ & f1 Q2 I, j0 j# `! \4 T: e 【小题15】$ P3 H8 K3 Z5 W' d% V A.approximately% P5 h4 h5 U, J; e B.obviously/ Y, G0 G5 A3 U( ^1 ^! \ C.clearly) I- K! e1 T" U+ N D.carefully; f' b. i% J- R+ Y5 D
N! E- W0 K3 G: H; E) c% O 【小题16】* Y# ?3 C7 I& ?( _' C; Y
G) Y/ Z. f' ^ A.counted- P+ D
H2 ]# B* F B.meant: h& R. e7 K6 `( \ C.valued6 i+ A2 Q% ^9 `! U D.care, D7 d. H$ E/ Y3 c8 X! @8 S % @9 P0 W9 T% L7 e9 [* ? 【小题17】1 Z
T) U0 h* D3 E2 f A.but( C. A, f" d9 K3 Y B.and7 ^, Y8 ?; U3 `0 F: E
L9 A% W% R7 C C.instead, [) X- I: K0 U+ F$ M D.so0 ?; J5 I9 ]9 K( d& G
Z. F & I9 _9 _9 O9 B+ P! `; X9 S 【小题18】* J; R+ ^
c8 P4 W3 S. Z+ f( M A.sensitive' F) @: X1 P B.convinced+ \7 j( \2 c6 \/ d1 N6 F; F C.aware5 @: K* R# S8 H2 @8 P5 U D.tired& Z* j5 @/ d. W, f4 _3 D 5 i" e$ T# b) N# ]0 A 【小题19】! Q% E' F6 `7 f" a+ c7 N: B7 ] A.by: [' j" B! `6 h4 B5 B B.against! A: J1 Q" a6 I" f C.on0 N$ `3 ?/ `! L+ ]& L5 K D.with9 C6 b
J! L% U; F6 H. W' P " d
S/ E" T8 Y2 G2 R% h) L0 j9 B. M 【小题20】9 U( M4 C! P& `: L9 G A.none2 X$ B! P6 i0 K B.all7 [3 W" L7 h, c: j, T3 Q
B, D! ]( h C.anything8 E% F9 D, L( S6 X" H* Y7 g D.everything& c" N' J% \1 I; h, J8 c : E3 _, F$ L* U' U 科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】A【小题2】B【小题3】B【小题4】C【小题5】D【小题6】C【小题7】B【小题8】C【小题9】A【小题10】D【小题11】B【小题12】A【小题13】C【小题14】D【小题15】C【小题16】B【小题17】A【小题18】C【小题19】B【小题20】D解析试题分析:文章主要讲述了父子之间的爱。“如果能选择,我还会选你做我儿子”,一句简单的话,却是那样的暖心。每当儿子要开始一种新的生活的时候,作者都想跟儿子说几句心里话给他加油打气。但是,每到这样的时候,作者都会一时语塞,爱在心头口难开。当作者好不容易说出了一句简单的话时,儿子把作者搂在了怀里。相比之下,儿子表达对父亲的爱的方式则更为直接一些。【小题1】考查名词辨析。A经历;B花费,度过;C喜欢,享受;D塑造,使符合。he would be flying to France to
a different life儿子即将飞往法国经历不一样的生活,故选A。【小题2】考查名词辨析。A咨询,磋商;B重要性,意义;C必要性,必需品;D差异。根据第三段“I tried to think of something to say to give him 38
and confidence as he started this new life”可知,每次分别时,作者都想告诉儿子一些有意义的话,给他鼓励、加油,故选B。【小题3】考查名词辨析。A头;B嘴唇;C思想,想法,主意,观点;D心思。But nothing came from my 33 但是作者终究还是没有说出一句话,话语是从嘴里说出来的,故选B。【小题4】考查动词辨析。A飞;B保持;C经过,(时间)过去,消逝;D持续。this was not the first time I had let such a moment
.这种说不出话的情况已经不是第一次了,根据后文可知,在送儿子第一天上幼儿园、上大学的时候,作者都是一时语塞,由此可知,作者又一次让表达爱意的机会溜走了,pass在这里指“让某一时刻过去”,故选C。【小题5】考查名词辨析。A窗户;B椅子;C拉手,柄;D脚步,台阶。根据“I took him to the school-bus stop”可知,作者带儿子去等校车,由此可知,“And then he walked up the
of the bus and disappeared inside.”作者的儿子登上校车的台阶进了校车,故选D。【小题6】考查动词短语。A减速停下,突然停下;B拆掉;C驱车离开,赶走;D使上涨。And the bus
.等Daniel上车后,校车开走了,故选C。【小题7】考查名词辨析。A符号,手势,迹象;B场面,(事情发生的地方)景象,地点;C风景;D视力;看见的事物,(眼睛看到的)景象。根据“I drove him to college. I tried to think of something to say to give him
and confidence as he started this new life. Again, words
me.”可知,类似的情景在此出现,作者开车送儿子上大学,作者想趁儿子开始新生活之际,给他一些勇气和信心,故选B。【小题8】考查名词辨析。A兴趣;B观点;C勇气;D影响。to give him
and confidence as he started this new life作者想给上大学的儿子一些面对新生活的勇气和信心,故选C。【小题9】考查动词辨析。A失败,未能;B使失望;C打,敲,撞击;D使烦恼。Again, words
me.作者又一次没有说出口,就像送儿子第一天上幼儿园时的情景那样,故选A。【小题10】考查形容词辨析。A贵重的;B令人尴尬的;C明显的;D丢失的。根据“let such moments pass”可知,这里指的是作者想对儿子说心里话的机会全部失去了,故选D。【小题11】考查动词辨析。A想知道;B遗憾,后悔;C尝试;D介意。Yet, I always
never hearing him put his
into words作者和他的父亲互相爱着对方,然而,作者一直因未能regret doing sth遗憾做了某事;mind doing sth介意做某事,听到父亲对他说出关心的话语而感到遗憾,故选B。【小题12】考查名词辨析。A情感;B观点;C措施;D态度。put his
into words作者的父亲没有把对作者的情感转化成言语,故选A。【小题13】考查动词辨析。A使结冰,冷冻,冻僵;B伤害;C出汗;D燃烧,烧毁。I could feel my palms(手掌)
and my throat tighten作者能够感觉到自己喉咙发紧,手心在冒汗,这是当作者要跟儿子说心里话时会莫名的紧张起来,故选C。【小题14】考查形容词辨析。A重要的;B基本的,本质的;C复杂的;D困难的,坚硬的,费劲的。Why is it so
to tell a son something from the heart?根据上文可知,作者没有能说出话来,他在想为什么告诉儿子一些真心话会那么困难呢?故选D。【小题15】考查副词辨析。A大约;B明显地;C清楚地;D细心地。根据““Daniel," I said, "if I could have picked, I would have picked you."”可知,作者只能清晰地说出几个字,“如果可以选择,我还会选你做我的儿子”,故选C。【小题16】考查动词辨析。A数,重要;B意味着,打算;C重视;D关心,担心。I wasn’t sure he understood what I
.作者不确定儿子是否理解他说的话的意思,故选B。【小题17】考查并列连词。A但是;B和;C反而;D因此。____my eyes misted(视线模糊)over,作者的儿子在跟他说话,但是他的耳朵模糊了,听不到他说的话,故选A。【小题18】考查形容词辨析。A敏感的;B确信的,坚信的;C明白的;D疲劳的。All I was
of was the stubble作者所能意识到的,是儿子下巴上的胡子碰到了作者,故选C。【小题19】 考查介词辨析。A通过;
D和。his face pressed
mine儿子的脸贴着作者的,故选B。【小题20】考查不定代词。A一个也没有;B所有的;C任何事物;D一切。It was nothing. And yet, it was


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