
At eight I had a Chinese lesson in the morning. Forty-five minutes after that I took a break, then went back to the classroom and had a math lesson. Then I did morning-exercise on the playground, then...用英语写一篇介绍我的好朋友的作文包括名字外貌体形性格爱好等等初一或初二水平的-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站
> 用英语写一篇介绍我的好朋友的作文包括名字外貌体形性格爱好等等初一或初二水平的
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为了帮助网友解决“用英语写一篇介绍我的好朋友的作文包括名字”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“用英语写一篇介绍我的好朋友的作文包括名字”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:用英语写一篇介绍我的好朋友的作文包括名字外貌体形性格爱好等等初一或初二水平的,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:Her name is Lily!She has black and long hair .She study hard ,red mouth,she always help others ,and her favorite subject is Chinese.She is very friendly and kind,her eyes is very bigThis is my friend .Look,she is a good student!What a beautiful girl ,and she has a small nose 解决方案2:关键词:big。like,football,jack(名字,也可以自己取)。解决方案3:Tang Li is a good friend of mine. He used to be a movie fan and go to cinema at least twice a week. Sometimes he rented DVDs and watch them at home. His favourite movie star is Jiang Wen. - 字数有限制解决方案4:我的朋友JOHN.出生年月1999年12月;出生地点美国,职业学生,爱号弹钢琴,踢足球,学习所有科目都很好,对汉语很有意思通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:她很瘦。她也很善良而且很可爱。她的中英文都非常的好。她学习很用功。 她最喜欢... 看书、唱歌。 她是谁?她是我最好的朋友--汪奇。她也有个很好听的英语名字--天使。 ...===========================================and bread very much.Her favourite singer is Na Ying. She is very friendly.We always help each other,and we always study together. 我的朋友 我的好朋友是王玲,她的英语名字...===========================================speaks English well , she's learn very good , she like colour is purple , her homework is very good . 我的好朋友,是一个非常漂亮的女孩,并且她是一个非常好的女孩。她的名字...===========================================的好。她学习很用功。 她最喜欢的季节是夏季,因为热天里,她可以吃冰激凌。她喜欢弹钢琴、看书、唱歌。 她是谁?她是我最好的朋友――汪奇。她也有个很好听的英语名字...===========================================This is my friend,Jenny.She comes from China.She can speak Chinese and she can speak little English.She can sing and dance but she can't swim.There are four people in her fa...===========================================.She is very beautiful with big eyes and black long hair .She lives in Yangzhou ,a city in Jiangsu Province.She studies in NO.1 Middle School and her favourite subject is English .S...===========================================and go back home together. We often help each other and learn from each other in study. 我最好的朋友是我的一个同班同学,她的名字叫玛丽。我们每天一起上学,一起回家。我...===========================================蓬松的短发乌黑透亮。我们俩的友情还是我爷爷介绍来的,事情是这样的:一天,我在我家... 又健忘的好朋友--罗丹彤。 我的好朋友 我在英语班认识了一个新朋友,虽然我以前...=========================================== Hello, everyone, my name is XXX. I have a good friend,Her name is XXX,She is x years old.We are a class of,Her study is not very good.But I never abandon her,She is my go...===========================================I have a good friend. His name is Li Lei. He is tall and thin with a pair of glasses. He is friendly and honest. He is good at PE and English. We often play basketball after school. I ...===========================================
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可能有帮助帮我构思一篇What’s is love 爱是什么 的英语作文.初二水平的.要带译文,80词左右的,从父母 朋友之间的爱写._百度作业帮
帮我构思一篇What’s is love 爱是什么 的英语作文.初二水平的.要带译文,80词左右的,从父母 朋友之间的爱写.
帮我构思一篇What’s is love 爱是什么 的英语作文.初二水平的.要带译文,80词左右的,从父母 朋友之间的爱写.
根本不用费力,你先写一篇中文的,再上爱词霸一个词一个词翻译求一篇英语作文,用【将来时】写,我说个大概流程,具体可以自己编一下,要初中水平那样就行了,80词左右【【【【【 将来时 】】】】我明天就要去桂林了.我准备7点钟起床,吃完早餐后,8点钟_百度作业帮
求一篇英语作文,用【将来时】写,我说个大概流程,具体可以自己编一下,要初中水平那样就行了,80词左右【【【【【 将来时 】】】】我明天就要去桂林了.我准备7点钟起床,吃完早餐后,8点钟
求一篇英语作文,用【将来时】写,我说个大概流程,具体可以自己编一下,要初中水平那样就行了,80词左右【【【【【 将来时 】】】】我明天就要去桂林了.我准备7点钟起床,吃完早餐后,8点钟出发.在我们到了桂林之后,我要先好好的休息一下,然后去购物.在第二天,我们将要去游漓江,从桂林到阳朔,然后我们还要去阳朔的西街购物.第三天,我们要去桂林的乐满地,还要去桂林的灵川县去“冰河世纪灵佛洞”游玩.我很期待我的桂林之旅.[PS:这只是个大概的流程,可以适当删减,自由发挥,请不要用翻译器,
I will go to Guilin tomorrow.I'm going to get up at seven o'clock in the morning,after breakfast,leave at eight o'clock.After we went to Guilin,I want to have a good rest,and then go shopping.In the very next day,we are going to tour the Lijiang River,from Guilin to Yangshuo,and then we will go to Yangshuo street shopping.The third day,we went toGuilin Merryland,would also like to go to the Guilin in Lingchuancounty to "ice age spirit Buddha cave" play.I'm looking forward to ourtrip to Guilin.扔了很多年了,你看看吧,不代表全都正确.
I'll go to Gui lin tomorrow . I'll get up at seven o'clock,after breakfast ,I will leave home at eight o'clock .when we get Gui Lin .I'll have a rest.Then I'll go shopping.The next day ,we'll go to Lijiang .................I am looking forward to my trip to GuiLin
I'm going to Guilin tomorrow. I'm going to get up at 7:00am, and set up at 8:00am after breakfast. When we arrive in Guilin, I'm going to get some rest, and then go shopping. The next day, we are going to Lijiang.
Because I did not carefully check the title, and be negligent, only to fail in the exam. On the other hand, usually the back of the text is very few, so the result is not ideal. So in the next test, not to make the same mistakes, strive to achieve good results!
As I didn't read the questions with care and made a couple of careless mistakes, I flunked it.Then again, I spent too little time learning the texts by heart, as a result, my writing skills weren't good enough. In no case should I repeat the same mistakes on my next exam. I'll see what I can do to improve my grade.
Because I did not carefully check subject, and careless, just failed the exam. Back at ordinary times, on the other hand, the text is small, so the cause of literature is not ideal. So in the next exam, no longer make the same mistake, to get good grades!绝对正确。望采纳
Because I didn't check the questions carefully ,and I was not carefully.So I failed the test.On the other hand,I don't bear the articles too many,so my compositions are not good.So I will try not to m...}


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