痛定思痛的意思 的英文怎麽说 不要直翻的!!!

请将下面的英文翻译成中文 感激不尽!谢绝机器直翻!There are various methods adopted for the forecasting of future market price. One approach to predict the market behaviors is regression. The basic idea is to use the historical pri_百度作业帮
请将下面的英文翻译成中文 感激不尽!谢绝机器直翻!There are various methods adopted for the forecasting of future market price. One approach to predict the market behaviors is regression. The basic idea is to use the historical pri
请将下面的英文翻译成中文 感激不尽!谢绝机器直翻!There are various methods adopted for the forecasting of future market price. One approach to predict the market behaviors is regression. The basic idea is to use the historical prices, quantity and other information such as load forecast, and temperatures to predict the MCPs. That is, use history and other estimated factors in the future to ‘‘fit’’ and ‘‘extrapolate’’ the prices and quantity.Important methodological issues and techniques for electricity load and price forecasting are presented in. Computationally intensive methods like variable segmentation, multiple modeling, combinations and neural networks for forecasting demand side and strategic simulation using artificial agents for the supply side are used. Conceptual framework for designing price forecasting approaches are presented . Modeling competitive market behavior in capturing uncertainty in inputs/outputs with adaptability and transparency is presented. Model of Market-clearing price (MCP) and Database for forecasting electricity prices is described. Forecasting Energy prices using neural networks and fuzzy logic and their combination is discussed in . Historical behaviors of spot prices was evaluated for these methods. Emphasis is placed on the identification of important parameters which influence the forecasted quantity. Basic framework of artificial neural network for load forecasting based on historical load data and temperature is presented . A multi layer perception using three hidden layers is implemented for accurate load forecasting.该论文是基于神经网络的电价预测 谢谢各位啦!
也会对学校正常的教育教学活动产生不良的影响。[关键词] 小学生
教育对策上面的一段文字翻译成英文的~~ 谢谢啦姜堰市区小学生攻击性行为的现状调查教育科学学院 04(2)班
王丹[摘要] 小学生攻击性行为是指处于小学阶段的儿童恶意伤害除自己以外的任何对象的行为、矫治三个方面提出了相应的学校教育的解决对策,笔者从预防、控制!,发现该小学校园中存在着言语攻击性行为和身体攻击性行为等问题。本文通过对姜堰市区小学生的调查。它对小学生身心健康发展有负面的作用。针对这些问题
prevention,也会对学校正常的教育教学活动产生不良的影响,如内容是指姜堰市小学生,College of Education Science)[摘要] 小学生攻击性行为是指处于小学阶段的儿童恶意伤害除自己以外的任何对象的行为。它对小学生身心健康发展有负面的作用。不过翻译中用了被动态: pupil. Through the investigation of the pupils of Jiangyan City it is found that there are problems such as speech and physical aggressive behavior in the primary school campus,发现该小学校园中存在着言语攻击性行为和身体攻击性行为等问题。针对这些问题说明, control,后面又讲是该小学校园中、矫治三个方面提出了相应的学校教育的解决对策; aggressive behavior, and also gives bad impact on the normal education activity in the schools. Aiming at these problems the author proposes corresponding countermeasures in the school education from three aspects:The aggressive behavior refers to the behavior that the children who are in the primary school period hurt any objects except for themselves,回避了. It has negative impact on the development of pupils’ physical and mental health。姜堰市区小学生攻击性行为的现状调查教育科学学院 04(2)班
The Investigation of the status of Pupils’ Aggressive Behavior of Jiangyan City
(Class 04(2).
[关键词] 小学生
教育对策Key words、控制。本文通过对姜堰市区小学生的调查,笔者从预防:本摘要文字上有点小毛病。Abstract, and correction
Survey Report: Aggressive Attacks among Elementary School Students in Jiangyan District
School of Education Science 04, Class 2, , Wang Dan
Aggressive behavior among elementary school students in the context of this report is mainly defined as malicious attacks that a student inflicts upon persons or objects other than him or her self. The occurrence of such behavior not only hinders a student's mental and physical development, but also disrupts the normal pedagogic activities being carried out at a school.
A survey has been conducted and it targeted
elementary school students in Jiangyan District. Based on the survey this rep...
出门在外也不愁[tòng dìng sī tòng]
[Literal Meaning]&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/pain/calm/think/pain'
target='_blank'>pain/calm/think/pain&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/to recall the past with pangs in the heart'
target='_blank'>to recall the past with pangs in the heart&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/[解释]'
target='_blank'>[解释]&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/指悲痛的心情平静以后,再追想当时所受的痛苦,提醒下次注意。'
target='_blank'>指悲痛的心情平静以后,再追想当时所受的痛苦,提醒下次注意。&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/[Explanation]'
target='_blank'>[Explanation]&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/to draw a lesson from a bitter experience'
target='_blank'>to draw a lesson from a bitter experience&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/[例子]'
target='_blank'>[例子]&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/痛定思痛,我们应该认真地考虑一下如何来弥补所犯下的错误。'
target='_blank'>痛定思痛,我们应该认真地考虑一下如何来弥补所犯下的错误。&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/[Example]'
target='_blank'>[Example]&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/We should think over the reason after this bitter lesson and consider seriously how we shall make up for the mistake.'
target='_blank'>We should think over the reason after this bitter lesson and consider seriously how we shall make up for the mistake.&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/[英文等价词]'
target='_blank'>[英文等价词]&/a>&br/>&a class='quickclass' href='/w/recall a painful experience'
target='_blank'>recall a painful experience&/a>&br/>" />
tòng dìng sī tòng
As survivors of a disaster, we should think over the reason after this bitter lesson.
劫后余生,我们应痛定思痛。只承诺你能做到的,然后尽力超越你承诺的.英文怎么说 不要直翻.带点韵味._百度作业帮
只承诺你能做到的,然后尽力超越你承诺的.英文怎么说 不要直翻.带点韵味.
只承诺你能做到的,然后尽力超越你承诺的.英文怎么说 不要直翻.带点韵味.
just to promise what you are sure enough, and make your best to transcend the word you made.你看下哈,应该还算押韵.还有问题可以问我~~
Only you can do it, commitment and then try to surpass you promised.
Promise no more than what is within your reach, and try with every possible effort to go beyond your word.自己翻译的,参考下吧我深知我的情绪感染不了你 所以我不言不语 .求英文翻译 要求:不要机翻,不要太过直白._百度作业帮
我深知我的情绪感染不了你 所以我不言不语 .求英文翻译 要求:不要机翻,不要太过直白.
我深知我的情绪感染不了你 所以我不言不语 .求英文翻译 要求:不要机翻,不要太过直白.
我深知我的情绪感染不了你 所以我不言不语 .I know very well that you'll never be infected with my emothion,that's why I am always keeping silence.}


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