over a period of timoverride是什么意思思?

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a period of time是什么意思
中文翻译时间段:&&&&短语和例子 a , an an 用在以元音音素开始的词 ...:&&&&n. 1. 时代;期;时期;期间;阶段。 2.〔the ...:&&&&短语和例子 five minutes of four 差 ...:&&&&n. 1.时,时间,时日,岁月。 2.时候,时刻;期间; ...
例句与用法1.But after a period of time they reorient the dances to the earth's magnetic field .但过了一段时间之后,它们的飞舞重新取向于地磁场。2.Regardless of the cost, it is usual for people to buy their houses over a period of time .不论价钱高低,人们通常要花一段时间才能买下房子。3." last " indicates that an event will continue for a period of time or that there is enough of something for the required purpose .“last”指一件事所持续的时间或为达到某目的有充足的条件。4.Over a period of time the motor is required to make up the friction losses and the losses in the clutches when they are slipping .在整个工作时间里,电动机需要弥补摩擦损失和离合器滑动时所造成的损失。5.But i was also persuaded that our people would not sustain the prolongation of the war for a period of time that would make a military difference .不过我也明白,我国人民不会容忍把战争再延长一段时间以争取军事上出现转机。6." police mute a period of time each other , to family go员警们互相叽咕了一阵,到别家去了。 7.Then the smsc will hold onto the message for a period of time,则smsc将保留消息一段时间。 8.Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time你们能不能接受在一段时间里分批交货? 9.Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time不知你们能不能接受在一段时间里分批交货10.Would you accept deliery spread oer a period of time不知你们能不能接受在一段时间里分批交货? &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇&&&a long period of time
And many attacks can be orchestrated over a wide area network, and over a long period of time.
And many attacks can be orchestrated over a wide area network, and over a long period of time.
(2) The Aral Sea crisis experienced during the past 30~40 years, has led to the realization that the implementation of adequate nature conservation measures requires a long period of time and significant capital investments.
The atom flus ratio (%) of ioncompositions Si~+,Si~(++),Si_2~+,Au~+ and Au~(++) are measured for a long period of time.
With <20ng/ml and <5ng/ml as normal thresholds, the diagnostic efficacy of AFP (RIA) for PHC was determined in 677 cases of benign or malignant liver diseases, and serial low-level AFP measurements were carried out over a long period of time in 3 postoperated PHC patients.
A new mutant strain of Monascus 102W enduring high-lysine-concentration was obtained by a long period of time of UV irradiation with double layer selective media. It grows normally on medium containing 10% rice and 1.6% lysine and yielding monascus pigment as high as 168.4 U/mL.
设计双层培养基选育耐高浓度赖氨酸红曲霉菌株,经紫外线长时间诱变获得1株新菌株102w,该菌株可在大米粉10%和赖氨酸1.6%的发酵液中正常生长,红曲色素产量达168.4 U/mL。
It was approved through experiments that Sn-882, Sn-883 have better effect of preven-ting oxidation of Sn~(2+), depressing the hydrolysis tendence of Sn~(2+) and Sn~(4+) and keeping the bath clear for a long period of time.
(5)69.7%were treated by resisting platelet in this groups,and only 4% by warfarin anticoagulant over a long period of time.
Uglitics, as a category of aesthetics, was obstructed in long period time.
Our model teaching is serious for a long period of time.
For a long period of time,the study of oxygen sensor has been very active.
But it was neglected for a long time.
Information structure has experienced a research of a long period of time.
查询“a long period of time”译词为用户自定义的双语例句&&&&我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This paper deals with the investigation of the data of variation of sea level continuously recorded during many years by 5 tidal stations located along the coast of the Gulf of Bohai. After processing the data and making various corrections, it was found that before the Haicheng Earthquake of 1975 the average sea level showed a ten'dency of steady rise within a broad area. For the recording stations closer to the epice... &&&&&&&&&&&&对多年来在我国渤海沿岸五个验潮站的海平面连续记录资料进行了各种改正和处理之后,发现1975年海城地震前平均海平面出现大范围稳定持续的上升趋势,震中区附近该平面的变化更为显著,并表现为突发性的变化.但1969年在同区发生的渤海大地震之前,则平均海平面经历了长趋势的下降.&&&&&&&& The growth and yield of Vitis vinifera cv Muscat Hamburg grown in the hydrogen flouride polluted area were compared with those in areas not polluted. Exposure to this gas for a long period of time, even at low concentrations, caused injury to the grape, because the gas was absorbed by and accumulated in the leaves. The injurious effects vary at different stages of growth, depending on the concentration of the gas... &&&&&&&&&&&&本文着重以玫瑰香葡萄为主,测定大气氟污染浓度和定期观测污染区和清洁区葡萄受害状况,并采叶、果分析其含氟量,进行综合比较,以此来明确氟污染影响葡萄生长发育是造成减产的主要原因。进而搞清葡萄受害减产与大气氟污染的关系,为今后加强果区环境保护和发展玫瑰香葡萄避免氟污染危害提供科学依据。&&&&&&&& The Hanjiang storage area of the Danjiangkou Reservoir is situated in the lower reach of the upper Hanjiang River. Naturally, the river flows in mountain gorges in this reach, and the reservoir is consequently of river-type.The Danjiangkou reservoir had been impounded to its normal high level in 1973. During the six-year period of , the inflow discharge was low, the storage level varied in a wide range, and the reservoir had been operated in ... &&&&&&&&&&&&本文在概述了(1)汉江回水变动区河谷地貌特点及对河道形态的影响,(2)典型的山区河流来水来沙特性,(3)在蓄水后水库调度及淤积分布等三个问题的基础上,分析了建库后汉江干流回水变动区纵横剖面变化,再造床过程中河道形态的演变、年内的冲淤变化及河床地貌等四个方面的问题。由此初步归结出河床演变的几个特点:1.坝前水位的调度是回水变动区河床演变的控制性因素;2.堆积过程是河床演变的主导;3.河床显著细化,泥沙沿程分选强烈;4.库区弯曲狭窄、纵泓剧烈起伏的地质地貌条件对河床变形的影响显著;5.河床变形对水流的影响强烈,同时出现一些新的流态,6.回水变动区每年都经历“汛期淤积、枯季消落冲刷和汛初充水冲刷”的“一淤二冲”的变形过程。最后,简要地讨论了三峡水库库尾泥沙淤积的几个问题。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
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&each over a period of time
each over a period of time
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