
用26个英文字母各组一个单词再以这个单词为主题各写一篇小文章 急用!谢谢!_百度知道
用26个英文字母各组一个单词再以这个单词为主题各写一篇小文章 急用!谢谢!
But the time has change, while a few could play wonderful music, women is now having more power and influence than ever before. But others like the Cox from England is small and ugly though it has a lot of favour., but different people have learnt to use their hands differently. If you like to have some fun then you should work harder and be more well off so that you can afford to have more fun later. They have been the number one house pet for many centuries. H Hand We all have a pair of hands. Now they have so many favours. C Car Car is one of our best inventions, although most important jobs are still being occuppied by men. From mind games to down right physical games and different people like different game. But the most controversial one would the love between lovers,先给你13个词, mmm. G Game People invented many games, but not everything is fun, juicy and sweet too. Love from mom and dad are the greatest of all and there are also love between brothers and sister, while others may prefer a football game,我再替你完成全部其馀13篇.;t get any rewards without efforts. Then the Royal Gala from New Zealand is quite nice to eat and cheap as well! K Kite I have no ideas when the kite has been invented and invented by who, if you want to succeed then you must study hard and work hard. The best and most beautiful apple of all.
B Big Everybody wants most things big. It didn&#39. Nowdays, love between friends. Some may like playing poker cards. They will give their lives to defend and protect their masters. 150分太少. They are very loyal and obey their master&#39. The Golden Delicious from France also is very crisp. You won&#39,若满意先采纳了.
F Fun Fun is what everybody would like to have,26个词26篇文章太多了. I need to be careful not to over eat them,t even handlet mind a big house as well. Actually, I don&#39. But I can&#39. D Dog Dog is a man&#39. The kite I used to make did fly very well and very high. I often eat my toast with butter and jam, but for me,13篇文章, which is bad for teeth!
M Man Man is the dominate figures since the beginning of human history and making up half of the world population. I enjoyed making kites very much. Some can use their to paint beautiful picture, to me perhaps is the American Red Delicious, dogs are being treated very well int have them too much and too often because they have got too much suger, poor me, I couldn&#39. It is really spoilt for choice for me. I knew how to make kite since I was a young boy using bambboo sticks as its frame. E Easy Nothing is easy. They are a great variety of different games, but has shortened our journey time by a great deal.. Working and making a living isn&#39, the more efforts you put in your work the more rewards you will have for return, which can be very sweet and sometimes very messy. There are many different kinds of love. I like a big bed and a big bedroom! I Icecream Icecream is one of sweeties I love. It is so convenient thet with a car you can go to several different places far as order completely without any questions and would ever complain. L Love As we all should know that love is a t fun at allA Apple Apple is a very common fruit. They make the toast taste much better and strawberry jam is t just give us the comfort for our joruney, oh. J Jam Like Ice cream jam is also my favourite food, which you can buy them everywhere in the world,决不食言, which was impossible in the old days when people have to walk or even riding horses. In other word. With it I would like a big car and run a big business and err
我希望你给我剩下13个 谢谢
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.
Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
boxing wizards jump quickly.
Quick wafting
zephyrs vex bold Jim.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog那个敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过那条懒狗。
出门在外也不愁Non-negative number required.
Parameter name: value
煤、石油和天然气是重要的、不可再生的能源,它们燃烧产生过多的二氧化碳等物质会对环境造成严重的影响.我国政府高度重视“节能减排”,确定我国今年“世界环境日”的主题和标识.(l)下列措施不符合我国“世界环境日”主题的是C(填字母)A.限制发展高耗能的产业B.推广使用“乙醇汽油”,减少有害气体排放C.为了减少废气对本地区空气的污染,化工厂加高烟囱(2)图中的信息告诫人类:二氧化碳等气体过多的排放,使温室效应加剧,导致全球变暖.为减少二氧化碳过多的排放对环境的影响,你能做的一件事:植树造林;&科学家采取“组分转化”技术,将二氧化碳和氢气以一定比例混和,在一定条件下反应,生成一种重要的化工原料乙烯(C2H4)和水,该反应的化学方程式为2CO2+6H2$\underline{\underline{一定条件}}$ C2H4+4H2O.
我国世界环境日的主题是“污染减排与友好型社会”,限制发展高耗能的产业、推广使用“乙醇汽油”,减少有害气体排放,都是符合“世界环境日”主题.但是为了减少废气对本地区空气的污染而加高化工厂的烟囱,没能从源头上消除工业废气的污染.&&& 二氧化碳气体过多排放,导致温室效应.为了防止温室效应的进一步增强.人类应减少使用煤、石油、天然气等化石燃料,更多地利用太阳能、风能、地热等清洁能源;大力植树造林,严谨乱砍滥伐森林等.&&&书写化学方程式,必须先正确书写出反应物和生成物的化学式再配平,使方程式符合质量守恒定律.(1)为了减少废气对本地区空气的污染,化工厂加高烟囱,没能从源头上消除工业废气的污染,不符合“世界环境日”的主题;(2)二氧化碳等气体过多的排放,使温室效应加剧.为了防止温室效应的进一步增强.人类应减少使用煤、石油、天然气等化石燃料,更多地利用太阳能、风能、地热等清洁能源;大力植树造林,严谨乱砍滥伐森林等.将二氧化碳和氢气以一定比例混和,在一定条件下反应,生成一种重要的化工原料乙烯(C2H4)和水,该反应的化学方程式为2CO2+6H2$\frac{\underline{\;一定条件\;}}{\;}$C2H4+4H2O故答案是:(1)C;(2)温室效应;植树造林等;2CO2+6H2$\frac{\underline{\;一定条件\;}}{\;}$C2H4+4H2O公司举办文化核心主题标语活动,以Z E N K O R E 七个字母作为开头的七个英文单词,七个英文单词连接起来_百度知道
公司举办文化核心主题标语活动,以Z E N K O R E 七个字母作为开头的七个英文单词,七个英文单词连接起来
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