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Better late than never.Prov. Cliché Doing something late is better than not doing it. I'm sorry I'm late to the party. Better late than never, right? Jill: Lisa's birthday was two weeks ago. Should I send her a card now? Jane: Better late than never.See also: , day late and a dollar shortlate and ill-prepared. Tommy, you seem to show up a day late and a dollar short all the time. You need to get organized.See also: , , , It is never too late to learn.&and&You are never too old to learn.Prov. You can always learn something new. Alan: Help me make the salad dressing. Jane: But I don't know anything about making salad dressing. Alan: You are never too old to learn. Grandma decided to take a course in using computers. "It's never too late to learn," she said.See also: , It is never too late to mend.Prov. It is never too late to apologize for something you have done or try to repair something you have done wrong. Sue: I still miss Tony, but it's been a year since our big fight and we haven't spoken to each other since. Mother: Well, it's ne why don't you call him up and apologize?See also: , keep late hoursto stay up or stay out until very late at night. I'm always tired because I keep late hours. If I didn't keep late hours, I wouldn't sleep so late in the morning.See also: , late bloomer&1. Lit. a plant that blooms later than similar plants or that blooms late in the season. There are a few late bloomers in the garden, but by fall, we don't care much anymore about flowers. 2. Fig. a person who finally develops a useful or superior skill or talents later than expected or desired. Joseph was a late bloomer, but turned out to be a formidable scholar in the long run.late in lifeFig. when one is old. Grandma injured her hip running. She's exercising rather late in life. Isn't it sort of late in life for your grandparents to buy a house?See also: late in the dayFig. far along in a too late in a project or activity for action, decisions, etc., to be taken. It was a bit late in the day for him to apologize. It's late in the day to try to change the plans.See also: late unpleasantnessEuph. the U.S. Civil War. (Old.) The town courthouse was burned in the late unpleasantness. Many of my ancestors lost their lives in the late unpleasantness.of latelately. Have you seen Sally of late? We haven't had an opportunity to eat out of late.See also: stay up lateto remain awake and out of bed later than usual. I am in the practice of staying up late. I can't stay up late three nights in a row.See also: too little, too lateProv. Not enough help to save the situation, and arriving too late. After a lifetime of bad diet and no exercise, Lorna tried to save her health by improving her habits, but it was too little, too late. Fred: I know how to keep my business from going bankrupt. I'll invest all my savings in it. Bill: I'm sorry, F even that much would be too little, too late.Later and Late and Laters interj. Good-bye.
It’s time to cruise. Later.
CU. Laters. See also: Late verbSee better late than neverBeing tardy is better than not at all, as in We've been waiting for you for an hour-but better late than never. This phrase, first recorded about 1200, appears in several early English proverb collections, often with the added but better never late. Today it is often used in exasperation over a delay, as in the example. See also: , keep late hoursStay awake until late at night. For example, Never call E she keeps late hours and sleeps all morning. See also: , late in lifeIn old age. For example, Isn't it rather late in life for your grandmother to go trekking in Nepal?See also: late in the dayF also, too far advanced. For example, It's late in the day to change the kitchen layout, since we've already ordered the cabinets , or It's a bit late in the day for apologizing. [Late 1700s] See also: of lateRecently, lately, as in She's bee is something wrong? This idiom uses late as a noun instead of an adjective, a usage dating from about 1250. The idiom dates from the early 1400s. See also: too little, too lateInadequate as a remedy and not in time to be effective, as in The effort to divert the stream into a corn field was too little too late-the houses were already flooded . This term originated in the military, where it was applied to reinforcements that were insufficient and arrived too late to be of help. [First half of 1900s] Better late than never. something that you say which means it is better for someone or something to be late than never to arrive or to happen 'Karen's card arrived 2 weeks after my birthday.' 'Oh well, better late than never.' See also: , late in the day too late to be useful (often + for ) The new gun laws came a little late in the day for those whose friends or families were killed in the massacre. (often + to do sth) It seems rather late in the day to announce that diet drinks might cause cancer.
See See also: too little, too late if the help that is given to a person is described as too little, too late, there is not enough of it and it was given too late to be useful The government have finally decided to put some money into research but it's too little, too late. a day late and a dollar short not enough to be useful The government's attempts at reform were a day late and a dollar short. See also: , , , better late than never it is good this happened now although it should have happened sooner I guess it's better late than never, but getting the award after he died strikes me as less than satisfactory. See also: , late in the day delayed almost too long Isn't it rather late in the day to say you're sorry? See also: of late (slightly formal)
recently She hasn't been feeling well of late. See also: too little, too late not enough and not given soon enough to be useful Financial help for food pantries and soup kitchens may be too little, too late.
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《恰被时光遗忘》的邻居:          Parenting Tips, Advice, & Help
This is the third and final installment in a three part series of articles by James Lehman, MSW.
For those parents who haven&t set up a structured agreement when their child turns 18, it&s never too late to set one up. Even if your child is 23, living under your roof and staying out until the wee hours, it&s never too late to sit down with that kid and say, &We&re going to have to have a talk about our rules here and what parts fit you and what parts don&t fit you.& If a kid is 23 years old and he&s not working, he can&t be up until two o&clock in the morning with friends in the house, keeping other people awake. You may feel obligated to provide that child with a roof over his head. But you have the right to let him know that &This is not your home for that anymore. We&re going to bed, we&re tired, we worked all day. If you&re going to live here, you have to live within our rules.& If he tries to put you down for it, you need to put your foot down. If that means taking the car keys, then that&s what it means.
"Young adult children who don?t feel competent will resist taking responsibility for anything, and they?ll keep doing it as long as you let them."
When parents lay out these rules with kids after the age of 18, they should expect the kid to be resentful, resistant and to blame them. The older child will try to make them feel like the parents are jerks because he still has a lot of thinking errors, is hiding from responsibility and postponing the anxiety of accepting it. Parents should simply disregard the child&s thinking errors, and not give in and tell the child that everything is okay.
Likewise, parents shouldn&t get into making a lot of excuses for themselves. They should say, &This is our expectation. We&re sorry we didn&t do it before now, but we&re here today and this is what we&re going to have to do. And we can&t go any further until this agreement gets made.& The expectations should include what time the kid gets up in the morning if he&s not working. Older kids who are avoiding responsibility will stay up all night and sleep until noon. When you ask them why they sleep until noon, they&ll say, &Well, I&m not working.& As the parent, you have to make it clear: &That&s why you&re not working. Because you sleep until noon. Get up at seven o&clock like everybody else and find a job.& It&s never too late to be this direct with your child.
Remember: do not take the kid&s accusations and blaming as fact. Expect to hear plenty of accusations and excuses. You&re going to be compared to his friend&s parents. You&re going to be told you&re hateful and uncaring. But don&t forget, this kid is fighting taking responsibility, and he will fight it fiercely. Young adult children who don&t feel competent will resist taking responsibility for anything, and they&ll keep doing it as long as you let them. Parents should be prepared to deal with this, not through yelling and screaming. Not through making excuses for themselves. Just by calmly saying, &This is the time we&re meeting. We need to talk.& If you have to, take the kid&s car keys until he is ready to talk. &&
The agreement you develop with the child should allow for adult privileges. Specifically, if the kid is working and being responsible, then your agreement with him should be very flexible. On his day off, he can sleep all day for all you care. But he can&t stay out all night without calling you because you&re going to worry, and it&s his responsibility to let you know he&s safe. If he doesn&t want to do that, then he should move into a more independent living situation. You don&t get complete freedom and the support of living at home at the same time.
How to Handle Rent, Household Chores and Rules about Alcohol
Paying rent is a very good habit for an older child to get into. I think there are two ways to look at the issue of when and if your child should pay rent in order to continue living at home. If the family needs the money and the kid is working, he needs to contribute. It&s just that simple.
If you don&t need the money, charge him room-and-board anyway, and then put the money aside and save it up until you&ve saved enough for a security deposit on an apartment and the first month&s rent. Then when he&s ready to move out, you&ve already got his money. Hold onto that money. That way, he pays for himself, and he gets into the habit of paying rent and being responsible while money is being accumulated, so that both he and the family are prepared for his next step.
When you come up with the agreement on living arrangements, I think it has to be really clear that the child is here to contribute, not just take. So, parents need to be clear about specific chores the older child will be responsible for. Parents can offer their ideas, and the young adult child can come up with his own ideas. Maybe he offers to take the younger kids to school in the morning, and you ask him to be responsible for bringing in wood and taking out the trash and recyclables each week. Write it down and be clear about consequences if he doesn&t follow through, because everyone who lives in the house has to help out.
The understanding should be very clear about alcohol and drugs, and it&s simple because the law makes it simple. In most states, it&s illegal to drink under the age of 21. You don&t have to say, &I know it&s illegal, but&& and wink your eye. The best thing that you can do for your young adult child is follow the letter of the law and say &No drinking under 21. If we catch you drinking and driving, we&re taking the car keys. If you fight us, we&re calling the cops.& He&s going to say you&re rigid and unreasonable. But it&s better that your kid lose his license for 90 days than die or kill somebody else.
When Is It Time to Ask Your Child to Leave Home?
The decision on when to ask an older child to leave the home has more to do with a family&s morals and values. First of all, if he violates a cardinal rule, he should leave. If he&s insulting you, abusive with a family member or breaking things, he should leave. He should go stay with a friend. The kids who are going to be most likely to be asked to leave are the kids who are going to tell you they have nowhere to go. Because the abusive behavior won&t be an unexpected anomaly in their life. It&s not like their whole life is great, but they hit their brother. The abusive older child will most likely show a pattern of this behavior and demonstrate a host of thinking errors. So when you ask him to leave, he won&t know where he can go, because he is unable to solve that problem.
Secondly, if things are going well with the living arrangement, the child should be told to think about leaving once he has the means. Once the first and last month&s rent and a deposit are set aside and he has a car and he&s driving, he should be told to start looking for a place with a roommate. I&ve worked with many college graduates at agencies who were not able to own a car or have their own apartment at the same time. They had to make a choice because they didn&t make that much money. They had to accept either having their own car and living with a roommate and learning how to live with other people, or not having a car and living close to their job and just having their own apartment. But they can&t have it both ways, and parents should not take responsibility for that.
Independence is a decision you can make as a family. If a young adult child is doing well, living at home and meeting the family&s expectations, then there&s no problem. But someday he will want to be independent. The way you get there is to sit down and have the child set some goals. Where do you plan to live? When do you plan to move out? How much does the child need to pay for rent or room and board while living at home? Measure progress toward the goal by the objectives. If the child has a goal to move out and he&s not meeting any of the objectives, it&s a joke.
The greatest gift you can give your child is knowing how to be independent and take responsibility. If a child fears independence and responsibility, you can solve that problem by having a written agreement that shows the child how to live by your rules, and have ongoing discussions about the goal of independence and how to meet it.
(Part 3 of a 3 part series. Please also see and .
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James Lehman, MSW was a renowned child behavioral therapist who worked with
and children for three decades. He created the
to help people parent more effectively. James' foremost goal was to help kids and to "empower parents."
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