don'don t be afraid chicken中文

每日地道雅思短语:Don‘t be a chicken! 不要胆怯
摘要:今天为大家带来的的每日地道雅思短语是:Don‘t be a chicken!在英语里人们往往用 chicken 这个词来表示一个胆小鬼。那么 Don't be a chicken 意思就是‘别害怕,别胆怯’。跟着新东方在线雅思频道每天学习一个地道的雅思词汇,助大家轻松屠雅。
  今天为大家带来的的每日地道短语是:Don‘t be a chicken!在英语里人们往往用 chicken 这个词来表示一个胆小鬼。那么 Don't be a chicken 意思就是‘别害怕,别胆怯’。跟着新东方在线雅思频道每天学习一个地道的,助大家轻松屠雅。今日短语在英语里人们往往用 chicken 这个词来表示一个胆小鬼。那么 Don't be a chicken 意思就是别害怕,别胆怯。例句今日小常识The people in the photograph above were attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the most people wearing animal noses at a single venue. 607 people took part in the recent event in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It involved them wearing the beaks for 11 minutes and 39 seconds and breaking the record!图中的人们试图打破一项吉尼斯世界纪录:在同一个时间同一个地点佩戴动物鼻子的人数最高。这项活动在美国密歇安州大瀑布城举行,总共有607人参加。他们佩戴鸡鼻的人坚持了 11 分钟 39 秒,打破了吉尼斯世界纪录。You're such a chicken, you won&t even give skiing a try!He called me a chicken just because I didn&t want to swim in the ice cold water!Don't be such a chicken, just ask her out!请注意To play chicken - 意思是较量看看到底谁胜谁负 chicken out 意思是服输退出的意思。The company chairman is playing chicken with the shareholders. He knows that the share price will go down if they sack him so he's betting they will back down.----------------------------------------内容由BBC英语网提供-------------------------------------  以上就是新东方在线带来的每日地道雅思短语:Don‘t be a chicken! 不要胆怯 ,供大家参考。更多的最新消息,最新、最专业的雅思备考资料,新东方在线雅思频道将第一时间为大家发布。
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记得点好评哈Place the chicken, breast up, on cutting board. It is important that it is breast up so that you can see what you are doing. If you have just taken the chicken out of the oven, let it cool for 10 to 15 minutes.
Hold the chicken steady with a carving fork. Using a large carving , cut through the skin between the leg and the body.
Cut through the meat between the tail and hip joint. Cut as closely as possible to the backbone. Bend the leg back until the hip joint pops out.
Continue to cut around the bone. Pull the leg from the body until the meat is separated from bone. Cut through the remaining skin. Repeat on the other side.
If you are having trouble cutting through the skin, try using a serrated knife. Work the knife back and forth until the skin is cut.
Place the leg skin side down on the cutting board. It is easiest to cut through the meat first and then work your way towards the skin, which may need to be cut with a serrated knife.
Make a cut about 1/8 inch (0.3 cm) from the fat line toward the drumstick. The drumstick is the smaller part of the leg that is attached to the end of the leg bone. There is a thin, white fat line that runs along the joint between the drumstick and thigh.
Cut through the joint connecting the drumstick and thigh. Repeat this process with the remaining leg.
Cut along the breast bone. Start at the back of the bird and work towards the front (the end with the wings still attached.)
Cut through the wishbone when you get to it. Angle the knife and cut down along the wishbone toward the wing. Make a cut between the breast and the wing.
Another option is to bend the breast halves back to pop out the keel bone and then remove the keel bone. Using poultry shears or a knife, cut the breast into halves through the wishbone. Cut each breast half into halves.
Pull back on the breast meat. Pull it away from the body while simultaneously cutting the meat away from the bone. Cut through the skin holding the breast to the body.
If you want to cut the breast up further, lay the breast on the cutting board. Place your knife at a 45 degree angle from the board and slice through the meat.
Bend the wing away from the body. Doing this will make it easier to see the joint.
Cut into the wing joint with the carving knife. Roll the knife along the joint so as to let the knife curve along the joint. Repeat with the remaining wing.
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For example:Don't say: Eat more fats.Do say: Add fats with some nutritional value to the foods you already eat. Try olive oil, butter, avocado, and mayonnaise.
Always wash your hands after handling any raw meat, including chicken. Raw meat may contain bacteria that can be harmful, such as salmonella.
Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 77,895 times.
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Becomean Author!高频词,一定要记得哦!
n. 鸡,鸡肉;胆小鬼adj. 鸡肉的;胆怯的
Helen ordered both fried chicken and salad in the fast-food restaurant.
The fox snatched the chicken and ran away.
Miss Tan is a chicken and she isn't willing to take risks.
Don't be a chicken!
"I live off Lipton's chicken noodle soup", she said.
I made a chicken sandwich.
I was terrified but I didn't want the others to think I was chicken.
They thought I was chicken when I refused to go with them.
1.easily frightened
1.the flesh of a chicken used for food
2.a domestic fowl br believed to have been developed from the red jungle fowl
3.a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy
4.a f a dangerous activity that is continued until one competitor becomes afraid and stops
1.No chicken;not young
2.Hatch chickens
3.A chicken ranch
4.Chicken lobster
5.What will you have for lunch, chicken or pork ?


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