
1、百果之宗——梨梨又被称作快果、玉乳,因鲜嫩多汁被称为“天然矿泉水”。具有清热解毒、生津润燥、清心降火的作用。对肺、支气管及上呼吸道有相当好的滋润功效,还可帮助消化、促进食欲,并有良好的解热利尿作用。每天吃上一到两个梨可有效缓解秋燥。2、大夫第一药——苹果苹果又被称为萍婆,其性味甘凉,具有补脾气、养胃阴、生津解渴、润肺悦心的功效,被称为心血管的健康保护神。多食用可以改善呼吸系统及肺的功能。工作紧张之余闻闻苹果的清香,还能提神醒脑、缓解紧张的情绪!3、甜腻美味——柿子柿子味甘涩,性寒。其所含的维生素及糖分要高出一般水果一到两倍。可以养肺护胃,清除燥火,经常食用能够补虚、止咳、利肠、除热。空腹食柿子易患胃柿石症,所以最好饭后食用,尽量少食柿皮。4、西域佳果——石榴石榴本是西域特产,自汉代时传入中原。石榴味甘酸、涩温,能够有效的抗氧化,减少体内沉积的氧化胆固醇,延缓衰老,而且对于初秋的咽喉燥渴很有疗效。5、干果之王——板栗板栗,性味甘温,入脾、胃、肾三经,可以养胃、健脾、补肾、壮腰、强筋、活血、止血、消肿等。栗子中还含有丰富的不饱和脂肪酸、维生素及矿物质,可抵御骨质疏松,高血压等疾病。清爽秋季多食些板栗可是不错的选择!6、维C之王——猕猴桃猕猴桃得名于猕猴对它的喜爱,其维生素C的含量极高。另外此果还含有血清促进素,可以帮助我们稳定情绪、镇静心情;丰富的膳食纤维能够促进心脏健康、帮助消化。猕猴桃性酸,味甘寒,还具有生津润燥,解热除烦的功效,也是秋季水果的及佳之选!7、天堂之果——橄榄这是土耳其人对橄榄的赞誉。橄榄的果肉富含钙质,新鲜食用对人体颇为有益。橄榄味甘酸、性平,可以清热解毒、消积化痰,滋润肺喉,尤为适合秋冬食用。8、酸甜适中——柚子柚子是一种典型的南方水果,酸甜中带有略微的苦涩,汁水丰富,含有大量的维生素C。其所含的天然果胶能降低胆固醇的含量,并有助钙、铁的吸收,而且能够和胃化滞,生津解渴。9、长寿食品——山楂山楂也就是我们经常说的山里红。山楂中丰富的黄酮类及大量的维生素,能够有效的阻止自由基的生成,增强身体免疫力。山楂甘酸微温,是开胃消食,增强消化功能的良药。10、维生素丸——大枣新鲜的大枣中含有丰富的维生素,尤其是大量的维生素C,能够促进体内多余的胆固醇转变为胆汁酸。此外,大枣味甘性温,还是补中益气,养血安神的佳品哦!不过枣皮不易消化,最好不要食用。有人用微信聊天,有人却在微信中每天学习,自我成长。今天给大家推荐一些优质的微信公众号,每天成长一点点。长按黄色区域的微信号,选择最上方“复制”标志,然后在 通讯录--添加 中粘贴并搜索关注。从指尖轻触开始,轻松搞定你的最爱!教你穿衣搭配微信号:vip8794(←长按复制)穿衣搭配也是一门学问,想要学穿衣搭配,让自己穿出自我,想要把自己打扮的漂漂亮亮的就赶紧关注@教你穿衣搭配!教你做个聪明女人微信号:vip834(←长按复制)不聪明的女人是最不幸的,只有学会做个聪明女人才会永远都是幸福的女人。微心情微信号:vip646(←长按复制)每天心情即时更新,总有一句是为你而写,关注的时候你会发现有些心情读着读着你就哭了…女人心计学微信号:nvrxinjixue(←长按复制)懂心计的女人,只要“略施小计”,就能牢牢把握幸福。点击关注@女人心计学,从今天起,做个幸福女人!时尚女性微信号:vip434(←长按复制)女人的气质和魅力不是天生的,而是后天造就的。关注@时尚女性 让自己每天都更美一点。情感心理学微信号:vip764(←长按复制)女孩的心思你别猜,男人到底想什么?微信最专业剖析男孩女孩情感心理,你值得拥有。教你读懂男人心微信号:vip762(←长按复制)人在情场,怎能不懂男人心呢?关注@教你读懂男人心,教你轻松搞定他,让他死心塌地爱着你。服饰搭配控微信号:vip932(←长按复制)想知道怎么穿衣,怎么时尚搭配,关注@服饰搭配控 绝对有你想要的。早安-晚安-心语微信号:xinyugushi(←长按复制)清晨, 伴你从睡梦中醒来; 夜深, 陪你安然入眠; 心语, 洗涤心灵。时尚街微信号:vip6873(←长按复制)年轻就是要够炫,在这里你会找到属于自己的潮时尚,带您一起进入时尚最前沿!将时尚、品质生活带给你,引领全新的生活方式,最新潮流玩物,一网打尽!以上是小编为大家挑选的最火的微信,不同类型,不同内容,希望给你的生活添加别样的风采!我们已走进微信的时代,微信已走进我们的生活,关注了以上微信号,就拥有了1000万个微信公众平台的资讯共享! 
1、【投资自己】  如果一个女人在最重要的几年中,投资的是一个男人,那么之后的几十年里,你将不断求着这个男人
女孩们有没有觉得自己的发型,常常剪来剪去都是那几个样子,毕竟长发女孩没有勇气剪去一头秀发,短发女孩常常也等不“要想人不死,肠中没有屎”,北京蜂宝堂中医科学研究院钟秉彤院长不知跟多少个蜂宝堂战友们说过这句话。不管是修道基本上所有已婚男人都会有对情人的幻想。但大多数都是天时、地利、人和皆不具备...情人,她要年轻漂亮,性感妩媚  1:女人活着要有自己的目标  只要你不想做那无根的浮萍,任凭雨打风吹去,你就得有自己的目标。它可以大可以这哪里还舍得吃啊!!!太可爱了!!有人用微信聊天,有人却在微信中每天学习,自我成长。今天给大家推荐一些优质的菠萝买回来,切掉顶花略做处理扎上牙签,把底部侵在水里,每日换水!等到底部长出根须移植到花盆里,保持足够的光照第一点:逻辑思维与表达第二:男人和女人的想法没在一条线上第三点:说话时第四点:理发的差异第五点:透过现象看本一部美国电影,叫《He's Just Not That Into You》,其实他没那么喜欢你。所有未婚女青1、酒浸法将白酒(25克左右)倒入新皮鞋内,晃动几次,放一小时后再穿,皮质就不再板硬,鞋也不再夹脚。如果是皮我们也许过得不算幸福,但这世界上还有很多女孩儿备受摧残,尚未绽放便匆匆凋零,过着非人的生活。然而,有这么一个A:她生理期。身体不舒服。顶着疼痛洗衣服。收拾屋子。他坐在电脑前面玩网络游戏。她干完活。躺在床上。长出了一口  据说鸡蛋煮着吃才能百分百的保留营养,可是惭愧地说看似简单的白水煮蛋我却一直做不好。不知道大家是否也有同样虽然DIY发型是件技术活,但是还是熟能生巧嘛~~自制发型其实没想象里那么难,做多了还会自己研究出很多新的花样办健身卡,不去了上瑜伽课,太远了买装备,不穿了下载NIKE,不玩了买心率表,不用了购自行车,天太冷了看BBC答案揭晓太有才了吧!送给你的朋友们乐呵乐呵吧!有人用微信聊天,有人却在微信中每天学习,自我成长。今天给大家推你的农历生日是哪天注定了你是什么样的人?真的素介么的神奇么?告诉你,这是真的!如果你抱有怀疑,那就去看看下面1、瘦腹小窍门每天早上起来,第一件事,就是空腹喝一杯蜂蜜柠檬水。柠檬可以清热减肥,美白皮肤。蜂蜜对女人的作用稍微松散的低马尾,有时候会被误以为是邋遢,但如果绑的好的话,却能展现优雅的气质氛围喔。点名一些有绑过低马尾的1.每天打扮得优雅得体,干净利落,出门前照照镜子,对自己笑笑..2.保护好双手,手是女人的第二张脸,准备出门年龄与手机号码的秘密!不可思议的准!以后知道手机号就知道年龄了大概花15秒吧, 一面读一面做,才不会失去乐趣夏季是身体最容易堆积毒素的季节,而排出毒素对于减肥养颜也是非常重要的。今天小编为您推荐8种热量少又有营养的蔬美丽的眼睛需要好看的眉毛来衬托,千万别小看眉毛,想找到适合自己的,把它画好真是有点难,画好眉毛的时间到啦!更女生都是怎么发现男朋友出轨的,最新招式。英国有福尔摩斯,日本有江户川柯南,中国有女朋友。有人用微信聊天,有人  漂亮的女人通常都很自信,而自信的女人不一定都很漂亮,同样,女人的漂亮是天生的资本,因此,漂亮的女人更应很多人都知道日常要多喝水,不过不少人就有疑问了,怎么我每天喝那么多水,也感觉不到有什么保健功效啊? 其实喝水 一、脸与内脏的关系  皱纹-----如果额头的皱纹增加,就说明肝脏的负担过重。所以必须戒烟、戒酒,少吃动物未来女人买衣服会这样买,男人们都傻眼了!不需要重复脱下穿上,1分钟试装60件不是事儿,真是太赞了~有人用微信A:她生理期。身体不舒服。顶着疼痛洗衣服。收拾屋子。他坐在电脑前面玩网络游戏。她干完活。躺在床上。长出了一口  据说鸡蛋煮着吃才能百分百的保留营养,可是惭愧地说看似简单的白水煮蛋我却一直做不好。不知道大家是否也有同样虽然DIY发型是件技术活,但是还是熟能生巧嘛~~自制发型其实没想象里那么难,做多了还会自己研究出很多新的花样偶的天呐,这个祛斑节奏要饿死美容院吗?导语:前段时间,无意间在微博晒了几张祛斑前后的对比图,想不到引来大批斑身材过于丰满却非要穿紧身衣服,带着挤出的多个肉圈逛商场。拯救:不是所有女生都适合紧身衣,丰满的MM应该扬长避参照国药标准说明书解释【品 名】丈夫【通用名】老公【化学名称】已婚男性【成分】水、蛋白质、脂肪、肌肉、核糖核放个苹果,土豆不发芽用保鲜膜包住根部,可延长香蕉的保存时间切水果大全如何简单快速又完美的吃掉平时比较难搞的水计算出你和另一个人的关系,有点邪门了!!!!计算的方法很简单,将你们姓名笔划的总数作比较,以大的数字减小的 最近国外出了个碉堡天的化妆神器......只要手指点一点选择你要的妆容,30秒......就能帮你自动化好妆小编这样说懒人一般都不爱运动并且非常喜欢吃,那么懒人应该如何减肥呢,不需要依靠节食或是运动,通过一些饮食也能以为仗着自己长得好看,就可以任性地折腾?看看下面的女星,哪一位没有惊人的美貌?卸了妆,你确定你还有任性下去?一、双下巴  双下巴的人属于比较有晚福,且比较有包容力,心胸较宽,会体谅他人,所以开始长双下巴的时候,就说明vip434女人的气质和魅力不是天生的,而是后天造就的。想让自己每天都更美一点,请点击关注我吧!热门文章最新文章高考英语翻译+试题+答案+作文江西 - 第3页 - 作文
d sayings best suits the story’s lesson for us?
A. Make hay while the sun shines.
B. Never judge a book by its cover.
C. People in glasshouses should not throw stones.
D. A bird in the hands worth two in the bush.
The surprising experiment I am about to describe proves that air is all around you and that it presses down upon you. Air pressure is a powerful force. When you swim underwater, you can feel water pushing down on your body. The air all around you does the same. However, your body is so used to it that you do not notice this. The pressure is caused by a layer of air called the atmosphere. This layer surrounds the Earth, extending to about five kilometers above the Earth’s surface.
The following experiment is an easy one that you can do at home. But make sure that you are supervised, because you will need to use matches. Now for the experiment!
What you need
?A hard-boiled egg without the shell
?A bottle with a neck slightly smaller than the egg
?A piece of paper
  1) Check that the egg will sit firmly on the neck of the bottle.
  2) Tear the paper into strips and put the strips into the bottle.
  3) Light the paper by dropping a burning match into the bottle.
  4) Quickly sit the egg on the neck of the bottle.
Astonishingly, the egg will be sucked into the bottle. Your friends will be amazed when you show them the experiment. But be careful when you handle matches.
Why it happened
As the paper burns, it needs oxygen and uses up the oxygen (air) in the bottle. The egg acts as a seal in the neck of the bottle, so no more air can get inside. This reduces the air pressure inside the bottle. The air pressure must equalize, so more air from outside must enter the bottle. The outside air pressure against the egg and then the egg is pushed into the bottle! This proves that air is all around and that it is pressing down on it.
  60. Why is there the need to take care when you are doing the experiment?
A. The bottle could break.
B. You need to light the paper with a match.
C. The egg needs to be shelled.
D. The egg has to be perfectly placed on the neck of the bottle.
  61. In the experiment, the burning inside the bottle can.
A. equalize the air pressure inside and outside
B. make a seal in the neck of the bottle
C. finish up the oxygen inside the bottle
D. produce more oxygen inside the bottle
  62. How did the egg put into the bottle?
A. The oxygen inside the bottle sucked the egg in.
B. It became saft without the shell.
C. The neck of the bottle was wide enough.
D. The outside air pressure forced it into the bottle.
  63. The experiment is carried cut to prove .
A. water pushes on your body when you swim underwater.
B. the earth is surrounded by a layer of air called the atmosphere.
C. the pressure of air around us has a powerful force.
D. the air pressure is not equalized around us.
237 West Palmdale Boulevard
Fresno, California 93706
AmToy Corporation
TransAm Building
San Francisco, California 94115
November 20, 2008
Dear Sirs,
As a concerned parent, I am writing to protest your recent advertisement for Electro?Robo seen in local media is California. Specifically, I am referring to newspaper and magazine ads (attached to this letter)published the week of November
Children respond to your type of advertisin that is, they are unable to understand how expensive some toys are for middle-class parents. Further, you product is violent in nature. Youth advertisement gives children the impression that it’s fine to have “two guns and laser eyes.” You also suggest that children need your toy to protect them “when you go outside.” This is not a healthy attitude for children to have.
I hope you will stop advertising your product in such a way that may harm our children.
Sincerely yours,
(Mrs.) Alma Hernandez
President, Parents for Non-violent Toys
It’s here! Ready for You, Now! It’s Electro-Robo!
Every boy dreams of being in control of a robot, and AmToy can make your dream come true! Electro-Roho is the world’s first fully automatic robot with radio control. Standing 80 centimeters tall, Electro-Robo is like a friend at home. He can walk, talk, and even shake your hand! He has two guns and laser eyes to help you defend yourself when you go outside with him. Every boy needs Electro-Robo!
Ask your Mom and Dad to buy Electro-Robo for your birthday or for Christmas, which is coming up soon. Imagine that you are in control of your friend for life, Electro-Robo!
Available at all toy stores and department stores NOW!
  64. What is the purpose of the letter?
A. To complain about a broken toy.
B. To oppose the advertising.
C. To order a gift for Christmas.
D. To apply for a job in a toy company.
  65. Why does the writer of the letter that Electro-Robo is violent?
A. It is controlled by radio water.
B. It is expensive to buy.
C. It is 80 centimeter tall.
D. It bears arms.
  66. What dose “Enc.” at the end of the letter mean?
A. Something attached to the letter.
B. A complaint to the toy company.
C. A hidden message
D. An encouraging response.
  67. Electro-Robo can do all the following EXCEPT -.
A. sitting down
B. shaking hands
C. talking
D. walking
Many people write to newspaper and magazines to express their opinions. Letters to the editor must carry the writer’s full name, address and telephone number, although the information is not necessary for publication. This requirement to provide personal particulars is a clear indication that writers are held responsible for what they say. When a writer wants his voice heard, he needs to claim ownership of his voice. Responsibility is the name of the game.
“People today prefer living together to putting their signatures on a marriage certificate because they refuse to accept responsibility for the relationship,” said social worker Ken Yip, “and this is what is causing a lot of family problems.” When we sign a paper, for example, a business contract or a bank document, the signature is a seal of consent, an agreement to take the matter seriously. Most governments and many organizations will not process written complaints if they do not bear the writer’s signature. The absence of a signature, they explain, tells us that the writer cannot be too serious and therefore does not deserve a reply.
There are people who wish to remain anonymous(匿名的)for various reasons. Multi-billionaire Mr. King donates generously to charity several times a year. He gives simply because he wants to help but not for the publicity his donations may bring, and he does not want his good deeds to make news. In other cases, people insist on anonymity because they are afraid of the consequences of revealing their identity. Crime witnesses may be willing to assist the police, but most are unwilling to give their names when reporting a crime.
Name or no name? The answer is very personal and lies in how much we want to get involved. We all have a name. It is a matter if responsibility to use it when we make a statement, a claim or an accusation. We all want to honor our own name, and it is only by stamping our expression of an opinion with our own name that we honor what we say.
  68. What does the writer mean by saying “Responsibility is the name of the game”?
A. Writers need to provide their personal information in the game.
B. Publication must bear the writer’s full name, address and phone number.
C. Writers should be responsible for their names.
D. Names are required to indicate writers’ responsibility for what they say.
  69. The second paragraph suggests that a paper without a signature may .
A. help to end a relationship
B. not get a reply
C. be accepted all the same
D. become a family problem
  70. Some people don’t want their names known because they are .
A. hesitant to make a donation
B. unwilling to draw public attention
C. afraid of an accusation
D. ready for involvement
  71. The passage is mainly about .
A. honor and writers
B. identity and signature
C. signature and responsibility
D. anonymity and signature
New archaeological discovers suggest that trade between Europe and Asia along the Silk Road probably began in some form many countries earlier than once thought. The findings, coupled with a widening range of scientific and historical research, could add a fascinating new page to the epic of the Silk Road.
The latest and most surprising discovery is pieces of silk found in the hair of an Egyptian mummy from about 1000 BC, long before regular traffic on the Silk Road and at least one thousand years before silk was previously thought to be used in Egypt. Other research may extend human activity along this route back even further, perhaps a million years to the migration of human ancestors into eastern Asia.
The official origin of East-West commerce along the road is usually placed in the late 2nd century BC when an agent of the Chinese Emperor Wu-di returned from a dangerous secret mission(使命)across the desert into the remote high country of Central Asia. The agent, Zhang Qian, travelled as far as Afghanistan and brought back knowledge of even more distant lands such as Persia, Syria and a place known as Lijien, perhaps Rome. Historians have called this one of the most important journeys in ancient times. His journey opened the way for what have been thought to be the first indirect contacts between the ancient world’s two superpowers, China and Rome. Chinese silk, first traded to central Asian tribes for war horses and to the Parthians of old Persia in exchange for acrobats and ostrich eggs, was soon finding its way through a network of merchants to the luxury markets of Rome.
But the new discoveries show that Chinese silk was apparently present in the West long before the Han emperor started organized trade over the Silk Road. The research could change thinking about the early history of world trade and provide insights into the mystery of just how and when Europe and the Mediterranean lands first became aware of the glorious culture at the other end of Eurasia.
  72. The word “coupled” in the first paragraph could best be replaced by .
A. produced
B. contributed
C. doubled
D. combined
  73. The silk thread found in the hair of an Egyptian mummy suggests that .
A. Egyptians had probably travelled to China to buy silk
B. trade along the Silk Road began earlier than once thought
C. historical research often achieves fascinating results
D. new light can now be thrown on ancient trading practices
  74. Until recently most historians believed that trade along the Silk Road .
A. originated in the 2nd century BC
B. extended human migration into eastern Asia
C. began a million years ago
D. primarily benefited the Egyptians
  75. Historians have always considered Zhang Qian’s mission important because they believe .
A. be brought back knowledge of Rome to the emperor
B. be discovered the Silk Road
C. be helped establish East-West trade
D. be travelled as far as Afghanistan
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
K: You’re late again.
S: Sorry, but there was a traffic(
  76) j
K: It’s always the same excuse. Try to think of something better next time.
S: But I’m telling the truth! There was an (
in the cross-harbor tunnel. I don’t think anyone was hurt but it (
the police over an hour to clear it. Anyway, how are you? You look a bit tired.
K: Well, actually, I’ve been (
with my grandmother again! I feel sad because it is go (
  80)w, she blames me, even though it’s not my fault.
S: What did your grandma say?
K: Her favorite expression is “Young people are not as well behaved as they(
  81) u
to be,” She always complains that I don’t show her enough (
  82) r.
S: Well, try and understand her. She can’t do all the things she did (
she was young. It must be very frustrating. Just think, one day we’ll be old…
K; You’re right. I should be more(
. I think I’ll buy her a present and apologize.
S: Right. Now you are feeling a bit better, it’s your turn to help me. Could you give me a hand with my maths homework?
K: Maths again! Okay, but can we find somewhere to(
first? I’m starving!
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
学校即将举行以“Turning a bad mood(心情)into a good one”为
  有一个非常特殊的老师远-reaching彻底改变了我的生活秋天,1959年,上课的第一天在学校的雪佛兰卡车几乎追崇贝是关于开始。“谁”,我问一个高级”,是我夫人麦克纳马拉,十年级英语老师吗?”,他只是说了一些关于我\\\\_\\\\_31处于\\\\_\\\\_32\\\\_\\\\_Soon,我明白了他的意思。麦克纳马拉有花纹的夫人33that她重复了一遍又一遍。我们会有一个for\\\\_34\\\\_\\\\_文学阅读的任务。第二天,当我们来到课堂上,会有两或三个主题,在黑板上35作业阅读 ...
  高中毕业要求任意改变在我的社区。作为一个结果,所有的学生都必须36 60个小时的服务学习,37人、必不领受了一份毕业证书。服务学习是学术的学习,也帮助社区。38服务学习包括清理受污染的河流,工作在汤的厨房,或辅导学生。39服务的经验,学生们必须保持一种期刊(日志),然后写一个40关于他们学到的知识。支持者声称有许多41服务学习的。或许最重要的是,学生被迫认为42他们自己的利益,成为中的43他人的需要。学生也能学习技能,44岁的真实工作责任,解决问题的能力,以及作为团队的一部分。45,学生可以探索 ...
  战争是一个可怕的 slorm 紧随其后。 因此,直到 10 月 26 日,副。 将军(海军中将)36 Collingwood 报告送掉了他的胜利,并对英国 37 纳尔逊的死亡。 他选择了 38 个任务之一,在他的 flect 最小的船只。在队长 Lapenotiere 泡菜,39 岁。 尽管风 和粗糙的 40 的大海。41 泡菜了超过 1000 英里就在过去的 8 天,42 费尔茅斯的那天早晨 11 月 4 日。 从那里。队长 Lapenotiere 43 禁食岗位(轻便马车)到伦敦的宽大、旅游 ...
  高中毕业要求任意改变在我的社区。 作为一个结果,所有的学生都必须 36 60 个小时的服务学 习,37 人、必不领受了一份毕业证书。服务学习是学术的学习,也帮助社区。38 服务学习包括 清理受污染的河流,工作在汤的厨房,或辅导学生。39 服务的经验,学生们必须保持一种期刊 (日志),然后写一个 40 关于他们学到的知识。 支持者声称有许多 41 服务学习的。或许最重要的是,学生被迫认为 42 他们自己的利益,成为 中的 43 他人的需要。学生也能学习技能,44 岁的真实工作责任,解决问题的能力, ...
  詹姆斯再次摇了摇他的钱盒。没事!他仔细\\\_\\\_36\\\_\\\_的硬币就躺在床上了。24.52美元是他一切所有的。这辆自行车他想要的是至少90美元!地球上的\\\_\\\_37\\\_\\\_他会得到这些\\\_\\\_38\\\_\\\_的钱吗?他知道,他的朋友都有自行车。这是\\\_\\\_39\\\_\\\_整天与人,当你是唯一一个没有轮子。他想到了他所能做的一切。没有\\\_\\\_40\\\_\\\_问他的父母,因为他知道他们没有钱\\\_\\\_41\\\_\\\_。只有一 ...
  人们经常生病是因为我。36,他们几乎不能怪我,这很大程度上是自己的37岁。一个疲倦的人可能会得到38,特别是当他走到拥挤的地方和被污染的空气。39岁的突然转变是另一个因素。在炎热的夏季,人们打开空调刚刚回家。他们会轻易感冒。我的最新受害者是一个精力充沛的学生。放学后,他仍然踢足球努力了两个小时。尽管40。他仍然去看电影了。然后,他回到家洗了冷水澡立即。我抓住这个大好机会到41他。他的反应,试图42岁的我,但我已经43深进他的喉咙。他不停地打喷嚏(打喷嚏)和他的鼻子都是跑着去。44他穿上了一些暖和 ...
  我记得第一次注意到十字路口的防守时,他向我招手,我开车我的儿子去学校。他16我是个难题??所有这一切都是因为他向我招手像有人17看到一个亲密的朋友。一个大的,18岁的微笑陪伴其波。在接下来的几天我试图19他的脸去查看,如果我认识他。我没有。也许他已经20我为他人。在我满足自己21,他和我都是不相识的;我们也被相互问候热忱每天早上就象老朋友一样亲切。后来有一天,那个22日是解决。当我23学校他站在路中央24他停车标志。我是在生活在四个汽车。25孩子们已达到安全的人行道上,他垂下签署并让车子26岁。 ...
  孩子们在他们的旧家庭找到意义的故事。当史蒂夫Guyer的三个孩子在成长的过程中,他告诉他们他祖父的故事,一个银行家弓,36个都是在20世纪30年代,但并没有失去的情景,他尊重最多。最黑暗的时代中的一种固执的祖父是37他接近38他的家人,他装进车里,39他们看到家人在加拿大和一个40”,还有更重要的东西,在生活中比钱。”41就有了一个新的意义,最近当先生Guyer缩减了42家从一个更为昂贵,而且舒适。他是43,他的孩子,一个女儿,15个,双胞胎,22岁,就会被打乱。但是令他吃惊的是,他们没有回应, ...
  我成功地我的工作。我很努力地工作,但它21我和我的家人一个令人难以置信的好(极好的)的生活方式。我已经为同一家公司工作了20年,我向部门总监。22日,一天下午,去年5月,我被叫到办公室,并且是23对我解释说,他们想放我走。我只是坐在那儿24他们不停地和我所能想的是:“我已经25岁。“我一直这么好尊重26我是无价值的。六个星期,我是在一个非常27的地方。我在森林里四处游荡我家就像僵尸(僵尸)。我能做的事,但是事情需要28不会做任何事。我的信念,在期待着,看到的每一件事都正(积极的29我。然后,在6 ...
  这次旅行到那个城市是大开眼界,对每个人来说都快要结束了,所有的年轻人们在我们的小组开始反思它的意思。我们\\\\_\\\\_21the第一个晚上我们已经抵达。我们都进了市场的城市22\\\\_\\\\_the年轻人能体验它的能量。但是我们真正看到了简单的\\\\_\\\\_23\\\\_\\\\_我们所有人- - - -破旧的房子,孩子们在破烂,人们乞求钱走回家时,24…下一个低的桥,我们遇到25无家可归的人,追求家庭有点干燥的土地上睡觉的商人一夜。我们不得不跨过尸体,如同我们发现我们的方式穿越 ...
  课题17 难忘的八个字 1、会认读 7 个生字,会写 14 个生字,把字写规范。课 型新授教 学 目 标 重点 难点 创新点 时 间 手段、 方法2、正确流利地朗读课文,理解课文内容。让学生懂得师爱的伟大和无私,懂得获得爱的 幸福和美好。 3、在读课文的同时能提出问题,有一定的问题意识。展开小组讨论,对文章内容及情感 进行分析。培养学生自主学习、合作探究的学习兴趣。 引导学生理解课文内容,体会伦纳德老师关爱残疾儿童的思想感情。 学习抓住人物特点写人的方法 读课文的同时能提出问题2 课时 具教1. ...
  高三英语复习中试卷讲评应注意什么 高三英语复习中试卷讲评应注意什么 英语复习中柳州高中英语组 易荣荣 高三英语总复习是教学过程中的一个重要阶段,在整个复习阶段,由于时间紧, 任务重,要想在有限的时间内大面积提高复习质量,就要做到精讲与精练。那么, 试卷讲评课作为英语教学中常见的课型之一,在高三英语总复习中更有着至关重要 的作用,它可以检测教学目标的达成、调动学生的发散思维和培养学生的创新思维, 是提高学生掌握、巩固所学知识和运用能力的重要手段之一。但我们注意到,很多 教师把试卷讲评课上成了“核对 ...
  11、在旧中国,只有20\\%的学龄儿童能够入学读 、在旧中国,只有 的学龄儿童能够入学读 绝大多数中国人是文盲。 书,绝大多数中国人是文盲。贫困的放牛娃走过 学堂时,对少数富人子弟上学读书羡慕至极。 学堂时,对少数富人子弟上学读书羡慕至极。许 多革命前辈在狱中苦读,在马背上.战壕里看书, 多革命前辈在狱中苦读,在马背上.战壕里看书, 补偿失去的读书机会。对比这些事实,请回答: 补偿失去的读书机会。对比这些事实,请回答: (1)同旧社会的放牛娃.革命前辈相比,当 代的青少年应珍惜什么权利?受教育 ...
  给学生创造一个赏识的环境??将赏识教育进行到底 新盈中心学校 陈赛知第一次认识“赏识教育”是在十年前的事了,那时的我刚刚大专 毕业,只是个乡村的代课教师。当我看到著名的赏识教育家周弘老师 写的《赏识你的孩子》这本书时,被他成功教女的事迹深深感动,他 将全聋的女儿周婷婷成功教成了一个自强不息、自主自立的孩子,教 成“全国十佳少年” ,教成留美博士,这不能不让我们深深震撼!我 把他的教育思想用于我的教育教学工作中,收到了意想不到的效果。 最近,又看了他的新书《换种方式做父母》 ,又一次受到了启迪,写 ...
  初 一 语 文 月 考 试 题 第一部分:积累与运用(20 分) 1、找出下列词语中的错别字,改正后写在田字格中,书写要美观大方、结构合理。(2 分) 仙露琼桨 禄禄终生 可望不可既 擎天憾地2、以“爱心”为陈述对象,依照下面的句式仿写一个句子,使之构成一组排比句。(2 分) 爱心是一片照射在冬日的阳光,使贫病交加的人感到人间的温暖;爱心是 , ;爱心是沙漠中的一泓清泉, 使濒临绝境的人重新看到生活的希望。 3、请你写出两句关于“理想”的名言警句(2 分) ① ② 4、根据诗文原句填空(6 分) ...}


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