miku flick 安卓02可以在安卓上玩了吗

初音未来Miku Flick2
SEGA 经典音乐节奏游戏,玩家要随着节奏以触碰方式划过画面上出现的歌词,让初音成功演唱歌曲。要是玩家持续失误,小心初音安静下来哟。SEGA此次在《Miku Flick 02》中增加了一个新的难度模式“Extreme Mode”,这个难度模式介于一般模式和不可能完成的难度之间,对于高手们,终于不会寂寞了。游戏共有十个曲包,总容量高达3.8G。包含初音未来、巡音、镜音连和镜音铃的歌曲。Miku Flick/02 1.1.4 中的新功能・Fixed incorrect lyrics for certain songs.・Fixed an issue that force closed the app after tapping the purchased button in the Shop screen under certain conditions.・Fixed an issue that force closed the app after transferring to the Record screen under certain conditions.・Fixed an issue that force closed the app when setting the device language settings to English.・Fixed an issue that unlocked a different PV under certain conditions.・Fixed an issue that played PV which was different from the one that was selected in PV Mode under certain conditions.Miku Flick 02 1.1.2 中的新功能・Changed the Startup Screen・Changed the IconMiku Flick/02 1.1.0 中的新功能- 16:9 aspect selectable (set in option menu) - available during RHYTHM GAME & PV MODE.- Add Pause button on / off menu- Add Fail sound on / off menu- Add Flick input sensibility menu- Add highest rank in MUSIC SELECT- Switch songs by flicking in PV MODE- Modify twitter hashtag- Other bug fixesMiku Flick/02 1.0.6 中的新功能* Song Pack "Japan_Pack01" is now available.Miku Flick 02(初音未来) 1.0.5 中的新功能Song Pack "Winter_Pack01" is now available.
QT语音手机版初音未来2 Miku Flick/02修改器android
初音未来2 Miku Flick/02
苹果iPad Mini初音未来2 Miku Flick/02修改器android
请选择机型iPad Mini
九游()是手机游戏下载第一门户,提供最新苹果苹果iPad Mini下载、礼包、激活码,最好玩的初音未来2 Miku Flick/02攻略,欢迎访问与玩家交流。
SEGA触摸式音乐游戏《Miku Flick》的续作《Miku Flick/02》上架了~!估计手快的朋友们已经入手开始玩了吧。新作《Miku Flick/02》依旧以VOCALOID虚拟偶像歌手为卖点,不过这次不仅有初音Miku,还有镜音双子和巡音Luka等同样人气的角色登场,喜爱V家的朋友对此不会太过失望。《Miku Flick/02》的曲单全部是《Miku Flick》中未收录的新曲,种类风格更加丰富,想必音游爱好者和V家Fans们不会错过。&Hatsune Miku is finally here on the iOS!Flick along with the lyrics Hatsune Miku&s most popular music in this new rhythm action game! Precisely time and input the lyrics to Miku's song to perform successfully.In addition to the standard game mode, watch songs you&ve cleared in &PV Mode&. Then test your skills by inputting ALL the lyrics in &Break the Limit& mode!&Game Center& supported! Become a lyric flicking master and aim for the top!★Improve Your Flick Input!Improve your flick input by flicking the flowing lyrics!This is a great opportunity to learn and master the flick input method!Flick beginners can jump right in on Easy Mode!★12 Songs, Fan Service, and More!The more you play and clear, the more songs you get! A satisfying 12 songs and more for fans to flick away! Turn your iPhone into Miku's performance stage!Can't get enough with just clearing all the songs on Easy Mode? Try clearing the tougher modes to challenge new songs and beyond!★&Game Center& Compatible! Diverse Game Modes!Compete with other users' high scores! Feel the heat of competition on the score ranking!Beat the in-game challenges to unlock Achievements and become the Flick Master with Hatsune Miku!【Supported Devices】iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPhone 4S、iPad、iPad2、iPad3、iPod Touch( 4th gen)、iPod Touch(3rd gen ※except for 8GB model)※iOS 5.0 and later recommended.NOTE: Miku Flick only supports English and Japanese menus. For any inquiries regarding this app, please note that SEGA only accepts correspondence in English or Japanese.& SEGA& Crypton Future Media, Inc. www.crypton.net
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关于苹果iPad Mini
苹果公司,原称苹果电脑公司,核心业务是电子科技产品。在高科技企业中以创新而闻名。2011年2月,苹果公司打破诺基亚连续15年销售量第一的地位,成为全球第一大手机生产商。日苹果公司市值超过埃克森美孚,成为全球市值最高的上市公司。 专区提供最新手机游戏免费下载。
iPad Mini的分辨率为768*1024,是苹果生产的一款触屏手机。苹果iPad Mini手机用户可通过九游下载。初音未来2 Miku Flick/02怎么窗口化
初音未来2 Miku Flick/02
iPad mini2初音未来2 Miku Flick/02怎么窗口化
九游()是手机游戏下载第一门户,提供最新iPadiPad mini2下载、礼包、激活码,最好玩的初音未来2 Miku Flick/02攻略,欢迎访问与玩家交流。
SEGA触摸式音乐游戏《Miku Flick》的续作《Miku Flick/02》上架了~!估计手快的朋友们已经入手开始玩了吧。新作《Miku Flick/02》依旧以VOCALOID虚拟偶像歌手为卖点,不过这次不仅有初音Miku,还有镜音双子和巡音Luka等同样人气的角色登场,喜爱V家的朋友对此不会太过失望。《Miku Flick/02》的曲单全部是《Miku Flick》中未收录的新曲,种类风格更加丰富,想必音游爱好者和V家Fans们不会错过。&Hatsune Miku is finally here on the iOS!Flick along with the lyrics Hatsune Miku&s most popular music in this new rhythm action game! Precisely time and input the lyrics to Miku's song to perform successfully.In addition to the standard game mode, watch songs you&ve cleared in &PV Mode&. Then test your skills by inputting ALL the lyrics in &Break the Limit& mode!&Game Center& supported! Become a lyric flicking master and aim for the top!★Improve Your Flick Input!Improve your flick input by flicking the flowing lyrics!This is a great opportunity to learn and master the flick input method!Flick beginners can jump right in on Easy Mode!★12 Songs, Fan Service, and More!The more you play and clear, the more songs you get! A satisfying 12 songs and more for fans to flick away! Turn your iPhone into Miku's performance stage!Can't get enough with just clearing all the songs on Easy Mode? Try clearing the tougher modes to challenge new songs and beyond!★&Game Center& Compatible! Diverse Game Modes!Compete with other users' high scores! Feel the heat of competition on the score ranking!Beat the in-game challenges to unlock Achievements and become the Flick Master with Hatsune Miku!【Supported Devices】iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPhone 4S、iPad、iPad2、iPad3、iPod Touch( 4th gen)、iPod Touch(3rd gen ※except for 8GB model)※iOS 5.0 and later recommended.NOTE: Miku Flick only supports English and Japanese menus. For any inquiries regarding this app, please note that SEGA only accepts correspondence in English or Japanese.& SEGA& Crypton Future Media, Inc. www.crypton.net
看了初音未来2 Miku Flick/02怎么窗口化的用户还看了:
关于iPad mini2
iPad,是一款苹果公司于2010年发布的平板电脑,定位介于苹果的智能手机iPhone和笔记本电脑产品之间,通体只有四个按键,与iPhone布局一样,提供浏览互联网、收发电子邮件、观看电子书、播放音频或视频等功能。 专区提供最新手机游戏免费下载。
iPad mini 2是ipad mini的升级版,其屏幕分辨率将提升至,而屏幕尺寸维持不变。第二代iPad mini的分辨率将和iPad 4达到了同一水平。根据称苹果正在为新第一代的iPad mini测试Retina视网膜屏幕。同时国内媒体也传出消息称苹果正在测试第二代iPad mini面板,iPad mini 2极有可能搭载OGS(One Glass Solution)技术的Retina萤幕。iPad mini2手机用户可通过九游下载。登录后才能保存观看记录哦^-^
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