
以图中为题写一篇英语作文,80词左右 _百度作业帮
回眸岁月,那深深浅浅的爱的印记,早已经清晰地镌刻在你我携手走过的风雨里.都说爱是一种修行,偶尔的离别,也许就是上天对我们爱的考验,生活中有许多的不得不,由不得选择,也许只有离别,才会有思念,也只有思念,才会品出这爱、这情究竟是一种什么味道,那是怎样的一种情,情深意长,不离不弃;那是怎样的一种爱,地老天荒,此情不移.怀着万般的爱恋,走在清清浅浅的秋日,在秋雨如诗的记忆里徜徉,一路执着,一路期盼,一路潋一丝丝心语,柔柔的、凉凉的,透着喜悦和薄薄的素雅之美,心魂就这样在这份浪漫中深情的凝望,痴痴地,无语也凝噎,雨落冰馨,情就这样醉在梦里,醉在雨里,醉在想你的一朵诗意里.根据提示,以“Saving the Earth ”为题,写一篇80词的左右的作文提示1.人类只有一个地球,如何保护环境已成为世界大难题之一2.各种污染破环地球,损害健康3.不要乱倒垃圾,乱排废水4我们应该保护_百度作业帮
根据提示,以“Saving the Earth ”为题,写一篇80词的左右的作文提示1.人类只有一个地球,如何保护环境已成为世界大难题之一2.各种污染破环地球,损害健康3.不要乱倒垃圾,乱排废水4我们应该保护
根据提示,以“Saving the Earth ”为题,写一篇80词的左右的作文提示1.人类只有一个地球,如何保护环境已成为世界大难题之一2.各种污染破环地球,损害健康3.不要乱倒垃圾,乱排废水4我们应该保护环境,使我们的国家更加美丽 别写得那么好- 因为我的英语成绩差...所以.60左右就可以了
Saving the Earth   How to protect the environment becomes one of the biggest problems in the world.We can find the rubbish not only pollutes our environment but also do harm to people’s health.So we should not throw rubbish on the ground.Some factories are pouring waste water into the rivers,the lakes and the fields.It can polluted crops,sometimes it can kill lots of fish.We must keep our environment clean and tidy.We have only one earth.We must try our best to protect her,and keep our home more beautiful.It’s our dirty to protect the environment.以 How do face trouble 为题、写一篇英语作文 最少80个单词_百度作业帮
以 How do face trouble 为题、写一篇英语作文 最少80个单词
以 How do face trouble 为题、写一篇英语作文 最少80个单词
when we in trouble,we must face to it bravly.Have went through plenty of things which made me feel bad,I think I should learn to get back up.through all the people can't to show some understanding of me,my heart was broken hurt thoroughly,I still smile ,just I believe I can forgotten it.I leave injury in yesterday.
是我英语水平有问题吗 我连题目都看不懂 能翻译成中文吗 题目是什么 - -!
真的是有问题呐 麻烦你把题目翻译成中文 不然我光看英文真的不懂这题目
您可能关注的推广回答者:以‘朋友之我见’为题写一篇不少于80个词的英语作文包括以下要求:1.what's your view on friends 2.how are the friends around you 3.what do you usually du whit your friends 4.how do you keep friendship with your friends?And w_百度作业帮
以‘朋友之我见’为题写一篇不少于80个词的英语作文包括以下要求:1.what's your view on friends 2.how are the friends around you 3.what do you usually du whit your friends 4.how do you keep friendship with your friends?And w
以‘朋友之我见’为题写一篇不少于80个词的英语作文包括以下要求:1.what's your view on friends 2.how are the friends around you 3.what do you usually du whit your friends 4.how do you keep friendship with your friends?And why?
In my opinion, friends are the gifts from God. Friend is the one whom you can share your happiness and sadness with.
If you win the honor, she will proud of you sincerely. When you are in trouble, she will give you help immediately. So I think everyone need friends in the world.I always feel lucky, because I have three good friends. They treat me friendly and warm. They often provide me good ideas in my life and help me in my lessons. After class, we usually finish our homework together. We can discuss the problems each other. Another thing we always do is shopping together.
We know which style is the most suitable to the other one. In many time, we just need a sight, we can know what the other one think. All in all, we need each other. I hope our friendship can keep for a long time. For it, I will try my best to help my friends while they need. And considerate caring is also necessary. All this is my view on friends. At the last, I hope everlasting friendship!写的不好 请多多指教~\(≥▽≤)/~以“成功需要从小事做起”为题,写一篇英语作文,80词左右.所以只要初中程度的.当作是范文.我不要翻译器翻的,我看得出来。_百度作业帮
From the success of the little things Voltaire said,"people are not tired mountains of the original,but the grain of sand in their shoes." Life on the road,we need at any time in the shoes that poured out of sand grains.Life,you will hit the cross that is not always a huge challenge,but quite a number of trivial matters.Many people have this experience:When disaster strikes,people often as a result of fear,tension,real estate instincts give birth to a huge resistance forces.However,when you are troubled by some trivial matters,you may do anything,because they are the life of the detail,it is insignificant.It is these seemingly trivial,can never-ending human consumption of energy.A man who wants to make great achievements,but also from a piece of Pingpingchangchang,the real start small,is the so-called "journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Depending on the kind of small for that to do small good things are "superficial" and "low level" Yangaoshoudi,often the kind of light before reaching lazy,sick and elderly do not want to help "in any section" ,To the great cause of the achievements are also difficult.A promising young man who must consciously from the side of the "little" to start,so even if a very small thing than as small as a strong person because of "the world will be difficult to make easy,and the world Event will be in fine " The success of a person,sometimes purely by chance,however,who say that it is not an inevitable?Department can be seen in the fine out of the ordinary,can be seen in the eternal moment,the sun can be seen in the water,grass can be seen in the spring.The above said is a "little",but not necessarily everyone is willing to raise their hands,or occasionally some people and it has not been maintained.Can be seen,"little" enough to reflect the noble and humble person.Young friends,life on the road,Mo ignore tens of millions of little things,not to small for.}


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