
Mi Luo Tuo
9 see joke: Mi Luo is dazed, disgusting, bedfast, slept a few days to also had disappeared to turn.
9看笑话: 米洛头昏、恶心、卧床不起,睡了几天也不见好转。
Songs of Bu Luo Tuo
Io mi ricordo la notte del tuo nome, o Eterno, e osservo la tua legge.
Salmo di Davide. Per far ricordare. O Eterno, non mi correggere nella tua ira, e non castigarmi nel tuo cruccio!
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steven soderbergh是什么意思
中文翻译索德伯格:&&&&n. 史蒂文〔男子名〕。
例句与用法1.Wong kar wai , steven soderbergh , michelangelo antonioni cast : gong li , chang chen , robert downey jr . , alan arkin , christopher buchholz , regina nemni演员:巩俐张震田丰robert downey罗拔唐尼alan arkin阿伦艾坚christopher buchholz基斯杜化毕祖尔regina nemni维珍娜兰妮2.This status was further demonstrated with the million - the highest salary ever paid to a screen actress to date - she received to star as the eponymous heroine of steven soderbergh s erin brockovich in 2000如果她不能在演技上提高自己,她就永远只能作一个偶像红星,而不是一个真正的明星演员。 3.Eros is composed of three short movies respectively directed by hong kong filmmaker wong kar wai , american director steven soderbergh and italian master michelangelo antonioni . the structure of the film is similar to peter chan s爱神由三个短篇故事组合而成分别由香港美国和意大利的三位名导演各自执导制作模式和陈可辛监制的三更系列类似不同者在于这部片的主题是爱欲而非惊栗。
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steven lee是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释李舜瑜李维恩:&&&&n. 史蒂文〔男子名〕。 :&&&&n. 1.保护,庇护。 2.【航海】下风,背风面 (op ...
例句与用法1.Lieutenant colonel steven lee jordan ran the interrogation center at the iraqi prison陆军中校斯蒂文.李.乔丹负责伊拉克监狱的审讯中心。 2.Lieutenant colonel steven lee jordan ran the interrogation center at the iraqi prison他曾在伊拉克监狱中主审,也是唯一一位被控美国军官。
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例句与用法1.Remain calm in face of historical moment . luo zhitian以平常心见证历史时刻罗志田2.A brief comment on luo zenan ' s thought of social politics罗泽南社会政治思想简论3.Luo shi - tu , wang yan - ling , luo fei - lu and sun hong - liang罗诗途王艳玲罗飞路孙宏亮4.The luo learning and henan ancient academy in the song dynasty洛学与宋代河南书院5.The luo family in korea and its genealogical renewal兼及韩国罗氏与中国罗氏的关系6.Luo xiahong , the distinguished astronomer in the world世界杰出天文学家落下闳7.He yu - lan , , liu jun , jiao ming - yin and luo chuan - wei何玉兰刘钧焦明印罗传伟8.On military strategy description of luo guan - zhong试论罗贯中的军事谋略描写9.Zeng dezhi , luo jianwu , fan xuewen and et al曾德志罗建武樊学文钟跃峰刘祖松10.On relations between wang longxi luo jinxi and lizhi王龙溪与佛道二教的因缘&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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音标:[ diàoluò ]&&
英文翻译drop outfall offfalling offfell offflop
例句与用法1.Most of the time, they looked into each other's eyes as the rain dripped down their faces .大部分时间他们互相凝视着对方的眼睛,任雨水从他们的脸上掉落。2.She felt the stony ground o and tears, as difficult and slow as blood, began to trickle through her fingers .她感到她那铁石般的心底破裂了;眼泪如鲜血流得那样艰难和缓慢,透过她的手指缝一滴滴掉落下来。3.Semidouble white sticktite / pink - red eye半重瓣,白色不掉落的花,花心有粉红色。 4.But for now , rockets are still falling但现在,火箭炮仍掉落在双方领土上。 5.The flower shed all its petals and finds the fruit花掉落了所有花瓣,就会找到果实。 6.Itemdrop sounds should now be working on all weapons现在任何武器都有物品掉落音效了。 7.The flower sheds all its petals and finds the fruit花掉落了所有的花瓣,就找到了果实。 8.What , one ear ? that piece is missing ,什么,一只耳朵?另一只掉落了而已9.When you come down at the very bottom . .当你心情掉落到很低谷的地方时候10.Npcs above level 50 should now drop cash and coin loot高于50的怪现在会掉落钱币跟物品&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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