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iTunes 的 App Store 中的“MobileVOIP”
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我们在您的电脑上找不到 iTunes。 如要下载 Finarea SA 的免费 App MobileVOIP,请立即获取 iTunes。
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开发商:Finarea SA
打开 iTunes 以购买和下载 App。
MobileVoip APP能让你在最低价受用国内短线或国外长途语音通话。只要使用MobileVoip APP,您就能节省最大的手机费用!只需安装我们的MobileVoip APP,登记其中一个提供VOIP品牌之一, 你就能享受跟您的朋友和家人的免费语音通话。如果您选择的国外长途语音通话不在我们认选的免费地方,使用MobileVoip APP还是照样可以受用免费服务。- 首先确保你是一个从支持的VoIP服务提供商的帐户。- 使用SIP语音通话- 将使用应有在录通讯- 使用3G,WiFi,UMTS联网- 将免费受用在某认选地方的iPhone语音通话。- 享受最便宜的国际长途电话。MobileVoip是现市场上最好的免费通话APP!
版本 1.08.255 中的新功能
Fixed crash after unlock
Can not hear anything when call from Rynga
Can not hear anything when I call from Rynga to mobile phone on iOS 8.1.2. Please check and fix it as fast as possible. Thanks!
Super awful
I cannot log in, plz fix ASAP
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计免费类别: 版本: 1.08.255大小: 8.7 MB语言: 英语, 荷兰文开发商: Finarea SA兼容性: 需要 iOS 5.1.1 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。
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&&&&&393 份评分
更多Finarea SA产品VoIP Provider SIP Trunk Virtual Phone Number - VoIPVoIP
One VoIP provider for all VoIP services!
• One VoIP Provider for SIP Trunk, Virtual Phone Numbers and all VoIP Services.
• Pay as you Go VoIP service with No Monthly Fees and No Term Contract.
• Bring Your Own Device (BYOD VOIP) option, No Setup or Cancellation Fees.
• No Connection or Activation Fees, No Taxes, No Hidden Charges.
USA 1.9 cent / min
Brazil 1.9 cent / min
India 1.9 cent / min
Mexico 1.9 cent / min
Philippines 12.6 cent / min
Vietnam 3.5 cent / min
Now you can make cheap and even free international phone calls from your smartphone over Wi-Fi and 3G Internet connection.
Imagine having a business card with ,
office numbers. Get a phone number of your choice from 40+ countries.
: Pay as you go SIP account for your IP PBX at the office. Learn more about
Kosmaz is a
enabling pay as you go prepaid Internet phone service and International Virtual Phone Numbers. Bring Your Own Device or BYOD voip option allow customers to connect their own voice over IP systems, SIP devices, including IP phones, softphones, and IP PBX. This single account access solution enables service to be used as home phone service, small business voip service, mobile VoIP phone, pc to phone or as calling card with need of only one account.
The qu VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol and is a technical way of saying &using the Internet for making telephone calls. & VoIP service technology converts regular (or analog) phone calls into data (or digital) and zips them through your high-speed Internet connection.
The main benefit of VoIP service is very non-technical and simple to understand - it is cheaper than traditional phone services and has more features than you probably currently know about or use. With VoIP service you can call anywhere at anytime for less money. And it's better than your traditional line because it expands the power of your phone.
Placing a call with VoIP service is exactly the same as with any other regular phone. Just pick up the handset and dial the regular telephone number. It's that simple. You don't have to be technical or computer savvy to use VoIP service. Receiving calls also works the same. The phone will ring just like a regular phone. With VoIP service, just pick up the phone and start talking!
In more technical terms, your VoIP adapter splits your high-speed broadband connection and converts your analog signal to digital. The digital signal is sent through your modem and across the Internet. Your Internet connection will work as it did before you installed the VoIP adapter, sending emails and other Web data to your personal computer as normal. When someone calls you, they dial your regular telephone number. Behind the scenes, your number looks similar to an e-mail address. This number instructs the call to travel over the Internet to the VoIP adapter, your phone rings, and all you have to do is pick up and answer it.
VoIP service offers a number of advantages over current telephone services. Although it relies on different technology and communications that does not travel over traditional phone lines, it provides features similar to your current telephone service. This includes Call Waiting, 3-Way Calling, and Caller ID.
VoIP services also provide additional features that provide control and connectedness, such as the ability for callers to find you wherever you are, the ability to see all inbound and outbound calls over months, and the ability to listen to and manage voicemail.
A VoIP service will not work without household power or without broadband or high-speed Internet connection
Along with low domestic and international phone rates, an impressive array of special phone features are available with VoIP services. Typical service plans allow you to choose your own preferred free local dialing US area code, regardless of where you live. You can add a Virtual Phone Number in any area code, forwarded to your phone.
Some of the other advanc
Voice Mail and eFeatures - See and hear messages via the Web or through your phone and forward voice messages to your e-mail account. E-mail tells you when you have a message. Forward voicemail as an e-mail attachment.
Call Logs - View a list of calls you placed and received and click on any number to automatically dial, just like on your wireless phone.
Call Forwarding - Set your service so callers can find you at other numbers when you're not at your phone.
Speed Dial - Set up single-digit shortcuts for the numbers you call the most - just like on your cell phone.
Personal Conferencing - Set up a &meeting room& with up to ten callers on the same line. Personal Conferencing is provided free of charge.
Do Not Disturb - Receive calls only when you want to. Forward calls to voicemail but allow urgent calls to ring through.
While most VoIP services insist on supplying VoIP device, which usually is locked so it only works with one service provider, with VoIPVoIP, you have the freedom to use virtually any softphone, VoIP adapter, gateway, IP phone, or IP PBX system you choose, as long as it supports SIP (Session Initiation Protocol).
You can use our VoIP service in many different ways.
The easiest way to start using VoIP Serive is using
software from your computer. Simply download free softphone to your laptop, pc and within 5 minutes you will be able to place and receive telephone calls from any high-speed / WiFi location on the planet with the lowest rates and free to other VoIP service users.
You can use your existing high-speed Internet connection at home and your existing touch-tone phone to make all your calls at a fraction of the cost of analog phone service with Home .
you can use the power of VoIP and the Internet for big business telephony features on a small business budget.
systems, you get big business features like auto-attendant, music or message on hold, and much more for a less then ever possible and use the VoIP service network to save you money on calls and monthly service with your local telecommunications provider.
from any 24 countries of your choice enables international customers to reach your business phone number dialing a local toll free number.
as known as Calling Card is an affordable way to make international calls, just by dialing our access number.
February 21, 2015
is real portable phone number from any 40+ countries which enables customers to receive calls with any VoIP device or any mobile phone using .
service with
provides pay as you go VoIP service for any .
enables to receive 800 number calls with any VoIP device or any phone with call forwarding service.
provider enables VoIP service for any open source IP PBX system supporting SIP protocol such as , Freeswitch, Trixbox, Elastix, FreePBX, PBX in a Flash, PBXtra or commercial IP PBX system available on the market such as Allworx, Fonality, Switchvox, Grandstream 5024, Grandstream 5028, 3CX, Linksys SPA9000, Epygi, PBXnSIP, Aastra, Talkswitch, Cisco UC 500, UC 520, UC 540, UC 560, MS Response Point, VoIPTel.
can also be used with local, international virtual Numbers or toll free 800 numbers.
service enables cheap international calls with mobile phones and smart phones using ,
as well as Windows Mobile VoIP SIP apps and software.mobilevoip怎么充值_2014mobilevoip怎么充值
- noYes游戏王国
MobileVoip APP能让你在最低价受用国内短线或国外长途语音通话。只要使用MobileVoip A......
MobileVoip APP能让你在最低价受用国内短线或国外长途语音通话。只要使用MobileVoip APP,您就能节省最大的Android费用!只需安装我们的MobileVoip APP,登记其中一个提供VOIP品牌之一, 你就能享受跟您的朋友和家人的免费语音通话。如果您选择的国外长途语音通话不在我们认选的免费地方,使用MobileVoip APP还是照样可以受用免费服务。- 首先确保你是一个从支持的VoIP服务提供商的帐户。新:现在就加入!- 使用SIP语音通话- 将使用应有在录通讯- 使用3G,wifi,UMTS联网- 将免费受用在某认选地方的android语音通话。- 享受最便宜的国际长途电话。MobileVoip是现市场上最好的免费通话APP!历趣分享:在这个版本中:1.现在Samsung Galaxy SI和SII具有良好的音频!2.利率情报3. 在线上好网络质量
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