7dashuu Hill啥意思?

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最新之2014 (/) 特辑 裹“军”随性出街帅气不减;长款“加持”儒雅迷人;花时间悉心配搭,造型层次分明阳光帅气;组合的几枚爱豆穿衣“朴实”以大长腿抢镜;“派出”两位成员:素颜出街依旧潮、太阳“用力”晒出五五身;的“狼崽”们冬日也要“依赖”耍酷……看过女明星们赶往参加的机场造型后,赶紧来欣赏的表现吧!、、EXO、、、、等小“鲜肉”与型大叔轮流上阵,谁的出街搭配最帅最迷人!图片来自新闻社12月2日仁川 (飞)更多精彩相关内容,点击进入>>>更多精彩相关内容,点击进入>>>更多精彩相关内容,点击进入>>>
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MET Ball倒计时,《Vogue》杂志美国版举办的“Vogue PJ Party”预热趴体抢先来围观!
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HillTop ,是一项搜索引擎结果排序的专利,是的一个工程师Bharat在2001年获得的专利。Google的排序规则经常在变化,但变化最大的一次也就是基于HillTop算法进行了优化。类&&&&别搜索引擎结果排序的专利获得专利时间2001年
与PageRank结合HillTop算法确定网页与搜索关键词的匹配程度的基本排序过程取代了过分依靠PageRank的值去寻找那些权威页面的方法。这对于两个具有同样主题而且PR相近的网页排序过程中, HillTop算法就显得非常的重要了。HillTop同时也避免了许多想通过增加许多来提高网页PageRank值的做弊方法。
总得看来,从过去到今天,很多搜索引擎停止了那种只使用一种有价值的算法去决定排名的做法。如:meta keyword标签等。这只是一个开始,Google在第一步已经完全忽略html header中的了。与不可见的meta标签相比,一个网站的可视部分使用干扰技术较在使用的要少,因为可视部分毕竟还要面对大部分的实际的访问者。[1]基于“专家”文档的HillTop算法最大的难点是第一次“专家文档”的筛选,从目前的观察来看:显然首先给了教育(.edu),政府(.gov)和非盈利组织(.org)站点很高的优先级。在运行时:Google会在庞大的内存里储存搜索频率比较高的关键词的索引,以备搜索者在短期内继续用同样的短语等进行搜索。这些高频关键词还有另外一种作用,在“佛罗里达”更新之前很多人已经注意到的了:含有那些突增的搜索关键字的网站会得到较快的更新频率。如关于:\&SARS&,每天的搜索次数数以百万计:Google就会优先对与这个主题有关的网站进行更新。
回头看一下以前每个月的“Google Dance”,也能得出以下的结论:也明显地为一个关键词给予一个随机的“权重”,动态的根据关键词查询统计发现这些热门关键词,然后基于HillTop算法面向主题地找到这些含有热门关键词的网页,让这些网页作为相应关键词的“专家”文档,针对这些索引入口保持比较高的更新频率:这点显然对于应对突发事件非常有效。而那些含有查询频率比较低的关键词所对应的网页可能要1月才更新一次。简单的说就是:Google会根据主题的热门程度动态调整相应网站的索引的强度。而Google中文用户在总体用户中的比例与Google索引的中文网页在索引的总体网页中的比例,从某种程度上说,也是有一定关系的。[1]所拥有的服务器体系架构就是网络上分布的一万台奔腾级服务器。而一旦了解了Hilltop算法后,我们很难相信这样的奔腾服务器能够具备如此的处理能力:试想一下,首先要从成千上万的主题性文件中找到“专家文件”,然后计算目标网页自这些专家文件的链接的得分,然后再将数值返回 Google算法的其它排名系统,并做进一步处理—而所有这些要在大约0.07秒内--这个让Google举世闻名的搜索速度内完成。确实使人难以置信。[1]我们认为,要保证一贯的“闪电般”搜索速度,Google会对搜索频率较高(热门)的查询词(即所谓的“商业词”黑名单)定期运行批处理,并将结果存储起来供日后使用。Google的数据库拥有数目庞大的高查询频率的查询词,收集自实地搜索和其自助广告系统中所使用的关键词。Google很可能对关键词搜索次数设置了上限值,凡搜索频率高于此的查询词都将被纳入Hilltop系统,然后Hilltop系统再对收集的所有高查询频率关键词定期运行批处理,可能一个月一次。增量级的稍小规模的批处理可能会频繁一些。同时,每个月将对Hilltop系统运行批处理后的结果对的万台服务器的数据库进行同步更新,但稍小规模的批处理的数据库更新会更加频繁一些。
对于那些用户查询频率不算高,因而无此“荣幸”被纳入Hilltop算法的查询词语,Google仍将使用原来的算法并显示原来的排名结果。因而对于那些高度明确或专业化的关键词,由于它们被排除在新算法的范围之内,因而有望保持原来的排名。[1]早在2003年2月就获得了该专利,但在实际投入使用前,需要首先保证新算法和Google当时所使用的和页面相关性系统的完全兼容性,所以需要对其兼容性做大量测试,然后再评估算法整合后所提供的结果,再做精工调整,然后是进一步的繁复测试…我想所有这些都需要大量时间。[1]专家页面的搜索和确定对算法起关键作用,专家页面的质量决定了算法的准确性;而专家页面的质量和公平性在一定程度上难以保证。 Hiltop忽略了大多数非专家页面的影响。
Hilltop中根据查询主题从专家页面集合中选取与主题相关的子集也是在线运行的,这与前面提到的HITS算法一样会影响查询响应时间。随着专家页面集合的增大,算法的可伸缩性存在不足之处。[1]奇川商务俱乐部(英文名:Hilltop Club)是奇川创意生态圈旗下的重要品牌之一,位于广州珠江边,比邻,发展新貌尽收眼底,拥有广州最美的空中花园。[2]Hilltop Club只为“HILLTOP大客户俱乐部联盟”成员提供订单式服务,俱乐部不对公众开放。[2]Hilltop商务会所,提供高端商务接待定制与主题活动:
1. 商务接待定制:360度一览无余临江景致,近千平米优美空中花园,独一无二日式空中,并可根据特定接待需要,提供食材、酒水、接待形式、空间氛围、等全方位专属定制。
2. 主题活动定制:空间布局灵活百变,室内室外随意变换,区、铁板烧区、区、水景区等各具韵味。同时,以奇川公关精英团队作为主题活动的有力支撑,为联盟成员提供从创意到执行一系列的专业服务定制。[2]Hilltop 以独有的品牌特色,深受客户欢迎,成功打造出专属的品牌标签:
1. Hilltop 花艺:英国花艺师钟伟雄倾情加盟,提供宴会、展会、主题活动等商务花艺服务,婚礼、生日Party 等个人花艺服务。
2. Hilltop 艺术:知名艺术家魏琪敏鼎力加盟,打造独特艺术空间,从艺术品赏鉴、艺术展到艺术沙龙,让品牌与艺术对话,诠释全新的艺术趣味。
3. Hilltop 影像:加拿大影像专家倾力合作,用影像呈现文化、艺术、商业三者的交融与碰撞,以新锐、时尚视角阐释、释放品牌魅力。
4. Hilltop=文化+艺术+商业+时尚+个性+……:Hilltop 礼品、Hilltop杂志、Hilltop旅游等项目现正逐步推进,将为客户提供更多Hilltop 时尚文化的消费之选。
[2]Hilltop Club只为“HILLTOP大客户俱乐部联盟”成员提供订单式服务,俱乐部不对公众开放。[2]
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看英语翻译我要的是这个的翻译,决定悬赏十分,因为我想要翻译出---俞伯牙摔琴---谢知音---那琴的珍贵来历.只有这些能让读者深刻理会钟子期去世给俞伯牙带来的痛苦和知音的含义...尽量感情丰富,故事情节完整.第_百度作业帮
Mark Ming Feng Menglong Vol Yuba teeth fall Kum Tse Salon Lang has said that the sub-Baoshu, who identified Kum Ya is playing in! This dealt rape as a ghost, lakes, and seas a vacant mind. Main On to the ancient friendship is the thickness of abalone. Control is the governing Yiwu, Powell is Baoshuya. As with his two merchants, When many of the lesser Lee Yi Wu, tert-teeth do not think that greed, poverty also informed. Later jailed for possession of Yiwu, tert teeth from short, nominees for-phase. This friends, is a truly great friend. This happened a few samples from color : Is Ende, As compared diaphragmatic approach, Communing father, known as the Salon, the Director called to be together. Main The next hearing today, said Yuba teeth of a story. Totally're gentlemen, to the listeners, was Do not listen, as you like. It is : Salon Salon and said listen, not Salon not talk about. King said, the public has a surname Yu Ya is playing word from Sweden, Chu Chengdu Karpf, even though proverb Jingzhou House land also. Yuba toothless body that although Chu, the official Star has tended to Jin, the supremacy of Shi doctor position. By Feng Jin main orders to repair Chu recruits. Send Ya is playing this review, to be a major before, Two handy Rethinking the township to the West. As for the land at that time from Chengdu, have an audience with the king, Jin Dynasty to the main mission. The king hosted a banquet in honor very XIANG Jing. It is the desire of Chengdu place indispensable to look at the graves of relatives and friends will be one. Ran said, the main thing, the soldiers in body, not to stay late, official has been completed, the king lived. Chu presented to the gold mining satin, high car si MA. Chu Ya is playing from Yishiernian, ideological native Jiang Zhi-sheng, Foster Flavor concept laid to play big concessions from the sea turn back. Chu is a fake-outs : "Robinson is unfortunate shot Then, in Chizhou invincible position, and begging Vessels leave Robinson to medicine." Chu-outs, life navy ship allocated two, one is a, single-boat ride is to make Jin, vice ship settled proxy baggage, are painting Portland radial impeller, Kam account sails high, very yes neat. Jiang straight to the ministers and other heads. Main Ideorealm Tanqi because, despite mountains of water far distance. Ya is playing is a jolly Wets, Jiang Zhi-sheng, is cast Wye. Zhang a sailing, Ling Melaleuca alternifolia Discovery Park, Pinnacle Yaoshan not see much water clarification. No 1, to Hanyang Jiangkou OK. When August 15 at the Moonlight Night occasional lunacy surges, such as the injection of heavy rain, no progress Vessels moored in the cliff below. Little, Tim Lang static wind, the rain only 36,000, show a bright moon. That month of rain, its often-times. Ya is playing in the cabin, alone frivolous, light incense furnace decried life : "I have a fashion parade to remove feelings." The boys light incense and the market, offering Kum capsule placed between the case. Ya is playing the open capsule from the lute, string to strongly emphasize that a pop. Not too curly end, means "cruel blow" of a sound, a chord broken. Ya is playing Loyang, called the boys ask bow : "This ship is located in living what place?" Bow replied : "Even by the rain, parked at the bottom, although some Zaoshu no others." Ya is playing surprised, think : "is a barren hill. If Fortresses villages, or are smart studious people, I listen to bootlegging Kum, strings suddenly change, there are broken string while reserving differences. This barren hills, it must have a mountain person? oh, I know, would like to be poor to the CIA Otherwise, a servant or Zeidao deeper, I Dezhou robbed property. "Being around :" I found on the cliff seized some . Liulin not deep, will be held in a pair of reed! "about can either accept the orders, call Qi group, and plotted a cliff and jumped up, the temple was promised land :" The boat were adults, and not see the suspect. H is not Gandao ilk, is also lumberjack. In late for firewood, squally showers value, not your raincoats or umbrellas shelter, who Iwaaze submarine. AGB parade lap, listening less to live. "Ya is playing big laughs :" The mountains were fetching firewood people, dared to call 'ordinary' word! This remark unknown authenticity, I do not haggle over it. around, asking him to stop. "That people from the Cliff said loudly :" adults have made absurd indeed! Qibuwen '10 antique Room, there is faith.'' the building is a gentleman to gentleman outside. 'bullying adults if no ordinary mountain people, it Yejing deeper and ignoring the cliff is not worthy of the visitors. ancient " See Ya is playing well for his statement, or is really listening to the uncertainty of tenure. Stopped not about Romania Zao, approached the door, angry at back for a joyful asked : "Cliff gentleman who is not only painting, standing a long time, I had just know what Mr Qu shells?" That humanity : "I do not know if the boy, but not to the painting. Adults are just shells, is Kong Zhong Ni sighs Yan Hui, Spectrum into strings. their word goes : 'Unfortunately, Yan Hui flea life and death of the person thinking of coming mate. because despite the 19th Lok round basket for cooked rice, ... 'to this one, they must a chord, not search out the fourth sentence, the son also recalls :' stay were vancomycin-Jan. ' "Ya is playing the hearing ecstatic Road : "Mr. Popular fruit-earth, separated from Cliff Diao difficult quiz." about life : "palm jump to see handrails, please gentleman Dezhou go into detail." palm jump around, the people on board, it really is a lumberjack : wearing Nali, and wore clothing and carrying a sharp piculs, lumbar interpolation tricks, feet Tap shoes Mans. His men know that the conversations someway, see the lumberjack is, the next phase eye can see : "telephone! Woodman then disembarked to see my lords kowtowing to ask you what language carefully agreed, the official respect to miles! "Lumberjack is an interesting, and said :" not to be totally rude and I will see each other for large crowds. " besides bamboo hat, the head of the Green cloth F from the clothing, who is blue cloth S buck up tying the waist cloth Bi exposed under close. Then calmly, clothing, bamboo hat, a sharp piculs, tricks, both placed outside the door and took off his shoes Mans, plasterers prodded to repeat herself, entered the cabin to. Cabin public officials Candles glorious throne, Zhang Yi lumberjack not kneel, and said : "Your honor, the Shriram." Yuba teeth minister is Jin, a vision that had received the two commoner, down keys, fearing loss of official body, is requested to alight when he recovered a bad back. Ya is playing anything, slightly raised their hands : "If you stop-free ceremony." Ask the boys can sit. The boys from a low stool sitting infants placed under seats. Ya is playing totally off ceremony, asserted to a lumberjack Nuri, and said : "But if we sit." You and I called the snub shows. That lumberjack nor humility, as if they sit down. Main Ya is playing he did not see was the happiest and a truth-meaning, it never asks for a name, called his men do not look at the tea. Mozuo long, strange and asked : "An transporting Cliff painting, is you?" Woodman Dayan : "dare not." Ya is playing : "Let me ask you, not only to scholars, certainly know Qin Zhi provenance. Kum this evil person? Ask him even benefits? "Asked is when the bow so Laibing : "Wind with the color, as specified on the day, set sail." tell Ya is playing : "wait a minute more!" woodman : "Asking for adults, the boy if his speech boring to dwell on fear to take up downwind Xingzhou." Ya is playing a chuckle : "I do not know you, who fear rationale. if speak justified, not acting nor event, not to mention the trip Road Zhisu belly! "lumberjack :" this is the case, minimal side dares to talk about illegal. this is Fuxi, who are cut, see the five-star Essence, Dropping Indus, railings and lattices to the instrument. phoenix is king of all birds, bamboo is not non-food, non - Indus not resting, non-flower drink. Fuxi know Indus is a tree which is a good quality staff, Brush wins Essence gas, as well as those AGB music, it is cutting. their 78-75 three feet high tree by a few days of 33, a deadline for the three of the sub-days, and people Sancai. take a knock on the short, sounds devoid of nutrients, too b Remove a knock short, sounds too turbid,
F its sound economic Qingzhuo phase, phase and severity. long sent water, representing the Baptist, by 72 at 1999. starting from drying up, the most auspicious day for the election - when, with Liu qi master craftsmen carve wood into instruments. This is music immortals, the newspaper Yaoqin . three feet of a 6-inch long, according to Zhou 361; former wide roses, after the 4-inch wide, by 4:00; thick Ercun by hydroelectricity. Children are first, Playboy lumbar Everything back, Longchi, Fung bayous, Yu Zhen, the emblem. That emblem is 12 by D Also there were an emblem by the intercalary months. in the first five string, by outside elements : metal, wood, water, within five sounds : Palace, Kok, levy, plume. when Yao and Shun parade tales, songs' southerly 'poem succeeded. after the emperor located on the homework, hanging Baie-examination, Tim a chord, beautiful plaintive, is known as the text string. Decided after, the former dance songs, a string Tim keen to carry forward, is known as Wu Hsien. First Palace, Kok, levy, to reveal the plume and adding Two hypotenuses, known as the Man Mo Qixianqin. this Kum bogey six, seven star. eight absolutely. what bogey six? a bogey seasons, two Dashu bogey, bogey three winds, heavy rain bogey 4, Five Note Thunderbolt, snow bogey six. what seven star? Wen funeral were star, star musicians, things extraneous star, had a star, incorrectly dressed star, light incense star, who met Salon star. what must eight? In short, money singular mixture, stirring long. this Kum ask the United States to try to do good deeds, not roar Wen Xiao-hu, sadness ape listen without draining. AGB is also good fun. "Main Ya is playing could hear him answer fluently, I still fear is credited asked science, and hope : "Q is the science of mind, loss of him. I try again a test him. "At this time no earlier you may wish I had known, and asked :" That was why the first step of music theory, the then-named Zhong Ni in the room, Yan Hui from the outside in, Wen Qin Shen You are the sounds of suspected corruption intended to kill someone, blame and asked it. Zhong Ni said : 'I Sik tale, a cat to catch mice, wishes to be shared, lost their fear. this greed intended to kill someone, was exposed to the silk-tung. 'she St. reason to music, in subtle means. If the subordinate officials keeping in mind some miss, the first step will hear whether conceivable? "lumberjack :" "Mao" Cloud : 'others interested, I guess it. 'fondled an adult trial that the boy heart speculate. if Caibuzhao when adults see a break offense. "Ya is playing the string will be broken restructuring and meditating half of the day, is intended in the mountains, playing a get. Woodman praise : "... between the US and carefree, meaning adults, in the mountains!" Ya is playing not to answer. Also took a Council, Qin drum again, the meaning is wasted. Woodman also praise : "Beautiful, Tang Tang Hu, told the water!" Only two, with the Road Ya is playing on his mind. Ya is playing Loyang, who pushed the sky, and the period for the main ceremony in Yibin, shouted : "respectful! Respectful! A beautiful jade stone Zhi possession, if clothing Maung people, not all co miss! Mr. Step AGB surname? "Lumberjack raise slightly and replied :" boy named Raymond, who emblem, the son of a pathetic character period. " Ya is playing surrender : "Raymond is the son of Mr. period." Phase-turn : "It's high surname? - Any? "Ya is playing :" subordinate officials YU Rui, Shi Yu Jin, repair recruits come on the country. "Phase son :" Ya is playing is the original adults. "Ya is playing fader sitting in the class period, the President himself be hurt fate decried TEA. Tea stop, the boys take wine fate total discretion. Ya is playing : "to climb, closing suspected SR profane." Phase son said : "dare not." Main The boys take off Yaoqin, the duo take a seat drinking. Ya is playing the opening statement asked : "Mr. Chu Sheng mouth is, but I do not know where the statue Habitat?" Son of view : "not far away from this place, Ma On Shan village of Jixian is Arai." Nod Ya is playing : "Good Jixian village." Asked : "What Road Arts?" Son of view : " firewood is living. "Ya is playing a smile :" son of view, the subordinate officials or unauthorized statement. Mr. seem such ambition, why not strike fame, Li Gallery in the temple, were down to Zhu Bo; but Nai-Lin Ji, moved in firewood, animal husbandry, and the vegetation with rust? burglary did not get to the President also. "-- view Road : "Let it not, the homes are between two elderly parents, the next Foot-complement, is subject to survive, to make parents than a decade. Although the place for a homonym position and honor, I can not bear to easy day for the support also. "Ya is playing :" so much filial piety, and as soon as rare. "They glass of wine will be one of the entertainment. Main Phase Chongru son or fear, love Ya is playing increasingly heavy. Phase son asked : "How many youth?" Son of view : "20 wasted seven." Ya is playing : "The one-year-old subordinate officials. If no period for disposable, forming brothers, and live up to Salon Jie You. "Phase son smiled :" It is wrong! Adults name is on the public and Raymond emblem is Qiongxiang Shizuko, dare him to pull, degrading style. "Ya is playing :" acquaintance with the whole world, a few people can become good? among the subordinate officials mediocre, and in the high-end lease is indeed life Zhi extremely lucky. If rich and poor and lowly of trying to spy YU Rui between what the people? "Wealth and heavy Suiming Tim stoves, and then Ruo - xiang, with the cabin-period''Babai. Ya is playing for the older brother, son for younger brother, the brother next match live up to death. Baiba, rehabilitation fate heating liquor discuss them. - Ya is playing on the period for the ride Ya is playing its statement. Chopsticks for the Cup, under Phase-I, brother of proportionality, Xuhua heart-to-heart with each other. It is : consensual off listening to heart, Salon With the long disobedient people. Know Talk about being strong, unknowingly, with stars on desalination, the East blanch. Sailors on board have got up and clean up the canopy cable, the whole preparation embarkment. Get up period son saying goodbye, holding a glass of wine Ya is playing with the son of delivery period handle Phase hand and complained : "Mai, I do not see each other too late Ho, Ho is not too early!" Son of view heard this, he was unknowingly tears drop in the Cup. Son drained the last period, the display retaliate Ya is playing. They have to give up attached to them. Ya is playing : "Yu Kuang remaining conditions endless desire QU Yan Mai peer few days, I wonder whether we could?" Son of view : "villains from the phase-do not want, not a penny for two elderly parents, 'parents, not to seek their fortunes. ' "Ya is playing :" The statue is two people together, to go back over two pro-divisions, Jinyang to Yukuang a view, that is, 'You must be side'. "Phase son :" Connaught brother did not dare light and colors, the Hsu-brother, it should be keeping. in the event a petition two pro-life, pro-bizarre, wild look in a few hanging away, the younger crimes is greater. "Ya is playing : "The so-called Mai really sincere gentleman. Whether or next year, I look at Mai. "Phase son :" Ming-year-old man was here when? finding a good servant Zunjia. "Ya is playing reckoned :" The last night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, today's events, which is the August 16th. Mai, I am still SIN qiu Feng Wuliuri visit to China. In case of the mid-late JI Qiu month, the letter is cool, not gentlemanly. "asked the boys :" instruct room will be credited by Raymond Mai Habitat Meeting names and the date, Tang wrote in his diary book. "Phase son :" this is the case, finding the coming year, which Wuliuri Zhongqiu, prospective seated in Riverside arch-designate, not wrong. it's already out, the younger brother of saying goodbye. "Ya is playing :" Mai and living. "fate boys take two gold Wat, not closure proposal, both hands as scheduled :" Mai, who have monarch, the right to respect for the two people Gan Zhi Fei fundamentalism. svensson blood, not in suspected of light. "humility son period not immediately accepted. Farewell capital Santiago, tearfully leaving, said a sharp pick from the mills, bamboo hat, once inserted in the wrist, palm jump up handrails on the cliff. Ya is playing straight sent to the bow, the port and other tears. Vegetarian Not that period son home from time to time. Repeat Yuba teeth drum embarkation point, the way Jiang Zhi-sheng, inadvertently laid on the concept, which enables them to accompany just want to Salon person. Another trip a few days homes boat landing. After land to know Jin is on the doctor, not inconsiderate to arrange for horses silver platter. Until Jinyang, Jin responded to the owners, to mention. Ancient Time quickly, passing the autumn and winter, thus opening up unknowingly spring. Ya is playing the harbor-view every day, forget it. Think of recent Mid-Autumn Festival, Guo Jin played the main, to leave and return home. Jin Yi Yuan owners. Ya is playing packed up and still playing to big concessions from the sea trip. After landing, instruct sailors, but the host Bay Park, to inform names. Things have occasionally, just 15 nights in August, the Mariners petition Minute, the Ma On Shan to close. Ya is playing vaguely also recognize meet last year berthing son periods, instruct sailors, Plover Cove Park, a fictional anchors, nails peg edge of a cliff. Burial night, the cabin frontline moonlight, hit Zhu Chen. Ya is playing the fate of the boys curtain rolled up and walk out the door and remain in the bow above, the Perception bucket handle. Underwater days hearts, the vast expanse of loss, as far as the daytime. Ideology-year-old with friends reunite, Tonight reopened, the value Liang Ye. He agreed the bank is waiting, how no trace, and it Shuang letter? Also as a Council, to : "I had ignored. Many vessels from the riverbanks, I drive today, not the last ship, how to recognize the urgency of passing? I had to age for playing startled Salon, tonight will Yaoqin fondled one. Smell it yourself bound to see each other. "Fate from the boys Zhuo, who placed bow, light incense and seating. Ya is playing the open bag, the string to strongly emphasize that the Pan-cadences, the string operators are plaintive voice. Kum Ya is playing not stop speaking : "! String to sympathize with jumps, passing bound to worry at home. Go-year-old parents had high words, if the father suggested, is the mother must perish. His religion, is one thing, Ning losing confidence in me that refuses to lose the trust of parents, not to come. Someday dawn, I visit relatives on the cliff. "Let your child pack Kum, disembarked at bedtime. Main Ya is playing the night without sleep, truly BA Ming unknown, I hope knows I really wonder. Look at the video screens on shift, the sunrise hill, Zheng Yi Ya is playing up in exhaustion and life attendant, who decried portability, they are to get 10 gold, Mr Peter brought : "unexpectedly yourself relatives, the ceremony to contribute to funeral expenses." Cliff jumping kick board, in line Popular Drive, for about 10}


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