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沪江词库精选a colorful world是什么意思、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: 色彩世界
Sunlight is composed of seven colors, so is our world full of different colors
The panorama of color and action which fills the world is taken for granted.
Color as a result of seeing is supposed to be felt the same to people all over the world.
The average reader, used to seeing the world in three-dimensional color, tunes out
When Mary graduated from college,she looked at the world through roes - colored glasses.
During my journey around the world I had many colorful experiences and enjoyed many dramatic situations.
In other words, having an understanding of English enables us to gain easy access to a much more colorful world.
Users can set sky color and real-world shadows according to location, orientation, and time of day and year.
2015a colorful world是什么意思由沪江网提供。当前位置: &
求翻译:"To keep your head above water" is a colorful expression that means stand out of debt. A company seeks to keep its head above water during economic hard times. A man who loses his job tries to keep his head above water until he finds a new job.是什么意思?
"To keep your head above water" is a colorful expression that means stand out of debt. A company seeks to keep its head above water during economic hard times. A man who loses his job tries to keep his head above water until he finds a new job.
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& & 马是人类最早驯养的动物之一,在英语中有近百条与horse相关的习语,例如:one-horse town穷乡僻壤;eat/drink like a horse海量,牛饮;a horse laugh狂笑,讥笑,不信任的笑;clothes horse爱打扮,赶时髦的人;clothes horse figure&衣服架子&/服装模特;enough to make a horse laugh极其可笑,让人笑掉大牙。俗语如:Hair by hair you will pull out the horse&s tail.水滴石穿。A horse may stumble on four feet.马有四条腿,亦有失蹄时。Illness comes on horse but leaves on crutches.病来如山倒, 病去如抽丝。One may steal a horse, another may not look at the hedge.只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。值得一提的是,在表达同一意思时,中文偏爱使用&牛&字习语而英文偏爱使用&马&字习语,如:像老黄牛一样工作work like a horse,孺子牛a willing horse,吹牛talk horse,强壮如牛as strong as a horse。另外,有关horse的英语习语中不乏有趣的典故。1. straight from the horse&s mouth(消息)直接来自当事人,来源绝对可靠, 绝对有权威性例如:Lisa will be promoted to manager. The boss told me himself. It&s straight from the horse&s mouth!(丽萨会升为经理,这是老板亲口告诉我的,绝对真实可靠!)&2. Don&t look a gift-horse in the mouth. 馈赠之马,勿看牙口。人们买马时,总是通过看马的牙齿来判断马是否老弱,但别人送的马就不应该当面挑剔。成语借喻不要挑剔议论别人送的礼物。3. a willing horse听话的马本义指顺从人的驾驭、既能负重又跑得快的马,喻指性情善良、工作努力、不计较个人得失、乐于助人因而人人都想利用的人。例如:It is easier to spur the willing horse than to start the lazy one.(鞭策听话驯服的马要比懒马容易得多。)由此产生谚语:All lay loads on a willing horse.(马善被人骑,人善被人欺。)Do not spur a willing horse.(良马不用扬鞭自奋蹄。)赞扬任劳任怨的美德,汉语赋予&a willing horse&以&孺子牛&的美誉。4. put/set the cart before the horse 颠倒是非,违反自然和常理,做本末倒置的事例如:Don&t put the cart before the horse.(处理问题不要本末倒置。)5. Don&t swap/swop horses when crossing a stream.临到中流别换马。该成语表示,不应在关键时刻随便作人事的重大改变,特别是领导人的变更。该习语还引申出另外两种说法:change horses in the midstream在关键或危急时刻,特别是在国家有战事的时候,随便作策略上或人事上的重大改变。Do not change horses in midstream.临阵不换将,不要在紧要关头改变策略(这里的midstream指水流湍急的河中央, 用来比喻比较危急的情况。)6. flog/beat the dead horse鞭打死马这个短语类似于中文的&对牛弹琴(cast pearls before swine)&,表示徒劳无益、白费工夫。这是一句古老的成语,因英国自由党人布莱特(J. Bright,)历史性的引用而更为流行。当时他指责辉格党人罗素勋爵(Lord John Russell,)1867年的选举制度改革法案是一匹&死马&,意即企图重新恢复已经过时或失效的事物,实在是白费气力。该成语也可表示争论业已解决的问题,白费唇舌。需要注意的是,这个短语较常用于进行时态,例如:You&re beating a dead horse. You know I&ll never say yes.(你别费口舌了,你知道我永远不会答应的。)7. Shut the stable-door when the steed is stolen. 马给偷了才去关栅栏。这是一句古老的成语,失马之后锁马厩(Lock the barn door after the horse is stolen.),即在重大损失之后才采取预防措施,为时已晚。与汉语的&亡羊补牢,未为晚也&正好相反。8. the Trojan horse / the wooden horse of Troy包藏祸心的礼物典出古希腊荷马史诗《奥德赛》(Odyssey)中的故事。传说希腊人进攻特洛伊人时,围城久攻不下,于是佯作撤兵,把一匹巨大的木马遗留在特洛伊城下。特洛伊祭司拉奥孔(Laocoon)对这木马表示怀疑,警告同胞不要把它运入城内。但他们并不相信,把马当作战利品运入城里。结果藏在木马内的希腊战士半夜出来作为内应,使得希腊人一举攻陷了特洛伊城。&特洛伊木马&由此喻指暗藏的危险、能置人死地或内部颠覆等阴险狡诈的手段,也可喻指颠覆分子。9. get off one&s high horse不要妄自尊大这个词组来自14世纪的英国皇家阅兵式。权贵们骑着高头大马,居高临下,瞧不起平民百姓。在过去,马是人们主要的交通工具,但是只有贵族或身份地位较高的人才有资格骑着高挑的骏马横行四方。因此,high horse被赋予了高高在上、自命不凡的象征义。例如:get on the high horse趾高气扬;be on one&s high horse趾高气扬,藐视他人;ride the high horse摆架子。
& & & &各位,大家起床的时候赶着挤地铁,上班的时候赶着完成任务,下班的时候赶着早点回家。有没有想过一天多一个小时呢?多出来的一小时,你可以完成以下21件事。How odd that so much of life is dependent upon time.很奇怪,人生中很多事情都是依时间而定的。Lives are measured in years. We count down the minutes and seconds in a game and measure our productivity by months and quarters.生命是由&年&来衡量的。玩游戏的时候我们会依分秒倒数计时;生产力的计量我们一般按月或者季度算。The clock speeds when you're enjoying a project and drags when someone is droning on and on in a meeting.当你做事情乐在其中的时候时间过得特别快,反之,如果开会时候碰上一个说得不停的人你便会觉得时间过得特别慢。Your ability to control time is nonexistent, which can be frustrating when you really need it. And who doesn't want just a bit more time, an extra hour each day? Well here's your chance.世上没有人有控制时间的能力,这确实让人很沮丧,尤其在你确确实实觉得时间不够用的时候。谁不想每天多一点时间,多一个小时呢?现在你的机会来了。So that you don't waste this precious time, I have put together a list of 21 ideas on how to make the most of this gift.别浪费这个宝贵的一小时,以下我列举了21条让你好好利用这个天赐的礼物。1.Catch up on all of your email.跟进你所有的邮件。2.Hand-write and send five thank-you notes to people who support you.手写五封感谢信给那些帮助你的人。3.Brainstorm with a couple of colleagues on how to make the office run better.和几个同事集思广益,想想怎么让工作进行得更加顺利。4.Plan a romantic evening for your significant other.和你的另一半计划共度一个浪漫的夜晚。5.Investigate two of your competitors.考察研究你的两个竞争对手。6.Google yourself. If that takes five minutes, Google all your co-workers.在网上搜索你自己的名字。如果要花到五分钟之久,搜索你所有的同事。7.Make a list of pros and cons about yourself as a contributor to the company.从为公司做贡献的角度来看,列出你自己的优势和不足。8.Identify a role model and send them a handwritten invitation to lunch.找到自己的榜样人物,并手写一封邀请函表达共进午餐之意。9.Plan a weekend trip with your family.计划一次假日家庭出行。10.Have lunch with your boss, partner or colleague.和你的老板、合伙人或者同事吃顿午餐。11.Call an old friend or relative you have neglected.给久未联系的老朋友或亲戚打个电话。12.Update your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter profiles and your resume.对你在LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter上的个人档案和简历进行更新。13.Sharpen your powers of observation by watching people in a crowded area.在一个拥挤的场所观察人群以训练你自己的观察力。14.Volunteer for a charity you like.选择一个慈善团体做志愿服务。15.Make a playlist of inspiring work music.给一些可以振奋工作的音乐建一个播放列表。16.Meditate.沉思。17.Clean up the desktop on your computer (or your desk).清理你的电脑桌面(或你自己的桌子)。18.Plan the perfect dinner party.计划一个完美的晚宴。19.Read that business book that's been waiting.读一本被你长期搁置的商业书籍。20.Write a short story.写一个短篇故事。21.Give yourself a clothing makeover. (Yes, that means shopping.)给自己来一个外观大改造。(对,就是购物。)
作为近两年最受欢迎的饮食节目,《舌尖上的中国》第一季为我们展现了让人垂涎欲滴的中国美食文化。据悉,《舌尖上的中国第二季》有望春节面世。&在《舌尖上的中国2》将会带领我们寻找川渝的美食,淋漓尽致展现其&水火交攻&的重口味。在昨天的主创见面会上,总导演陈晓卿透露,第二季《舌尖》拍摄美食的区域扩大,除了内地的30多个省市外,还有港澳台地区的美食也囊括在其中,甚至还有新加坡的美食。&据悉,目前《舌尖2》已经进入后期制作阶段,计划将于2月底和广大观众朋友见面,陈晓卿说,&目前所有的拍摄基本结束,所有的导演都在进行画面的编辑,总之,可能这个春节我们都会在摄制组加班,希望大家去送茶、送饭。&The second series of Chinese hit cuisine documentary series, A Bite of China, is almost here. Another season means more hours salivating in front of your television sets.&Some people call it one of the finest food TV shows ever made. A Bite of China, one of the highest-rated documentary series on Chinese food, held a press conference for the launch of its second season on Wednesday in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou. Around a hundred fans and media gathered to celebrate the event.&Chen Xiaoqing, the director of the show, explained to us the biggest difference between the first and second seasons.&&The classification of the food is more specific. Meat dishes, vegetarian food and desserts cooked in a variety of ways will be seen. With more funding for our documentary this time, we were able to experiment with different shooting styles,& Chen said.&The second season of A Bite of China also consists of seven episodes, as with the first, and is currently in production. The season premiere will be in February during the Chinese New Year holiday.&While most shows about Chinese cuisine focuses only on the preparation process in the kitchen. A Bite of China, digs deeper into the geographical, historical and cultural dimensions of what Chinese people eat. Chen Xiaoqing, the director of the documentary series said that the success of it really comes down to three points. Good theme, good timing and good job from everyone.&The show showcases unique ingredients, famous dishes, and special food processing techniques, as well as local customs and scenery. Wang Siying, a devoted fan of the series, was invited to the event to share her thoughts.&&It&s brilliant because when I saw documentaries before in China, I never thought it could get so close to people&s hearts. When you eat something you don&t think there&s so much culture behind it. But A Bite of China tells us that,& said Wang.&Beyond the colourful images of local food, there was something else that captured the audience&s eyes. The sophisticated design and story-telling style, which brings a fresh perspective to Chinese documentaries.&&Chinese TV production teams are becoming more and more professional. There&s more order and creativity involved. This also means that the Chinese documentary film industry will have a more specific division of labour and also a clear investment pattern in the future. Our industry is becoming more structured and sophisticated,& said Chen.&One of the most asked questions at the end of the press conference was will A Bite of China be back for a third season, which Chen answered firmly, yes.
恋爱多年的陈思成佟丽娅终于修成正果,于16日在大溪地举行婚礼。佟丽娅在婚礼前夕发微博幸福地表示:&踏上大溪地的那一刻,我笑了&&他懂我,懂我的心思,和我们视若珍宝的爱情。& 大溪地到底在哪里?就让我们一起来探秘这个神秘的地方吧!Celebrated as the &island of love&, Tahiti is the French territory's administrative and commercial backbone. Its breezy cosmopolitan capital, Papeete, sits on Tahiti's northeastern tip and is the gateway to a captivating world of indigenous culture that infuses a chain of islands spread across 5 million square kilometres of sparkling ocean between Australia and South America.大溪地塔希提岛有着&爱情岛&的美称,是法属波利尼西亚群岛的政治和经济中心。澳洲和南美之间的岛屿群辐射500万平方公里大洋,有着迷人的本土文化;坐落在塔希提岛东北部的首府帕皮提则是通往这些本土文化世界的大门,微风拂面光彩熠熠,广纳四海宾朋。&This rugged, remote land was shaped by volcanoes and many of its low-lying islands are ringed by flawless beaches and protected by coral reefs.火山活动造就了偏远的大溪地地形崎岖,众多低洼海岛浅滩环绕、珊瑚礁成群,完美无瑕。&&Tahiti is a picture of paradise.&&大溪地美如天堂。&Hurried tourists keen to experience some of French Polynesia's original soul need look no further than the burst of colour and art that illuminates Papeete every winter.游客们热衷于体验法属波利尼西亚群岛的本土文化,每年冬天都有游客毫不犹豫地前往大溪地,享受那种色彩喷薄、艺术氤氲的风情。&Queen of the Pacific太平洋女王&The heart and soul of the South Pacific, Tahiti is the largest in a chain of islands that make up French Polynesia. The name can either refer to the main island or the entire destination.塔希提岛位于南太平洋中心,其系列岛屿链构成了法属波利尼西亚的全部。&塔希提岛&的名称既可以指主岛也可以指整个群岛。&The Locale岛屿位置You may be wondering, where is Tahiti? The islands are situated halfway between Los Angeles, California and Sydney, Australia. They are in the same time zone as Hawaii and located just as far south of the equator as Hawaii is north. Since the word often conjures up visions of a distant, unspoiled paradise, many assume but in all reality, Tahiti is only eight hours from Los Angeles.你可能想问:塔希提岛在哪?塔希提群岛位于加州洛杉矶和澳大利亚悉尼中间,与夏威夷群岛同处一个时区,隔赤道与夏威夷群岛南北相望。在人们眼中塔希提岛是一个世外桃源般纯粹的天堂,所以许多人认为它很遥远;但实际上它离洛杉矶只有八小时路程。&The Allure魅力之岛Papeete is a vibrant and multicultural city with busy boulevards and a bustling harbor. The downtown municipal market, Le March&, is an exciting place to purchase all things Tahiti including vanilla beans and monoi oil.&帕皮提是一个文化多元、生机勃勃的城市,林荫大道车水马龙,繁忙港口熙熙攘攘。市区的公共集市是购物者的天堂,在那里可以买到各种塔希提岛特产,比如香荚兰豆和大溪地萃取油。&Recreation消遣圣地Tahiti is a scenic island with lush landscapes and large abounding waterfalls. You will find shady hiking trails, pleasant beaches and calm waters. This unique juxtaposition makes Tahiti one of the most diverse islands in French Polynesia.塔希提岛风景优美,瀑布众多,山路绿树成荫,沙滩秀丽,水面祥和;多风貌并存,特色鲜明,是法属波利尼西亚最富多样性的岛屿。
& & & 不小心做错了事情,你该如何诚恳致歉?英文里的一句&sorry&能够表达你深刻的歉意吗?想让你的赔礼道歉更加有诚意?快来看看吧!1. I'm terribly sorry.我非常抱歉。&2. Sorry. It was all my fault.对不起,都是我的错。&3. Please don't be mad at me.求你了,别生我的气。&4. Please forgive me.请原谅我吧!&5. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.对不起,我不是故意要冒犯你。&6. How can I make it up to you?我要怎样才能补偿你?&7. It's my fault. I really feel bad about it.是我错了。我真的很抱歉。&8. I just don't know what to say.我真不知道该说什么好。&9. I shouldn&t have done that.我真不该那么做。
寒冬已至,各大城市气温纷纷将至冰点。相应的,你的工作热情是否也被冻住了呢?&How to Stay Productive Through The Bleak Winter Months如何在阴冷的冬季保持工作效率Winter is in full swing. The days are shorter, darker and colder&and some workers will experience the &winter blues.&冬季正寒风凛冽。白天变的更加短暂、黑暗而寒冷&&一些员工们也将体验到&冬季抑郁&。&You might be more tired than usual, less active or unmotivated&and your level of productivity in the office may decline significantly. But there are ways to beat it. Here are 11 tips for staying productive at work during the bleak winter months.你可能会比平时感到更加疲倦,更加缺乏活力或者动力&&你在办公室中的工作效率可能也会显著下降。但是你有可以战胜它的方法。以下就是11个小贴士,它们能够让你在阴冷的冬季保持工作效率。&Get physical.锻炼身体Moving your body with regular exercise before, after or during work, especially outdoors, helps reduce stress and improve sleep, says Ned Russell, an executive vice president at Publicis Groupe. &And the sunshine you feel from being outside may give your spirits a much-needed lift.&在上班前后或者工作中间用规律性的锻炼来运动你的身体,尤其是进行室外运动,这有助于减轻压力和改善睡眠,阳狮集团的执行副总裁内德-罗素称,&你在户外所感受到的阳光可以给你的精神带来急需的振奋作用。&&Start your year over.重新开始你这一年If you think you&ve &blown it& for 2013 because you&ve already broken your New Year&s resolutions, think again, says Casey Moore, The Productivity Coach.如果你认为由于已经无法坚持自己的新年决心,因此你已经&搞砸&了2013年,再重新考虑一下,工作效率教练凯西-摩尔称。&First, simplify so you focus only on one or two. Next, start your new year today. January 1st is arbitrary anyway. Forget the old all-or-nothing thinking and restart your new habit any time you slip into old behaviors.& This may give you the motivation you need to be more productive at work.&首先简化你的目标,只专注于其中的一个或者两个。接着从今天开启你新的一年。不管怎样,每一天都可以是1月1日。忘记极端的旧时观念,无论何时只要你陷入了旧行为,就重新设立你的新习惯。&这可能会带给你动力,让你在工作中表现的更有效率。&&Spend time outside.花点时间去户外If you suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)&and even if you don&t&get ten minutes of sunshine every day if possible, Moore says.如果你饱受季节性情绪失调的折磨&&就算你没有这份烦恼&&尽可能地每天在阳光下呆上10分钟,摩尔说。&Getting outside, if only for a little while, changes your perspective and reminds you that spring is just a little ways away.& Russell agrees. He says to take a break, if possible, with a brief stroll around the block of your office building. &The exposure will not only clear your head, it&ll brighten your outlook,& he says.&走到室外,哪怕只是一小会儿,都会让你豁然开朗,并且提醒你春天就快要来临了。&罗素也赞同这个提议。他建议要尽可能地休息一下,在你的办公楼附近做一个简短的散步。&沐浴在阳光下不仅会令你的头脑变得清晰,它还会让你豁然开朗。&他说。&Keep your office or cubicle warm.令你的办公室或者小隔间保持温暖If you live in a colder climate and you&re chilly at work, your focus will be on how to get warm instead of how best to complete your next project, says Andy Teach, a corporate veteran and author of From Graduation to Corporation: The Practical Guide to Climbing the Corporate Ladder One Rung at a Time.如果你呆在一个寒冷的环境中,并且在工作时瑟瑟发抖,那么你所关注的重点就将会是如何取暖,而不是如何最好地完成你的下一个项目,安迪-蒂奇称,她是一位公司高管,同时还著有《从毕业到公司:稳步晋升的实用指导》。&It&s important to have a comfortable work environment, so find out where the thermostat is in your office and perhaps more importantly, find out who controls the thermostat and make sure they keep it at a comfortable temperature for you and your co-workers.&&拥有一个舒适的工作环境非常重要,所以搞清楚你办公室的自动调温器在哪儿,也许更为重要的是,搞清楚是谁在负责调节自动调温器,确保他们将温度调节到令你和你的同事感到舒适。&&Eat well.合理饮食Watch what you eat and drink, says executive coach Marian Morgan of Coaching That Works. &Comfort foods and sugary drinks will leave you sluggish and bloated. A heavy meal leading to a nap may sound like a good idea on the weekend, but especially during the week you&ll want to watch your sugar and carbohydrates intake,& she says. Warm yourself up with a cup of green tea to refresh, instead.注意控制你的饮食,Coaching That Works公司高管教练玛丽安-摩根称,&安慰性食物和含糖饮料不但会令你行动迟缓,而且还会让你身材臃肿。吃得太饱会让你昏昏欲睡,这在周末听起来可能是个好主意,但特别是在工作日你必须要注意自己对于糖和碳水化合物的摄入量。&她说。作为替代,你可以喝上一杯绿茶来温暖身心,振奋精神。&Set goals.设定目标The wintertime is ideal for focusing on new projects, Russell says. Even if you&re feeling a bit sluggish, set new goals and volunteer for a new assignment that excites you. Your initiative will not only give you a sense of accomplishment and make you more productive, but it may even impress your boss.冬天非常适合专注于新项目,罗素说。设定一些新的目标,并且主动提出承担一项能够令你感到振奋的新任务,即使你感觉有点动作迟缓。你的积极性将不仅带给你一种成就感,让你更有效率,它甚至还可能会给你的老板留下深刻的印象。&&Spring Clean& during the winter.在冬季进行&春季大扫除&&Many people wait until the weather warms up before they do their spring cleaning at home, but you can do it at work when it&s freezing outside,& Teach says.&很多人会等到天气暖和之后才在家里开始进行春季大扫除,但是你可以在室外寒风凛冽的时候进行办公室大扫除。& 蒂奇说。Take advantage of the fact that you prefer to be inside at this time of year. Go through your hard copy files and computer files and throw out or delete anything that is no longer useful to you. You will be less overwhelmed and will feel less stressed out if you do.利用你每年的这个时候都更喜欢呆在室内这个事实。仔细检查你的复印文件和计算机文件,并且扔掉或者删除所有对你而言已经无用的东西。在大扫除的过程中你会感到更加轻松,压力骤减。&Stay healthy.保持健康的身体More people get sick during the winter months than the rest of the year with flu, colds, etc., Teach says. &If you miss work due to illness, it only makes it that much harder when you go back and you&re constantly trying to catch up. It hurts your productivity.&大多数人在冬季的几个月间都比每年的其他时候更加容易生病,容易被流感和感冒等侵袭,蒂奇称。&如果你由于生病而缺勤,那么当你回去工作后只会更加忙碌,并且你得不断努力赶上工作进度。它降低了你的工作效率。&While it&s sometimes difficult or impossible to not to get sick when everyone else is, do what you can (take vitamins, wash you hands, etc.) to prevent it.虽然当每个人都生病的时候有时很难或者不可能不生病,但是你可以尽一切可能(服用维生素、洗手等等)来加以预防。&Take breaks.注意休息One of the best ways to increase productivity is to schedule planned breaks. A change in routine always nets positive results, especially from the winter doldrums, Morgan says. &A weekend away is renewing and energizing - whether it's boosting your vitamin D with an escape to sunny South Beach, or hitting the slopes in Vermont for some winter fun. If you plan ahead you will save some money.&提高工作效率的最佳途径之一就是制定休息计划。在例行常规中加入点变化总是会带来积极的效果,特别是在冬季的抑郁期间,摩根说,&在周末去旅行总是能够令 人重焕生机,并且精神振奋&&无论你是跑去阳光明媚的迈阿密南海滩促进维生素D的生成,还是跑去佛蒙特州滑雪,享受一些冬季的乐趣。如果你提前计划,就可以节省下一些钱。&Short on time and cash? Plan a personal day to visit museums, have lunch with a friend, enjoy a day of pampering. Breaking your routine will reward you in so many ways, she says.没有这么多的时间和资金?那就计划一天属于自己的时间吧,你可以参观博物馆,与朋友共进午餐,享受放松的一天。打破你的例行常规将会在很多方面给你带来回报,她说。&Follow weather reports closely.密切关注天气预报There&s nothing worse than being late for work because of the weather, Teach says. &If it&s going to rain, sleet, hail, or snow the next day, then leave earlier so that you can arrive to work on time and not be stressed out first thing in the morning.& If you're prepared, you'll be more focused and productive when you arrive.没有什么比由于天气原因而在上班时迟到更糟糕的事情了,蒂奇称。&如果第二天将要下雨、雨夹雪、冰雹或者雪,那么就早点出门,这样你就可以准时到达公司,而不用为早晨的第一件事而慌慌张张。&如果你做了充分准备的话,你到公司的时候注意力就会更加集中,并且工作效率也会更高。&Be social.多和同事交往Avoid eating lunch at your desk alone. Ask co-workers to join you in the cafeteria or at a nearby restaurant, Russell says. &Being social helps break your isolation and connect in new ways with others at work.& The happier you are, the more productive you&ll be.不要在你的办公桌上单独享用午餐。邀请同事和你一起去自助食堂或者附近的餐厅吃饭,罗素说。 &多和同事交往有助于打破你的孤立,并且用新的途径与同事产生联系。&你的快乐指数越高,你的工作效率也就会越高。
The thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the world.追寻罪犯的快感令人血脉喷张,我们两人对阵整个世界。&I won't insult your intelligence by explaining it to you.如果给你解释,像是在侮辱你的智商吗?&Marriage changes you as a person in ways that you can't imagine.&婚姻会用一种你无法想象的方式改变你。&You are married, and then you just let your old friends slip away.你结婚了,旧的友谊会慢慢淡去。&The one person he thought didn't matter at all to me was the one person that mattered the most.在他眼中那个对我来说最无足轻重的人,其实是对我最重要的人。&John, I am a ridiculous man. Redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship.约翰,我是个荒谬的人,却被你的热情和对友谊的忠贞拯救了。&The problems of your past are your business. The problems of your future are my privilege.你的过去我不愿过问,那是你的事情;你的未来我希望参与,这是我的荣幸。&To the very best of times, John.致那些最好的时光,约翰。
To galvanize your job search and lead you to your new dream job, your communications with any prospective employer & whether via phone, email or during a job interview & must incorporate these three messages:为了让你找工作少走弯路并最终找到理想的工作,无论通过电话、电子邮件或是工作面试,你在与任何潜在雇主的交流中都应该包括以下三点信息:1. Here's what I've got.这是我已经能做的。&You&ll notice this isn&t &Here&s what I know.& Your employer doesn&t care about what you know. In fact, what you know has little relevance to your employer.可能你注意到了,我说的不是&这是我已经知道的。&你老板不会关心你所知道的。事实上,你知道的那些和你老板一点关系也没有。&It&s what you can do with what you know that really counts. Nothing else matters, but this is where the majority of people go wrong.真正重要的是你用知识能做些什么;别的什么不重要,但这恰恰是大部分人误解的地方。&Just because you have specialized knowledge doesn&t mean you should be employed.只因为你有专业知识就录用你是说不过去的。&2. Here's what I will do for you.这是我能为贵公司做的。&This is the step where you demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.通过这一步,你可以向老板展示你对这个职位的热情。&Your attitude will come through in your interactions, so being positive is important. A negative attitude can be poisonous in this step.你的态度会在你们互动的过程中显露出来,所以保持积极的态度是很重要的。消极的态度在这里是致命的。&Keep in mind that many candidates have experienced the same hardships, but they bring positivity to their interviews. That positivity is it makes people want to work with you.你要记住&&很多其他的求职者处境也很艰难,但是他们在面试中表现得很积极。积极的态度能够影响他人,也会让别人愿意和你共事。&3. Here's what I want you to do next for me.这是我想让贵公司提供给我的。&Don&t ask about compensation and benefits. Instead, let the interviewer broach those topics. Interviewers will often ask applicants what compensation they&re seeking.不要自己开口问报酬和福利,而是要让面试官打开这个话题。面试官通常会询问求职者的预期薪酬。&When asked this question, a lot of interviewees will say they don&t know or cite a too-high or too-low figure based on guesswork.当回答这个问题的时候,很多面试者会说不知道,或者仅凭臆想说出一个过高或过低的数目。&In summary, employers are mostly interested in what you can do for them. They really don&t care about your background, except with respect to how you can use it for their benefit.总的来说,雇主最关心的是你能为公司做什么。他们不会关心你的背景,除非你的背景能为公司创收。
跟horse有关的英文五行打油诗。这种打油诗叫做limerick,通常只有五行,严格按照AABBA的格式进行押韵,诗句并不会表达太多实质性内容,多为轻松搞笑而作。下面这三首诗,我们一起来欣赏一下吧。Ed By Ashley Mailloux&There once was a horse named Ed,&Who always ate something red.&He didn't mind&To be treated unkind.&As long as he was fed.&&Chubby by Annamaria Tadlock&There once was a pony so fat,&He couldn't walk so he sat,&He tried walking one day,&Fell face-flat in the hay&and decided to stay where he's at.&&Mary By Barto Pa&There once was a young horse named Mary&This Mary was rather quite hairy&She blow-dried her hair&And now she's quite bare&Now she has less hair to carry!
With nine letter and four syllables, the tongue-twisting 'phenomenon' has been named as the most mispronounced word in the English language.&phenomenon& 这一单词有9个字母4个音节,发音十分拗口,也被名副其实地评为英语中最容易发错音的单词。&The word came first in a study of terms that are tricky to get your tongue around, with most people mixing up the letters M and N on a regular basis.这个单词来自于一个关于术语的研究。&phenomenon& 比较拗口,大部分人在读的时候经常混淆M和N的音。&'Anaesthetist' came second because of quickly moving between the TH to the letters T at the end. In third place was 'remuneration', which is often mispronounced as 'renumeration'.&anaesthetist&(麻醉师)一词在最容易发错音的单词榜单中名列第二,其发音难度在于Th和词末T音素之间的快速转换。第三难读的是&remuneration&(报酬)一词,经常被人们错读为&renumeration&。&With the numbers of Ts and Ss in the word, the fourth most difficult to pronounce was 'statistics' and 'ethnicity' was in fifth place.由于拼写中包含众多的T和S,&statistics&和&ethnicity&分别是第四和第五难读的单词。&Almost half of the 3,000 people surveyed admitted they often correct someone if they say something in the wrong way and a quarter of people said they thought mispronunciation showed a lack of intelligence.在3000名接受调查的人中,有一半承认自己在听到别人发音错误的时候都会纠正他们,四分之一的人认为发音错误是智力欠缺的表现。&But suprisingly in the list of admissions, Britons admitted that February was the 12th hardest word to spit out.但令人吃惊的是,在排名列表中英国人认为February这一单词在这张榜单中排名第十二。&A spokesman for Spinvox, a voicemail to text message service, which carried out the research, said: &Many words are difficult to say and when we struggle to pronounce a word correctly it makes us self-conscious about the way we speak.语音转文字短信服务公司Spinvox发起了此项研究,该公司发言人说:&许多单词都很难发音,当我们努力发出单词的正确读音时会自我意识到自己发音的方式。&&&A word one person finds easy to say, maybe difficult for the next person. Although it's worrying that some people find basic words such as February difficult to say.&&某一个人感觉易读的单词,可能对另一个人来说就很难发音。然而人们觉得像February这样最基础的单词难读,这一点十分堪忧。&&More than a third of people even say they avoid using words they know they struggle with altogether so they do not end up looking stupid.超过三分之一的受访者表示,为了不让自己看起来特别傻,他们会避免使用自己读不清楚的单词。&Top 20 mispronounced words:20个最难读的英文单词:&1. phenomenon &(fi-nom-uh-non) & & & & & & & & [f?'n?m?n?n]n. 现象&2. anaesthetist &(uh-nes-thi-tist) & & & & & & & & &[?'nisθ?t?st] n. 麻醉师&3. remuneration &(ri-myoo - nuh-reyshun) & & [r?,mju:n?'re??(?)n]n. 报酬&4. statistics &(stuh-tis-tiks) & & & & & & & & & & & & & [st?'t?st?ks] n. 统计&5. ethnicity &(eth-nis-i-tee) & & & & & & & & & & & & & &[eθ'n?s?t?]n. 种族划分&6. philosophical &(fil-uh-sof-i-kuhl) & & & & & & & & &[f?l?'s?f?k(?)l]adj. 哲学的&7. provocatively &(pruh-vok-uh-tiv) & & & & & & & & [pr?u'v?k?tivl?]adv.煽动地&8. anonymous &(uh-non-uh-muhs) & & & & & & & & [?'n?n?m?s]adj. 匿名的&9. thesaurus &(thi-sawr-uhs) & & & & & & & & & & & & &[θ?'s?:r?s]n. 宝库;辞典&10. aluminium &(al-yuh-min-ee-uhm) & & & & & & & [&l(j)?'m?n??m]adj. 铝的&11. regularly &(reg-yuh-ler-lee) & & & & & & & & & & & &['r?ɡj?l?li]adv. 定期地&12. February &(feb-roo-er-ee) & & & & & & & & & & & & &['febr??r?]n. 二月&13. particularly &(per-tik-yuh-ler-lee) & & & & & & & &[p?'t?kj?l?l?]adv. 特别地&14. hereditary &(huh-red-i-ter-ee) & & & & & & & & & [h?'red?t(?)r?]adj. 遗传的&15. prioritising &(prah-awr-i-tahyz-ing) & & & & & & [pra?'?r?ta?z??]v. 优先处理&16. pronunciation &(pruh-nuhn-see-ey-shuhn) &[pr?,n?ns?'e??(?)n]n. 发音&17. prejudice &(prej-uh-dis) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ['pred??d?s]n. 偏见&18. facilitate &(fuh-sil-i-teyt) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & [f?'s?l?te?t]v. 促进&19. hospitable &(hos-pi-tuh-buhl) & & & & & & & & & & [h?'sp?t?b(?)l]adj. 热情友好的&20. onomatopoeia &(on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh) & & &[?n?(?)m&t?'pi:?]n. 拟声
2006年,著名的福尔摩斯爱好者Mark Gatiss,受邀到国会大厦为一年一度的夏洛克福尔摩斯学会晚宴致辞,那天Gatiss还请了Steven Moffat作嘉宾。会上Gatiss向听众透露了一个BBC的会议,会议内容是讨论有没有可能对柯南道尔的作品进行再创作,做一档圣诞特辑。他和公司没能达成一致,但是当他&在无尽的环形走廊上泪奔,被那些不知道在想什么的门外汉气得口吐白沫&时,Gatiss碰见了John Simpson,后者刚从阿富汗首都喀布尔回来。Gatiss说&当他经过时,我碰了碰他的胳膊低声说:&我注意到,你最近去过阿富汗。&&这句话在Simpson心中埋下了一个想法,随后他和Moffat让这个想法萌芽,变成了现代版的《神探夏洛克》。&一个年轻的军医,在阿富汗受了伤,没有朋友,孤身在伦敦,&Gatiss吊着听众的胃口,&正在拮据时期,巧遇学医时的同学,那人说他认识一个正在找室友的人,那人还不错就是有点怪&&&Gatiss就这样向世上最难应付的一帮人兜售他和Moffat创作的夏洛克,那帮人点头了。
2. 苏门答腊路上并不存在废弃的地铁站
3.不是人人都喜欢Irene Adler的裸露戏份
在《贝尔戈维亚丑闻》中,Lara Pulver演绎的用近乎全裸迷惑了侦探的高级职业女施虐狂,原本该是一个与Holmes进行友好较量的女性对手,据说BBC为此收到超过100份投诉。不过有些原著死忠的抗议理由不止于此。许多博文的论点都是,柯南道尔在《波西米亚丑闻》中塑造的Irene Adler,是个强大的值得尊敬的女人,她绝不会允许自己沦为Moriarty的手下,或者在Holmes面前袒胸露背后就爱上他。Steven Moffat不同意女权主义者的说法,他说:&在原著里,Irene Adler赢过Sherlock Holmes的目的也只是和丈夫一起搬家逃走,这样的胜利不能体现女权主义。&
Speedy咖啡馆是剧中Holmes和Watson经常光顾买三明治的地方,它是高尔街上一家真的咖啡馆,靠近尤思顿&&BBC为贝克街221B选的替身。(试播集里这家店是Una Stubbs的角色开的,名叫哈德森太太的三明治轻食店Mrs Hudson&s Snax n' Sarnies,不过这个想法很快就被毙了)。现在从世界各地蜂拥而至的夏洛克饭可以在店里享受夏洛克主题小食,特别是夏洛克卷Sherlock Wrap(鸡肉,培根,车达奶酪,生菜,胡椒,红洋葱,黄瓜,辣椒酱&&&被紧紧的包起来就像夏洛克不外露的个性&)和华生卷Waston Wrap(烤蔬菜,菠菜,番茄,小洋葱,布利干酪,酸奶油&&&安全,温暖,治愈,就像华生的个性&)据说未来可能推出莫里亚蒂三明治Moriarty Sub。
6、Sherlock和Mrs Hudson以前就认识
Benedict Cumberbatch常说Una Stubbs(上图),在片中饰演他的房东Mrs Hudson,而在片场就像他的妈妈一样。Una Stubbs这么做不是没有理由,她是和Cumberbatch的妈妈Wanda Ventham同时期的演员(Ventham在《空灵柩》中以Sherlock母亲的身份惊喜出场,身边的Sherlock父亲也是Cumberbatch亲爹Timothy Carlton),Cumberbatch还小的时候,Stubbs就住在他们家附近。所以四岁的Benedict常被迫在公园长椅上或是街角,听上几小时Stubbs和妈妈的闲扯。Stubbs则说他&非常有礼貌&&是个可爱的孩子。&&
新年来了,你有什么大计划?发现时间不够用?还是觉得有大把的时间等着你去浪费?时间正在一分一秒地溜走,英文里你该如何表达时间的紧迫感呢?against the clock&如果你为了准时完成一项任务,一直掐着表在做,就可以用上这个短语,它的意思是&争分夺秒&地要把活儿干完。&例:On our last project, we were working against the clock.上一个工程,我们一直都在争分夺秒地干。&pressed for time&pressed我们都知道有&压迫、紧迫&的意思,pressed for time用来表示时间紧迫。&例:I am pressed for time as I have a lot of work to do. &我时间很紧,因为我有许多事要做。&time is ticking away&这句话很形象,当你正焦急地等待着一件事情,看到时钟滴答滴地走着,一分一秒地过去,就会更加感到时间的紧迫。&例:We need to intervene before it's too late. Time's ticking away.趁着还不算晚,我应该插手这件事。时间可是一分一秒正在过去。&cut it/things fine&这个短语可以理解为我们常说的&掐着点儿&。表示一件事情刚好在要求地时间内完成,差一点可能就要来不及,耽误了。&例:It's cutting it a bit fine to get to the station at 9:45 when the train leaves at 9:50!火车9点50开,9点45到车站,这时间算得太紧了。&at the eleventh hour&这个短语出自《马太福音》, 说的是几个人给一个有钱人打工,但是不管是从一大早来一直干到夜里的,还是从夜里11点干到12点的,一天都拿同样的报酬。因此,at the eleventh hour 就表示在关键时间出现,有&紧要关头,最后时刻&的意思。&例:Their plan was called off at the eleventh hour.他们的计划在最后时刻被取消了。&down to the wire&这个短语源自赛马运动。wire在这里指赛马跑道的终点线。赛马要冲过终点线才能定胜负。这个短语要表达的也是一件事到了最后的紧要关头。&例:I never leave it down to the wire. &我从来不把工作拖到最后关头。&Better late than never.&&在这里用这句话小小地安慰一下有&拖延症&的小伙伴们,什么事情&迟做总比不做强。& 不过,新的一年刚刚开始,心中有了计划的小伙伴们还是抓紧时间,赶紧行动吧!
It's impossible to go an entire year without navigating through some challenges -- but despite any setbacks, many are approaching 2014 with an optimistic outlook. Almost 50 percent of Americans believe their fortunes will improve in the new year. Is 2014 going to be the year of positivity?
一整年都顺顺利利地通过挑战是不可能的--- 但是,尽管会遭遇挫折,许多人还是以积极的心态迎接2014年的到来。几乎半数的美国人相信,新的一年会有好运降临。2014年会是充满正能量的一年吗?
According to some experts, happiness is a choice that we can make -- not something that is entirely influenced by external circumstances. By simply deciding to be happy, we can adopt and live out a more positive life. So instead of making resolutions to accomplish specific things (be honest: is that gym membership going to be the only thing that will make you happy next year?), setting a goal to make 2014 your most positive year yet is more attainable than you think.
Below find eight ways to practice more positivity in 2014. Then tell us in the comments, what are some positive habits you're planning to adopt in the new year?
1. Go outside.走出家门
Research proves that going outside helps reduce stress, increases your levels of serotonin and elevates your mood.
2. Log some time with your nephews (or nieces, siblings or neighbor's kids).
Little kids can have the best outlooks on life.
3. Meditate.冥想
Plenty of research shows that meditation can help promote positivity and happiness. Bonus: It can even lower your blood pressure.
4. Play with your pet.与你的宠物玩耍
Pet ownership has been proven to boost happiness and banish stress. Thanks, Fido!
5. Unplug every once in a while.定期离开网络
Facebook, texting, Twitter, Snap Chat... we're bombarded with information daily -- and not all of it is good. Studies have shown that spending time on social media can actually make us feel lonely and bad about ourselves. Turn off that computer and let yourself be happy.
6. Say thank you.表达感谢
Gatitude can help you focus on the positive aspects in your life. Send a thank you note to someone you care about, just because. You'll feel happier for it.
7. Read more books.多看书
Aside from their unconventional health benefits, good books can put your mind in another place -- perhaps, even, a positive place.
8. Dance (or sing) it out.跳起来(或者唱起来)
Ever notice how when you're grooving to your favorite tune or screaming lyrics as you drive down the road, your mood elevates? Turns out that's no coincidence. Studies have shown that singing and dancing can be an instant, positive mood booster.
乐观心理学家马丁塞利格曼定义的。H(幸福)=S(个人生理幸福感受的固定指数)+C(个人生活状态)+V(个人主观选择)。接下来我们将着眼于能提升幸福指数的生活状态。&In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive psychologist Martin Seligman, where H (happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make). Next, we'll look at the conditions in life that can improve our happiness quotient.过去两周我们研究了一项幸福公式,这是由乐观心理学家马丁塞利格曼定义的。H(幸福)=S(个人生理幸福感受的固定指数)+C(个人生活状态)+V(个人主观选择)。接下来我们将着眼于能提升幸福指数的生活状态。&Step 1: Peace and quiet 第一步:平和宁静&Jonathon Haidt in his excellent book, 'The Happiness Hypothesis', notes that research shows that we can never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution. Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses (the other is the fear of falling) and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise. Noisy neighbors are one of the most emotive causes of domestic upset for a very good reason. It is essential to have some peace and quiet every day. If you are unfortunate enough to live somewhere noisy, persist with complaining to your local council. Additionally, try wearing wax earplugs to give you some respite. If you need your TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbors, which will make you and them feel good.&乔纳森海迪在他的优秀著作《幸福假说》当中提到,研究调查显示,我们不可能完全适应噪音污染,无论是新近的还是长期的。巨大噪声会引起我们某种面对恐惧本能反映(另一种是对于坠落的恐惧),如果周遭噪音喧闹,我们不可能完全放松。这样看来,吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和起到很大影响。每日保持平和宁静事关重要。如果你的生活环境不幸比较吵,请一定要坚持去居委会投诉。另外,试试实用耳塞,可能会缓解噪声。如果你一定要大声看电视、听收音机放音乐的话,记得戴上耳机。别影响邻里,这样可以使双方都感到舒适。&Step 2: Relationships 第二步:人际关系&This is the most important of all the external conditions that can improve your happiness quotient. Often our deepest sources of unhappiness are found in poor relationships with others. A colleague at work who bullies or dismisses us creates untold wretchedness. A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves us feeling betrayed and abandoned. A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate, unconditional regard creates isolation and misery. We never fully adapt to hostile relationships, they invidiously contaminate our wellbeing, squatting inside our minds as unresolved, destructive ruminations. When faced with such relationships, the most positive thing we can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on.&这是增加幸福指数的一条至关重要的内部条件。我们感到不快乐的最深层原因,往往就是人际关系欠佳。如果一个在职同事对我们表示威吓的话,会造成难以言语的抑郁情绪。与拍档或者爱人的关系陷入残酷竞争之中,会让我们感到背叛和背弃。与父母孩子之间的关系缺乏同情心和无私关心,那么这会造成隔阂生产痛苦。我们不可能适应这种敌对关系,这种不良的人际关系会损害身心健康,长久留存在我们心里,会让人陷入无以解决的恶性心理困境。当我们面临这类问题时,最好的办法,就是直面难题,挽救关系,或者学着继续前进。&Step 3: Share 第三步:分享&If I have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved my wellbeing, I would like to share them with you. Passing on what works is essential to improve our own and the wellbeing of others.&如果我发觉生活状态或者做的某项决定对幸福生活有极大帮助的话,我很想说出来同你们一起分享。将有用的发现与更多人分享,这对增进自己的幸福和他人的幸福都有积极作用。&
1、I fall in love with you at first sight.&我对你是一见钟情。&2、I heel over head fall in love with you.&我为你神魂颠倒&3、Let's hitch it.&让我们在一起吧。&4、You look more beautiful every time I see you.&每次见到你,你都更漂亮。&5、For the same reason you like me,I like you,too.&我也喜欢你啊,就像你喜欢我一样。&6、My love for you is as deep as the sea.&我对你的爱,似海深。&7、I'll love you as long as I live.&爱你一辈子&8、If the sun were to rise in the west,I'd never change my mind to love you forever.&即使太阳从西边出来,我对你的爱也永远不会改变。&9、I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.&我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起。&10、To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.&对于世界而言,你仅仅是一个人,但是对于某个人,你是他的全世界。&
& & & 两个人谈恋爱,感情深厚然后搬到一起住似乎已经不是什么新鲜事了。不过近几年,在英国、瑞典以及日本等国,恋人们却开始流行&分开同居&了。英国国家统计局的一份报告中说,英国有近35%的人选择这种同居方式。这到底是怎么回事呢?  Living Apart Together (LAT) is a term for couples who, while committed to each other, decide to have separate homes rather than one shared residence.  &分开同居&(Living Apart Together,英文缩写为LAT)指一对情侣保持固定的情感关系但却不住在一起。  There are three approaches LAT couples can take, concerning decision to keep separate domestic residences. The majority are the &gladly apart&, along with the &regretfully apart& (due to work commitments, family responsibilities, legal or residency requirements, or other reasons) and the &undecidedly apart& (committed but not especially moving towards cohabitation at the time).  伴侣选择&分开同居&一般有以下三种情形:&乐意分开&、&无奈分开&(由于工作原因、家庭责任、法律或居住要求,以及其它原因)和&暂时分开&(有感情基础,但还没有朝同居那个方向考虑)。  Those gladly apart couples claim that their motives include:  自愿选择&分开同居&的伴侣们列出的原因有:  LAT having &kept their relationship fresh&.  &分开同居&能够让他们的关系时刻保持新鲜感。  Having both an intimate relationship and one's own space is a treat.  既能保持一段亲密关系又能拥有自己的空间,这是一种享受。  The anticipation of time together always being special.  盼望相聚的日子总是很特别。  Having bases in two cultures & for example both a busy city and a country village.  能够在两种不同文化的氛围中生活&&比如,一个是繁忙的都市,一个是静谧的乡村。  Freedom to do things without consultation, and the freedom not to do things in one's own abode.  在自己的地盘,想做什么或者不想做什么都由自己来决定。  Independent finances and homes meaning that financial dispute and negotiation is not a source of friction in the couple's relationship.  独立的经济和住所意味着在两人的关系中经济纠纷不会成为关系破裂的原因。  Ability to focus on work or one's own activities without interruption at times when one wishes to work.  在想要专心工作的时候能够集中注意力,不会有人打扰。
& & & & 随着赴英国留学人群的不断增加,英国留学条件每年也都有所变化,针对2014年的英国留学条件,下文做了三方面的介绍。&一、去英国留学的条件之英语基础& & & &申请去英国留学需要有一定的英文基础。英国留学签证最新草案规定,原来只需具备B1级的英语程度,现在必须提高到普通B2级,英语不合格的将不给予入境签证。这将直接影响申请赴英读本科以下课程的学生,他们的申请难度加大。针对B1和B2的英语水平的差别B1相当于雅思3.5-4.5分,B2相当于雅思5-6.5分。& & & & 欧洲语言教学大纲对于B1和B2的规定& &B1:用清楚并标准的语言阐述有关工作、学校或爱好等熟悉话题谈话的基本要点。在国外旅行时能自如地应对可能发生的一般情况。在谈到感兴趣和熟悉的话题时,能简明、连贯地表达自己的意思。&& &B2:可以毫不费力地与英语为母语的对话者交流,并流利地表达自己的意见。能理解比较复杂的书面语言中实际和抽象题材的主要意思,并在自己的专业范围内,参加技术性讨论,对广泛的题材能写出清楚、详尽的文件。&& &目前英国边境管理局认可的英语语言测试主要包括以下几种:&& &1、IELTS(雅思)最低要求为听说读写各单项不低于4.0分;&& &2、TOEFL(托福)最低要求为听13分,读8分,写17分,说19分;&& &3、PTEAcademic(普特学术)最低要求为听说读写各单项不低于43分。&& &二、去英国留学的条件之经济基础&& &留学英国每年的学费和生活费约合人民币18-25万元之间,个别研究生课程可能花费更高,不同类型的学校,不同的专业,费用也是有差别的。一般来说,私立学校比公立学校的收费高。通常是文科收费最少,法律、工商和艺术类科目收费较高,科技和医学专科学费最贵。去英国留学所需要的费用说便宜也不便宜,但是相对于在英国接受的教育,所处的环境,还是比较值得的。因此,在出国前应准备足够的资金以完成学业。&& &三、去英国留学的条件之专业基础&& &出国留学的人分为不同的年龄段,不同的层次,因此英国学校对于在留学之前所接受的教育也是有所要求的。一般来说,初、高中生留英不需任何专业基础,只要申请好学校,拿到签证,就可以去国外读自己喜欢的课程;而出国攻读本科以上学历的学生,需有一定的专业基础知识,因为国外的教育模式跟国内还是有一定差距,如果专业跨度太大,学习起来就会有困难。
& & & 老伯爵夫人总是不请自来共进晚餐(invite herself for dinner),孙女们可不一定喜欢她这样。来看看本集中的精彩表达吧。  1. 铁石心肠  Anna和Mary讨论起Pamuk的死,Mary在说起自己的感受时说,  Haven't you heard? I don't have a heart.  你没听说过吗?我是铁石心肠。  2. 病成这样,老实呆着吧。  Anna生病了,Patmore让她不要去游园会了。  You won't be walking anywhere. She's got minutes to live, by the sound of it.  你哪儿也去不成。病成这样,老实呆着吧。  3. 认输  老伯爵夫人找来Matthew, 想让他帮忙推翻限定继承。  Putting it bluntly, do you think Robert has thrown in the towel prematurely?  说得直白一点,在你看来,罗伯特放弃得是否太早了?  4. 不请自来  Sybil想要一套新式样的裙子,但没时间换衣服了。  Not a minute to change, and Granny's invited herself for dinner.  没时间换衣服了,奶奶又不请自来共进晚餐。  5. 乱成一锅粥  Mrs Hughes晚上没在,仆人们就出了状况。  Mrs Hughes goes out for one night and we all fall to pieces!  休斯太太离开一晚,这里就乱成一锅粥。  6. 想都别想  Anna病没好,也没下来吃晚饭。  And show she's ready to start work again? Not a chance.  告诉大家她又能干活了吗?才不会呢(想都别想)。  7. 喝趴下  老伯爵夫人发现伯爵不见了,以为他去喝酒了。  He'd be under the table by now.  那得醉成什么样。  8. 情郎  Mrs Hughes和旧相好见面别人看见。  What did I tell you? She's found her Romeo.  我说什么来着?她找着情郎了。  Mrs Hughes has got a fancy man.  休斯太太是有情郎了。  9. 满地找牙  Thomas明明不喜欢Daisy,还和William抢着约她出去,Bates看不过去了。  If you don't lay off, I will punch your shining teeth through the back of your skull.  再不消停点,我就把你打得满地找牙。  10. 我配不上他  Thomas是个同性恋,但Daisy却认为是自己配不上他。  Of course not. He's too good for me, I know that.  当然了,我配不上他,我知道。  11. 讨女人喜欢的男子  Patmore暗示Daisy说,Thomas是同性恋,让她远离,但Daisy似乎并未听懂。  He's not a ladies' man.  他不沾花惹草。  12. 打小报告  Mrs Hughes劝William别被Thomas搞得没了心气。William听后大赞Mrs Hughes。  Stop flannelling and get on, before I betray you to Mr Carson.  别溜须拍马了,干活去,要不我找卡森先生打小报告。  13. 没有人第一次就能成功  Gwen没能面试成功,心灰意冷,Sybil鼓励她:  No one hits the bull's eye with the first arrow.  没有人第一次就能成功。  14. 大发脾气  Mrs Hughes和Carson正在交谈,女仆突然闯了进来:  You'd better come. Mrs Patmore's on the rampage.  您最好来看看,帕特莫太太在大发脾气。&
& & &Mary和Mr. Napier没能结成一对儿,但是There are plenty more fish in the sea than ever came out of it.(天涯何处无芳草)来看看本集中的精彩表达吧。  1. 别问行吗?  Gwen在学习打字和速记,被Anna发现了,她不想让Anna问来问去。  Can't you just leave it?  你别问行吗?  2. 好高骛远  Gwen在找到工作前不愿意告诉父母自己想要辞职。  Dad will think I'm a fool to leave a good place and Mum will say I'm getting above myself.  放弃这份好差事,我爸会觉得我不知好歹,我妈妈会说我好高骛远。  3. 青春易逝,容颜易老  Mary的婚事成了老夫人的心事。  Mary won't take Matthew Crawley, so we'd better get her settled before the bloom is quite gone off the rose.  玛丽不会接受马修&卡劳利,所以得趁她年轻赶快把她嫁出去。  4. 无需多言  伯爵夫人对伯爵打算把家产交给远方亲戚十分不悦。  Then there's nothing more to be said.  那就无需多言了。  5. 搞清真相  Mrs Hughes认为Gwen归她管,但Carson表示自己插手绝不是篡夺职权之意。  I merely want to get to the bottom of it.  我只是想搞清事情的真相。  6. 脸色苍白  Bates偷偷使用跛足矫正器,Mrs Hughes发现他不太对劲。  You're as white as a sheet.  你脸色苍白得很。  7. 不敢苟同  Mary和Evelyn Napier讨论起Pamuk,Mary讽刺了起来,认为也就是个矮个外国人。但Evelyn Napie不这样看。  I wouldn't quite say that.  那到不至于。  8. 就当这一切都没发生过  Pamuk半夜闯进Mary的卧室,Mary赶他出去,说不会给他告状。  But can we agree to consider them unsaid?  就当这一切都没发生过。  9. 如痴如狂  Pamuk向Mary表达对她的爱慕之情。  I am. I am in the grip of madness.  没错,我如痴如狂。  10. 每天都当作最后一天  仆人们讨论起Pamuk的死亡,大家都有所感悟,Gwen说道:  That's why you should treat every day as if it were your last.  所以才要把每天都当成生命的最后一天。  11. 看中某人  O&Brien和夫人讨论起Mary的婚事。  Because we rather hoped Lady Mary might have taken a shine to him.  因为我们都希望玛丽小姐能看上他。  12. 天涯何处无芳草  在得知Mary和 Mr. Napier交往无望后,O&Brien这样安慰伯爵夫人:  There are plenty more fish in the sea than ever came out of it.  天涯何处无芳草。  13. 但愿你看了不会恶心  Bates露出自己安装了跛足矫正器的腿,向Mrs. Huges解释为什么最近感到不舒服。  I hope you have a strong stomach.  但愿你看了不会恶心。  14. 难言之隐  Mrs. Huges告诉Bates,不要因为自己的缺陷而感到自卑。  We all carry scars, Mr Bates, inside or out.  我们都有切肤之痛/难言之隐/伤疤,贝茨先生,无论外伤还是内伤。  15. 摆脱  Bates决定扔掉矫正器,开心地生活。  Good riddance!  终于摆脱了!&
& & & 1. 绝不会善罢甘休  伯爵夫人对继承人一事仍不死心,她觉得老夫人也不会轻易答应。  Not while your mother breathes air.  老夫人只要尚有余息, 绝不会善罢甘休。  2. 影响食欲  老夫人是唐顿庄园里最有智慧最冷幽默的长者,说话总是一针见血。  Please don't speak that man's name. We are about to eat.  千万别提那人,影响食欲。  3. 你会没事的  Isobel 这样安慰病重的Drake:  All right, Mr Drake, you're in safe hands now.  别担心,德雷克先生,你会没事的。  4. 等喜鹊来搭桥/天上掉下个现成的  Gwen向Anna抱怨说,她不让我们见男人,那还怎么找丈夫,Anna打趣地说道:  Perhaps she thinks the stork brings them.  等喜鹊搭桥送来呗。  5. 不速之客  O'Brien在背后抱怨新来的继承人。  And if anyone thinks I'm going to pull my forelock and curtsey to this mr Nobody from Nowhere...  不是谁都受得起我伺候的(谁要以为我会对他卑躬屈膝),尤其是这位不速之客&&  6. 这话轮得到你说吗?  O'Brien的抱怨恰好被下来送东西的伯爵夫人听见,她非常生气。  Is it your place to do so?  这话轮得到你说吗?  7. 收敛点/别得寸进尺  Mrs. Hughes教训Thomas:  Don't push your luck, Thomas.  收敛点(别得寸进尺), 托马斯。  push your luck: 在很有利的形势下做多余的冒险,继续碰运气。  8. 趾高气扬  管家Carson的旧交前来勒索他,Bates拦着他不让进门,但他硬闯了进来:  Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, don't go all high and mighty with me.  别跟我神气活现的,拿腔拿调。  9. 手脚不干净  Carson指出前来勒索他的这位旧交曾经偷盗。  Until you couldn't keep your hands out of the till.  那是在你手脚不干净以前。  10. &笑柄&怎么说?  Carson的旧友是怎么威胁他?让他不得不接济的呢?  He threatened to expose my past, to make me a laughing stock in this house.  他威胁要揭露我的过去,让我成为庄园的笑柄。  11. 老脸丢尽了  Carson觉得丢脸,要向伯爵辞职:  And now my disgrace is complete. My lord, you have my resignation.  既然现在我已名誉扫地(老脸丢尽了),老爷,我向您递交辞呈。  12. 唯命是从/听天由命  Carson的旧交拿钱走人了,走之前还不甘心地说了一句:  The day is coming when your lot will have to toe the line just like the rest of us.  总有一天,你们会和我们一样唯命是从的。  13. 谁都有不愿为人知的过去  My dear fellow, we all have chapters we would rather keep unpublished.  我的朋友,我们都有不愿公开的过往。  14. 一根绳上的蚂蚱  Mrs Crawley说服了医生给病人使用新疗法,医生心中仍有顾虑:  I have a feeling we will sink or swim together.  恐怕我们是一根绳上的蚂蚱了。  15. 逆耳忠言  伯爵认为母亲多听取Mrs Crawley的意见有好处,还让Mrs Crawley当上医院的主管。  She's been an absolute ruler there for long enough. It's time for some loyal opposition.  她专权太久,是时候听取些逆耳忠言了。
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