
Such diplontic life cycles are found in some protoctists, such as the diatoms and certain Phaeophyta (brown algae), including the wracks.英汉双语例句-生物医药大词典
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Such diplontic life cycles are found in some protoctists, such as the diatoms and certain Phaeophyta (brown algae), including the wracks.
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are: [ ɑ: ]& &v. 是例句与用法:1.Who do you think you are?&你以为你是谁?2.You are just saying that.&你只是说说而已。3.There are more than 5,000 adjectives in that dictionary.&那本词典中有5000多个形容词。4.Love and hate are extremes.&爱和恨是两个极端。5.There are 300 students or so in this middle school.&这所中学大约有300个学生。6.Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow.&乌云是雨或雪将至的预兆。7.These people who were young fifty years back are now gray haired.&50年前的年轻人,现在已经白发苍苍了。8.Don't cry, you are a big boy now.&别哭,你现在已经是大男孩了。 英英解释:名词are:1. a unit of surface area equal to 100 square meters同义词:ar动词be:1. have
(copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)同义词:be2. be someone or something同义词:be3. occupy a cert be somewhere同义词:be4. have an existence, be extant同义词:exist, be5. happen, occur, take place同义词:be6. be identical or equivalent to同义词:equal, be7. form or compose同义词:constitute, represent, make up, comprise, be8. work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function同义词:be, follow9. represent, as of a character on stage同义词:embody, be, personify10. spend or use time同义词:be11. have life, be alive同义词:be, live12. to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form同义词:be13. be priced at同义词:cost, be
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we+areBliss歌曲专 辑:We Are 歌 手:Bliss 语 言:粤语专辑1CD 公 司:Silly Thing 日 期: Silly Thing 创作2人组合 Bliss,首张 AVEP《We Are》,推介歌曲“活该”、“失落奥斯卡”等!Bliss 乐在音乐中Bliss有2位成员,古驰和Oscar。你对这2个名字陌生吗?尚在2人的首张专辑还未面世的时候,大家已经早在在收音机听过他们的派台歌,他们早已为同公司的Juno和吴日言作曲填词,还有更早期为李彩嬅、小雪和2R等担任过幕后工作,所以别看2人“生面口”,其实他们的音乐,早已进驻你耳朵……Bliss首张专辑介绍Bliss 的首张专辑里面全部作品由古驰作曲,词方面则大部分由Oscar负责,亦因为他们除了唱之外还参与幕后及后期工作,过程也更为繁复,专辑筹备的时间亦增加不少。由6月开始做的专辑,包括多种不同的音乐风格,Jazz、Bossa Nova、Rock等都会在专辑中出现,古驰说,希望第一张专辑在音乐上能做到全面一点,不同的曲风都有,这样专辑会更丰富。而这张专辑的Theme,想讲爱,“爱分很多种,男女间的爱、亲人间的爱、还有朋友间的爱……这些在专辑内都会提及,但我更想写的,是一些被人忽略了的爱,好像新派台歌“F.M”,就是一首讲单亲家庭的歌,这个题材很少有,但其实单亲家庭亦有爱存在,只是大家都好像遗忘了,这不健全却确实存在的爱。”新歌《活该》大受乐迷欢迎,更打上各大传媒流行榜,唱片公司特别于日前为 Bliss 拍摄《活该》之MV,却不料令二人差点内讧。MV分三部份,擅弹乐器的古驰独自弹其电结他,发挥其音乐天份,而奥斯卡则会与一名女模特儿同场演出,奥斯卡更会穿上特制兔仔衫唱歌,非常搞笑。本来开始拍摄时非常顺利,但当该名貌似郭羡妮的模特儿 Jimigo 穿上 Tube Top 出场时,两位男孩即精神一振,不过当古驰知道翻版郭羡妮只会与奥斯卡有对手戏时,即时变得酸溜溜,没精打采,并笑言公司大小气,自己只可以抱结他,而拍档则有靓女抱,非常不公平。公司同事即上前安抚,并明言下一次一定轮到古驰,才平息这场 Bliss 有史以来的第一次“内讧”。后来他们得知该模特儿是传闻陈冠希之绯闻女友时,均表示 Jimigo 很漂亮,Oscar 更大呼好彩,因为自己无轻薄对方,君子非常。解决身高问题,尚有一大困难,外表俊朗的奥斯卡原来很害羞,有美女身穿 Tube Top 从后贴身拥抱自己,顿时面红耳热,连自己的首本名曲亦频频甩嘴,影响拍摄进度,相反女方却非常自然,最后导演笑骂奥斯卡曾为模特儿,竟然如此不济,非常失望。01 Help02 活该03 失落奥斯卡04 F.M.05 情人借借06 Let Me Be Alone07 活该 (A Lonely Man)海贼王主题曲歌曲简介We Are(ウィーアー)是海贼王中主题曲之一。此曲共有3个版本,分别是OP1的「ウィーアー!」,OP7的「ウィーアー!~7人の麦わら海贼団篇」,OP10的「ウィーアー!~アニメーションワンピース10周年Ver.~」。OP10版本的歌唱者为韩国天团东方神起。日文歌词此处的歌词为OP1版本。OP1中没有,而在OP7版中出现的部份用【】标注;在OP10版中出现的部分用()标注。ありったけの梦をかき集め捜し物を探しに行くのさONE PIECE罗针盘なんて 渋滞のもと热にうかされ 舵をとるのさホコリかぶってた 宝の地図も确かめたのなら 伝说じゃない!个人的な岚は 谁かのバイオリズム乗っかって思い过ごせばいい!ありったけの梦をかき集め捜し物を捜しに行くのさポケットのコイン、それとYou wanna be my Friend?We are, We are on the cruise!ウィーアー! 【ぜんぶまに受けて 信じちゃっても 肩を押されて 1歩リードさ 今度会えたなら 话すつもりさ それからのことと これからのこと つまりいつも ピンチは谁かに アピール出来る いいチャンス 自意识过剩に! (しみったれた夜をぶっとばせ! 宝箱に キョウミはないけど ポケットにロマン、それと You wanna be my Friend? We are, We are on the cruise! ウィーアー! )ありったけの梦をかき集め 捜し物を探しに行くのさ ポケットのコイン、それと You wanna be my Friend? We are, We are on the cruise! 】ウィーアー! ウィーアー! 罗马音歌词Arittake no yume o kakiatsumesagashimono o sagashi ni yuku no saONE PIECErashinban nante jūtai no motonetsu ni ukasa re kaji o toru no sahokori kabutte ta takara no chizu motashikame ta no nara densetsu ja nai!Kojin-teki na arashi wa dare ka nobaiorizumu nokkatteomoisugoseba ii!Arittake no yume o kakiatsumesagashimono o sagashi ni yuku no sapoketto no koin, sore toYou wanna be my Friend?We are, We are on the cruise!We are!【Zen buma ni ukete shinji chatte mokata o osa rete 1-ho rīdo-sakondo aetanara hanasu tsumori sasore kara no koto to korekara no kototsumari itsumo pinchi wa dare ka niapīru dekiru ii chansujiishiki kajō Ni!(Shimittareta yoru o buttobase!Takara-bako ni kyoumi wanaikedopoketto ni roman, sore toYou wanna be my Friend?We are, We are on the cruise!U~īā!)Arittake no yume o kakiatsumesagashimono o sagashi ni yuku no sapoketto no koin, sore toYou wanna be my Friend?We are, We are on the cruise!】U~īā! U~īā!F.I.R.五周年纪念单曲F.I.R.成立五周年纪念单曲《WE ARE》团团的 灰云朵 笼罩着天空昏暗的 压抑的 寂静吞没了我是否我 应该去 找到一份自由迷了路 算不算 一种新的生活泪水快要 被风吹干谁能停止 我的不安森林里 弥漫着 我们的记忆遗忘的 过去的 都用笑声掩盖明天起 即将是 一出新的剧情是东边 是西边 也将有所发现今夜诉说 彼此的梦新的未来 就要展开心灵地图指着下一站We can rock the worldWe will rock the world进入了这世界世界的光照亮这地土We are looking forWe are looking for穿透了黑夜的光芒团团的 灰云朵 笼罩着天空昏暗的 压抑的 寂静吞没了我是否我 应该去 找到一份自由迷了路 算不算 一种新的生活泪水快要 被风吹干谁能停止 我的不安星空下 布满着 真实的诱惑战鼓声 喧闹着 慢慢靠近了我眼神里 有勇气 心也有了回应从过去 到今天 是你选择了我今夜诉说 彼此的梦新的未来 就要展开心灵地图指着下一站We can rock the worldWe will rock the world进入了这世界世界的光照亮这地土We are looking forWe are looking for穿透了黑夜的光芒黑夜的光芒
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and they are是什么意思
and they are是什么意思 and they are在线翻译 and they are什么意思 and they are的意思 and they are的翻译 and they are的解释 and they are的发音
and they areand they are 网络解释1. 他们是& & -The people in the bug squad. 我们昆虫小组的人.
| And they are? 他们是? | -All boys. 全都是男生哈. 2. 另外他们的确不一样& & Come on, that's all I'm saying.|得了吧,我就是这么说的 | And they are.|另外他们的确不一样 | They each have access to different kinds of pain,|他们经历的痛苦是不一样的and they are 网络例句1. You are right and they are wrong. & &你是对的而他们是错的。2. They are serious and they are many. & &他们是认真的,他们是很多的。3. I am a student , and they are also students . & &我是学生,他们也是学生。4. We, you and they are students. & &我们,你们和他们都是学生。5. Yet I think this is the way it should be, and they are right to do that. & &我觉得那是应该的,他们是对的。6. We, you and they are good friends. & &我们,你们和他们是好朋友。7. I like books, and they are my best friends. & &我喜欢书,它们是我最好的朋友。and they are 情景会话1. Favorite superstar-(喜爱的球星)&&A: Who are those guys?&&&&&&这些人是谁?&&B: Kobi Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal, they are the Los Angeles Lakers’ star players.&&&&&&科比·布雷恩和奥尼尔,他们可是洛杉矶湖人队的明星球员。&&A: Oh.&&&&&&哦。&&B: Wait a second. He shoots, he scores!&&&&&&等等。他投篮,得分了。&&A: All right!&&&&&&好的。&&B: Here comes Jordan, though.&&&&&&乔丹上场了。&&A: Wow, Michael Jordan’s slam-dunks are beautiful things to watch.&&&&&&哇,迈克·乔丹的灌篮可是精彩。&&B: Yeah. He’s older, so he doesn’t slam, as much as he did when he was younger, but when he does, it’s still amazing.&&&&&&是呀,虽然年纪大了一些,也不想以前那么频繁地灌篮,但每一次出手,照样很精彩。&&A: Which team do you think will win?&&&&&&你觉得那个队会赢?&&B: The Lakers. Jordan is the only good player Washington has.&&&&&&湖人队。乔丹可是华盛顿拥有的唯一的好球员。2. 在商店&&A: Would you give me some fruits? How much are these oranges?&&&&&&能给我一些水果吗?这些桔子要多少钱?&&B: Seventy cents a piece.&&&&&&一个7 角。&&A: How about this one?&&&&&&这个怎样?&&B: Sixty cents a piece.&&&&&&6 角一个。&&A: Well, I’ll take five of the seventy cent ones, and are those grapefruits sweet?&&&&&&哦,我要5 个7 角的,另外这些葡萄柚甜吗?&&B: Sure! They are very fresh, first of all. We sell at a bargain, and you make a wise purchase if you buy them today. Eighty cents only, a piece.&&&&&&当然甜!最重要的是新鲜。我们便宜卖,如果你今天买就很划算,一个只要8 角钱。&&A: I follow you and I’ll take three just for my trial.&&&&&&我懂你的意思,我买3 个试试。&&B: Thank you very much and anything else?&&&&&&非常谢谢你,还要其他东西吗?&&A: That’s all. Thank you.&&&&&&就只要这些了。谢谢。3. 税收&&A: my company will begin business soon, but I have little knowledge about the business tax. Can you introduce it?&&&&&&我公司马上就要营业了,能介绍一下营业税的知识吗?&&B: I will try my best. Generally speaking ,the business tax is levied on the taxable service ,the transfer of intangible asset and sale of the immovable property within china .&&&&&&尽我所能吧!一般地说,提供应税业务、转让无形资产和出卖不动产都要交纳营业税。&&A: what do you mean by the taxable services?&&&&&&什么是应税业务?&&B: they are the definite items stipulated by the law, such as the transportation, construction, finance , insurance and the like .they do not include the processing, repairs, and replacement services, for they are subject to the value added tax.&&&&&&税法有明确的规定。比如交通运输、建筑安装、金融保险等。不包括加工、修理、修配业务,因为它们要缴增值税。&&A: it is easy to understand the immovable property, but what do you mean by the intangible asset?&&&&&&不动产好理解,无形资产指什么?&&B: it means the royalties, include patent right, proprietary technology, copy right, trademark right, and so on.&&&&&&指各种专有权,如专利权、专有技术版权、商标等。&&A: what about the tax base?&&&&&&计税收入如何确定?&&B: in most case, it is the total consideration received, including additional fees and charges.&&&&&&大多数情况下指全部价款包括价外费用。&&A: does that include the turnover received in advance?&&&&&&预收的价款也计算在内吗?&&B: yes, it does in the case of transfer of the intangible assets or immovable property .&&&&&&对于无形资产和不动产是这样。&&A: and what about the donation?&&&&&&无偿赠送呐?&&B: the donation is taxable in the case of transfer of the immovable property. But the turnover will be assessed by the tax authority.&&&&&&不动产的无偿赠送要视同销售,不过计税额要经过核定。&&A: what can we do if we receive turnover in the form of foreign currency?&&&&&&收款是外币怎么办?&&B: you can transfer the foreign currency into Reminbi at exchange rate based upon either the date or the first day of the month, that the Taxable item happened .&&&&&&按收入当日或当月一日的汇率换算。&&A: how about the tax rate?&&&&&&营业税税率是多少?&&B: in general, the rate is from 3% to 5%, but the entertainment is from 5% to 20%.&&&&&&一般是3%到达5%,娱乐业是5%到20%。&&A: what you have said is very helpful, thank you.&&&&&&您说的对我太有帮助了,谢谢!and they are是什么意思,and they are在线翻译,and they are什么意思,and they are的意思,and they are的翻译,and they are的解释,and they are的发音,and they are的同义词,and they are的反义词,and they are的例句,and they are的相关词组,and they are意思是什么,and they are怎么翻译,单词and they are是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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