
年轻人表现糟糕,年轻人再次走进微软公司的大门。  一周后;也许。但比起第一次。总经理感觉很新鲜,而不能自由翱翔,而该公司并没有刊登过招聘广告:“等你准备好了再来试吧”。”就这样。  温馨提示。见总经理疑惑不解;也许,最终被公司录用,这次他依然没有成功,这个青年先后5次踏进微软公司的大门,不见柳暗花明,我们的人生旅途上沼泽遍布,或比水还软;也许我们追求的风景总是山重水复,坚持不懈而已,破例让他一试,你就有可能达到成功的彼岸,总经理以为他不过是找个托词下台阶,我们为什么不可以以勇敢者的气魄,我们需要在黑暗中摸索很长时间,他的表现要好得多:“等你准备好了再来试。面试的结果出人意料,我们高贵的灵魂暂时在现实中找不到寄放的净土……那么。他对总经理的解释是事先没有准备!”  再试一次;也许?然而软水却穿透了硬石,年轻人用不太娴熟的英语解释说自己是碰巧路过这里,成为公司的重点培养对象,我们前行的步履总是沉重:也许,我们虔诚的信念会被世俗的尘雾缠绕;也许,坚定而自信地对自己说一声“再试一次。  有个年轻人去微软公司应聘、蹒跚,才能找寻到光明,就随口应道,就贸然进来了,荆棘丛生。而总经理给他的回答仍然同上次一样  再试一次  什么东西比石头还硬
你可是女的 若是女的长的可漂亮 如果漂亮到我这里来 我每个月都给你钱
1. What extracurricular activities were you involved in? What made you choose those? Which of them did you most enjoy, and why? 你参加了什么课外活动?你为什么选了它们?其中你最喜欢哪个,为什么?回答这种问题得根据自己的实际情况.在回答的时候也要有侧重点.比如第2个问题和最后一个就要着重说明啊.2. What led you to select your major? You minor? 是什么使你选择了你的专业?那你的副修呢?wnen I was a child, I wanted to be a .and I like it vwry much.兴趣hobby我还没上大学……你可以说某事或某人给你很深的印象,让你对这个专业有了兴趣,等等.3. Which of your courses did you like the least? 在你的科目中,你最不喜欢哪个? 回答例:Chinese或者:Well, i like them all.I do not know, I think ever course should be use in the future.4.Was there a course you found particularly challening?有你感到很难(很有挑战性)的课程吗? -Yes,English is really challening. 或 -No,they are all very easy. every course is more difficult for me ,but I would make them easier .5.If you Were to start college over again tomorrom, what are the courses you would take?why? 如果你明天又要开始大学生活了,你会选什么专业?为什么?I would choose...(专业)Eglish because it is the most important tool for communicating with the others. I would choose the same major, because I like it .if i do tomorrow, i would still choose international trade as my major, because no matter whether i liked it at first or not, once it was given to me ,i should take the responsibility to learn it well. after so many things, i gradually learn that one should not be regret for anything. i'd like to go on and make myself become a businessman. thank you.6.In college,how did you go about influencing someone to accept your ideas?在大学,你是怎么说服让别人接受你的意见的?Tell him or her some examples that support my view.告诉他们一些支持我的观点的实例7.Based on what you know of the job market,which of your courses were the most useful?The least?根据你知道的职业市场情况,哪门课程你觉得最有用?最没用的是那个?well,I think the International trade is the most useful couse,and none is the least.8. What advice would you give college student intending to go into your field? 你要给想进入你这个专业(领域)的大学生们什么建议?Don't be afraid to the frustration. None will be successful without pain.9. What are your most memorable experiences from college? 大学生活中印象最深的经历是什么?谈你自己的情况拉,成功的,失败的都可以一个小小的成功 success 一次美妙的邂逅 falling inlove with sb 一个勇敢的尝试 a try 还是写积极一点的比较好10. What did you learn from your internships or work study experiences? 在你实习期间或工作研究经历中学到了什么?To be a good doctor needs a long way.I learned that how the knowledge apply in the reality, what is the real work and what I should do in the future.11. Why dont I see internships or work-study experiences on you resume? 为什么在你的个人简历上没有见到你的工作经历呢?可按实情答没有工作经历I haven't worked yet.实习经历问你自己啊在哪哪实习,负责什么,有谁证明,学到了什么等等~~~可以从“打好基础最重要”的角度来回答12. In what courses did your worst grades? Why? How do you think that will affect your performance on the job? 你哪门课程的成绩最不好?为什么?你认为那会对你的工作表现有什么影响?my .have got the worst grade. I think the grade is important for a student to work, but the most important thing is the capability of person to work.可以选一个与你从事的工作关系不大的学科说. 可以说每个人都不是十全十美的,你的工作能力不会受一门课程的影响.回答:PE courses. Because I'm not good at sports. I don't think that will affect my job performance too much, after all, I'm a brain worker. And I believe I can handle it when I have to work overtime. 要点:这个课程不要与工作有太大关系.据实回答自己的劣势,但是分析不太会影响到工作.最好还能把劣势转化为优势.13. Why did you decide to go to college? 你为什么决定去上大学呢?这个可以谈谈自己的理想,将来打算做什么,而大学里可以进行专业的学习.或者说说父母的期望什么的.上了大学,学习专业技能,以后才能更好的工作啊 I want to go to college because I am eager to learn specialized knowledge, in order to work well in the future.to realize my ideal14. How was your college education funded? 你上大学发费用是怎么解决的?I was funded by my parents 被父母资助a part comes from my parents, the other comes from my part-time job15. What percentage of your college did you college did you pay for and what sort of jobs did you have while you were in school? 多少学费是你自己付的?你在学校时有什么样的工作? fifty percent of tuition paid by myself. I worked as a waiter in a resturant when I studied in college. 16. Tell me a little about some of your extracurricular activities that would assist you in this job. 告诉我一下你的一些有助于你的工作的课外活动.你可以说一些关于你在学校参加的一下群体活动,如:社团活动.OK.Such as football,basketball and so on.playing chess led me know before doing a job should think it in detail.Some of the extracurricular activities that would be helpful are.先说出活动名称. The one that is particular useful is...再说出一样更具体的. because I learned to...然后讲你从中学到了什么.17. Why are you working in a field other than the one in which you have a degree? 为什麼你在一个自己本身拥有文凭的行业以外工作?I think we we can learn something new in any fields.it is normal in China, to find a job depends on the opputunity.e.g. I have a degree in mathematics, but since it's very hard to find a job in that field, I'm going to continue to work as a clerk until I can find something better.回答还真的要看个人情况, 是经济, 社会还是家庭的因素.尝试更多的领域,开拓眼界.18. What have you done to stay current in your field? 为了跟上你所学的专业领域的新发展你做了些什么? I attach much importance to following the latest development in my field. I read all the academic journals, surf the net for new information, and I also communicate with those who are working in this field.I kept studing in my spare time19. Are you satisfied with the grades you received in school? 你对你在学校得到的分数满意么? No, i don't think i've got the grades i deserved. However, I don't care much about it, for grades do not mean all. 20. Do you think your grades accurately reflect your ability? 你认为你的分数真实反映了你的能力吗? No. Because the exams cannot test all things that I know. They can only reflect my ability in mastering knowledge that teachers told us. 要点:回答说你的能力还要强,你还会好多别的东西,而不仅限于书本知识和课堂知识.My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family.
In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.
My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.


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