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Cannot access http://localhost/index.php
Started by , Sep 13
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Hello everybody!I have a problem with access to my index.php page.If I put an index.html page into my localhost folder and call it from browser, it works fine. But when I put an index.php page into my localhost folder and call it from browser, I'm getting next error:You are not authorized to view this pageHTTP Error 403 - Forbidden I cannot find out what caused this problem. Anyone can help?Tnx in advance!Nati
How do you currently have Apache configured? You most probably have something misconfigured.
Hello!What do you want me exacty to tell you about my Apache configuration? Version is 2.2.8.Tnx,Nati
How have you installed PHP? During the process of installing PHP you'll need to configure Apache, in order for it to understand how to handle php files.
Hi,Here is code I put into Apache httpd file:ScriptAlias /php/ &c:/php/&AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtmlAction application/x-httpd-php &/php/php.exe&Regards,Nati
I never recommend to setup PHP in CGI mode. I always configure PHP as an Apache Module using the following instead:
LoadModule php5_module &C:/php/php5apache2_2.dll&
PHPIniDir &C:/php&
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Tnx a lot, it is better now, but there is still a small problem.
When I call , I'm getting my php page correctly.
But when I call , I'm just getting the content of my localhost folder including a link to index.php. As I know, I should get index.whatever page as a default page by calling , right?
I suppose it is different problem now...& ???
Add index.php to the DirectoryIndex directive in Apaches httpd.conf
THANKS!!!& It works now correctly!Regards,Nati
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