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BARBARA KLEIN: Welcome to the VOA Special English program THIS IS AMERICA. I’m Barbara Klein.CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: And I’m Christopher Cruise. This week we tell about several American actors who were widely recognized years ago. But they now are not big stars or famous like they once were. We ask them how they dealt with these changes.(MUSIC)BARBARA KLEIN: Imagine you are one of the most-famous movie stars in the world. Millions of people pay to see your films, and everyone seems to know your name. Thirty years later, you are attending a comic book convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. You sit alone, almost unrecognized, waiting for people to come and shake your hand.Richard Roundtree played the part of police detective John Shaft in three movies in the early nineteen seventies. The movies made him an internationally recognized movie star. Since then, he has had a good career on television shows. But he has never been as famous as he was when he played John Shaft. 
Actress Vivica A. Fox in Los Angeles in 2009
CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Richard Roundtree was so well-known for the part that he was chosen to play few other roles in the nineteen eighties and nineties. That was because casting directors believed that movie goers could not see him as anyone other than John Shaft.The actor told VOA the fame that came from the Shaft movies was not easy for his family. But he says he missed the recognition when it went away.RICHARD ROUNDTREE: “I used to hate it when I was out with my kids at dinner, and whatnot, and being asked for autograph when I really wanted to just enjoy the company I was with. And now that it doesn’t happen, there are times when I say ‘Wow, you know, I’m not getting the best seat in the house, I’m not getting the best table.’ But I look at the people who are going through that and I said, ‘You know, that’s a blessing.’ I’m still working, I still have a career. And I’m still [a] viable entity in the industry. So I got the best of both worlds.” 
Actor Richard Roundtree arrives at a church near Memphis, Tennessee, for a "Tribute to Isaac Hayes," who won an Academy Award in 1972 for best song for the "Theme from Shaft" and died of a stroke in August 2008
Richard Roundtree says he once told his father that he was unhappy to be known only as John Shaft. He says his father told him that many people would want to be in his position. The actor told VOA that his father told him to “shut up” and stop complaining.BARBARA KLEIN: Actress Vivica A. Fox was at the same event in Philadelphia as Mr. Roundtree. She appeared in many movies and television shows in the nineteen nineties and in the first few years of the twenty-first century.Back then, Vivica A. Fox was known for her good looks. She is now forty-eight years old. While still beautiful, she is no longer as busy or as famous. Younger actresses are given parts she once played. She says she is not surprised by that.VIVICA A. FOX: “Everyone has a turn. And, and I’ve never been a person that’s been bitter or jaded about a person shining and getting their moment. I believe that there’s room for everyone. Everyone has a turn. And how you work your moment is up to you. Because, you know, in a career you should be able to discover several moments, if you transition into different chapters of your career -- being a young ingenue, playing a mom, playing a producer, playing a director. There’re different genres for you to get into. You can’t always be ‘the one.’”Ms. Fox has taken her own advice. She has moved away from the roles that beautiful, young actresses play to being a beautiful, older actress. She does not appear in as many movies as she did when she was younger, but she stays busy in acting. And for many actors, that -- and not stardom -- is what matters.(MUSIC)CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Adam West is known as Batman to many people in the United States. He played the role in the Batman television series in the nineteen sixties. The show can still be seen on television stations around the world.Adam West says that after the show was cancelled, he had a difficult time being less famous than he once was. But he says that period lasted just a short time. Then, he got back to work. 
Adam West, who played Batman on TV in the 1960s, with a fan in 2002
ADAM WEST: “It’s a matter of not really examining it. You know, just going along putting one foot in front of the other and not thinking too much about it. And, when work comes along, think about the work. It’s no big thing. It’s easy. What the heck.”Mr. West told VOA that as long as he is paid for his work, that is all that matters. He says being famous does not pay for food, housing and other costs, but work does.BARBARA KLEIN: Burt Ward played Batman’s young helper, Robin the Boy Wonder, in the television series. Like Adam West, Burt Ward appears often at fan conventions. Many people pay to see their childhood heroes, and are happy to have their picture taken with them. Mr. Ward told VOA his fame has never really gone away.BURT WARD: “Well actually, the fame is there -- it just takes a different form. I mean, you know, you, you think of our show being prime time, but when I come out here and I meet people, they’re just as excited as I was during Batman days. So, it’s not that the people change. Maybe, you know, the, the perception is different, but it, honestly, nothing has changed C I’m the same person I was before I made the series that I am now.”Reports say Burt Ward was paid very little to play Robin in the television series. But he says he has made a good living appearing at fan conventions over the past forty-five years.Lou Ferrigno also is known for playing a superhero. The former bodybuilder was “The Incredible Hulk,” a green-skinned comic book character on the television series of the same name. The show was popular in the late nineteen seventies and early eighties. Lou Ferrigno says he has dealt with the ups and downs of fame by doing different things. 
Lou Ferrigno, star of the original "Incredible Hulk" in New York in 2004
LOU FERRIGNO: “Well, for me, I never really peaked because my life is still growing because I shoot different paths, like bodybuilding, like the movies, like I became a deputy sheriff. So everything is spread out.”(MUSIC)CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Finally, John Schneider is best known for playing the role of Bo Duke in “The Dukes of Hazzard.” It was one of the most-watched television series in the United States in the early nineteen eighties. John Schneider was in his early twenties when the series began. Now in his early fifties, he is still tall and good-looking. Mr. Schneider says he has a difficult time dealing with the idea that he will never be as famous as he once was. 
John Schneider, from "The Dukes of Hazzard," autographs a replica of the show's "General Lee" car at the Big Apple Comic Con in New York in 2009
JOHN SCHNEIDER: “Part of me still believes that my best days are ahead of me. I see it happen all the time to people. I have a lovely wife, I have lovely children. They get you through a lot of it. But it really, it is devastating to have gone up to bat and hit a grand slam, and hit doubles and triples from that point on. None of its good enough. So, I can’t remember who said it, but I just recently heard somebody say ‘I started at the top and worked my way down.’ Sad but true."John Schneider told VOA he thinks the actor James Dean got it right: die young and when you are most-famous. The actor died in a car crash in nineteen fifty-five at the age of twenty-four. Mr. Schneider said that if Dean and the actress Marilyn Monroe had lived, they would probably be making appearances at fan conventions like he does.BARBARA KLEIN: Maggie Jessup and her husband, Jay, operate a business called Platform Strategy. It helps people become and stay well-known. Maggie and Jay Jessup wrote a book called “Fame 101.” She says actors can avoid losing their fame by being willing to accept different parts -- and by not letting others to define them.MAGGIE JESSUP: “The ones that seem to get pigeonholed are the ones that are so convincing in one character that you can’t possibly see them in another. They bring themselves into it instead of become the character. What you need to do is choose a role that is so polar opposite from the one that you’re known as and do it convincingly and then people will look at you as an actor.”Maggie Jessup says a lot of the stars of today are making the same mistakes as those who have gone before them. As a result, they are not as marketable as they once were.MAGGIE JESSUP: “Especially the younger ones. It seems that they have gotten their start because they’ve got a really cute face, a very cute personality, they’ve got the dimples and all the little tweens fall for them. But they never quite break out of that role and at some point you grow out of that role and those little tweens have, you know, grown out of you.”Ms. Jessup knows of actors who were once famous, but are no longer as in demand like they once were. She says many of them have a difficult time dealing with the new reality. So she tells her new clients to separate themselves from what others are writing and saying about them. In her words, if you believe everything others say about you, there is nowhere to go but down.MAGGIE JESSUP: “So, if people can go into the business understanding this is a job -- all the publicity, all the press, all the hoopla and all the compliments and the yes people and those people. If they can understand that that is just part of the job and not let it go to their heads, they stand a possibility of making it. And if they look at it as a business they’ll treat it as a business. If they look at is as part of their personality and expect people to bow to them everywhere they go, that’s not going to happen!”CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Over the years, a lot has been written about the price of fame. The early Christian philosopher St. Augustine said, “The desire for fame tempts even noble minds.” The writer Henry David Thoreau said he would rather have truth than love, money or fame. And Ardelia Cotton Barton called fame “a bubble on life’s wave,” that is “tossed about,” “a worthless thing.” She noted that “all in nature must decay.”Perhaps David Nicholls put it best when he said, “to have had fame, even very minor fame, and to have lost it, got older and maybe put on a little weight is a kind of living death.”(MUSIC)BARBARA KLEIN: And that’s THIS IS AMERICA, a VOA program in Special English. Our producer was Brianna Blake. I’m Barbara Klein, with Christopher Cruise, who wrote this week’s program. Join us again next week for THIS IS AMERICA in VOA Special English.
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This is America - The Color of Money: America’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing Produces Millions of Dollars a Day
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The Color of Money: America’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing Produces Millions of Dollars a Day14 November 2010Veteran's Day parade in New York last year BARBARA KLEIN: Welcome to THIS IS AMERICA in
Special English. I'm Barbara Klein.STEVE EMBER: And I’m Steve Ember. Today on our program, we visit the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C. to hear how American dollars are made. In two thousand nine, the Bureau produced about twenty-six million bills a day.Producing money requires both artistic and technological skills. Dollar bills are made so that they are interesting to look at but very hard to copy. In total, there are sixty-five
steps required to make a dollar bill.(MUSIC)BARBARA KLEIN: Guided tours of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing are a
activity for visitors to Washington, D.C. These trips are a good way to learn new and interesting facts about the history of money and its
production methods. It is also exciting to stand in a room with millions of dollars flying through machines.TOUR GUIDE: &All right, ladies and gentlemen, once again welcome to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. And this is where the color of money begins. The money making process begins when a yearly order sent by the Federal Reserve Board. That order will then be divided in half. Half will be done here in Washington, D.C. and the other half will be done in Fort Worth, Texas.”STEVE EMBER: Next, the Bureau orders special paper from the Crane Paper Company in the state of Massachusetts. The paper is actually cloth since it is seventy-five percent cotton and twenty-five percent linen.This paper is made so that it can last a long time. And, it is made with details that make it hard to copy. For example, bills contain security threads. These narrow pieces of plastic are inside the paper and run along the width of the bill. This special paper is also made with very small blue and red fibers. Both of these designs make it very hard to copy.BARBARA KLEIN: The first step in production is called intaglio printing. This is done on high-speed presses using printing plates onto which images have been cut. Each plate receives a layer of ink, which gathers in the cut areas of the plate. Then, each piece of paper goes into the press to receive the printing plate. The machine forces about twenty tons of pressure onto the printing plate and paper. One side of a dollar bill is colored with green ink, while the other is printed in black. Each side must dry for about forty-eight hours.STEVE EMBER: The printing plate used in this process is created from hand-cut engravings called master-dies. Highly skilled artists called engravers copy images on soft
to make the dies. There are
dies for the different images on the bill, such as the picture of the president, the lettering and other designs.BARBARA KLEIN: After each master-die is copied, they are put together to make a printing plate that has thirty-two copies of the bill being printed. A master-die can last for many years. For example, the master-die with the picture of President Abraham Lincoln was made in the eighteen sixties. It was used again in two thousand eight to redesign the five-dollar bill.Next, the large printed sheets are carefully examined to make sure there are no mistakes on any of the bills. This process used to be done by people. Now, computers do the work.TOUR GUIDE: &OCIS is an acronym for Off-line Currency Inspection System and this is where the money from the last phase will be inspected. Now that blue box will take a picture to size of the sheets of the money and compare its cut, color and shape with the master image sent by the Federal Reserve Board. It will take that picture and break it down into over one million pixels. Every single last one has to be absolutely correct.&STEVE EMBER: In this part of production, the thirty-two bill sheets are cut into sheets of sixteen. In the next step, a
of identifying numbers and seals are added to the bills.TOUR GUIDE: “And this is where the money from the last phase will be put to its final state. If you look to the left of the room, ladies and gentlemen, there is a tall machine with green ink at the top of it. That is the machine that will print your serial numbers, Federal Reserve seal and Treasury seal onto the money.”BARBARA KLEIN: The serial numbers on the money tell the order that the bills were printed. Other numbers and letters on the bill tell when the note was printed, what space on the printing plate the bill occupied and which Reserve Bank will issue the bill.STEVE EMBER: Once the money is printed, guillotine cutters
the sheets into two notes, then into individual notes. The notes are organized in “bricks,” each of which contains forty one-hundred-note packages. The bricks then go to one of twelve Federal Reserve Districts, which then give the money to local banks. Ninety-five percent of the bills printed each year are used to replace money that is in circulation, or that has already been removed from circulation. The Federal Reserve decides when to
this new money into use.(MUSIC)BARBARA KLEIN: You may know that America's first president, George Washington, is pictured on the one-dollar bill. But do you know whose face is on the two, five, ten, twenty, fifty and one hundred-dollar bills? They are, in order, President Thomas Jefferson, President Abraham Lincoln, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, President Andrew Jackson, President Ulysses Grant and statesman Benjamin Franklin.STEVE EMBER: During the tour, visitors can learn many facts about money. For example, the average life span of a one-dollar bill is twenty-one months. But a ten-dollar bill lasts only about eighteen months. The one hundred-dollar note lasts the longest, eighty-nine months.One
question that visitors ask is about the two-dollar bill. This bill is not made very often. This is because many Americans believe two-dollar bills are lucky, so they keep them. Two-dollar bills do not have to be manufactured often because they do not become damaged quickly like other bills.People can send their damaged or torn bills to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The Bureau will replace damaged bills with new bills. However, it is illegal to purposely damage United States currency in any way. Anyone found guilty of damaging American money can be fined or jailed.(MUSIC)BARBARA KLEIN: The Bureau of Engraving and Printing first began printing money in eighteen sixty-one. It operated in a room of the Treasury building. Two men and four women worked together there to place seals on money that was printed in other places by private companies.Today, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing has over two thousand employees in its two printing centers in Washington and Texas.STEVE EMBER: The Treasury Department continually works to change the design of bills to make it difficult to copy. One method it uses is called microprinting. For example, what looks like a very thin line around the edge of a picture may actually be the words “The United States of America” in very small letters. Also, many bills now have color-shifting ink that looks like metallic paint. In the last five years, the ten, twenty and fifty-dollar bills have been redesigned. All the bills are mostly green. But other colors are added when they are redesigned.BARBARA KLEIN: The most recent note to be redesigned is the one hundred-dollar bill. This is the highest value bill currently made in the United States. More than ten years of research and development went into its new security features. They offer a simple way to make sure that a new one hundred-dollar note is real. For example, there is a blue ribbon woven into the front of the note.If you tilt the note back and forth while looking at the blue ribbon, you will see bells on the note change to hundreds as they move. When you tilt the note back and forth, the bells and the hundreds move from side to side. If you tilt it from side to side, they move up and down.STEVE EMBER: There is also an image of a bell inside a copper-colored inkwell on the front of the note. Tilt the note to see the bell change from copper to green. This makes the bell seem to appear and disappear within the inkwell. There are several other security features in the redesigned one hundred-dollar bill.Last month, the Federal Reserve Board announced a delay in releasing the new one-hundred dollar notes. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing identified a problem with creasing of the paper during printing. The new bills were supposed to be d February tenth, two thousand eleven. The Bureau is working to solve the problem.(MUSIC)BARBARA KLEIN: Our program was written by Dana Demange and Shelley Gollust. Our producer was Brianna Blake. I’m Barbara Klein.STEVE EMBER: And I’m Steve Ember. Our programs are online with transcripts and MP3 files . And you can find us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube at
Learning &English. Join us again next week for THIS IS AMERICA in
Special English.
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