
step over the line是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
step over the line的用法和样例:
You'll know you've stepped over the line.
When do electronic surveillance devices such as computers, video cameras, and telephone monitoring step over the line from “effective management controls” to “intrusions on employee rights”?
When the headmaster steps over the line during punishing Frits, the boy and his family take up a battle against the authorities.
Come with quick steps over the grass.
She went over the lines time and again.
step over the line的海词问答与网友补充:
step over the line的相关资料:
相关词典网站:英语翻译Step 1:Singapore Access:+65 XXXXXXXStep 2:Enter Participant Pin:1112131#Note:If the PIN number is not dialed,or is dialed incorrectly,you will be automatically transferred to the Customer Service Department,who will be able to place you i_百度作业帮
英语翻译Step 1:Singapore Access:+65 XXXXXXXStep 2:Enter Participant Pin:1112131#Note:If the PIN number is not dialed,or is dialed incorrectly,you will be automatically transferred to the Customer Service Department,who will be able to place you i
英语翻译Step 1:Singapore Access:+65 XXXXXXXStep 2:Enter Participant Pin:1112131#Note:If the PIN number is not dialed,or is dialed incorrectly,you will be automatically transferred to the Customer Service Department,who will be able to place you in your conferenceStep 3:You are now in conferencePlease note that in the event that you have any difficulties joining the conference or with the Pin,please call +65 xxxxxxxx and press # on your telephone key pad.Should you require any Customer Support during the call,please press *0 on your telephone key pad.
在公司里经常会参加此类的国际电话会议,通常都是买IP电话卡来打的,一方面便宜,另一方面很多国内的电话都没有直接拨国际长途的权限.先拨一些17908之类的号码(视卡的种类有别),按提示音输入你的电话卡号,输入你的密码,电话卡提示你可以拨想要的电话号码了.现在才是你上面的英文这一过程.步骤是:拨0065XXXXXXX(我在给加拿大跟法国打电话的时候,国家区位号前面都是加00的,以示国际长途);拨通后会有公司或者那个组织的电话系统声音提示输入你的PIN;你现在可以直接按1112131,以#号结束以确认.如果你没有输入错误的话,你现在就能够直接听到电话会场的声音,可能会比较嘈杂,因为既有新加坡现场方的声音,你也可以听到其他通过电话形式与会方的说话声.当然如果你还是不能加入电话会议或者有什么其他的问题,可以打英语指示中的另一个号码,拨0065 xxxxxxxx.在会议中有问题的话,直接按*0”键,应该会有电话客服人员给你解答.附:新加坡人通常也说国语的.
Step 1: Singapore Access: +65 XXXXXXX 第一步:进新加坡接口:拨+65 XXXXXXXStep 2: Enter Participant Pin: 1112131# 第二步:输入参与者密码:拨1112131#Note: If the PIN number is not dialed, or is dialed incorr...高频词,一定要记得哦!
n. 脚步;步态,步伐;步骤;措施;阶段,等级;台阶,平台;舞步v. 踩,踏;跨步,行走;跳舞;使成阶梯状
She listened for his step.
The step made for his door.
He's out of step with the rest of us.
He walked with a deliberate step.
Here was a formidable and measureless step.
She is not content with her present lot and wishes to take steps to improve it.
He has taken a step up in the hierarchy.
Total silicon loss can equal 50% at this step.
His room is approached by a flight of steps.
A little girl was sitting on the step of the end house.
This dance step is quite complicated.
One dancer was fractionally out of step.
Please don' t step on my toes.
It' s quite narrow, you can easily step across.
That girl can really step.
Shall we step out on the dance floor and shake a leg?
You can step the safety checks.
1.any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal
the situation called for strong measures
the police took steps to reduce crime
2.the distance covered by a step
he stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig
3.the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down
he walked with unsteady steps
4.support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway
he paused on the bottom step
5.relative position in a graded series
always a step behind
subtle gradations in color
keep in step with the fashions
6.a short distance
it's only a step to the drugstore
7.the sound of a step of someone walking
he heard footsteps on the porch
8.a musical interval of two semitones
9.a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface
the police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window
10.a solid block joined to the beams in which the heel of a ship's mast or capstan is fixed
11.a sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance
he taught them the waltz step
1.shift or move by taking a step
2.put down or press the foot, place the foot
For fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Step on the brake
3.cause (a computer) to execute a single command
4.treat badly
This boss abuses his workers
She is always stepping on others to get ahead
5.furnish with steps
The architect wants to step the terrace
6.move with one's feet in a specific manner
Step lively
7.walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner
Step over to the blackboard
8.place (a ship's mast) in its step
9.measure (distances) by pacing
Step off ten yards
10.move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation
She stepped into a life of luxury
he won't step into his father's footsteps
1.step on no pets.
2.step by step, he knew the importance of it.
3.step over the water, kids.
4.Hitler could not step down.
5.step by step the ladder is ascended.
好文推荐:&&&time step
The explicit method is widely used for its simpleness and little memory consumed with local time step and variable coefficients implicit residual smooth to accelerate the convergence procedure.
Monte Carlo方法模拟Langevin方程中的时间步长问题
FDTD's time step based on distinctness difference format limited by the Courant condition and it should smaller than CFL(Courant-Friedich-Lecy) condition.
The Wilson-θ method is employed for time integration and the modified Newton-Raphson method is employed for equilibrium iteration in each time step.
时间积分采用Wilson-θ法,对每个时间步长的平衡迭代采用修正的Newton-Raphson 方法。
level implicit scheme with unconditional stability for solving Schr?dinger equation u
should be derived and a truncation error of O(τ
4) (where τ is time step and h is space step ), an alternating group explicit iteration
(AGEI) method is proposed and its convergence is proved.
构造出求解Schr dinger方程 ut =iuxx 绝对稳定的二层隐式差分格式 ,其截断误差为O(τ2 +τ2 h2 +h4 ) (其中τ和h分别表示时间步长和空间步长 ) .
Step Parameters Time Finite
Element Method for Space Structure
Control equation in which virtual time derivatives used LU implicit time scheme and convection flux used AUSM+ and MUSCL scheme was solved at every physical time step.
The equation is split into an Euler equation and a non stationary Stokes equation within each time step.
We have realized this algorithm in C language and improved the complexity of the algorithm is in polynomial in finite time step.
In order to realize time domain difference method(FDTD) modeling in slowly varying transient electromagnetic fields,we introduce the virtual displacement current that lets FDTD iteration carried out with time step.
Study on adaptive time step of consolidation problems by finite element method
On the Time Step of Semi-Lagrangian Semi-Implicit Atmospheric Model
Viscous sub-cycle time step and Lagrangian sub-cycle time step are adopted to accelerate convergence.
Viscous sub-cycle time step and Lagrangian sub-cycle time step are adopted to accelerate convergence.
In order to improve the numerical accuracy and stabilility, based on Biot’s consolidation theory the adapted time step algorithm is introduced for solving consolidation problems.
Here, C, p, λ, △t and △l are the specific heat, density, thermal conductivity, time step and mesh size respectively.
It is proved by calculated example :It is rational that calculated time step adopts 2~10(°), because it not only ensures the accuracy of the solution, but also improve ca
算例表明 :计算时间步长选择 2~ 10 (°)较为合理 ,能够在保证计算精度的同时 ,提高计算效率 ;
The characteristic time obtained from dimensional analysis offers a
reference value for computational time step.
It is demonstrated that the plane wave can be successfully introduced into the total field region by this technique,even when the time step size is 4 times longer than that of the Courant-Friedrich-Levy limit.
If a traditional explicit numerical integration algorithm is used to solve motion equation in the finite element simulation of wave motion, the time
step used by numerical integration is the smallest time
step restricted by the stability criterion in computational region.
在波动有限元模拟中, 若采用传统的显式数值积分方法求解运动方程, 计算时间步长需采用计算区内满足稳定条件要求的最小时间步长.
查询“time step”译词为用户自定义的双语例句&&&&我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& By the so-called "first-forward-then-centered difference analogue" for the equation ofthe form in conventional operation, in meteorology, is meant an ana-logue, in which the space derivatives are replaced by centered differences, but the time derivative is replaced by a forward difference at the first time step and then by a centered difference. For the sake of investigating the computational stability and convergence of this analogue under two arbitrary initial conditions, an analogue wit... &&&&&&&&&&&&针对■ζ/■_t+u■ζ/■_x=0方程,本文首先讨论了在一般情形下所谓“先向前差、后中央差”差分格式的稳定性,并给出了稳定的条件。其结果和一般只用中央差分的情形有所不同。利用三种差分格式进行比较,发现目前广泛应用的用向前差计算第一个时间步长,以后全用中央差的格式是最差的;当λ(=uΔt/Δs)→1—0时,计算并不稳定。如果用另两种格式中任一种代替向前差,则可以避免这个困难。其中又以“逆2—3格式”较好。&&&&&&&& A three-level filtered spectral forecast model including orography has been developed, using the difference method, vertically, the degradation of dimensionality, and a perfect spectral method latitudinally and pseudo-spectra] methods longitudinally. The wave numbers taken along the parallels and the meridians are 15 and 13 respectively. In time integration, the time step is taken as a function of wave number. Since September in 1974, a number of examples have been computed, with fairly go... &&&&&&&&&&&&文中,非线性项的处理用了变维方法,纬向的“完全的谱方法”及经向的“准谱方法”,既有利于克服非线性不稳定,且能大大节省计算量及存储量,使之能在小型计算机上实现其程序设计。通过设计多个地形曲面的办法来考虑地形的作用。在时间差分格式中,将时间步长取成波数的函数,有利于节省计算量。这模式从一九七四年九月开始进行了较多个例的预报实验,其72小时以内的预报效果是比较好的。&&&&&&&& Within the framework of pansystems analysis, the present work investigates a class of special dynamic yinyang logic-particularly the fuzzy set B2(n, m) ( and its semigroup properties, boolean matrix representation and other reletions. The fuzzy set of time-step-parameter dynamic yinyang logic generaled from (n,m) may be used to the logical prcccess analysis of computer. &&&&&&&&&&&&本文在泛系分析的框架下,研究一类特殊的动态阴阳逻辑,特别是乏晰集B_2(n,m)■(B_2 ~n↑B_2 ~m)↑(B_2 ~n↑B_2 ~m)的性质及其半群性和Boode阵表示.以B_2 ~n↑B_2 ~m或B_2(n,m)为生成元、时间节拍为参量的动态阴阳逻辑乏晰集将对计算机的逻辑过程分析有意义.&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社}


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