happmy chinese new yearr! thanks for being with me

ISSUU - Chinese New Year 2009 by Ashley Guan
Chinese New Year 2009
Chinese New Year 2009
Chinese New Year Magazine - LondonHappy Christmas, Happy New Year, And Thank You!
By Isabella Muse on December 21, 2012
Happy Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Chanukah, Happy Holidays to you and yours.
Wherever you are, whether you celebrate or not, I hope you’re with friends and family that you love and who love you.
The best blessing of all around the holidays is great friends and family everything else is cake.
Thank you for being a part of my online world this year.
Thanks for keeping me company during the lipstick gone bad days, thanks for reading my rants about some beauty product or another and agreeing with me, that indeed it is crummy and I’m not nuts.
Thanks for sharing the joy of skincare, makeup, and all things beauty with me.
Thanks for reminding me how fun beauty is.
And most important thanks for sharing your lives and time with me.
Your tweets, your comments, your e-mails all mean so much to me.
You’re all my extended family and around this time of the year I get sentimental enough to shed a tiny tear that I can’t physically hug each and every one of you.
My Christmas wish would be to have a big party and invite all of you over for it.
We could laugh, watch Doctor Who, eat really good food, and ooooo and ahh over each others makeup collections.
Maybe one day!
A girl can dream.
My other Christmas wish is that you have a very warm, safe, happy Holiday.
Remember it isn’t about the presents or decorations or even the delicious food.
It’s all about being around good people…family..friends…and reminding yourself to be the best person you can be and not to sweat the little stuff but to just live in this moment.
This very happy moment.
The world isn’t over, the zombie plaque hasn’t hit, and Santa is on the way!
Have fun and I wish I was there to say Happy Holidays in person.
P.S. Giveaways continue into the New Year so stay tuned next week!
Awww!!!! Happy Holidays to you, too!
I love visiting your blog everyday, and I feel like we’re all a big group of friends.
Wishing you all the best the remainder of this year and the next!
I can’t wait what to see what 2013 has in store for us!
Agreed Christina!
You guys feel like my best friends!
I love talki-D
Happy and Healthiest Holiday to you and yours!
oh there’s so much *wink*
Happy Holidays to you and your family Muse! Wishing you all the best and all life’s greatest riches. xx
and to you Joanna and your family!
Many thanks for commenting/visiting and chatting with me daily!
All the best for you too, A great and peaceful christmas for you and your loved ones and also A wonderful new year, that this year bring allot of of good things for you, new beginnings
to be better.
And thank you too, for so many reviews, funny post, great giveaways and the fact that you always comment back which is very rewardful for followers.
aw and to YOU icequeen!
thank you for stopping my daily chatting with me and sharin-D
You welcome, I really enjoy reading your post, and chatting with you.
Waiting for Game of Thrones March 2013 it seems to be fun
Oooo can’t wait!
Winter is coming, again! ;-D
I’m waiting on SpD
feb I think!? or maybe January!?
much much sooner much bigger
Merry Christmas, Muse!
Thanks for all your hard work this year.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family!
and to you abbey!
thank you s-D Happiest Holidays!!!!!!
Happy, happy holidays!
Your blog is my favorite and it every single day it really shows just how much love, work, devotion, sweat, tears, etc you put into it so that you can share it with us!
thank YOU ;-D
thank you for recognizing that!
and thank you for visiting me daily, I absolutely lov-D
Happiest Holidays dear!
Awwww, this made me smile so big!
Love chatting with you, too!!
&3!!!!!!!!!!!! Hug!
such a sweet and thoughtful post! your blog is a favorite – thank you for all you do for it! Hope you have a wonderful holiday and best wishes for a great 2013!
and to you regina &3!
Merry Christmas wifey! I’m sorry I haven’t been commenting a lot lately but things are crazy busy lately with Christmas, my birthday, and New Years coming up. And don’t even get me started on work lol. Here’s to another year together!
Happy Birthday!
I miss you!
Have a Merry Christmas dear and a Happy New year!
Hope santa treats you good!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks for all that you do! And I love your Dalek ornaments
thank you Marina &3!
Janet Shepherd:
*Sniff* Oh man, ALL THE FEELS. Happy Holidays to you too Musey!
lol Janet Happy Holiday dear!
Holly Hippodays to you and yours Muse! So glad I “found”
you this year – what a lovely, fun and informative place to hang out!
And how would i have known that I needed a Tardis and Dalek ornament for my tree (Which I now have and each is safely ensconsed on opposite sides of the tree – no need to try and start the apocolypse!)
Hope you have a safe, warm and wonderful holiday Muse! Thanks for sharing your insight with us!
and to you kim!!!!!!!!!! ;-D
I’m so glad you found me too have enjoyed talking/getting to know you this year!-D but of course, best to keep them separated,-D
and you as well to you and your family!
many hugs!
Have a beautiful, beautiful holiday and an Awesome new year!
you as well miss pk! ;-D and your family!
Muse, what a wonderful message! Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you too! I’m lucky to have found your blog this year and am looking forward to more great reads and chats.
aw thanks Michelle &3!
Happiest Holidays to you and yours!
I’m so glad you found me well!
I love chatting with each and every one of you daily!
I’m blessed to have you all in my life!
THE FEELS!! TOO MUCH!! *dust in my eye*
Thank you for sharing my love of silly, nerdy things and turning me on to some new fandom. Thank you for understanding my love of the Chuck Taylor and sharing it with me. Thank you for have a great online place for me to come and not be afraid to be myself. Thank you for all of your wonderful hard work to make this a great place to be.
Thank you all for being so kind and welcoming. I’ve never seen a harsh comment directed at
everyone has a great sense of humour and a genuine love of make-up.
I hope that everyone has a great Christmas filled with lots of love and joy.
lol aw thanks for shari-D
we dorky nerds have to stock together!
that beautiful ruth now I have more than one tear in my eye!
seriously, thank you for spending your precious time with me.
In a rushed world where we have so little time to spare I’m flattered you choose to spend some of yours with me!
I look forward to your fun comments/-D
Happy Holidays! Thanks for all the hard work you put into your blog, it’s a pleasure reading each week!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, Muse! It’s only been a short time that I have been here. Happy to have found your blog and it is a great time here with you all.
I told Santa I wanted to see your MU stash for my Christmas gift so I’ll be there soon. LOL
Ill bring lots of food and I have The Grinch to add to our movies. Im such a grinch nerd. He’s going to be the color of 2013 OMG!! Here is to 2013 a wonderful green one
Happy Holidays, Musey! May they be filled with warmth and happiness. And zombie movies. &3
Here's to another year together full of nerdy stuff and ABBA!
Oh, and make up. Duh.
It was actually filled with 9 plus hours of Lord of the Rings.
For some odd reason we were inclined to marathon it on Christmas E-D
and it was such a grea-D
I hope you had an amazingly geeky H-D
filled with ABBA of course..this one is for you:
Aww, you’re welcome! Lolz Actually, I should thank YOU muse, for being your amazing self and sharing your thoughts with us all the time (except weekends). Happy Holidays muse! I wish you all the happiness, love, warmth, and cake in the world!
Sweeet words
I wish you a very happy christmas and a great and healthy 2013.
Although i don’t comment that much, i’m very happy with your blogposts
Greetings from the Netherlands.
Merry Christmas Muse!
Merry Christmas Muse!
I love reading your blog everyday.
It’s my fav blog.
aw thanks kim!
happiest holidays dear!
Amy Amethyst:
Merry Christmas to you, lovely Muse! I hope you have a wonderful one and a Happy New Year. You’re blog is the absolute best and so are you. I’m still on the truck with my bf and probably will be for another month or so. His family bought me a Nintendo 3DS XL for Christmas so I’ve been playing Zelda. Woohoo! Now I’m going to go catch up on all your blog posts cuz I’m so behind.
Merry Christmas, Muse! I only found your website in the last few months and I’m so glad I did! I really appreciate that you give personal responses to us – it makes it feel less like a beauty blog an more like a community! I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing holiday. Best wishes for the new year!
Happy holidays Muse!!! Love reading your blog everyday and knowing you somewhat
thanks for taking your time out and sharing with us the wonderful world of makeup… Have a safe n warm Xmas and new yr!!
Right back at you Muse.. and many more to come!
and you charlotte
What beautiful thoughts, thank you for sharing! I have enjoyed this year with you, looking forward to what the New Year brings. I’m so grateful for your honest ideas on products. I will be sipping cocoa & watching Dr. Who. It will bring a smile to my heart knowing that we are enjoying the same things. Happy Holidays to you & yours.
Merry Christmas sweetie!
Hope the weekend/holiday is wonderful and full of memories. &3 you and can't wait for all that is to come in 2013!
PS. Exchanged gifts with the hubby and I was so proud!
He got me a gift set from Lush! He had no idea that I was even interested in their products.
and to you Brooke!
Happiest 2013!
I hope your xmas was amazing!
hehe good on the hub, he’s learning :-D!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas! I spy a tardis ornament :D!
you do *wink* Happy Christmas!
Happy Christmas and Happy New Year Muse! Someday, I’ll get my butt to New York! Or you could come down here
Thank you for all your help too and I wish you very happy, safe and loved holiday season ahead &3
maybe one day!
ya never know!-D
You can stay with me if you get to NY ;-D
we can shop around the clock hehe.
Happiest Holidays!
And a very Happy New Year maybe it be successful in your real life and your blogging life!!
Tiffany Martin:
Happy holidays, Muse!!! I like how appreciative you are ^_^ Thank goodness the Doctor saved us this year from the apocalypse!
I always feel so special and cool when you reply to my emails. I know how busy you are and it’s great that you take the time to stay connected with us, maybe it’s why I like reading MOAM so much?
Happy Holidays Tiffany lol thanks for that tweet cracked me up!
awwwww thank YOU for taking time out to write me I appreciate it so much!
Happy Holidays Muse!!!
Thanks for being a beautiful bright spot for all of us every day.
The love and hard work you put in the blog is much appreciated.
and to you deb!
thank you SO so much for visiting!
Happy Holidays to you too Muse! It is awesome to be able to visit your
site and know that I am not alone in my love for make-up (or Dr. Who or The Hobbit!) Cheers!
-D hey the hobbit and Doctor who are just as great as makeup right?! ;-D
Thank you. Everyday, I stop by this website like its a newspaper just hoping to catch the latest headline. It always brightens my day when I find some new or exciting thing in stores after reading about it here. Like many, many of your readers, I really appreciate you and all that you do. Happy holidays.
aw thank YOU so much beau!
so happy to have such great readers like yourself!
Happiest Holidays and a healthy new year ahead!
And a Happy Christmas to you too! It’s so warm in Madrid this winter (50? F), a friend from abroad thinks I’ve been exagerating about the cold so she wouldn’t visit lol.
I wish you so much love and warmth in your home this holidays that the cookies could bake themselves in it. And so much presents you feel faint when thinking of reviewing all of them
To be honest, though, I think Christmas is definitely on your side what with that huge beautiful tree… so I’m relieved you wished me a merry Christmas first! Stop hoarding all the cuteness girl, I won’t tell you again!
Thanks for being wonderful, see you again in 2013.
and to you marta!
Nicer weather -D
36 here and getting colder brrr!
I wish you a very happy holiday as well
hope your christmas as lovely and much health in 2013!
thank you so MUCH for contributing daily Marta, your comments always bring a smile!
Mary the Muse Militant:
Happy Christmas and New Year Muse !! Your tree gets better every year and it’s so nice to see a familiar scene :))
MARY! happy holidays long time no speak!-D
it was a little crummy this year, not enough ribbon but hey, at least it’s up lol!
Michelle from MI:
Holiday Greetings Muse!Love your blog-read it daily-ALWAYS great info.Also as a
‘classic’rock’n roller I love your video clips & interesting comments. Keep up the fabulous work & enjoy your time w/family & friends.
the same to you Michelle!!!!
thank you for being such a great reader!
many many many well wishes for 2013!
Happy Holidays to you and your wickedly awesome blog, Muse! There’s always something in every post to make us laugh (even if some of us don’t get the reference, haha)! You started my crazy obsession with Japanese & Korean cosmetics, because oh that packaging and oh that product!! You always look good in your photos too, with informative writing that isn’t super serious. :3 We love you, cause you’re awesome.
aw thanks danni!
oh no do comment if I’m talking crazy-like and you don’t understand my personal brand of corn (aka humor) ;-D
thank you thank you thank you!
I love YOU back!
Happy New Year!
What a beautiful Yuletide message!
I am so blessed to have found such a fun informative group to share ideas with.
Muse, you truly are an inspiration.
I want to wish everyone peace and much love as we move into what I hope to be a productive new year.
Maybe, after we rebuild (Sandy) since I wouldn’t want to miss it we could plan some kind of beauty blog retreat.
Maybe even meet for a weekend at the beach?
Or how about a cheap cruise out if NYC for 3 days.
If we start now everyone could save a little for it.
Just a thought…
Blessings to all!
majick thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with all of us.
you’re such a great contributor and so helpf-D
how about shopping and dinner to start?
Happiest New year ahead!
Happy Christmas and a Merry and Healthy New Year to you too, Muse.
I really look forward to reading your blogs every day!
It really is a great place for all of us “makeup geeks” to meet and chat about one of our passions.
aw I’m so glad you’re part of all the wonderful makeup!
you contribute SO so SO much and I can’t thank you enough for that.
Happiest to YOU and yours
aw thanks!!!!!!!!
now it’s time to come down sadl-D
it went by so fast!
Merry Christmas Muse! I too, visit your blog daily and love it!
Thank you for all you do!
Blessings to you and your family &3
aw thank you rosa and to you and yours!
Thanks babe. Yours is still the only blog I read with any regularity, and certainly the only beauty blog. Have a great holiday!
aw thank you dacia what a HUGE compliment!
Happy Holidays!
May you have a wonderful 2013 ahead!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year backatcha!
Thanks for all of the great reviews!!
aw my pleasure nui and same to you and yours!
Merry Christmas Muse, may you have a great time with your loved ones. I don’t comment regularly but I read all your posts daily and you are one of MY MOST FAVORITE BLOGGER!!! you have no idea how much I trust your reviews and opinions I live far away and most of these beauty brands are not available here and I have a small pocket money so I save up money to buy these makeup products and I make my shopping list based on your recommendations and then I buy these online or ask my relatives to send me these things. I pray GOD bless you with a happy, healthy and prosperous life and you keep sharing your views with us &3
aw thank you sataa I sure hope you had a lovely holiday as well!-D
I am so glad the blog is helpful to you very flattered you read regularly &3!!!!!!!!!!!!
and to you and yours happiest New year ahead!
No, thank YOU!!
Lots of love to you, girl. &3
Love ya winni!
Hope baby’s first christmas was increds!
Cynthia Ramirez:
Thank you Muse, it means so much! I love coming to your blog everyday and reading about makeup and nerd stuff! I absolutely love it ‘here’ and I sincerely wish you a happy holiday and a fantastic new year &3
thank YOU ;-D
I love having you visiting and tweet/-D
I hope you had a wonderful Holiday and wish you only the best for 2013!
Too you too muse, thanks for being amazing!
right back at you sophia
Such a sweet post.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.
Thank you for all the great posts and reviews!
aw my pleasure iris happiest holidays!
Happy holidays for you Muse, hope your tree is full of makeup and skincare presents.
Also I have to say you always do a great job as making us know a lot of news about products (so you’re also making our beauty addiction bigger &.& ). Is always good to read a good review.
Kisses from Mexico
aw thanks efrain and yours!
do so love creating lemmings!
Many hugs and happy new year ahead!
Merry Xmas to you too Muse!!!
Thank you for all the hard works you have done and I’m so glad that Google introduced me to your lovely blog! You have no idea how much I love reading your reviews and how much you’ve helped me save money!!! Thanks again!
Hope you have great time with your family and love ones for this holiday
aw nat so glad you found me!
Happiest Holidays!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday and thank you for reading Musings!
Miho Mallory:
Holy moly I’m so jealous of your Dalek and Tardis ornaments! Merry Christmas to you, too~ I only recently found you when I was browsing the Etude House Etoinette collection but I wish I had found ya sooner. ? I love to see what you have to say before I commit to buying something and to see what you say about things I’ve already bought. Some things I wonder if I’m the only one who thinks it’s awful so it’s nice to know that I’m not just crazy lol. I look forward to seeing your posts in the upcoming year and hopefully nerding out with you about Doctor Who and makeup! Happy New Year, Muse.
-D thanks!
and to you as well!
That’s so great!
you’re a fairly new reader than!
same here!
It always makes me feel better when I write a review and someone agrees that it is indee-D
I looking forward to that too Miho!
I hope you had a happy Christmas and are looking forward to a great new year!
Many hugs!
Happy Holidays, Muse!
I always look forward to viewing your posts when I get home from work.
Curl up on the couch with kitty, watch the shows I recorded during the day, and browsin’ Musings!
aw thanks Nat &3!
Happiest Holidays!
I can’t believe another year under our belts!
All my love to you Muse! Happy Christmas and a Merry new year. Keep up all the great blogging and thanks for being there for all of us and our beauty insanities.
agreed it came so fast!
and mine to you!
I hope you had a merry one
thank YOU for sharing the love of beauty with me
thanks for the wishes Muse!! I love how you also love Dr. WHo and include those funny videos in your reviews! I feel like you are my older brown haired sister
I also hope you have a great time with your loved ones!
I love being around my family so much, I see my one grandmother 2-3 times a week, and I just think family is something so special. They always are here for us, and love us.
this year we made a gingerbread village and it was so much fun! I hope you have a great christmas and a happy new year!
hey linda!
aw my pleasure hop you had a happy one!
right back atcha!
there is nothing more important than good friends/family
an entire village?
you should have taken a pic hehe I’d love to see that.
Happy Belated Christmas and Happy New Year ahead.
May it be a good one!
I would love to send you a pic!! Do you have a private email? (I am a fan of you on facebook, I could post it there!?)
We also decorated a gingerbread train!
thanks hope you have a great new year as well! &3
I hope your holiday is great Musey!
Personally, this is a bit rough on me.
I lost my mom two weeks ago, and being so young (and living at home with her) it’s going to feel completely different.
I’m looking for a 2013 full of great reviews and hoarding stocking stuffers to make my mom proud.
hi nicki, I wrote you an email.
I’m terribly sorry to hear about your loss.
I hope your new year ahead is a good one.
many many hugs!
Thank you Musey!
Sending lots of hugs your way, all the way from Canada!
Merry Christmas!
Have a good one!
hope you had a lovely one sorchathorn
happiest holidays!
I read your blog several times a week, never stop you ROCK!!
aw thanks ruthless
Your blog is like the gift that keeps giving all year round. Thanks for all your hard work. We, your faithful and loyal readers, do appreciate it and you. Merry Christmas!
aw thanks susan
I appreciate each and ever-D
I hope you had a magical christmas!
Happy Holidays to you too! Surely love reading your posts, they’re entertaining.
true, it ain’t about the presents but being with people who you care and truly cares for you, and celebrating that matters.
(but gifts are welcome, though).
We had a blast last night (GMT+8:00 here!)
And we should also celebrate because we survived another end of the world craze. hehehe!
hey haru hope you -D
it went by so very fast!
LOL exactly, that’s one great reason to dance around eh!?
Be safe and be merry!
Thanks for thinking of your readers.
you too phoebe
hope you had a wonderful one!
Merry Christmas Muse!
and to you katie, hope it was amazing!
Wow, is that your tree? it is gorgeous!
I hope you had an awesome Christmas yesterday
thank you leya hope you had a wonderful one!
I’m the only one who didn’t get a reply, le sigh.
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