噪音把我吵醒了随后我就起床了图片 The noise ____ ____ ____ and t

take a deep breath in three or four times.(3) When people are eating. Try drawing your attention away from the noise, after I read an unusual word. You can train yourself to be less troubled by the noise. How to tell the difference. I’m also sickened by the sound of people chewing with their mouths open, and it’s normal, it is not serious, the scene out the window. Then, sometimes weeks? No. I begin shaking and having a headache. To stop it. I silently repeat it to myself. How come they don’t eat with their mouths closedNone of us is quite as healthy in mind as we seem, I often can’t get it out of my head for days. Pay attention to something else as hard as you can when you eat with your friends, I realize they aren’t. Do it so many times that you finally get sick of it. You may also be troubled by a disorder in mind called misophonia: breathing? Start by reading the letters below? At the least, and sing along as you cross the bridge. Is there something wrong with me, and even wake up in the night with it ringing in my head. To keep your anxiety from progressing?That sounds like a little obsession (着迷). What is not normal is if you don’t have these dreams, to be fuzzy (模糊) for a little while or even not to remember where we are. You can also make a tape of your favourite song, which can bring on heart illness and a real sense that you’re going to die, and then let it out five or six times until you start to feel comfortable. When you feel your heart starting to race. Is there something wrong with me. If you really want to stop the repetition, as I come around, even what they’re talking about, you’re over sensitive (敏感) to little noise, set aside ten minutes a day to repeat the word over and over again, leave it alone, I can’t stand the sound of a fork or spoon knocking on a plate or bowl. The fear that I’m going to pass out makes the whole situation worse. What’s wrong with my brain, often spell it, my heart starts racing and I feel light-headed, which have been analyzed by our experts, try the old method. This kind of feeling is the body’s reaction to the possible danger in near future. Am I crazy: the music in the background.(2) I sometimes have strange dreams when taking a short sleep. We all have strange dreams! But are you mad. Unless it is taking up more than an hour of your day or really influencing your life.(1) Lately?This sounds like an anxiety (忧虑), upon waking. Your brain feels that for some reason it must repeat this word?It seems that there is something wrong with everyone else you know.(4) When I’m driving and have to cross a bridge, and I think they’re real when I wake up?What’s wrong is that you take short sleeps and most of us don’t, but neither is every unusual thing we do means we’re unhealthy
有特殊需要的孩子们是指那些因为身体上的, 情绪上的或者学习上的问题, 需要更加多的帮助的那些人。 就像不能走路的孩子们需要轮椅一样。 不仅仅是需要设备上的帮助让他们能够四处走动, 他们可能还需要弯道或者电梯的帮助。 他们也许需要一辆特殊的汽车去上学。 生病的孩子们也会有特殊的需要。 像一些日常的活动他们可能需要吃药或者其他的帮助。 有视力问题的孩子们也许需要盲人专用的书籍来阅读。 有听力问题的孩子们也许需要助听器。 对于一个有特殊需要的孩子生活是充满挑战的。 做一些正常的事情对于他们而言可能是很困难的--就比如学习阅读或者在学校里走来走去。 好消息是家长们, 医生们, 护士们, 老师们和其他人可以提供帮助。 帮助的目标是使孩子们能够尽可能的独立。 其他的孩子也能够给予很多...
出门在外也不愁I didn’t sleep well ________ the noise from that factory nearby.
A. because
B. because of
试题分析:句意为:我睡得不好是由于来自附近工厂的噪音。because:因为,后接从句;because of:由于,后接名词(短语); Unless:除非。根据句意可知应选B。
根据情景,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。小题1:- You don"t look well. What"s the matter? -I didn"t sleep well. The noise upstairs kept me
all night.小题2:- Do you know where John lives? - Sorry, I just know he lives s
nearby.小题3:- There"s no student in the classroom. Where are they? - They are doing
in the laboratory.小题4:-I hear David is in hospital. - Yes. He"s
from serious mental disorder.小题5:- Do you think you can finish the project in time? - No, we need some
work at the weekend.
A young man worked very hard at his lessons. He was too busy to have a rest. At last, he became ill, so he couldn"t go to sleep. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But he always stayed awake and couldn"t fall asleep.
After some days, he decided to see a doctor. "I just can"t go to sleep at night. What should I do? Could you please help me?"
"I have a suggestion (建议)," said the doctor."Try counting numbers. By the time you reach one thousand, you"ll be asleep. I"m sure of it."
The next day the man returned to the doctor"s office. "Well," said the doctor, "how are you today? Did you try my suggestion?"
The man still looked tired. "Yes," he said, "I tried counting one, two, three-up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some tea so that I could go on counting up to one thousand. But then I still couldn"t fall asleep."
1. The young man couldn"t go to sleep because _____.
A. he was worried about his homework B. he worked too hard and became ill C. he didn"t finish doing his lessons D. there was a lot of noise there and he couldn"t have a rest
2. The doctor asked the young man _____.
A. to put all numbers from I to 1000 together B. to take some medicine and go to bed earlier C. to count numbers while he was lying in bed D. to count numbers before he went to bed
3. The young man returned to the doctor"s office the next day because _____.
A. he wanted to ask the doctor how to count the numbers B. he wanted to thank the doctor C. he was better and wanted some more medicine D. he still couldn"t go to sleep at night
4. The young man _____.
A. counted from 569 to 1000 B. counted from 1 to 1000 and fell asleep C. counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea D. counted from 1 to 569 and fell asleep
5. The young man _____ in fact.
A. didn"t understand the doctor"s suggestion B. wasn"t ill at all C. was not able to count numbers D. didn"t try the doctor"s suggestion
The factory made____
noise. It was____
noisy that I couldn"t sleep well last night.
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旗下成员公司九年级Unit 8 section A课件2(3a-3c)_图文_百度文库
九年级Unit 8 section A课件2(3a-3c)
你可能喜欢英语翻译It is around midnight when Louise wakes up.At first she doesn‘t know what woke her up,but suddenly she hears a noise.It is coming from downstairs.She isfrightened and doesn’t want to get out of bed because it is dark and she can't see_百度作业帮
英语翻译It is around midnight when Louise wakes up.At first she doesn‘t know what woke her up,but suddenly she hears a noise.It is coming from downstairs.She isfrightened and doesn’t want to get out of bed because it is dark and she can't see
英语翻译It is around midnight when Louise wakes up.At first she doesn‘t know what woke her up,but suddenly she hears a noise.It is coming from downstairs.She isfrightened and doesn’t want to get out of bed because it is dark and she can't see anything.She decides to go and find what the frightening sounds are.She gets out of her bed and goes downstairs.It is very dark,so she has to walk slowly and carefully.She doesn’t want anybody to hear her.The noise is coming out of the kitchen,so that is where she wants to go first She puts head around the door and sees a big shadow.It looks like a monster.Louise walks slowly into the kitchen,turns on the light and sees.She sees her cat licking the milk off the floor.It knocked its bowl over and is now licking everying clean again.That was the noise that frightened Louise so much.She gets herself a glass of water and goes straight back off to bed.
声音.半夜时分 , Louise醒 了. 开始她不知道什么东西让她醒来 , 但是突然她听到一个声音从楼下传来 . 她有点害怕 , 但她没有下床 因为太暗了 她看不见东西. 但 ta决定找出这个骇人的声音如何而来 . ta还是下了床 去了楼下 . 楼下很黑 , 所以ta移动的很慢很小心 ta不想让那里的任何人发现ta .
那声音从厨房传出 , 所以ta抬头从门看厨房 , 看到了一个大窗户 . 那就像一个怪物. ta慢慢走进厨房 , 开灯, 看见了……( 和谐) 他看到他的猫 在舔掉在地板上的牛奶 .
所以正在舔还干净的东西 .这就是让Louise很害怕的声音的涞源 ta喝了杯水 继续睡觉
英语翻译1.难道你不知道做眼保健操是要保持眼睛闭着吗?2.楼上那个来自非洲的人半夜弄出了奇怪的噪音把我吵醒了.3.你肯定我们的老师会告诉我们更多的有关公园里的幽灵的事吗?句型转换.1.he went home by car yesterday.He -------- ------- ------- --------yesterday(有四个空格)2.please tel l me how to get to the nearst cinema please ----- me------ -------- i can ------ ------ the nearst cinema 还有一个首字母填空.1.Light t------ 186000miles per second
1. Don't you know that you should keep your eyes closed while you are doing eye exercises?2. The person from Africa on the floor waked me up at midnight with the strange noises he made.3.
Are you sure that our teacher will tell us more about the ghost in the park?句型转换.1.he went home by car yesterday. He ---drove---
---home-----yesterday(有四个空格)2.please tel l me how to get to the nearst cinema please ---show--
----way---- i can ----get--
the nearst cinema 还有一个首字母填空.1.Light travels------
186000miles per second}


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