english namesnamesflle是什么

English的发音: 英音 [ 'i?gli? ] ; 美音 [ 'i?gli? ] English的在线翻译:名词
American English and British English
the phonology of English.
Informal English
the English [sweet] violet
English and dutch are kindred languages
Persist in the study of English
is our specialty
English is a composite of many languages.
Such is the glorious messiness of English.
English [French] mustard
the people of England
an Indo-European language belonging to the West G the official language of Britain and the United States and most of the commonwealth countries
of or relating to or characteristic of England or its culture or people
of or relating to the English language
the discipline that studies the English language and literature
(sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist
2015English是什么意思由沪江网提供。German Surnames with English Meanings A-K - German Last Names
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Germanic Surname Lexikon
German Last Names with English Meanings
For each Germanic surname in this glossary we have provided the English meaning, which may or may not be a surname in English. This is not a list of equivalent names, but rather a sampling of English translations or meanings of German names. In many cases, there may be several possible origins or translations for a surname. The translation shown for a surname may not be the only possibility. Some names are derived from Old German and may have a different meaning from that in modern German. Name research is not always an exact science. - Also see:
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& Surnames 1 &
Abbreviations: OHG (Old High German, Althochdeutsch)
Germanic Last Names (A-K)
With English Meanings
English Meaning
Aachen / Achen
Aachen/Aix-la-Chapelle (German city)
Abend / Abendroth
from the town & battle (1805)
Famous Name: Dancer and actor Fred Astaire was born Frederick Austerlitz in Omaha, Nebraska. His father was Austrian-born Fritz Austerlitz.
farmer by the brook
Bader / Baader
bath, spa keeper
Baecker / Becker
Baer / Bar
farmer, peasant
Baumgaertner / Baumgartner
tree nursery man
Famous Name: The real name of actor James Garner is James Scott Bumgarner.
Bayer / Baier / Beyer
basin/bowl maker
Famous Name: Bavarian soccer (Fußball) champ Franz Beckenbauer (1945- ) was known as "Kaiser Franz"!
Beich / Beike
slope (OHG)
beaver (industrious)
beer man (brewer)
Boehm / Bohm
of Bohemia
fire, land cleared by fire
Bürger / Burger
townsman, citizen
Busch / Bosch
Daecher / Decker
roofer, tyler
Diederich / Dietrich
ruler (OHG)
Famous Name: Actress and singer Marlene Dietrich was a legend in her time.&
Dresdner / Dresner
of Dresden
Duerr / Durr
dry, thin, drought
for more about German family names. For the new Duden FAMILIENNAMEN book with the origin and meaning of 20,000 German names see our .
Ebersbach / Ebersbacher
boar brook
Eberhardt / Eberhart
strong as a boar
acorn, oak
of the oak hill
honest man
German mountain range
iron mountain
Eisenhauer (Eisenhower)
iron hewer, miner
Egger / Eggers
harrow, plow man
smith (Latin)
Faerber / Farber
time off, non-work hours
window maker
Fink / Finkel
Fischer / Fisher
fisher, fisherman
of Frankfurt
Frei / Frey
free (man)
Freitag / Freytag
Friedmann / Friedman
peace man, peacemaker
Frueh / Freeh
early (riser)
Fuerst / Furst
carter, driver
Gaertner / Gärtner
Famous Name: Actress and singer Mitzi Gaynor ("South Pacific") was born Francesca Marlene von Gerber in Chicago in 1931.
Gerste / Gersten
Gloeckner / Glockner
gold smith
God's love
God's servant
Gruenewald / Grunewald / Grunwald
green forest
Herrmann / Herman
warrior, soldier
Hertz / Herz
Hertzog / Herzog
Himmel (-reich)
buck, deer
high, tall
Hoffmann / Hofmann
landed farmer
Holtzmann / Holzman
Hueber / Huber / Hoover
land owner
Jaeger / Jager
hunter, huntsman
nobleman, squire
Kaestner / Kastner
cabinet maker
Famous Name: Deafblind Helen Keller (), who became a role model for millions of people.
short, small
Klug / Kluge
smart, clever
Kohl / Cole
cabbage (seller, grower of cabbage)
Famous Name: Former German chancellor Helmut Kohl (1930- ) held that office for a record length of time ().
Kohler / Koehler
Koenig / Konig
curly haired
Krueger / Kruger
potter, maker of jugs
Kuester / Kuster
Kuhn / Kunze
brave, smart
Koertig / Kortig
from Konrad (brave advisor)
for more about German family names. For the Duden FAMILIENNAMEN book with the origin and meaning of 20,000 German names see our .
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& Lexikon 1 &
with English meanings
An article by your Guide on the origin and meaning of Germanic surnames.
Another article about German last names, including name books.
An interesting look at the last names of well-known Germans, Austrians, and Swiss personalities, living and dead. Where do these names come from? What is their meaning? Find out more about names of people with names such as Adenauer, Daimler, Klum, Mozart, Schwarzenegger, or Weissmuller.
Information on genealogical research and tracing your roots from Kimberly Powell, About's genealogy Guide.
Meanings and origins of 50 German last names from Kimberly Powell, About's genealogy Guide.
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