this is a mapn old map, it is a(为什么不用the) usful map

this is_map.that_old map.a.a;a b.a;an;a_百度作业帮
this is_map.that_old map.a.a;a b.a;an;a
this is_map.that_old map.a.a;a b.a;an;a
元音音标前面用an,辅音用aThis is the most detailed map yet of our place in the universe - Vox
A new study in Nature finds that the Milky Way is part of a broader supercluster of 100,000 galaxies known as Laniakea.
Nature Video
We know that the Earth and the solar system are located in the . But how, exactly, does the Milky Way fit in among the billions of other galaxies in the known universe?
In a fascinating for Nature, a team of scientists mapped thousands of galaxies in our immediate vicinity, and discovered that the Milky Way is part of a jaw-droppingly massive "supercluster" of galaxies that they named&.
This structure is much, much,&much bigger than astronomers had previously realized. Laniakea contains more than 100,000 galaxies, stretches 500 million light years across, and looks something like this (the Milky Way is just a speck located on one of its fringes on the right):
Say hello to Laniakea, our local supercluster
It's hard to wrap one's head around how enormous this is. Each of those points of light is an individual galaxy. Each galaxy contains millions, billlions, or even trillions of stars. Oh, and this all is just our little local corner of an even broader universe. There are many other galaxy superclusters out there.
So how did the researchers figure out this structure existed — and how did they distinguish it from other superclusters?
The team of scientists, led by R. Brent Tully of the University of Hawaii,& of some 8,000 galaxies in our neighborhood. By doing so, they could map out certain patterns. The universe overall has been expanding ever since the&. But the team also found that gravity was pulling some galaxies toward each other.
That helped them build the graph below, where galaxies moving away from us are shown in red, and the galaxies moving toward us in blue.
The galaxies around us are moving in identifiable patterns
Galaxies moving away from us are in red, those moving toward us in blue ()
That, in turn, let them create a map of the pathways along which all the galaxies are moving and demarcate some boundaries.
The map below shows some of the pathways within our broader supercluster of galaxies.&There's an especially dense region called "The Great Attractor" (in red) that's slowly pulling the Milky Way and many other galaxies toward it:
Many galaxies in Laniakea are being pulled toward the "Great Attractor"
What's interesting is that this structure is much bigger than anyone had realized. Astronomers had long grouped the Milky Way, Andromeda, and other galaxies around us in the&, which contained some 100 galaxy groups.
But as Tully and his colleagues found, and as the map above shows, this Virgo Supercluster is just part of a much, much bigger supercluster — Laniakea. (The name, aptly enough, means "immeasurable heavens" in Hawaiian.)
So what happens when we zoom out? The paper notes that Laniakea borders another supercluster known as Perseus-Pisces. And the scientists defined the borders as where the galaxies are consistently diverging:
Laniakea borders another supercluster: Perseus-Pisces
What happens if we zoom out even further? Even Laniakea and Perseus-Pisces are just one small pocket of the much broader universe. That universe consists of both voids and densely packed superclusters of galaxies. It looks something like this:
And... zooming out to the broader universe
We still don't have detailed maps of every last galaxy supercluster out there. But we now have one for our own home supercluster — and that's certainly a start.
Further watching: There's
from Nature breaking down the team's findings. The stills above come from that video.
Further reading: Over at Slate, Phil Plait has& of the study, which was released in September 2014.
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Please don't share my data三、随堂监测A组 I.在下列句子的空格中填上适当的冠词,不需要的地方用“/”表示:1.This is ______ old map.It is ______ useful map.2.We have no classes in ______ afternoon on _______ Saturday.3.______ spaceship flies at a_百度作业帮
三、随堂监测A组 I.在下列句子的空格中填上适当的冠词,不需要的地方用“/”表示:1.This is ______ old map.It is ______ useful map.2.We have no classes in ______ afternoon on _______ Saturday.3.______ spaceship flies at a
三、随堂监测A组 I.在下列句子的空格中填上适当的冠词,不需要的地方用“/”表示:1.This is ______ old map.It is ______ useful map.2.We have no classes in ______ afternoon on _______ Saturday.3.______ spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _______second.4.Beijing is ______ capital of ______ China.It is _______ beautiful city.5.Roman was not built in ______ day.6.Chinese
an athe /The athe / aa
1,an a2,the /3,The a4,the / a5,a
3. ______ spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _______second.
第二个空填a的理由是什么?用 a 或 an 填空.
用 a 或 an 填空.
1.This is ______ bike.It’s ______ old bike.2.This is ______ pen,not ______ book.3.This is ______ “M”.And that’s ______ “H”.4.—Is that ______ ruler?
—No,it isn’t.It’s ______ map.5.Mis_百度作业帮
用 a 或 an 填空.
用 a 或 an 填空.
1.This is ______ bike.It’s ______ old bike.2.This is ______ pen,not ______ book.3.This is ______ “M”.And that’s ______ “H”.4.—Is that ______ ruler?
—No,it isn’t.It’s ______ map.5.Mis
用 a 或 an 填空.
用 a 或 an 填空.
1.This is ______ bike.It’s ______ old bike.2.This is ______ pen,not ______ book.3.This is ______ “M”.And that’s ______ “H”.4.—Is that ______ ruler?&&& —No,it isn’t.It’s ______ map.5.Miss Gao is ______ English teacher,not ______ Chinese teacher.
1.a,an&& 2.a,a&&,an&& 4.a,a&&,aIs that a picture?No,it is the map.map前必须是a吗_百度作业帮
Is that a picture?No,it is the map.map前必须是a吗
Is that a picture?No,it is the map.map前必须是a吗
必须是athe的话只能在这样的情况下使用it is a map.The map is mine.确认了说话的目标再用the来指定该目标展开话题
要用a map, 因为第一次提到的人或事物要用a或an, 第二次再提到的事物才能用the.比如:There is an old man over there. The old man is smoking.old man第一次出现前用an,第二次出现前就要用the.这叫“复指”。}


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