Say yes to love 中文的意思yes i do是什么意思

We have so much to be thankful for this season. I usually focus on home and family on this site and try to be a creative and inspiring outlet, even in the midst of crisis. But, it’s hard to ignore the international humanitarian issues going that’s feeling closer and closer to home for all of us, I know.
So we wanted to share some ways we, you, I can help so we don’t feel so helpless and hopeless. It only seems fitting for a holiday season we’re in full of thankfulness, gifting, faith, and love to focus on others. My team did a little research and found seven different organizations that we’d recommend if you feel like you’re able to donate a little something this holiday season…
Posted by Liz Stanley on Nov 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving! I have three pies sitting on the counter (tart cherry, milky way chocolate, and cheesecake), my grandma’s homemade rolls rising by the oven, and feeling very thankful this morning for many, many things. One is some wonderful news I have to share: we’re expecting a 3rd child this coming April! Henry and Edie will have a new little sister and we couldn’t be more thrilled! This came as a bit of a surprise after still emotionally recovering from 4 years of secondary infertility trying to get pregnant with Edie. Seven failed fertility treatments, 2 miscarriages, and lots of heartache was the most difficult thing I’ve had to face as a woman (a few posts I wrote about the topic if you’d like to read more). And, I know so many women that endure much, much more than that trying to grow their families. So, when we thought about (maybe?) leaving it up to odds to have a 3rd, I just couldn’t set my heart on it one way or another. But we are feeling very, very lucky. And at almost 20 weeks it’s starting to really set in: THREE! This is going to be a wonderful challenge we’re excited to tackle. My heart goes out to anyone who has dealt with infertility. I know how painful it can be and I hope and pray you can find some way to grow your family (and keep your sanity in the process!). We certainly feel lucky to be adding a 3rd child to ours.
My friend, the very talented
took this image of me a few weeks ago in New Hampshire. My belly is about twice that size now!
Posted by Liz Stanley on Nov 26, 2015
We’ve got another fun and messy kid project for you today. This one is holiday focused of course, and puts to use that bag of cookie cutters that you’d otherwise use only once a year for holiday cookie baking.
It’s also a really great busy activity to do on the floor in the kitchen while you’re working on some holiday baking or gift wrapping. Here’s how it went with Edie…
Posted by Liz Stanley on Nov 25, 2015
By Ashley Aikele
Can you believe Thanksgiving is tomorrow? I’m sure you all have your menu planned at this point, but what are you wearing? I love the idea of wearing winter whites with a sweater and loafers… clean and classic! Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Ashley A on Nov 25, 2015
December 1st is just one week away, so today we’re sharing a really easy DIY advent calendar you can make from strips of balsa wood, chalkboard paint, and some mini silver ornaments. Children can add one ornament to the tree each day of December leading up to Christmas.
Keep reading to see how to make it…
Posted by Liz Stanley on Nov 24, 2015
Hey friends, I have a great giveaway for you today just in time for your holiday shopping. Especially if there are any babies on your list!
makes some of my favorite
from bath toys to feeding to diaper pails and clothing. Our house is full of their stuff! And today they’re offering a $250 gift card for one lucky reader!
I’ve featured them a few times talking about
, thoughts on , s, and
Above is a roundup of some favorites I would pick for the giveaway (see links below). Details after the jump. Good luck!
Posted by Ashley A on Nov 24, 2015
I love handmade holiday gifts, especially ones that take under 5 minutes. These marbled mugs are such a cinch to make and would make a nice holiday thank you gift for a teacher, co-worker, or boss. I love how they turned out. Keep reading to see how to make them…
This post is sponsored by . This holiday season Lyfe Tea has partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank to help provide meals to those in need by donating $1 from every purchase.
Posted by Liz Stanley on Nov 23, 2015
By beauty contributors Molly and Joanna of
This year we see simplicity take over for the holidays. That includes hair for all of our friends and family gatherings. We bring you this easy wrap around low pony tutorial that can see you through the whole day, from cooking turkey in the morning to enjoying your feast with family in the evening. This is one of those hairstyles that welcome a bit of messy and loose whispys, so let loose and enjoy the lived in look!
Keep reading for instructions…
Posted by Ashley A on Nov 23, 2015
I can’t believe it’s less than a week before Thanksgiving! Are you traveling? Are you baking?
My mind is on pies. I always make a tart cherry but thinking about another one. Maybe a chocolate mousse, pumpkin cheesecake, or lemon chiffon? This weekend we’re having a little pie party with a couple friends. We’ll be testing out some sweet (and savory!) pies just in case we aren’t getting enough next Thursday. Hope you’re up to something fun as well, here are some links to explore:
A cheat sheet
for Thanksgiving. This was one of my favorite projects from last year
How gorgeous is
right now! I’d pick for Henry,
for Jared, and
for myself. Or
for both the kids.
And an extra 50% off : and lots of swim suits!
(image above)
(and their stage moms)
by the gals of
Just bought
for the office
I want to try
A colorful
Love these , and only $13 at Target
Posted by Liz Stanley on Nov 20, 2015
By Ashley Aikele
Up next on our … Parents! What do you like to get your parents for the Holidays? It seems like I rotate between a framed picture of my daughter or our family and some kitchen gadget (my parents collect them). This year I branched out and came up with 20 gift ideas.
Need more ideas? Check out my
from last year or all of our gifts guides .
Keep reading for the links…
Posted by Ashley A on Nov 20, 2015
copyright 2015 liz stanley // all rights reserved
Hi there! I'm Liz Stanley. Born and raised a New Yorker I now live in the fairytale city of San Francisco with my husband, son, and baby girl. This lifestyle site is a collection of pretty, creative, and budget-friendly ideas to Say Yes to a more crafty, stylish, and family-focused life. &
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Reader FavoritesSay Yes to Love专辑_Say Yes to LovePerfect Pussy_在线试听 - 虾米音乐
Say Yes to Love
Perfect Pussy专辑介绍:Syracuse five-piece Perfect Pussy sound like a hardcore band fronted by Joan of Arc: A swirling maelstrom of fire engulfs a singer who shouts with the ecstatic conviction of someone who would rather die than apologize. Following a searing, four-song demo tape released last year, their proper full-length debut Say Yes to Love is an unrelentingly intense experience—23 minutes of five people pushing themselves to their absolute limit. Frontwoman Meredith Graves has called the band's songs "happy revelations about incendiary events," and this remains the most fitting description of their music. It doesn’t feel corny or hyperbolic to call this record life-affirming, so perfectly does it capture the flashes of gratitude, self-knowledge, and inexplicable joy that often follow an experience of great pain.
A Perfect Pussy song comes together in layers, and the group’s writing process is a kind of sonic avalanche. Graves has said that her bandmates Ray McAndrew (guitar), Garrett Koloski (drums), and Greg Ambler (bass) usually record a totally clean track first, and then she and keyboardist Shaun Sutkus come in and "make noise on purpose." That approach gives these songs an energy that is both chaotic and collaborative—the instruments sound like they're wrestling each other for space instead of working in harmony. And the textures of the eight songs on Say Yes to Love are damag even at its most assaultive moments, like the gale-force ripper "Advance Upon the Real", jangly chords and a bright melody shine defiantly somewhere below the surface.
Say Yes to Love is so relentlessly pummeling that it's almost meditative, and its songs are caked in so much sludge it's often hard to make out what Graves is saying. Until, very suddenly, it's not. You know the feeling when you're in a place that's so loud and crowded that you have to scream into the ear of the person next to you, and then suddenly the room goes quiet and now everyone can hear you? And how this always seems to happen when you're saying the most private and potentially embarrassing thing? In a Perfect Pussy song, this happens to Graves constantly—"AND I WANT TO FUCK MYSELF/ AND I WANT TO EAT MYSELF," she is caught saying in one of these moments of jolting clarity. But a great power emerges as she delivers even her most vulnerable lines without a twinge of shame. She sounds emboldened by silence, her presence growing to fill it, like a person whose voice has been stifled and is now overjoyed by the chance to be heard.
It's easy to be overtaken by the primal force of this music but there's also an incentive to dig deeper. Say Yes to Love is a convincing argument for reviving that practice of reading along with the lyrics while listening. Graves' lines are full of vivid, visceral, and often unsettling images ("You can read the story of my last six weeks/ In little black bruises and marks from boys' teeth") and the sort of bold confessions plenty of people wouldn't tell their best friends. And her delivery is at once shit-kickingly tough and childlike, sometimes reminiscent of Life Without Buildings vocalist Sue Tompkins' wide-eyed swagger.
Perfect Pussy have been criticized for the buried vocals and often unintelligible lyrics, but the approach serves a purpose. There's tension in this music between vulnerability and defenses, between the things we tell each other and the things we feel the need to keep hidden. The lyrics to songs like "Interference Fits" and "Dig" (which meditates on sex and violence) are so intense that hearing every word could almost be a distraction—it'd be hard to pay attention to anything else. So you're given a choice of how to experience these songs: You can lose yourself in the rush, or you can follow along and think more closely about what they're trying to say.
There are a few moments in "Big Stars" when the feedback squall sounds like it's bleeping out something Graves is saying. If it's intentional, it's a pretty good joke about arbitrary censorship—a topic Perfect Pussy know well as they've quickly gone from being evangelized in limited-run underground zines to being covered in publications too refined to print their name. But an irony that we're just starting to understand as a culture is that, for women in particular, the first word in Perfect Pussy's name is much more obscene than the second. If you're female, it's far more socially acceptable to express self-deprecation than self-love, and it's more acceptable for anybody to express numbly detached nihilism than Perfect Pussy's particular brand of hard-won, audaciously blazing joy. Something about Say Yes to Love—the way Graves' bright, confidently optimistic vocals are threatened to be drowned out at every turn—speaks to the forces that make women in our society feel like they must exist in a constant state of perceived inadequacy. And fuck all that, says Graves at the end of the careening "Dig": "If I'm anything less than perfection/ Well shit, nobody told me!" Say Yes to Love is one of the hardest and most jarring records I've heard in a long time, not because it's trying to shock you with darkness, but because it's unafraid to stare directly into the light.
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Perfect Pussy的其他热门专辑
关注虾米:咱们结婚吧电影版插曲《Say Yes》歌词及MV欣赏
17:30:08 来源:商都文化-紫雨轩
Tag:咱们结婚吧,插曲,Say Yes
4月2日,电影版《咱们结婚吧》将于全国上映,今日,王铮亮演唱的电影插曲《Say Yes》随片花同步曝光,略带爵士的曲风配合王铮亮清亮温柔的歌喉,瞬间将人们带到都市充满诱惑的迷离夜晚。下面小编为的大家分享一下这首歌曲的歌词和MV,一起来欣赏一下吧!
电影《咱们结婚吧》插曲《Say Yes》MV
电影《咱们结婚吧》插曲《Say Yes》
谁在我耳畔 在我身边
说 好想听见
Honey I "m going to love
Get your love
waiting for your answer
咱们结婚吧电影版插曲《Say Yes》歌词及MV欣赏
咱们结婚吧,插曲,Say YesSay yes to 中文_百度作业帮
Say yes to 中文
Say yes to 中文
笑对生活,等于smile at life
如果你要中文翻译, 就是它的表面意思: 对生活说是。 至于要表达的意思我们就要体会了,我想大概是,无论在生活中遇到什么,都不要抱怨,生活给你什么就心甘情愿地接受什么。   


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