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The 9th Shanghai International Experimental Theatre Festival-2016 Shakespeare F...
Brief introduction: The students will study three courses: Chinese opera, Chine...
In the year 2016, William Shakespeare, the beloved master of theatre, will cont...
Scholars, practitioners, and students from all over the world will be gathering...
The 9th Shanghai International Experimental Theatre Festival-2016 Shakespeare Festival Performance Schedule
The 9th Shanghai International Experimental Theatre Festival-2016 Shakespeare Festival Performance Schedule
STA’s Year 2016 undergraduate enrollment exams roll out
STA’s Year 2016 undergraduate enrollment exams rolled out in the morning of 18 February. With the close collaboration of all relevant departments and careful arrangements made in advance, the entire campus was in perfect order. The examinees we...
STA’s bilingual (Chinese and English) MA program in Intercultural Communication Studies recruits excellent students with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from top international and Chinese universities.
This two-year English-taught program includes the required first year full-time residency and an optional second year residency for project-based internships. All students in residency are sponsored by STA with scholarships. After the first year, when the course work is completed, students can choose where to live and intern when they write their MA theses. Duration of study for the MA degree could be extended to maximum of four years. MA theses can be written in Chinese or English.
1. Introduction
Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA) is a comprehensive university of performing arts, with the focus on theatre training and studies and a history of almost 70 years. Co-sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of China and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, and reporting to the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, STA is one of the best art institutions of higher education in China. After decades of development, STA has grown from a single discipline school into an outstanding comprehensive university of performing arts in China.
On December 1st, 1945, the predecessor of Shanghai Theatre Academy - Shanghai Municipal Experimental Theatre School - was founded by well-known educators Gu Yuxiu and famous dramatists Li Jianwu, Gu Zhongyi, Huang Zuolin, Wu Renzhi at 1844 Sichuan Road, with Xiong Foxi as the first president. In October 1949, the school was renamed as Shanghai Municipal Theatre School. In the structura...
Hua Shan Campus: 630 Hua Shan Road Shanghai
Tel: +86-021-
Fax: +86-021-
Zip code: 200040
Lian Hua Campus: 211 Lian Hua Road
Hong Qiao Campus: 1674 Hong Qiao Road上海戏剧学院 教务处


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